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Old 11-06-2010, 09:58 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
I do not know if the rioters were black or not. I have black acquaintances that I cherish. They are intelligent, thoughtful, productive human beings. I do not have a racist bent to me in any way but I agree with your post which is included above.

Most people that I speak with feel as you, and I, do. We are simply tired of all of it. I would, however , throw in the white welfare trash that will never work for a living in also.

There is a major division in this country. It is becoming more pronounced, and it is becoming less and less a matter of skin color. America has progressed to the point where there are at least a number of "successful" people from all groups.

The distinction/separation in the early 21st century is now one of taxpayers (the April 15 variety) and folks with their hands out. On one side we have people who pay for the upkeep of the system, and on the other we have people who rely upon the system to pay for a portion of their upkeep. Will you see more blacks and dark-skinned Latinos in the latter group? Sure, but it's not that overwhelming or monolithic anymore.

As the middle class shrinks, and fewer people are forking over to provide for universal preschool, financial aid for illegal alien college students, higher health insurance premiums to cover Obama's scheme to transfer lots of medical services to the formerly uninsured, the real separation is who is paying and who is receiving.

Not being white just isn't the obstacle or economic class predictor is used to be.
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