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Old 10-05-2010, 08:10 AM
Don Don is offline
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Most "conservative" talk radio hots were pro-immigration until their audiences took them in the other direction. The remaining hold outs who defend the rights of third world invaders to take our country from us include Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt who continue to trash American nationalists as fanatics, bigots and zenophobes.

It's nice that Elder finally got right on this issue. I once called in and tried to ask this question: "When illegal aliens replace your English speaking audience and your station goes Spanish language, where will you broadcast then? "

I was cut off after I got it out and they used the time delay to keep it from the listening audience. I also emailed this question to him several times and he never responded. Elder was a coward and a fraud then. Hopefully he's learned his lesson and figured out who's side he's on.
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