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Old 10-28-2010, 08:37 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
"Nightingale is also, not surprisingly, drawing fire from mainstream Republicans who say she’ll siphon away valuable votes from Meg Whitman, who’s running a fairly tight race with Democrat Jerry Brown."

Yeah, right. Unfortunately Brown will very likely win by more than the 1% of the vote or less that Chelene gets.

"Nightingale may be a global warming skeptic. But she’s receptive to the notion of “chemtrails” – a claim by some conspiracy buffs that condensation trails left by many aircraft are actually toxins deliberately sprayed on unsuspecting communities by some unknown, sinister entity. Nightingale even appears in a “chemtrails” Web documentary.

“And you just see these trails, these lines for miles zigzagging the sky. I saw it with my own eyes. That’s not weather. What company, who are driving the planes? Who are ordering the planes? I’m not an expert, but we should be asking questions.” "

Has she ever offered any explanation for this alleged conspiracy? Who does she think is out to get us and why?
The federal government of course. And make no mistake about one thing: I believe that there are people in high places that are both capable and willing to use chemical or other means to solidify or increase their ability to influence the population. I don't believe that airliners are their perferred or even an effective method. they'd more likely research subliminal signals bounced off microwave towers or make it another additive in the food or water. But jetliners? All the maintennance crews would have to be in on it too. Just go watch old world war two documentaries of bombers taking off and you'll see "the trails" from them back then. I don't think that would sway Nightingale because she is looking to create fear so followers will flock to her protective womb. As if she could protect them anyway

Last edited by Ayatollahgondola; 10-28-2010 at 08:40 PM.
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