Thread: Obama loses it
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Old 10-31-2010, 08:11 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Yes, it's hard to remember what went on in the old forum. That's why it went away so that people wouldn't remember what went on and what was said. It's my guess that this forum will go the same way eventually. I've seen it happen again and again
You are going to argue with any thing I say and most others. I do know that it is not good to be nothing but rude so I will try to refrain.

As far as Obama, I think you dislike him as much or more than I disliked GWB, and he is a disaster that should never have happened. He was total garbage. He and his invasion of Iraq is what plunged the US into financial disaster.

It is my sincere belief that we will never recover unless all Americans pull together and at this point that does not seem possible.

Comparing to Clinton in the closet is nothing compared to destroying the surplus he left and what GWB left.
Do you think all anyone does is ok? My answer is NO!
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