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Old 01-05-2011, 09:39 PM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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It's really hard to pull everyone together at once. One of the things pocho mentioned is somewhat true. There needs to be a catalyst...something new or draw everyone together for an event. That opportunity hasn't arisen yet. And when it isn't present, you have to work ten times harder at getting butts in seats.
If all the things being tried by LaRaza the days does not inspire all of us to do something, I don't know what it will take. You are seeing all those who were counting on the Dream Act passing digging up the illegals who want a college education so they can then run for public office.
The Fresno student body president, Pedro Hernandez, is a good example.
Another one is Tony Mendoza, congress person from some place here in the LA area. I heard him on TV today saying he is going to introduce a motion to have a ballot measure to have a vote to give all illegals who have been here for 5 years a path to citizen ship. I guess he is legal, but he used his US education to be able to get elected and now he is all for the Illegal Invaders.
I think that is the plan all this desire for education is to help them control the political scene as well as the schools from K to College.
In the mean time we wonder 'if' we can get people to come together for an event. We cannot worry what the old SOS is doing or has done. We make our own music.
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