Thread: Obama loses it
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Old 11-01-2010, 05:28 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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But as an active member of the Tea Party, I resent the tea bagger name as a vile means of trying to marginalize a group of people who are willing to stand up for what we believe in. Very similar to being called a racist at anti illegal rallies. I hope you never utter that filthy implication in my presence.
Tim, I realize there are some good people in the 'Tea Party', however there are some in the group who are doing a lot of damage to the 'Party'. First of, they named them selves Tea Baggers without knowing the meaning of the term, so they had to do a make over. Don't blame me for their mistake.

I have tried to be careful about saying anything about the Party but I did mention here that I thought it had been infiltrated. I don't know anyone by name who is a Tea Party member but I am sure I know some because I was into a lot of SOS protesting. You have to separate the wheat from the sheath so to speak.

The political scene has become more than I think people thought it would. It is not alright to be uncivil or violent at these events. So far the only ones that I know of who are doing this are the Tea Party/Republicans.

I first registered as a Republican and re-registered as a Dem about 5 years later. My reason, the GOP did nothing for the working person and they were the kings of dirty politics.

During GWBs first primary, I remarked to someone that if he won this country would never be the same. I think we are at that point now. Guess no one can remember Sept. 08 when the big meeting was called at the WH as America was on the brink of a crumbling cliff and no one knew what to do. Remember Henry Paulson getting on his knee to allow helping to save banking?

You are entitled to your opinion also but everyone should remember that this cannot be blamed on one Party.


Last edited by Rim05; 11-01-2010 at 05:31 AM.
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