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"Stealth Amnesty" - Tom Tancredo
He's right, at least I think so. But he's right for even more reasons than he suspects ... at least I think so. There's something else he's not factoring in: Time. More specifically, changing values that evolve with the passing of generations.

Polls show that the age group most receptive to the idea of a "pathway to citizenship" or some other ridiculous dressed-up form of an amnesty, are Americans 29 and younger. To me, it makes sense. Many people that age have grown up and gone to school with lots of illegal aliens. It's more "personal" to them. Further, as time passes, the folks who can remember the royal failure that was the 1986 Immigration Amnesty, will become fewer and fewer.

This illegal immigration issue, if it is not permanently resolved soon, will become like the gay marriage issue - inevitable, in the direction of inclusion. Within the past 12 months, Gay Marrriage rights lost at the ballot box in Maine and California, by about 52% to 47 or 48%. Overwhelmingly, the age bracket with the highest opposition to same sex unions are voters 65 and older. The point? It's a matter of time. The gay rights advocates don't have to worry about racing to the ballot in 2010 or 2012. Sit back and wait 5 or 10 years. Your staunchest adversaries will die off and be replaced by voters who have been socialized by media and cable television entertainment to believe that homosexuality is relatively mainstream and hardly an onerous stigma.

Stopping the next amnesty is not enough

By Tom Tancredo
© 2009

If you think a congressional amnesty for 15 million illegal aliens is a bad idea, think about a stealth amnesty for 50 million. That's what we've got now even without any new legislation from the 111th Congress.

Whether or not Obama pushes for the new amnesty – which will again be packaged as "comprehensive immigration reform" as it was in 2006 and 2007 – proponents of border security and immigration control need to look beyond that battle. We need a strategy to end the stealth amnesty created through non-enforcement of our immigration laws.

Non-enforcement is the policy of our federal government on our borders, in our employment laws, in our courtrooms and in our school buildings. Non-enforcement allows at least 2 million illegal aliens to join our society each year – a million coming across our open borders and at least another million coming on tourist visas, student visas and guest worker visas, and then never going home. Those people are called "visa overstays," and the number is at least 20 million and growing daily.

Non-enforcement of our immigration laws needs to be called by its correct name, stealth amnesty, and it needs to be confronted. Stopping a new legislative amnesty is vital, but that does not begin to deal with the ongoing, continuous amnesty-by-stealth that is now the official policy of the federal government – and many state and local governments as well.

The Border Patrol trumpets the fact that official apprehension numbers on the border are down for the third straight year from the high of 1.1 million in 2005. That's a good thing, but those numbers do not tell the whole story. Apprehension numbers are down in part because Border Patrol manpower has been doubled to 18,500 since 2001, and 350 miles of border fencing has been built. So, why has he Obama administration put a freeze on new fence construction and a halt to Border Patrol recruitment?

Time magazine concluded in its September 2006 cover story on cross-border traffic that three to four times as many intruders evade the Border Patrol as are apprehended. Other independent observers have come to similar conclusions. So, if the Border Patrol stopped 750,000 people in 2008, probably 2.5 million made it across the border successfully. Is that acceptable level of border security?

On worksite enforcement, the government's record is even more appalling. The Obama administration has announced that Immigration and Customs Enforcement will halt enforcement raids aimed at employers and will focus only on companies that are the most egregious "exploiters" of workers.

And what about federal policy toward criminal aliens, noncitizens who commit crimes and are prosecuted in our courts? Under the Department of Homeland Security as run by Obama appointee Janet Napolitano, the federal 287(g) program that allows local sheriffs and police officers to detain illegal aliens and turn them over to ICE for deportation is being eviscerated. Under new policies, only illegal aliens already in jail will be subject to review by ICE and possible deportation. In 2007, less than 35 percent of the 300,000 illegal aliens who were booked into jails across the country were deported. We should expect that percentage to decline as local law enforcement is told to ignore illegal aliens they encounter during routine police work.

The 15 to 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. have no reason to worry about apprehension and deportation. They are enjoying the full benefits of de facto citizenship through stealth amnesty. Under the health-care reform bill being proposed by Speaker Pelosi and Congressional Democrat leaders, H.R. 3962, they will have access to federally subsidized health care to go along with the free education their children already enjoy by virtue of federal court rulings.

All this will continue to be federal policy even if a new amnesty is not legislated by Congress. The problem goes deeper. The problem is nonenforcement of existing laws.

To end the stealth amnesty of current law, we need three things at a minimum: true border security, mandatory verification of employment eligibility through the E-Verify program and the end to "anchor baby" citizenship for children of illegal aliens.

Over 75 percent of the American people do not want a new amnesty, and if Pelosi and Reid want to attempt it, I say, bring it on! But can we mount a campaign to reverse and undo our existing stealth amnesty? That is the real challenge ahead for citizens who want secure borders and genuine immigration reform.

Rim05 11-09-2009 05:40 AM

DA, you are sooooo right. When I discuss politics with those even as old as 40 I cannot believe how out of touch we are. Always remember the statement "our children are our future".
They will find out how good that will be.

Jeanfromfillmore 11-09-2009 03:53 PM

What is amazing is about three years ago I started complaining about the brainwashing in our schools at all levels and members of SOS came on the board and said they saw nothing at all like that in their schools and I was wrong. And these same people considered themselves informed. We really do a disservice to this country by letting what is happening in our schools continue without exposing what is at the heart of this socialist takeover. Again, it is happening at all levels, but it becomes the most radical when it gets to the college and university level.

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