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Old 07-24-2010, 10:41 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
I know what you mean. There are some real scum out there in elected-land. I know. But the easier it is to point out the public part of their behavior, the easier it is to sell their poor character to the rest of us. Otherwise, why should we trust you any more than we should trust them?

I don't know the cases you are talking about. The only thing I or anyone else sees is other posters talking the same way and no instances spoken of there either. Even at the personal level, it seems that the rest of us aren't required to have a clue, we are just susposed to take cues from the rest of you who have more direct experience.

Chelene -- notice the easy use of the first name -- is the only California candidate, as far as I know supporting 1070. But the only thing you have to show skepticism for that support is personal experience and no instances to report. How many people tuning in here don't know you any more than they know Chelene?
No has to take my word for it. I've produced the hard evidence, and posted it for the world to see. But if people don't want to see it or believe it, it don't exist.
Not that people haven't seen through her already; I'm sure they have. That's why she hasn't seen a rush to her forum, or to her donations box.
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