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Bri-M 06-24-2010 04:35 PM

Putting Faces on Crimes by Illegal Aliens

Putting Faces on Crimes by Illegal Aliens
By Chuck Wolk on June 24, 2010 4:00 PM | No Comments
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While the MSM continues to carry the water for the pro illegal alien crowd, by touting the benefits America receives from illegal aliens innocent Americans like 17-year-old Allison Kunhardt and 16-year-old Tessa Tranchant continue to pay the cost for their lies. La Raza claims that illegal aliens do not put a strain on our legal system, because illegals are actually less violent then American citizens are. They also continue the drum beat that illegals are only doing the jobs Americans refuse to do. Truth be told, the cost far out weighs the benefit of allowing illegal aliens a free reign in our country, and it's time Americans stand up together and demand that the border is closed.

I have written extensively about the invasion of our Southern border by illegal aliens and drug smugglers like the ones who reportedly were behind the murder of "Arizona Rancher Robert Krentz". I also wrote about the "Rape Trees" that human traffickers and drug use as monuments for their sexual conquests after raping women and young girls along the illegal alien highway. I shared with you the pictures and videos of the "Environmental Disaster in the Sonoran Desert", and the "Drop Houses" that are actual torture chambers. Then I offered the video reports of the "Mexican Pirates" on Falcon Lake, and the "Death Threats by Mexican Cartels" on American Police Officers in Nogales AZ.

Today I present some of the faces of the crimes committed by illegal aliens. The faces that those on the left like the Democrats, the open border Republicans, the MSM, and yes even those businesses and farmers who are profiting from the labor by illegals do not want you to see. I offer you these facts of various crimes and the victims who paid with their life for a lax border policy. I guarantee you will come away with a new understanding of the cost vs the benefits that illegal aliens bring to our country. This is but a partial list of the hundreds of thousands who's lives have been destroyed by the desire of the left to allow illegal immigration to continue. Obama and the Democrats want to give amnesty to the illegals because they want their vote. I want them to explain to the American people, "What happened to the rights of the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims?" I only ask because they are supposed to be the compassionate ones who care for the innocent.

The short bios below offer you the evidence that this is more then just a border state problem. This is a problem that reaches right into the heartland of America, a problem that will some day effect each and every citizen in a negative way if it is not properly fixed soon. I advise that you send these bios to every person on your email list and ask them to forward them to theirs. We need Americans to wake up and understand that the enemy at the "Gate", is now in their neighborhood and they are not safe just because they don't live in a border state.

(Thanks goes to for the following information.
Many links may be closed due to the age of the report and or video)

Dana Pevia - kidnap victim • Dana Pevia was kidnapped from her North Carolina school bus stop in 1999 when she was only 11. In March, 2003, she was able to escape her captivity in Mexico and visit the American Consulate in Guadalahara. The officials there contacted the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and through them reached Dana's mother Wanda was contacted. Dana returned home a few days later with her two children. The apparent kidnapper Hector Frausto, a "Mexican construction worker," was arrested in North Carolina on March 27. Dana was evidently forcibly kept captive by his family in Mexico for much of that time. She was only able to get away because she had the help of a sympathetic neighbor. The unasked question is why the obvious suspect's family in Mexico was not investigated four years ago. Was the unhelpful Mexican legal system being obstructionist yet again?

Felix Leon • Five-year-old Felix Leon was another another victim of a hit-and-run illegal alien on Sept. 29. The boy was struck and killed as he rode his bike near his home in Brownsville, Texas. Mexican national Carlos Jaramillo ran over the child with his pick-up and dragged the bike for about 40 yards, where passenger Domingo Acosta Lopez tried to remove the bicycle from the truck's undercarriage but could not. At that point, both Jaramillo and Lopez fled on foot. They were pursued by neighbor Leroy Redford who lives on little Felix's street, who was joined by others from the neighborhood. Lopez was caught then and Jaramillo was found two days later by police later hiding out in a local house, thanks to a tip.
Both men who were arrested in the crime are illegal aliens who had been deported earlier. Police are investigating their possible connection with other crimes and whether drinking was involved in this hit and run.

