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Old 11-19-2009, 05:45 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: SoCal
Posts: 1,003

Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
Oh but you do have a sense of humor...I have noticed that!

I hate to ruin it for you, but I wasn't really joking. Jeff Schwilk has always been pleasant and respectful to me; even when I'm confident Chelene Nightingale was calling me every name in the book, but let's face it, he's a blowhard. A number of his written communications are these wildly exclamatory offerings, not dissimilar to the e-mail he sent about us.

Many of his e-mails during the past year have been in support of this Southern California Coalition that he repeatedly states is composed of mainstream illegal immigration opponents. He's issued mantra-like proclamations that our coalition is strong! and what not. However, I really never got the impression that the "coalition" was even half as important to anyone else, as it was to Chelene and Jeff.

Actually, his e-mail takes one more thing off my To Do list. I was going to contact him in a week or two and ask him to remove Save Our State from his list of coalition participants. I really didn't want us affiliated with an entity that is designed to ostracize a lot of people who have contributed a good deal.

Last edited by; 11-19-2009 at 05:53 PM.
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