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Old 09-11-2010, 12:34 PM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Absolutely !

Originally Posted by View Post
That's sort of accurate.

The reproductive strategy of people in agricultural or blighted/impoverished areas is to crank kids out in volume (labor assistance and improved chances that some will survive difficult conditions).

The reproductive strategy of people in developed capitalist societies (i.e. just about any place you'd actually want to live) is few or no children (less expense, low child mortality rates), which is essentially why we are seeing this immigration dilemma across the globe. It's a byproduct of successful capitalism I'm not sure anyone anticipated. If you have an education and live in a city or suburban area, it is a more rational decision to reproduce later in life and to have fewer offspring. It's more cost effective.

The problem with this, and this is happening in every advanced society (Japan, UK, Australia, France, U.S. ... even So. Korea now) is that the people you want to have children (can afford kids and enjoy middle-class or better existences) aren't producing at replacement levels or better. That's why the impoverished are flooding into advanced nations around the globe to fill the vacuum.
The Europeans have been getting the Sheets and the U.S. has been getting Mexicans and Central Americans.
Absolutely 100% correct. The USA recognizes the problems of excess population and is cutting back.

The infernal illegal aliens are spoiling it all by flooding in and dropping anchor babies by the car loads.
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