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Old 07-30-2010, 08:01 AM
Kathy63 Kathy63 is offline
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SAN DIEGO -- In the November elections, and the 2012 contests to follow, Latinos are faced with a lose-lose situation.

I've got to hand it to the president. He's unbelievable. What he lacks in accomplishments on immigration reform, he makes up for in nerve. His message to Latino voters is a mile short of inspiring: "I realize I'm no great shakes, and that I've broken my promise to fix a dysfunctional immigration system. But hey, the other guys are worse. So please stop picking on me."

If Latinos fall for that line, they deserve what they get from this administration -- which is, very little.
It should come as no surprise that the man who ran on a platform of "I'm not Bush" should continue in the same way. No matter what the issue is, the only thing SNOBama has to say is "It would be worse with the other guys". It could be the economy, the war in Afghanistan (deaths have tripled under his direction) or any other issue. His entire message is that he might be a devil but it's a devil that we know. The American people are looking back and saying the devil that we knew is better than the devil that we know now so it's not that the road untraveled is unknown.
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