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Old 09-29-2010, 04:24 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
I heard the interview and i just about fell over when I heard her say that ... Such principles. Yeah I'll vote for her and I suggest that everyone else does too!
Well, what's she supposed to say? The truth? That wouldn't be particularly marketable.

As I recall (I was driving home when I heard the broadcast, and not writing notes on a pad), she was asked whether or not she could be trusted to do the things she said, because our current Governor sounded an awful lot like she did when he was running.

John and Ken, I can understand your skepticism given what we've seen in Sacramento of late, but anyone who knows me can vouch for this - I intend to do exactly what I represented and will stick to my guns until the very moment that I believe it's no longer in my best interests to do so. The reality, gentlemen, of which I want to assure your listeners, is that I consider the state budget and illegal immigration crisis terribly important, however, not quite as important as me. Rest assured that when push comes to shove, you will have an elected advocate and chief executive running this state who will protect and support me at all costs.

I am a proud American, child of a military veteran, and devoted to the ultimate notion that I must be heard and adored. Further, I will not allow any professed religious values, friendships, allegiance to the concept of truth, Constitutional principles, or even common decency and basic fairness, stand in the way of serving that concept. This is my pledge to the citizens tuned into this broadcast.

See, that dog just won't hunt. You really don't need James Carville or Ed Rollins on your staff's payroll to understand that that's not gonna be a big winner.

Last edited by; 09-29-2010 at 04:27 PM.
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