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Jeanfromfillmore 11-25-2009 03:47 PM

Where's the money coming from?

MIAMI (AP) — Two fledgling political action committees that support allowing some illegal immigrants to become citizens are raising more money than their immigration-control counterparts, signaling a possible fundraising shift ahead of next year's congressional races.

Immigrants' List and ImmigrationPAC, both established less than four years ago, have raised $100,000 combined this election cycle. That's a relatively small amount in the influential realm of PACs but still more than established groups that back enforcement-only policies, who have seen donations slow to a trickle.

"Even a small amount of pro-immigration reform PAC money, pro-immigration muscle, makes it a two-sided debate," said Tamar Jacoby, who heads ImmigrationWorks USA, a federation of mostly small and medium businesses that support a path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants and streamlining the employment visa process.

The power of PACS goes far beyond their direct contributions to candidates. They also wield power by bundling smaller donations from individuals nationwide and directing those funds to politicians sympathetic to their causes.

The PACS — formed by immigration lawyers and other immigrant advocates — are among pro-immigrant groups seeing donations on the rise. Large foundations are donating millions to nonprofits that work with immigrants, although that money can't be used for campaigns.

Allen Brandstater, head of the PAC Americans Against Illegal Immigration, acknowledged the changing mood. His group, which raised $850,000 during the 2008 election cycle for mostly issue ads and mailers, the most of any of the immigration PACs, is "pretty much dormant right now," he said. Brandstater blamed the lack of support on the weak economy and on President Barack Obama and the Democratic-led Congress, which he believes are more likely to back legalization.

Brandstater also lamented that some donors have grown wary about associating themselves with his organization because of what he said was negative publicity in 2008.

"In the last election, you were called racist if you wanted to protect the sovereignty of our borders," he said.

Miami-based immigration attorney Ira Kurzban co-founded Immigrants' List, the nation's first major PAC to support legalization and other efforts to help U.S. residents and asylum seekers, in 2006. Kurzban says he looked around and saw nearly half a dozen political fundraising groups dedicated to enforcement-only immigration policies that appeared to have the ears of lawmakers.

Two years later, immigrant advocates in Illinois started ImmigrationPAC, now run by the Raben Group, a New York-based lobbying firm.

So far this election cycle, Immigrants' List and ImmigrationPac have raised $81,000, compared to about $71,000 by three enforcement-only committees, according to Federal Election Commission data compiled by the nonprofit Center for Responsive Politics. That's minuscule compared to the National Rifle Association's PAC, which has $7.4 million in the same period, or to the financial might on both sides of the health care debate.

Still, Jacoby said she is seeing growing cash support from businesses. And major donors such as the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and liberal financier George Soros' Open Society Institute have also allocated more to immigrant advocates and their allies.

Maria Teresa Rojas, who manages the Open Society Institute's immigration portfolio, said her foundation alone has allocated an extra $15 million to be spent over the next three years "to take advantage of what looks to be a historic opportunity to reform our immigration system." She cited the combination of a Democratic president and Congress.

Kurzban's group would like amnesty for those already in the U.S.; waivers for laws that automatically bar illegal immigrants from returning to the U.S.; statutes of limitation on some low-level crimes; overhaul of the visa system to accommodate changing demand (such as allowing India to have a few more spots than Switzerland); permission for illegal immigrants married to U.S. residents to adjust their status; and greater judicial oversight of rogue immigration agents.

Winning on any of those points will be a challenge. Enforcement-only PACs have been operating in Washington since the early 1990s. And there's no clear sign that the Democratic-led Congress has the stomach for a tough immigration debate any time soon, though the Obama administration has signaled that it wants to take up the issue next year.

Amy Novick, who heads Immigrants' List, said she is preparing for a long fight. Most of the initial donors to the committee were immigration lawyers. Now the group is looking to take a page out of the Obama campaign playbook, tapping into small, online contributors.

"There are tens of thousands of people in the U.S., citizens and residents, who have been touched by the immigration system," Novick said. "Their spouses, siblings, children may be here legally but may be stuck in the backlog and need relief."

ilbegone 11-26-2009 10:27 AM

I speculate they are more effective at door to door and public solicitation, plus public wariness concerning "racism".

Another possible source and another manifestation of the double standard might even be the federal government itself: Acorn receives a certain amount of federal funding, yet has a political agenda which includes an open border view. One point concerns their badgering local governments over 187g

If an organization merely voiced mild criticism of illegal migration while receiving federal funds there would be an immediate uproar.

JB_Parrothead 11-26-2009 10:46 AM


Still, Jacoby said she is seeing growing cash support from businesses. And major donors such as the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and liberal financier George Soros' Open Society Institute have also allocated more to immigrant advocates and their allies.
There...Tamar Jacoby just gave a partial list of the enemies of this Republic. Can anyone think of a way to hit 'em where it hurts? You basically vote for these kind of entities with your dollars, shopping at places like China-Mart (walmart) only continues to feed the beast that will eventually destroy us as a nation by tanking our currency and supporting the erasure of our borders. If Americans weren't so lazy they'd come up with a strategy and real plan NOT to funnel any more money than they have to to these anti-American organizations. Don't buy crap this Christmas that is made in China!! Bake cakes/cookies, give homemade jellies and jams, make gifts using your own ingenuity and talents. At least China doesn't own that.......... yet...

StokeyBob 11-26-2009 12:03 PM

I can only think of one source of funding that has yet to dry up;
The printing of fiat money by or own government.

Think about all of the funding for all of the programs that have been pushing and pushing and pushing you what ever direction serves them at the time.

Ya gotta know where it has been originating. Let this chart put it into perspective.

See the little bumps when the country printed up fake money to fight wars in the past and the value of the real money dropped because of the fake stuff?

The country lost it's way in the sixties. The government started printing up money whenever it wanted to manipulate people. They would funnel it to their front organizations to get their dirty work done for them. They shuffle it around like that game with the three shells and the pea only there is a lot more than three shells and a lot more than one pea.

It is really sick what has been happening. They have a bank known as the Federal Reserve that loans us our own fake money they print up and the interest we pay goes to the owners of that bank. I don't even think it stays in this country. I have never heard of them paying any income tax on it anyway.

It is also deviance in the sense that it imposes a hidden tax of sorts on anyone that holds reserve notes by the devaluation cause by the counterfeiting of the real notes.


Maybe this will help make the danger of fiat money clear.

Imagine you and me are setting across from each other. We create enough money to represent all of the world's wealth. Each one of us has one SUPER Dollar in front of him.

You own half of everything and so do I.

I'm the government though. I get bribed into creating a Central Bank.

You're not doing what I want you to be doing so I print up myself eight more SUPER Dollars to manipulate you with.

All of a sudden your SUPER Dollar only represents one tenth of the wealth of the world!

That isn't the only thing though. You need to get busy and get to work because YOU'VE BEEN STIFFED with the bill for the money I PRINTED UP to get YOU TO DO what I WANTED.

That to me represents what has been happening to the economy, and us, and why so many of our occupations just can't keep up with the fake money presses.

They have been beating us with our own stick!!!!1

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