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Old 10-05-2010, 11:54 AM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: SoCal
Posts: 1,003

I've always liked Larry Elder. He was the reason I ever tuned into talk radio in the first place. I'd never heard of the guy until the mid-90's when he was the subject of a 60 Minutes segment.

Like most people who capture my attention, his ability to reason and construct arguments was what drew me in. I didn't agree with every last thing he said but I could appreciate his intellect. He's always been a relentless critical thinker.

However, I also think he's "market savvy" or a businessman. He changed his political affiliation and the entire tone of his show when he went syndicated nationwide for a couple years. He sort of morphed from the libertarian logician to a Republican/Bush Administration apologist. At that point, I stopped tuning into his broadcasts. They just didn't interest me anymore.

I certainly understood his position on illegal immigration, which included handing out an amnesty, but (obviously) I never agreed with it. That's not why he lost me as a listener a few years back.

Nonetheless, what he now espouses (for whatever reason) is far closer to my own view. I disagree with two things he says, however, that are included on my video -

1. I agree that a guest worker program is OK, so long as it is genuinely temporary. However, I would not extend guest worker participation/eligibility to the people who are here illegally. Those folks can be given no accommodation of any type. You have to make a very public example out of them by showing the world that violating our immigr. and empl. laws has serious consequences.

2. I don't believe we need to "amend" the 14th Amendment. I think there's a good chance that a majority of the Supreme Court will rule that that amendment was never intended to apply to the offspring of people in our country unlawfully. Put a case in front of the Court first and see what happens.
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