Tricia Taylor • Eighteen-year-old Tricia Taylor of Detroit was in court in December 2002 to hear the plea of the illegal alien who caused her to lose both legs above the knees. Jose Carcamo was driving under the influence (.08 percent blood alcohol level) and speeding when he drove over a curb and smashed Taylor into a wall. One report stated that Carcamo has had 17 violations since 1995. Another noted that he was drag racing at the time of the crash. It is agreed that the car was travelling between 50 and 75 miles per hour on a street posted for 25 mph. Taylor's companion Noah Menard suffered a fractured skull and collarbone, as well as requiring eight pins to reconstruct his mangled elbow. The INS had twice begun deportation proceeding against Carcamo to return him to El Salvador, but regrettably did not follow through. Carcamo will be out of jail in a few years, but Tricia Taylor faces a lifetime of pain and disability because of another failure of the INS to remove a dangerous alien. Incidentally, drinking to excess and then driving is celebrated in Hispanic cultures rather than condemned.
Sentencing Update: On January 13, 2003 Jose Carcamo was sentenced to 3-5 years in prison. Four months after the crash, Tricia Taylor still must take pain medication, antibiotics, anti-depressants and sleeping pills. Chronic bone infection means she may yet lose more of her right leg. Carcamo sent a note of apology to Taylor and Menard, but misspelled the names. She responded, "It hurts me every time I see him. He acts like he's sorry, but you'd think he would know our names." She is not forgiving, either: "I have my whole life with no legs ... I'm only 18. He gets no forgiveness."

Hosted by • Little Madelyn Cumpston is sitting next to a statue of her older sister Annie, who was killed in a hit-and-run accident. Six-year-old Annie was struck and killed in downtown Baltimore as she and her family were leaving the circus March 22. At school, Annie Cumpston was active in dance and gymnastics. But as the family left the circus, even holding her mom's hand couldn't save her from being struck by a truck driven by illegal alien Guillermo Diaz when it veered into the crosswalk. She died later that evening at the hospital.
After striking the little girl, Diaz drove off. Witness Ryan Jones tried to stop the fleeing Diaz, Jones became caught on the door of the truck and was dragged for a distance. When Diaz was arrested, he did not have a driver's license, the tags on the truck were expired and his blood-alcohol level was 0.07 percent, just below the state limit of 0.08. Diaz has been in the United States illegally for four years doing construction work. At sentencing in early October, Diaz received 10 years in prison but is eligible for parole in just two years.

Bret and Jennifer Schwartz • Bret and Jennifer Schwartz of Hollywood, Florida, did everything the right way when they hired a nanny to take care of their baby: they hired her through an agency, hired a private investigator and checked references. However, the child's fearful reactions when the parents left her in the hands of Peruvian Claudia Muro made them believe they might have made a mistake. Sure enough, the hidden video cams showed the woman violently shaking the child and possibly slamming her on the kitchen floor.
At this writing, Muro is in jail with $150,000 bail, charged with four counts of felony child abuse. Immigration officials have put a hold on the case, indicating Muro is an illegal alien. Whatever the woman's immigration status, this case shows the danger of hiring any immigrant because of the limited time frame that a background check can encompass.

Adriana Sanchez • Adriana Sanchez is a desired target for identity thieves because of her Latino name. The young woman had already passed a credit history check in order to get hired as a Los Angeles police officer, so she was surpised to find that someone in Atlanta had stolen her identity and had rung up $70,000 in debt. Sanchez, who works as a public information officer for the LAPD, felt a personal affront as well as ripped off, remarking, "You feel like you're being violated. . . . She even had my mom's address."
Investigators familiar with identity theft have noticed that thieves look for similar names to rip off. The LAPD officer's ID was stolen by someone named Adriana Sanchez-Palacios, who was charged in September for fraud and identity theft because the crime victim in this case knew exactly what to do.
The problem of identity theft has gotten so bad that some companies are offering identity theft insurance.

