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Old 07-29-2010, 12:21 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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What you said:

Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
Yes, the Republican face of the Two Party Political Machine has spoken.

The problem is not "third party candidates". The problem is the "two party system" and its cult believers who treat our fundamental political freedoms and those who live according to them like retarded step children.

The destruction of the evil "two party system" is as simple as a national movement to get rid of the primary election system. And getting rid of the primary election system is as simple as criminalizing the collecting of party affiliations for purposes of voter registration. No part of any government in the US has any business asking a registering voter what their political party is. If, on a national level, we make it a criminal act to ask a registering voter what their political party is, then there can be no primary elections and the "two party system" will die a well deserved agonizing death.
You actually proved my point.

They refuse to look at the big picture, and instead become myopic and focus on their "pet" issues.
Thanks for the assist.
I think, therefore I love the Dodgers!

Last edited by PochoPatriot; 07-29-2010 at 12:23 PM. Reason: Pointing out the idiocy of the poster.
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