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Old 10-18-2010, 03:56 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Borderwatch View Post
As I was returning from the portable bar set up in the hotel’s swimming pool area with a full glass of wine in hand, I was confronted by the three CCIR - Nightingale for Governor campaign members who began throwing their usual verbal darts…you know…”Gilchrist, you are a pile of garbage….Gilchrist, you are a piece of….” (deleted expletive)…their standard vile comments aimed at anyone they do not like.

I asked the lady spewing most of the hate, “Excuse me, ma’am, why do you consider me a pile of garbage?” That query led to a concurrent diatribe of even more fiery and threatening, almost incoherent, rhetoric from the trio as they steadily backed me into a corner of the hotel corridor.

The screaming lady then punched the glass of wine I was holding, knocking it into my forehead and raining an abundance of Merlot all over me. Barbara Coe stood in the background laughing at the assault.

Stay classy, Orange County.
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