Border Agent James Epling • Border Patrol Agent James Epling died in performing his duties along the Mexican border, apparently drowning in the Colorado River in pursuit of several illegal aliens and was last seen along the shoreline as he followed the foreigners. He was the seventh Border officer to die in the line of duty in Yuma. Agent Epling was just 24 and was the father of three, going on four. His father-in-law is a retired Border Patrol agent from the McAllen, Texas, sector.
Just before disappearing, Epling had pulled a Chinese woman illegal alien out of the river. Three other Chinese were taken into custody the night of the disappearance, along with one Mexican believed to be the smuggler. Although there has been no evidence of foul play actually found, the smuggler can be charged in the death.

Hit and murder victim Tracy Owen • Shown in the photo is crime victim Tracy Owen of Nashville. The pregnant woman was murdered because a couple of drunk illegal aliens thought they had struck her in a traffic accident, so they decided to kill her in order to cover up the incident. In fact, it appears that they did not hit Tracy Owen with a truck at all, but she had fallen. Still, rather than offer aid to an injured woman who was pleading for help, the response was for the younger man to shoot her her five times. Both men were charged with criminal homicide.
Police detective Robert Swisher remarked "In my 22 years on the job, I have never seen anyone executed, and I mean executed, because someone thought they had hit the person with a vehicle. It sickens me."
The shooter, Antonio DeJesus Idelfonso, is 17 years old, and a later hearing will decide whether he will be prosecuted as an adult.
IHC has analyzed a lot of terrible crimes, but this one breaks new ground in the category of illegal alien hit and run -- hit and murder. In another disturbing report, driver Eliseo Marcelino-Quintero said that Idelfonso grabbed the truck's steering wheel and tried to run down Owen when he saw her.

Denver cop Robert Bryant • Denver police officer Robert Bryant was struck down in a hit-and-run as he was flagging down speeders near a school at around 3 in the afternoon January 22. There were numerous witnesses who said the driver gunned the engine of his Chevy S-10 pickup and purposely ran down Bryant, who was wearing a bright orange vest. The driver, a Mexican with no identification, was caught when he ran a red light a few blocks away and crashed into a car driven by an elderly man, who was also injured. Officer Bryant received serious injuries including a femur fracture but is expected to recover. Those who saw the incident say it is a miracle that he wasn't killed The Mexican driver apparently was drunk or on drugs, according to investigators and was injured in the crash.

Callum Oakford • Apparently the roadways of Great Britain are similarly threatened by illegal alien drivers who care little for common safety and less for obeying traffic laws. Nine-year-old Callum Oakford was struck and killed by an illegal Algerian asylum seeker as the young boy was on his way to visit friends. Kamel Kadri was denied asylum but was not deported, instead he remained and purchased an old Renault which he drove without license or tax. The family believes Kadri should have been found guilty of manslaughter and is disappointed he is serving only two years in jail.
Judge Anthony Thorpe said to Kadri in court, "Had you not stayed on as an illegal immigrant that young child would still be alive. It is intolerable that those who should have been removed from the country manage to stay for long periods of time and are no doubt often driving unsafe, unlicensed and uninsured cars since they clearly have little respect for the laws of this country."
The judge was seriously incensed by how weak the law is to deal with cases like this one, and how the maximum sentence he issued was reduced by a higher court. He suggested that insurance companies should issue drivers with a swipe card which they would have to display in their car and, more importantly, have to swipe at a fuel pump before being able to buy any gasoline.

