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admin 05-31-2010 09:45 AM

Email Of Interest re: Nightingale Campaign
In an effort aimed at soliciting campaign donations during this sacred American holiday weekend, there has been an email circulating among border security and immigration groups to name a few, that proclaims that all California MinuteMen and border security groups are endorsing Chelene Nightingale for governor.

Just so there is no confusion about this, we are making the following statement:

Save Our State is not endorsing Chelene Nightingale for office.

Save Our State encourages everyone to research the candidates carefully and make informed decisions based upon that, and your own preferences.


From: Jeff Schwilk

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: 5/30/2010 9:13:47 AM
Subject: Chelene Nightingale Money Bomb - Memorial Day Weekend!

Chelene is the only candidate for Governor:

- Endorsed by two former conservative Presidential Candidates - Tom Tancredo and Chuck Baldwin.

- Endorsed by all the major Minutemen and secure borders groups in California.

- The original "Tea Party" candidate in this race.

- Who has spent the past 6 years as a volunteer Patriot group leader and activist working to secure our borders, stop illegal immigration, and promote conservative, Constitutional (small) Government.

- Chelene will be the only conservative candidate on the November ballot (Meg and Steve are both longtime liberals).

- Chelene will be the only candidate in the race after the Primary truly promoting our Patriot principles and pressuring the other candidates with OUR message and platform of freedom, liberty, and security.

Rim05 05-31-2010 06:54 PM

I do belive we are not supposed to indorse any candidate because we are a 501C org. If I am incorrect please correct me.
I do not indorse ANY ONE.

Eagle1 06-11-2010 07:08 AM

I saw that email also and of course I am not surprised that Mr Schwilk is speaking on behalf of all other groups.

This has been a tendency since the formation of the "Patriot Coalition" put together by Chelene Nightingale and its unelected leader Jeff Schwilk.

I never had a cross word with Mr Schwilk and liked him until I ran into some unpleasantness with Chelene and boom!!! There was Jeff angrier than a hornet that I had dared to say anything that might reflect badly upon his queen.

So angered was Jeff that he posted his anger towards me on his SDMM website.

When I looked at that section of his site i noticed a number of patriotic activists also receiving the Schwilk treatment.

If you want to see this take a look at the following link:

Of course all of that was preceded by Jeff's email to me declaring me an "F*****g" coward and such. Did I ever say anything bad about Jeff or even criticize him? No.

Barbara Coe of CCIR also declared me to be a traitor and wondered how much I had been paid to "sabotage" the Nightingale campaign for the governorship of California. I had donated lots of money to CCIR in years past, and never criticized Barb Coe but once again loyalty to Chelene trumped Barb's good judgement. So there it is. The only reason these patriotic activists, Jeff and Coe now hold me in great disdain is because of my unfortunate situation with Chelene and because of a few comments I had written and made about Nightingale. I never have said a bad thing about Barb or Jeff. They have both done a great service for the people of the USA and should be commended by them.

The disturbing thing is that how could either of these two assume that any action was necessary to defeat the Nightingale campaign? Any fool can see that the AIP just doesn't have the cash nor the clout to make a difference in California. The Nightingale campaign has been doomed from the beginning by virtue of the AIP's near non existent status among Californians.

I never ran a sabotage campaign against Nightingale. I understood from the beginning that it would fail.

Of interest is the heavy handedness used by her supporters to shut off any dissent...particularly from this site.

Looks to me like a disregard for the first amendment rights of others prompted by uncontrolled paranoia and a desire to look before the public as something other than what one truly is. ;)

Ayatollahgondola 06-11-2010 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 10002)
I saw that email also and of course I am not surprised that Mr Schwilk is speaking on behalf of all other groups.

This has been a tendency since the formation of the "Patriot Coalition" put together by Chelene Nightingale and its unelected leader Jeff Schwilk.

I never had a cross word with Mr Schwilk and liked him until I ran into some unpleasantness with Chelene and boom!!! There was Jeff angrier than a hornet that I had dared to say anything that might reflect badly upon his queen.

So angered was Jeff that he posted his anger towards me on his SDMM website.

When I looked at that section of his site i noticed a number of patriotic activists also receiving the Schwilk treatment.

If you want to see this take a look at the following link:

Of course all of that was preceded by Jeff's email to me declaring me an "F*****g" coward and such. Did I ever say anything bad about Jeff or even criticize him? No.

Barbara Coe of CCIR also declared me to be a traitor and wondered how much I had been paid to "sabotage" the Nightingale campaign for the governorship of California. I had donated lots of money to CCIR in years past, and never criticized Barb Coe but once again loyalty to Chelene trumped Barb's good judgement. So there it is. The only reason these patriotic activists, Jeff and Coe now hold me in great disdain is because of my unfortunate situation with Chelene and because of a few comments I had written and made about Nightingale. I never have said a bad thing about Barb or Jeff. They have both done a great service for the people of the USA and should be commended by them.

The disturbing thing is that how could either of these two assume that any action was necessary to defeat the Nightingale campaign? Any fool can see that the AIP just doesn't have the cash nor the clout to make a difference in California. The Nightingale campaign has been doomed from the beginning by virtue of the AIP's near non existent status among Californians.

I never ran a sabotage campaign against Nightingale. I understood from the beginning that it would fail.

Of interest is the heavy handedness used by her supporters to shut off any dissent...particularly from this site.

Looks to me like a disregard for the first amendment rights of others prompted by uncontrolled paranoia and a desire to look before the public as something other than what one truly is. ;)

Chelene makes promises she can't keep to people she needs something from to keep herself afloat, and when the promise comes due, her solution is to bite the person she promised, and tell everyone she hopes to keep within her graces, that she was forced to to do so because that person had done something terribly wrong. She can then act the wounded dove to her next round of supporters, and also not have to face the one promised everyday, 'cause,...well, they are the enemy hell bent on destroying everything everyone has worked so hard for.

