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Old 09-09-2010, 01:56 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by PochoPatriot View Post
I just don't get what she is trying to do.
Y'know, you must've been a really poor student in school because this material was covered previously in Chelene's earlier statements during her candidacy:

This campaign is not Chelene Nightingale. It just happens to be the name, the voice that says things and gets us out there. It's not my campaign. It's your campaign, your campaign, your campaign, your campaign, your campaign, your campaign - anybody who loves liberty, it's their campaign.

See D, had you bothered to even gloss over the materials you would realize the obvious answer - She is altruistically giving of herself for the sole benefit of others.

Duh. ;^)

Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
Not only will she personally begin the labeling of any individual that may rightly disagree with her and her methods as a "mole", "working for the other side", or an "anti-American" but she has Jeff Schwilk as her main bully boy sending ugly emails to those that she perceives as a threat to her fragile ego.
That would make sense because a lot of California judges, working the civil cases, will allow parties to ongoing trials to use their laptops during courtroom breaks and while exhibits are being set up.

Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
Nobody here at SOS likes Chelene, that much is clear. But I still hear nothing about what she is actually saying and what she wants to do as California governor. It's all personal. And frankly, based on my experience here, it's really hard to be impressed that she is not fit for the office if I am to go by postings here alone.

Actually Chelene doesn't have much to say about what she wants to do either. Her recent walk-a-thon was just a display with little or no comments from her about what it was supposed to mean.

If nobody here intends to support Chelene, then where are you going to place your votes? Anywhere? Whitman?

Chelene's support of 1070 is enough for me to consider voting for her. But I haven't heard her speak on that again.
A. All the info you want about what Chelene intends to do, if elected, is available on her website and Youtube. Search her name on the latter website. It's become an impressive collection of yakkity yak sessions.

B. At this point, I'm leaning in the direction of the Libertarian candidate.

Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
Think Sacramento is a circus now? you ain't seen nothing yet if Chelene were by some fluke to be elected.
The spectacle/entertainment value would be off the charts.

Just for openers, can you imagine her first trip to the White House and sit down with the President? Would she attempt to place him under citizens arrest for immigration violations?

How about her response to Democratic legislators who tell her to take a leap with her ideas or call her a racist? Which of them would be the first she'd attempt to ban from the capital or accuse of being a mole?

Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
Now there's hardly much choice, but I'm not really into this third party stuff, which is basically a waste of time, so I'm going to do another one of those nose-holding acts and vote for Whitman.
Davi, I demand that Phil be immediately banned from the message board and SOS. Based upon the above, I draw the logical conclusion that he is an anti-American infiltrator instigator neo-con mole traitor. And even worse than that, he keeps placing his greasy hand in Don's pocket in such a fashion that it prevents me from getting my fair share.

Oops, sorry! Wrong thread.

Last edited by; 09-09-2010 at 01:59 PM.
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