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Old 09-30-2010, 06:28 PM
Don Don is offline
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I hate Whitman and swore I would never vote for another double talking RINO.

That being said, Allred contends that the misrepresentation of Whitman's husband about never having seen the SS letter should be imputed to Whitman and that Whitman "lied" and is unfit for high public office on that ground.

Interesting idea. Hillary Clinton signed the tax returns that later turned out to be bogus and paid the Cinton's back taxes. That return was under oath under penalty of perjury. Moreover, when the Lewinsky scandal broke, Hillary went on TV, denied the allegations about a "relationship" between Bill and Lewinsky and attributed the false accusations to a "Vast right wing conspiracy." Subsequent events showed that Bill and Hillary lied. (1) Are Bill's lies imputable to Hillary; and (2) Do they disqualify her from high public office?
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