Rim05 06-12-2010 10:52 PM

I will only say one thing and that is, to me it is just plain a sick individual/individauls to smear all of the people you do not like. Just what has Jeff done except clean up the free ways and smear others? 06-12-2010 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 10002)
Barbara Coe of CCIR also declared me to be a traitor and wondered how much I had been paid to "sabotage" the Nightingale campaign for the governorship of California.

Well, you've clearly performed superior quality sabotage because the campaign has no chance in November.


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 10030)
I will only say one thing and that is, to me it is just plain a sick individual/individauls to smear all of the people you do not like. Just what has Jeff done except clean up the free ways and smear others?

He got himself hauled into court on multiple occasions and learned that a valid judgment creditor can't directly attach his retirement benefits from the military.

Eagle1 06-14-2010 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 10031)
Well, you've clearly performed superior quality sabotage because the campaign has no chance in November.
He got himself hauled into court on multiple occasions and learned that a valid judgment creditor can't directly attach his retirement benefits from the military.

I noticed that like myself, Davi and Markham Robinson you were sent the following email by: "El Commandante" Jeff Schwilk:
Jeff Schwilk to Davi, Sam, Mark and me
Hey punks! Keep bashing Chelene with your petty bullshit and lies, she just keeps getting stronger and stronger! We know who (and what) you are and so does the entire Patriot movement in California.

Grow up and STFU! Your boy Marky lost bad. Chelene is the people's choice, period. If you show up at her events or our events, expect to be dealt with like the mentally disturbed goons that you are. That's a promise!
This was my reply to the "Leader" of the SoCal Patriot Coalition:
Frank Jorge to Jeff Schwilk

You know what dude? We are done.
Your immaturity is insufferable.
Don't waste your time emailing me.
Get a life.


It appears that someone has been reading everything we post and they just can't stand to see anything that is not a glowing praise of their candidate.

So what to do? Call Jeff and he will try to intimidate grown adults by resorting to name calling and threatening to "do something to you".

My opinion of Mr Schwilk has been adjusted by his actions. I have received a number of his emails insulting me for no reason other than his allegiance to Nightingale.

Mr Schwilk, whom I once respected is a complete nobody as far as I am concerned. His third grade bully boy threats reveal him to be an individual incapable of resolving problems rationally or respecting others.
And this folks, is the "leader" of the SoCal Patriot Coalition.

I do not know what he has been told and I don't care at this point.
If he thinks he can come up to me and destroy me let him try.

As for any real information regarding the Jorge vs Nightingale case held in Mojave California, in order to dispel any lies or rumors regarding what went on
you may, as can anyone else, request the courts' decision, transcripts and an audio recording of that event since these are public documents.

I don't have the time or inclination to get those but if anybody else wants to have at it! Post it some place where Schwilk can read it since he has only heard what someone wanted him to know.

When the November election rolls around Ms Nightingale may get approx 100,000-200,000 votes if she is lucky and then she and Jeff will have to deal with reality. Either Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown will be the new Governor of California.

I have already been warned by Jeff that if I post anything regarding Chelene that things will get "real interesting", to quote him. Here is that email:
I heard about your childish tantrum in court and your threats and harassment of Chelene and her family. We got your number, "dude"!

Keep posting your bullshit and things will get a whole lot more interesting. Chelene is loved by millions of real Patriots who will not put up with you and your amigo's crap.

Move on and grow up!
Yup! That's El Commandante Jeff barking out the orders! We must obey or face annihilation.

If this woman is loved by millions how in hell did she get a measly 17,000 votes? I guess folks forgot to vote for her.

Jeffy boy if you ever see me don't be shy...come on up and let's get real!:D

Jeanfromfillmore 06-14-2010 01:26 AM

What I do find rather amusing is that Markham Robinson, Chelene's opponent, didn't campaign, didn't spend a cent to campaign and received close to what Chelene Nightingale received. Yet "her campaign buddies" are bragging about the amount of bang Chelene got for her bucks.

Ayatollahgondola 06-14-2010 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 10078)
As for any real information regarding the Jorge vs Nightingale case held in Mojave California, in order to dispel any lies or rumors regarding what went on
you may, as can anyone else, request the courts' decision, transcripts and an audio recording of that event since these are public documents.

You know how much a busy body I am when it comes to records like these. I ordered them up soon after they became available ;)

Eagle1 06-14-2010 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 10083)
You know how much a busy body I am when it comes to records like these. I ordered them up soon after they became available ;)

Good! I don't know where you will post those but making them accessible will allow folks to make up their own minds as to what the ruckus is all about and they can make make a personal evaluation of who is right or wrong.

If Mr Schwilk thinks he is helping the Nightingale campaign by badgering people and trying to silence them he is very mistaken.

If anything he will be the reason that the Nightingales find themselves in even deeper trouble as they are chased by attorneys representing other creditors.

I was too considerate with the Nightingale campaign. I took care to not have Chelene served at any of her rallies and posting a video of the process for everyone to see. I tried very hard to avoid doing that and I was
successful in not giving in to anger that would have brought that about.

I am not going to do anything to harm Chelene's dead before it began campaign. I don't have to.

Now all I have to do is to see if Jeff will push me into some final justice that will really damage the Nightingale's future.

There are consequences for trifling with peoples freedom of expression. All the banter and sharp tongued rhetoric commanding people here to "STFU",
as El Commandante Jeff indelicately put it, will have some very dark consequences in the legal arena for his "friend".

You shouldn't screw with people that are trying to be nice.:):):)

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