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Greg in LA 10-17-2013 08:00 PM

Boehner raised the debt ceiling, will it now be easier to pass amnesty?
Any thoughts on weather the passage of the debt limit increase in the House will increase or decrease the chances of amnesty passing Congress in 2013?

My observations are that the Republicans look weaker after all of this, they caved, got no concessions from Obama, and the Democrats stayed unified. Boehner passed the debt limit with a majority of Democrats and probably a few Rino's. Boehner couldn't have done it with Republicans so he passed the debt increase against the will of the majority of Republicans in Congress.

To me it makes Boehner look pretty bad, and I don't think it will get him more support to keep his speaker ship position.

Will Boehner now pile on his record as passing more legislation, like amnesty with a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans?

I think that will be hard for him to do.

It seems to me that the Republicans just ate a huge "crap sandwich" by funding Obama care, and eating more defeat and getting more hatred from the base, at this time by passing any type of amnesty is going to be much more difficult.

Am I missing something?

Is my understanding of the situation incorrect?

If you agree, or see the situation differently, please let me know your point of view.

Ayatollahgondola 10-17-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Greg in LA (Post 24049)
Any thoughts on weather the passage of the debt limit increase in the House will increase or decrease the chances of amnesty passing Congress in 2013?

My observations are that the Republicans look weaker after all of this, they caved, got no concessions from Obama, and the Democrats stayed unified. Boehner passed the debt limit with a majority of Democrats and probably a few Rino's. Boehner couldn't have done it with Republicans so he passed the debt increase against the will of the majority of Republicans in Congress.

To me it makes Boehner look pretty bad, and I don't think it will get him more support to keep his speaker ship position.

Will Boehner now pile on his record as passing more legislation, like amnesty with a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans?

I think that will be hard for him to do.

It seems to me that the Republicans just ate a huge "crap sandwich" by funding Obama care, and eating more defeat and getting more hatred from the base, at this time by passing any type of amnesty is going to be much more difficult.

Am I missing something?

Is my understanding of the situation incorrect?

If you agree, or see the situation differently, please let me know your point of view.


I am involved in a rather encompassing event in my life right this minute, but I want to take a short stab at your questions. The answer, I believe, is yes. Yes it's going to be easier to pass it. But not because the republicans are weaker now. Actually this whole debt crisis has been postponed, but not solved. It's solution is either to raise taxes or cut spending. The only agreement that came about this week was to delay doing something. Anyway; the republican hierarchy wants so very badly to cripple this obamacare program. They want to do that badly enough that they might trade amnesty to Obama and the democrats for concessions on obamacare spending. I fear a grand compromise deal that gives the illegals a long term presence linked to a plethora of weak criteria for citizenship, and in turn, Obama surrenders a bunch of meaningless cuts to obamacare spending over a decade or so. Each side will claim victory, which would be true in the sense that they would compare to the alternative of defaulting on the debt. We, the peon indentured....uh....citizen, would get further screwed of course. The illegals would be getting screwed too, over time, but they'd believe they hit the jackpot and the power would go to their heads for a time.

Can this be stopped? Yes, it can. It will be hard though. We may have to put a lot more effort into beating down democrats as opposed to republicans, even though we have traditionally counted on republicans as being the best votes to influence. I think the democrats have had it far too easy for too long, in that sense.

wetibbe 10-18-2013 04:29 AM

Hey Guys:
Haven't you been paying attention.

Amnesty is already a reality. Maybe not in the form you want to recognize as legitimate but when you have illegitimacy and corruption to boot it's called a fait accompli.

"They" do it without Congress. "They're" unstoppable. Just look at the record. Immigration laws not being enforced, illegals already granted a 2 year stay, getting in State Tuition, drivers licenses, free hospital, food stamps, welfare, prenatal care, free schooling, free medical coverage, prisoners being released, border still wide open ad infinitim, Uncle Drunkle, and Auntie STILL Here living in public housing, using stolen ID, working, and the head honcho in the Oval office already got his amnesty. driving...................................... Oh, and Cities and Mayors running sanctuary's while Sheriffs like Joe Arpaio are being sued for enforcing the law.

It will keep getting worse until the end of the current administration in 2016.

I gave up on predictions after the last election. Predictions are too unpredictable. Wouldn't surprise me at all if we have ANOTHER illegal alien again as President and Commander in Chief.

I think you may have your expectations set too high. You are expecting it to be done in accordance with the Constitution. Well forget that. It's in the dark, under the covers, back room, slick, wormy...............................

Ayatollahgondola 10-18-2013 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 24051)
Haven't you been paying attention.

Amnesty is already a reality. Maybe not in the form you want to recognize as legitimate but when you have illegitimacy and corruption to boot it's called a fait accompli.

"They" do it without Congress. "They're" unstoppable. Just look at the record. Immigration laws not being enforced, illegals already granted a 2 year stay, getting in State Tuition, drivers licenses, free hospital, food stamps, welfare, prenatal care, free schooling, free medical coverage, prisoners being released, border still wide open ad infinitim, Uncle Drunkle, and Auntie STILL Here living in public housing, using stolen ID, working, and the head honcho in the Oval office already got his amnesty. driving...................................... Oh, and Cities and Mayors running sanctuary's while Sheriffs like Joe Arpaio are being sued for enforcing the law.

It will keep getting worse until the end of the current administration in 2016.

I gave up on predictions after the last election. Predictions are too unpredictable. Wouldn't surprise me at all if we have ANOTHER illegal alien again as President and Commander in Chief.

I think you may have your expectations set too high. You are expecting it to be done in accordance with the Constitution. Well forget that. It's in the dark, under the covers, back room, slick, wormy...............................

