Thread: Obama loses it
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Old 11-02-2010, 06:46 AM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by tim55 View Post
I didn't say anything about punching did. No chest pounding here. And I still hope nobody points that filthy epithet my way. The tea bagger moniker came straight out of the progressive left, who are terrified that the Tea Partiers are becoming more credible than they are.

Rim, I think you are somewhat misinformed regarding the Tea Party folks. I would encourage you to attend one of the rallys and come up with an informed opinion. I have found the dozen or so that I have been to to be quite low key in relation to some of the anti illegal function I have been to. I flew out to Washington for the Beck gathering and it was a positive and uplifting experience. Wonderful people from all walks of life who are so worried about the direction this country is heading in that they have become active, much like the folks I have marched with at SOS functions.
That was my impression of the Beck Rally as well. Really great people WHO WERE MOTIVATED TO GO THERE ON THEIR OWN DIME. I watched TV coverage of the Black "counter rally" on August 28 and one of the speakers said that labor unions bussed in the people for the 1963 March on Washington. Most of the left's great massive demonstrations are organized and funded by their mega organizations, billionaires and labor unions. When several hundred thousand real Americans finally get sufficiently motivated to exercise some independent thinking skills, to turn off the TV and get up off their couches there is reason for hope.
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