Jose Soto Jr. • On the day after New Years 2003, six-year-old Jose Soto was riding his bike around the parking lot near his parents' apartment house when he was struck and severely injured by a man backing out in a red truck. Witnesses were shocked when the man stopped and pulled the child from under the truck and roughly threw him aside before speeding off. At this writing, Jose is in critical condition in a Houston hospital and the perpetrator is believed to be on his way to Mexico, if not already there. The man's name was released a few days later: Jose Ines Morales. As noted above, once a criminal reaches Mexico, he has effectively eluded the law permanently, since America's southern neighbor refuses to extradite, as a matter of policy, criminals who may be

Accident Victim Amber Merkle • Amber Merkle was only 8 when she died in a four-car wreck May 1, caused by illegal alien Arturo Lupian. A third-grade student in Decatur Alabama, Amber lived for a few hours on life support until medical staff took her off because there was no evidence of brain activity. She had been on a Saturday afternoon outing of ice cream and fun with her aunt and cousin.
The drunk driver Arturo Lupian had an elevated blood alcohol level of .11 at 2:30 in the afternoon when his vehicle slammed into the stopped SUV in which Amber was riding. (Alabama has a limit of .08.) There were no skid marks at the accident scene, so apparently Lupian didn't even try to stop. If convicted, he faces 2 to 20 years in prison for manslaughter.
Amber's mother Ruby remarked, "I hope he does more than two years. I don't want him going to Mexico and getting another name, and doing it again."
Update: Three months after the death, emotional recovery has been difficult for Amber's mom, but has been helped a great deal by a supportive community and good friends.

Murder Victim Vinessa Hoera • Vinessa Hoera was a young single mom, only 23, when she was brutally raped and murdered by an illegal alien from Guatemala, Faustino Chavez, who apparently was angry when his advances toward her were not received positively. The bruises on her body showed that she tried to fight off her attacker but was not successful.
The young woman's family was shocked to hear the details of how savage her murder had been, like how her throat had been slashed several times from ear to ear. "I'm in shock," said Donna Hoera, the victim's mother. "I'm sick, I didn't know a lot of what they said." She further described her daughter as "on the up. She was a single mom, just bought a new car. She was a life-lover, a very positive person." Vinessa had a five-year-old son.

Officer Sheila Herring • Officer Sheila Herring was lost to a bullet from an illegal alien in an early morning altercation at a Norfolk bar on January 16. The accused man, Mario Roberto Keen, a citizen of Jamaica, had reportedly shot a man in the bar after which the police were called. When several officers arrived, Keen opened fire and shot Officer Herring who died later in surgery. Keen was shot and killed at the scene. He had been sentenced to five years in prison in 1990 for selling cocaine and was later deported. Keen attempted to re-enter the United States in New York in 1997, but was reportedly barred from entering. It is not known when Keen succeeded in entering the U.S. But back to Sheila Herring: from all accounts she was an excellent police officer and loved her job. She had been a cop in Detroit for ten years before moving to Virginia. She was 39 and had an 18-year-old daughter.

Laura Ayala • Thirteen-year-old Laura Ayala went missing in March 2002, taken just a few feet from in her home in Houston. At this writing, there is no child and no body, although blood identified as being hers was identified in 2002 in the car of men believed to be connected with her abduction. Because of some evidence that she had been taken to Mexico, part of the search has been there. One complication was Houston's policy of "sanctuary" which disallows police from investigating a person's citizenship status. Illegal alien Walter Alexander Sorto was in police hands for traffic tickets but could not be deported because of the sanctuary policy: he is believed to be connected in Laura Ayala's disappearance which occurred several months after the ticket problem. Houston police office John Nickell testified before Congress (2/27/02) about how sanctuary laws inhibit the effectiveness of beat cops to deal with criminals and prevent crime.

Officer Michael Gordon • Officer Michael Gordon lost his life to a drunk driving illegal alien. The Chicago policeman was in the driver's seat of his squad car when it was struck by Luis Calle, a Guatemalan whose blood alcohol level was 0.177, twice the legal limit. Another officer, John Delcason, sustained injuries and was in fair condition in the hospital a few days after the incident. Luis Calle died a few hours after striking the police car.
Michael Gordon is survived by his wife and four children. Several of his relatives have also been police officers, including his father, brother, uncle and cousin. Before entering the police department, Gordon joined the 81st Airborne right after high school, serving in Bosnia and Korea. As a policeman, he asked to be assigned to a tough part of Chicago because he wanted to do more than just write tickets.