I don't think anyone here has delude themselves into believing the illegals aren't being given quarter. But citizenship and permanent quarter.....that hasn't happened. We're all in purgatory of sorts right now. The difference between the purgatory of biblical fame and the one I refer to now, is that in the former one, it is god that decides, and here we still have the power, if we can muster it

Greg in LA 10-18-2013 08:43 AM

Your comment that Boehner might trade some sort of amnesty for some type of postponement of Obama care. It's not the first time that I've heard of this possibility. I've heard that scenario a couple of times before, so a lot of people must be thinking about it.

Time will only tell, but from my own vantage point I still can't see the Republicans piling on to their problems.

I'm no psychic though, and it's very hard for me to understand the thinking of most people.

I've said before that I think it's a near miracle that the giant amnesty hasn't been passed. Our opposition has all the money and virtually all the political and media power in their favor, but still enough Republicans are unwilling to slit their own throats.

Greg in LA 10-18-2013 01:41 PM

Here is an article that I read on Yahoo news.

The article is aptly titled, "How to get John Boehner to cave".

The article raised some accurate points about how Boehner caves when there is a time limit to reach a deal, such as in hurricane Sandy, and the debt ceiling battles.

I don't see a time crunch in regards to amnesty, and poll after poll has shown the vast majority of Americans are hardly focused on it and a new NBC poll that I saw today showed over 52% of Americans are totally against any type of legalization for illegals.

In my opinion the article falls flat when it fails to show how "immigration reform" AKA amnesty would be a win for Republicans. The article try's to say that passing amnesty will by a big face saving win for Republicans when In fact it's quite the opposite. "immigration reform is very unpopular with Republicans and extremely popular with Democrats.

It's even more eye opening to see all the timely coordination and orchestration of new pro amnesty stories being released today in wake of the debt ceiling problem being out of the way for the moment.

If amnesty was so popular, why the need to have such a heavy handed coordination in broadcasting the pro amnesty point of view.

It also doesn't go unnoticed that as of my reading of the article there were around 2300 commentators, overwhelmingly anti amnesty.

ilbegone 10-19-2013 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Greg in LA (Post 24057)

If amnesty was so popular, why the need to have such a heavy handed coordination in broadcasting the pro amnesty point of view.

It's called "keeping the pressure on".

There was an old method of execution which involved placing a large sheet of wood over the intended and gradually placing stones on the wood until the person was suffocated or otherwise crushed to death.

The media is face down in the proverbial leftist lap, they want to see an amnesty and they will propagandize and spin until it's an accomplished fact or a moot or dangerous issue to push.

The local southern California papers were full of daily "poor, downtrodden, oppressed immigrant just trying to feed his family" stories until the 2008 recession when it was difficult to proceed with that slant with an effective 16% or more unemployment figure (The EDD and federal figures are always low for what they don't take into account concerning the under and fully unemployed) without a serious backlash and decline in sales.

However, the local print media is getting back into the mode with stories featuring "undocumented" college students who "aren't afraid" (while ignoring the large high school drop out rates of their siblings and cousins) rather than the minimally English speaking lawn rakers and unskilled nail pounders the media previously spun into model citizens...

...still keeping the pressure on.

Rim05 10-19-2013 06:08 AM

I simply cannot understand why 'we the people' are not doing more. I realize that those of us who have been fighting for so long, such as AG and my self, are tired and have grown older. It is time for the younger citizens to take the reins from us.
I am still here but not on the streets. Scoff at Dems but all are not as they are protrayed. That notion is like the spin you see in the papers and on TV.

ilbegone 10-19-2013 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24061)
I simply cannot understand why 'we the people' are not doing more. I realize that those of us who have been fighting for so long, such as AG and my self, are tired and have grown older. It is time for the younger citizens to take the reins from us.

We have to reach the middle class who are struggling but not yet distressed enough to definitively put their collective feet down.

On the other hand, since the late 60's and certainly revved up since the early 80's is the far left indoctrination presented in public schools as "education". We have to get past that impediment, as well as all the middle class college graduates who have been successfully propagandized and are politically active.

In general there is an age division concerning amnesty. Older will tend to be against, and younger will tend to be for.

Most who are receiving social services or are employed in some fashion catering to immigration are in the far left pocket - blindly or not, a DHS employee who processes naturalization documents is not going to be against amnesty, nor is anyone receiving social services going to vote Republican.


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24061)
I am still here but not on the streets. Scoff at Dems but all are not as they are protrayed. That notion is like the spin you see in the papers and on TV.

Politically speaking, there are gradients from the insane far left to the insane far right. I believe that the hard far left is no more than 20% of the population, but they tend to control education and the media. I further believe that the insane far right is even less of the population and is largely impotent by being marginalized for the conspiracy theory kooks they are and the middle right right of center is slandered and spun into blood sucking racists by the media and educational process.

I believe that in different times and different places certain labels have different meanings.

"Liberal" and "Conservative" would mean something different in 19th century America than they do in the 21st century, and certainly the 21st century Republican and Democrat parties are different from the times of presidents Jackson, Lincoln and both Roosevelts.

To be conservative or liberal in 19th century Mexico (and probably any other time) is not what we would assume by our late 20th - early 21st century American understandings.

As well, nutball, far left "Progressivism" has usurped the label of "Liberal", which is further attached to the Democrat Party.

Ayatollahgondola 10-19-2013 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 24061)
I simply cannot understand why 'we the people' are not doing more. I realize that those of us who have been fighting for so long, such as AG and my self, are tired and have grown older. It is time for the younger citizens to take the reins from us. V.

Oh Rim, I am not that tired. I have grown older of course, but the fire still burns hot on this issue for me. I'm not as active lately due to a couple of other reasons. I'm hoping that things will turn around soon for that. I'll be posting something about that here in the near future.

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