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Old 07-11-2010, 08:28 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
I must have watched a different version of the O'Reilly/Palen video. What I heard her say was:

• NO amnesty.
• They don't get rewarded for bad behavior.
• Deport them.
• They must register with the Government.
• Secure the border with whatever it takes.

John McCain has said they must pay a fine, back taxes, go back home, touch back, get in line and reapply then wait their turn. I haven't hear Sarah say they can stay and all is forgiven.

There may possibly be differing interpretations of "amnesty". The above program proposed by McCain isn't amnesty.

Sarah is a true conservative. Among all of her comments the overwhelming preponderance are positive and conservative. They outweigh, by a wide margin, any questionable or ambiguous comments she may have been believed to have made. Although I agree with most of Sarah's attitudes I will say that I am not exactly a flaming, enamored fan. However, comparing her to the likes of Nancy Pelosi, if I had to choose who I wanted to be marooned on a remote island with I would pick Sarah! Frankly I believe that she is too conservative to get elected President. But she is certainly a positive voice.
There is much more to say but I will keep it brief. We already have a guest worker program. The employer is supposed to advertise first and hire Americans. If there are no takers then the guests can be brought in under conditions.

There isn't any need for a comprehensive immigration reform. Everyone involved is fundamentally so dirty, amoral, corrupt and dishonest that the present system doesn't work. Any new legislation will be just rearranging chairs on the deck of the Titanic.
Yes, there are differing ways in which we can "offer" amnesty. If the pro-illegals have seized the language so that "amnesty" always means a pathway to citizenship (which McCain has suppported), then we can turn this around so that amnesty means a pathway to throwing them out.

Remember, these people are in the country illegally and are available to prosecution. Amnesty should mean, simply, a way of avoiding prosecution. But if nobody is prosecuting them, this is an empty offering. So we need to step up prosecution for the simple crime of being here illegally along with the promise of avoiding prosecution if they turn themselves in to be deported voluntarily. And this would assume that they have commited no other crimes, although we might offer other terms to those who have commited other crimes if they turn themselves in.

There was some similar discussion elsewhere at this forum:

Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
... Illegal immigrants in this country absolutely must not be allowed to just go if they feel like it. Illegals leaving the country whenever they feel like it is exactly the same problem as them coming whenever they feel like it.

And you know, this might be a leverage point in any discussions of amnesty, that we will not prosecute illegals for being here as long as they are leaving. Legally, they have no way to leave since they have no way to cross the border legally. They are stuck.

Any discussion of securing borders must include traffic leaving the US as well as entering and so really amnesty for those illegals who wish to leave the country -- never to return -- should be granted. The rest need to be hunted down and thrown out. Maybe another kind of amnesty might be granted to those who volunteer not to contest their deportation when they are caught. They would be deported -- never to return -- without prosecution for being in the country illegally.

So, if the illegals want amnesty, here is a way they can get it. They can volunteer to leave, turn themselves in to the ICE, who would give them the paperwork to cross out of the US border. Or, when they are caught being in the country illegally, they can volunteer to not contest the deportation (Nolo contendre?) and be shipped out.

The second part might be uneccessary, once they are caught as an illegal, maybe there isn't that much more to it, but it might be the opportunity to enfranchise the amnesty movement and further confound amnesty advocates. Amnesty should only be a tool for removing illegals, not allowing them to stay.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!

Last edited by Twoller; 07-11-2010 at 08:53 AM.
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