Dilks • Terry and Lisa Dilks were found murdered from multiple gunshot wounds in their home in Urbandale, Iowa. On August 26, police announced that they had arrested one suspect of two, an illegal alien from Mexico known as Leocardio Lopez, but whose actual name is Audiel Molasco-Tello. The Dilks had a 15-year-old son, Dustin, but he was not at home at the time of the killing. Now he's an orphan because illegal aliens murdered his parents.
Also sought in the crime is another man, Raymundo Cruz Gomez. Gomez was a former employee at Applebee's Restaurant where he worked as a cook. Terry Dilks was his supervisor there.
Update: A month after the Iowa double murder, not a great deal has changed. Molasco-Tello has been indicted for re-entering the country illegally and Gomez is still being sought, though local police believe he has left the area.

Baltimore murdered children • What sort of monster could murder three children in the most brutal manner -- one child was beheaded and the two other were nearly decapitated. They also suffered a variety of injuries including blunt force trauma and asphyxiation. The victims, residents of Baltimore, (l. to r.) were siblings Alexis Quezada (10) and Lucero Quezada (9) and their cousin Ricardo Espinoza (9).
The two men arrested for the crime were also relatives: Policarpio Espinoza, 22, brother of the father of the two siblings, and Espinoza's cousin Adan Espinoza Canela, 17. The accused are illegal aliens as are the parents of the murdered children. Apparently the arrests were based on DNA/blood evidence.

Officer Brandon Winfield • We must add the name of Brandon Winfield to the list of police officers murdered by illegal aliens. On Thursday, Oct. 14, Officer Winfield was checking out a disabled vehicle on State Route 423, south of Marion, Ohio, and apparently felt he was helping a stranded motorist. Details of the murder are not exactly clear, but Winfield was found shot in the head in his patrol car which had run off the road.
The police are now searching for Juan Carlos Cruz who is considered armed and dangerous. Another suspect, as yet unnamed, is being held and is believed to be an illegal alien.
Deputy Winfield was married and had two sons, ages 2 and 3. The photo shows him with his three-year-old son Landon.

Francisco Serrano

Then I offer one last example of the way the liberals have gone out of their way to allow illegal criminals to get away with crime in America. In January 2005, there was an incident in which 21-year-old illegal alien Francisco Serrano lived in a Minnesota high school for several weeks and posed as a student until he was discovered. At that time, locals rallied to his defense. High school kids made up "Free Francisco" t-shirts and evidently no parents were concerned that a lawbreaking adult male was rubbing elbows with their teenaged daughters.
A typical sentiment at the time was expressed in an editorial from the Pioneer Press, Story points to rising homelessness.

Serrano's legal problems detract from the focal point of this story, which is homelessness. We don't know if a fear of discovery as an illegal immigrant kept Serrano from seeking social services.

In October 2005, an immigration judge ordered Serrano back to Mexico. But the lawbreaker never boarded the plane and he later turned up as a violent felon in Boston.

A Boston woman said Serrano kicked in her apartment door and threatened to attack her early in the morning on March 29.
"He said, 'I'm not here to steal, I'm here to kill,'" the woman said, requesting anonymity.

Serrano's Minnesota attorney remarked, "I never figured Serrano for a ski mask and a butcher knife. He just didn't seem to have any violence in him".

The newspaper website that carried the story, originally had a video accompanying the story but since has removed it. In the video it showed Serrano in a pink sweater and portrayed in an innocent demeanor as if he were the victim. His lawyer was trying to not just keep him out of jail, but also from being deported. The judge took so long to decide that the guy was walking around freely and spending most his time at the library.

(for more faces of the innocent go

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