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Old 09-02-2010, 08:52 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
There isn't very much on the Internet about Villarreal's family. His father was a night club and bar owner. Found one header saying the father murdered the family but no details. Also says he grew up in a middle income family. The media isn't reporting on the family.

Just look at his name. He is Mexican American born in Laredo, a border town. Certainly his family all spoke Spanish at home.

For my trouble while surfing and opening various websites about Villarreal my computer was attacked and the attack was stopped by my anti-virus. Said it was a high priority, serious attack !
If his father was a night club and bar owner and Mexican in a border town, then he was very ripe to be in or working with organized crime himself. And the facility with which his son became dominant in organized crime suggests a family relation as well. Many organized crime figures look upper or middle class. And for all the reports we are getting about his appearances and social stature and the fact that his family is a complete blank really points out the problem.

It is pretty suspicious to suggest that this guy learned to speak Spanish in high school well enough to run an organized crime syndicate in Mexico. Mexican criminal figures are very fussy about who they do business with and aren't going to keep some tourist from Laredo in power just because he speaks high school Spanish.

The public needs to know everything about this guy's background and especially whether his parents were citizens or not and the circumstances of their presence in the US. Isn't this obvious?

This is how bad its gotten. Don't fixate on the anchor babies coming under the public welfare system. A lot of these anchor babies who loom as this kind of threat, or worse, are growing up middle class, paid for and enabled by middle class pandering to illegal immigration. And when the illegals are themselves middle class, the problem has even worse potential.

Al Capone's parents were legal immigrants. Al Capone was one of nine children who adopted a life of crime before he dropped out of school. Since his parents were naturalized citizens, he does not fit the definition of "anchor baby", which isn't to say he wasn't evidence of an immigration problem. He was.

Incidentally their is practically nothing on La Barbie at Wikipedia,
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
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