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Old 10-02-2010, 11:02 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
No matter the reason given, I am just so glad he vetoed it. There are American citizens who cannot get into classes because there are no openings. They are part time students is one reason. Seems the continuing students get the first slots. That seems reasonable to some extent, however a part time student could have some important reason to not be able to attend full time. Tuition and work are important reasons.
These days there are times when I think our government is more interested in helping the world than it is in helping the USA. Bad mistake.
Rimo, the continuing students do get priority, but the part time do as well. The priority is based on whether you were enrolled in a class the previous semester, how many units you've completed and your gpa, and the priority goes in that order. It is true that it is hard to get started because when you first enroll, most of the classes you probably want are full. You then have to try to crash a class, meaning you audit the class hoping someone will drop in the first two weeks and the instructor will then let you join. Or you enroll in any class you can, whether you need it or not. That gets you into the system. It is rally a waste of both the students time and money along with the states education funds because you have to attend a class you don't really want. But that's what you have to do to get started in the system.

Now of course there are so many fewer classes available that even those classes that often weren't full are now full because the new students just want to get into the system for the next semester, and those "fringe" classes are being cut, so it's really getting hard to get started.

But what I know as a fact, because as most of you know many of my friends are professors or teachers, is that the ESL classes are not being cut back or dropped. They are even being kept open with less than 10 enrolled, and they cost double what most other classes cost because they're at east 5 units with at least 10 hours a week instruction.

If someone wants proof that this state has turned against our citizens, look no farther than our schools.
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