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Old 08-27-2010, 12:04 PM
EastCoastGrannie EastCoastGrannie is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 12

I am so glad that SOS is back in action because, even though the country is now awakened to the problem of illegal, immigration, California is still the headquarters of the invasion with no hope in sight. I was hoping that some california leaders would show up and start acting like a Jan Brewer, but no such luck. It seems that California is just full of liberals and rinos. Meg Whitman, the founder of ebay looked like a really terrific candidate. Then she revealed her true open borders self. She is just a female Schwarzenegger, hanging out with the big money/cheap labor guys.

If California could get a fire going, it would make a big difference because the bankruptcy of California is going to pull down the country. Also, California is the #1 sanctuary state. We have to sweep out as many illegals as possible from California because they are breeding really fast.
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