Thread: Obama loses it
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Old 10-31-2010, 07:39 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I don't want to put too much energy into this, BUT for starters he is in the office because he was elected, like it or not. I am not ready to stand in the 'way' of any one in office just because I don't like them ( you may remember how I felt about GWB).

No, the presidency is not a throne. I do think anyone in the office should be accorded the respect of the office.
I don't know how your memory is, but I remember right after he was elected, a fellow member here or the old site gave some broad hints as to what people should do. Those hints are beginning to pay off for the Tea Baggers.

Americans as a whole need to get back to being civil and remember manners. Anyone who has been to a protest should remember how ignorant the counter protesters looked.
That's ridiculous. A president should only be afforded the amount of dignity they bring to the office and to often, and especially in this case, that is no dignity at all.

It is a civic duty to heap as much contempt as you can on this fraud in the president's seat. Remember Clinton and fooling around right in the president's office on the president's time?

This has nothing to do with how you conduct yourself at protests, there are legal limitations as well as political ones. You go to a protest to say something in public, which is your civil right and obligation. How you say what you want to say is part of what you want to say and nobody should have any complaints as long as you are within the law and are in agreement with any organization you represent in such a display.

Yes, it's hard to remember what went on in the old forum. That's why it went away so that people wouldn't remember what went on and what was said. It's my guess that this forum will go the same way eventually. I've seen it happen again and again.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
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