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maggieb60 09-16-2010 12:40 PM

Why all of this has been Democrats fault
President Obama is still blaming Republicans for the Economic meltdown, IF they were at fault WHY was a Democratic Congress in place during those years driving our economy into the ground with their policies?

The 110th Congress was in place with Reid and Pelosi leading it. They are and were the problem.

Congressman Barney Frank and other Democrats prevented keeping Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae accountable and in check when the past administration asked for regulation on these two, go back and read history.

This Democratic Congress that was voted into place in the 2006 elections, and they were at the helm of our government and the cause of the 2008 meltdown that could of been prevented.

This administration and leadership in Congress continues to lie to the American people.

We need to restore truth and honor into our government, we need to down size our government and end waste and fraud that runs rampant through a big government.

This President also says that American people should be allowed to make choices but yet, the leadership of the 111th Congress (which was the same as the one that caused the economic meltdown.) would not allowed elected officials to go home and talk to their constituents. They rammed massive thousands of pages of legislation through without even reading every word, understanding what it all meant.

Everyone responsible should be investigated, charges brought forth and thrown out of office for this despicable, dishonorable behavior.

That is NOT the way our government was created to perform.

Our government is supposed to be OF, BY and FOR the people. Go read the U.S. Constitution.

Many elected officials serving in the peoples' seat are NOT familiar with it nor or they honoring their oath of office to protect and uphold it. They need to be thrown out of office, period.

This is disgraceful.

Americans are fed up with this ideologue government and leadership that has destroyed and continues destroying our country.

This administration supports the Marxist, socialist, progressive liberal, social justice (that is actually repressive, suppressive in all that they say and do.) ideologue that dominates in our school system, unions, colleges and universities and has been funneling money to those very groups, that we have to borrow from other countries at a massive rate.

Republicans are the party of NO? Republicans have NO new ideas? That is a blatant lie.

Republicans respect our U.S. Constitution, Republicans do not want to spend money that we do NOT have. Republicans want to protect our country and it's borders.

This President is LYING to the American people.

Go look at:

There are many, many more sites to find GOP solutions. They have been presented in Congress and the President.

The President, Pelosi and Reid choose to ignore them while they push their ideologue and own agenda through Congress while ignoring the majority of Americans opinions and ideas.

This is unconscionable and right now the President is trying to buy votes again through his campaigning against conservatism and the average American that runs this country.

This has to be stopped, Americans need to take back their country and make it back to WE THE PEOPLE.

Jeanfromfillmore 09-16-2010 12:49 PM

Less than 7 week to go and the people will have their say. But that's if the elections aren't invaded like this country has been. Sad to say, I don't see too much there to vote for. You can't make a gourmet meal out of rotten garbage.

Rim05 09-16-2010 08:24 PM

Maggie, you are new here but I have to tell you that there are many things that have caused the problems today. Some of them started as many as 30 years ago and some came to light in 2008. No one party can be blamed for what we are facing. I don't know if you are too young to politics to realize all of what has gone on.
The big down hill start was when we invaded Iraq for a lie. We also were not in debt when the Clinton Adminstration left office.
Don't you remember in Sept 08, before the Nov election, is when the disaster came to light?
I think I am the only Dem on the forum but I have never been one to vote only party. I vote for the person no matter the party.

Tonight I have been listening to the history of ODonal and some one from NY, Tea Party, and they are worse that anything in office right now. I will let you check out their crendentials. From what I heard I would not vote for either.

Jean , you are so right about there is nothing to vote for but I will not throw a bum out just to elect a new bum.
Remember during the basket ball play offs, someone said "a mad player is a bad player".
That can go for a voter also. 09-16-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by maggieb60 (Post 12129)
Republicans respect our U.S. Constitution, Republicans do not want to spend money that we do NOT have. Republicans want to protect our country and it's borders.

This President is LYING to the American people.

Lying is hardly something that the Democrats have cornered the market on, insofar as what comes out of the mouths of elected officials is concerned.

Regarding your first paragraph, I'd say that SOME Republicans want to protect the borders and practice fiscal responsibility. If it was all or even the large majority of them, there'd be no such thing as the Tea Party Movement.

For almost every McClintock and Tancredo in the GOP, you'll find a McCain and Schwarzenegger.

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