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Jeanfromfillmore 01-29-2010 10:42 PM

Arizona seeking to criminalize undocumented immigrants
Arizona seeking to criminalize undocumented immigrants
Over But Not Out posted this in Fresh Juice, immigration, mexico on January 27th, 2010
It looks like Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s position on immigration is prevailing in Arizona…
KNX news reported today that the Legislature in Arizona is considering a law dealing with unlawful immigration even though the control of our borders is a federal responsibility. The radio story quoted an Arizona legislator as pointing out that the border with Mexico is both a federal and a state border.
The proposed law would declare that illegal immigrants in Arizona are trespassing in Arizona and thus criminalize illegal status per state law. Persons found in the State illegally would be prosecuted as a trespasser.
The report did not say whether such trespassing would be a misdemeanor or a felony, or what the punishment for conviction might be. It did say that Jan Brewer, the Governor of Arizona has said that if the Legislature passes such a bill she will sign it.
Most of us think that when you break the law you have committed some kind of crime. With our border control laws, however, that has not seemed to be the case. Arizona seeks to change that.!%29

Twoller 01-30-2010 07:40 AM

I am not convinced. "Illegal immigrants" are already criminals. Any effort to "criminalize" illegal immigrants only plays into the argument that they are not criminals already and may even have that purpose.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-30-2010 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 4571)
I am not convinced. "Illegal immigrants" are already criminals. Any effort to "criminalize" illegal immigrants only plays into the argument that they are not criminals already and may even have that purpose.

I don't agree.

Twoller 01-30-2010 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 4579)
I don't agree.

Why can't Arizona just enforce federal laws? Why do they need to create a new law about "trespassing" in Arizona? That doesn't sound silly to you? Arizona is certainly subject to federal law. Why can't Arizona prosecute illegals for being illegal under federal law?

Jeanfromfillmore 01-30-2010 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 4581)
Why can't Arizona just enforce federal laws? Why do they need to create a new law about "trespassing" in Arizona? That doesn't sound silly to you? Arizona is certainly subject to federal law. Why can't Arizona prosecute illegals for being illegal under federal law?

Because many states just use the excuse that it's a federal law and it's the federal governments responsibility for enforce it. That is exactly what we heard at the Santa Clarita City Council meeting on Tuesday. It gives states and local cities and counties a way out of dealing with the issue.

usa today 01-30-2010 01:55 PM

Actually Arizona could enforce the federal immigration laws , they could tell the feds to kiss off and arrest and deport them , they can do a lot of things

Keep in mind , just like in several states they still have a lot of symp libs crying over their poor illegals.

They are trying to get tougher within a workable framework though

I really do think if JD Hayworth pushes the illegal issue he can take out

JD is a pretty likable guy and he has some smarts , If he handles this right he can win.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-30-2010 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 4592)
Actually Arizona could enforce the federal immigration laws , they could tell the feds to kiss off and arrest and deport them , they can do a lot of things

Keep in mind , just like in several states they still have a lot of symp libs crying over their poor illegals.

They are trying to get tougher within a workable framework though

I really do think if JD Hayworth pushes the illegal issue he can take out

JD is a pretty likable guy and he has some smarts , If he handles this right he can win.

All states could enforce federal law, but many just use the fact that it is federal law not state law as an excuse to say it's only the federals governments job to enforce it. If states actually make it their law also, then there are no more excuses left not to enforce either.

usa today 01-31-2010 03:22 PM

In all reality there are many laws that are "federal laws"

But most local police enforce those

Alcohol and Tobacco
Bank robbery

and many others

They don't go after illegals because their bosses don't want them to

Any local police force can cut the illegals in their cities by 90% just enforcing laws on the books like Dui checkpoints , occupancy laws and many other local laws.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-31-2010 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 4663)
In all reality there are many laws that are "federal laws"

But most local police enforce those

Alcohol and Tobacco
Bank robbery

and many others

They don't go after illegals because their bosses don't want them to

Any local police force can cut the illegals in their cities by 90% just enforcing laws on the books like Dui checkpoints , occupancy laws and many other local laws.

You bet they could. And more and more citizens are realizing that fact.

wetibbe 02-01-2010 05:15 AM

Two comments to address concerns:

#1. Any state that has approved it's law enforcement enforcing Federal Law CAN absolutely enforce Federal Laws. But here's the catch:

a. When they take the illegals in/incarcerate, they have to house and feed them. ICE will refuse to take them or turn them loose in most cases.

b. When the Towns enforce Federal Laws the ACLU, Puerto Rican Defense league, MALDEF and half the immigration lawyers jump in and provide pro-bono to these illegals costing the Towns millions in fees.

c. Liberal, progressive judges will turn the illegals loose and punish the Town.

d. Many local police/Sheriffs want no part of enforcing Federal Laws. They whine about overworked, not my job, need more money,etc.

e. Half of the legal "system" is rotten and corrupt.

#2. Illegal aliens that come in at other than border crossing points are absolutely criminals.

a. It is a felony to cross without clearing customs. It is a misdemeanor to come in without checking in with immigration.

b. Recently DHS issued a report stating that 1/3 of illegal border crosser's have committed crimes before coming.

c. The list of criminal actions that illegals commit is as long as your arm:

* Packing across marijuana, heroin, cocaine.
* Rape in the field and statutory rape in towns.
* Trespass
* Property destruction
* Littering private land as well as Federal Parks.
* Killing livestock and wild game
* Arson
* Human trafficking
* Kidnapping
* Pedophilia
* Larceny/shoplifting/ robbery
* Document fraud
* Income tax evasion
* Vehicular homicide/ murder
* DMV violations, no license, inspection, insurance
* Fire code violations
* Zoning code violations
* Public drunkenness
* Indecent exposure
* Money laundering/ illegal money transfer

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