Thread: Traitor!
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Old 08-21-2010, 08:16 AM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 336

My God, this is pathetic! This evil triumvirate (Nightingale, Coe & Schwilk) are their own echo chamber! They are acting like the Mechistas they claim to fight against! This is ironic! I have been called a "traitor to my 'race' by those that are supportive of open borders because I choose to think for myself. I have been call a La Razaist because I had serious questions about the candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul, and refused to stay quiet about it.

Nightingale is nothing but a liar and parasite. A person with this sort of character is someone I would expect to be a politician in one of the southeast Los Angeles county cities that have been in the news so frequently.

AG, is the documentation regarding her dealings with Frank available at one place? And if so, can you provide a link? I have a number of friends on Facebook that support Nightingale's gubernatorial candidacy, and need to be made aware of this situation.
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