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Jeanfromfillmore 02-12-2011 11:59 AM

California wants lesbians as mandatory 'role' models
California wants lesbians as mandatory 'role' models
Family advocates call plan 'worst school sexual indoctrination ever'
Lawmakers in the state of California are proposing a law that would require schools to portray lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals and those who have chosen other alternative sexual lifestyles as positive role models to children in all public schools there.
"SB 48: The worst school sexual indoctrination ever" is how officials with the Campaign for Children and Families describe the proposal, SB 48, sponsored by state Sen. Mark Leno.
Openly homosexual, Leno boasts on his website of founding a business with his "life partner, Douglas Jackson," who later died of AIDS complications.
That description as "worst" is considerable, considering the Campaign for Children and Families was a key player in the battle in the state in 2007 and 2008 over a variety of laws that now forbid any "adverse" portrayal of those alternative sexual choices in school, class, curriculum and by teachers.
On its website, the organization explains the plan by "homosexual activist" Leno "would require all students in social studies class to admire 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender' role models.
"The Democrat state legislators pushing this radical bill want to recruit boys and girls to support the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda, personally and publicly," the organization's Action Alert explains.
"They want them to become 'LGBTIQ' activists [and] help trample religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, business-owner rights, private property rights, the Boy Scouts, and everything else you hold dear."
Equality California, an organization that advocates for homosexuality, said others sponsoring the plan include Sen. Christine Kehoe, D-San Diego; Assembly member Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco; Assembly member Toni Atkins, D-San Diego; Assembly member Rich Gordon, D-San Mateo; and Assembly member Ricardo Lara, D-East Los Angeles.
On his state website, Leno expressed his worry: "Most textbooks don't include any historical information about the LGBT movement, which has great significance to both California and U.S. history.
"Our collective silence on this issue perpetuates negative stereotypes of LGBT people and leads to increased bullying of young people. We can't simultaneously tell youth that it's OK to be yourself and live an honest, open life when we aren't even teaching students about historical LGBT figures or the LGBT equal rights movement," he said.
He said it is confirmed that where schools promote homosexual lifestyles, those who exhibit that lifestyle "are treated more fairly by their teachers and peers."
But the Campaign for Children and Families, which teaches people to stand up for "what's right in God's sight" and encourages them to challenge "liberal forces" and "impact the next generation," is promoting a campaign to have state residents contact state officials with their own concerns
The message warns that if the plan becomes law, "children as young as kindergarten will be taught to admire homosexuality, same-sex 'marriages,' bisexuality, and transsexuality.'"
"Children will be enticed into political activism in support of everything pushed by 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning' political groups, as the bill requires 'particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society.'"
Further, it would require that "teachers will be made to positively portray homosexuality, same-sex 'marriages,' bisexuality, and transsexuality … because to be silent opens them up to the charge of 'reflecting adversely.'"
"This is radical, in-your-face sexual indoctrination that parents genuinely don't want and children certainly don't need," the statement says.
The California Legislative Counsel's commentary on the plan affirms it would "require instruction in social sciences to also include a study of the role and contributions of Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, European Americans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans … to the development of California and the United States."
It also would require "alternative and charter schools" to "take notice of the provisions of this bill."
The law itself requires that schools teach "particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society."
The Campaign for Children and Families, run by executive Randy Thomasson, notes that it would demand that school boards select textbooks and other materials that actively promote homosexuality, because to be silent "opens them up to charges of 'reflecting adversely.'"
It also notes parents would not be able to exempt their children from the mandatory teaching.
Thomasson told WND that this is the next progression following a multitude of earlier laws adopted in California that serve the dual purpose of cracking down on traditional families and promoting the "alternatives."
"The California public schools are no longer safe places for boys and girls morally," he told WND. "This new bill, SB 48, reflects the desire of the Democrat state legislators to recruit boys and girls to support the homosexual-bisexual-transsexual agenda both personally and publicly."
Under the law, he said, "textbooks, teachers and school boards will be forced to promote homosexuality, same-sex 'marriage,' bisexuality, transsexuality, sex change operations, cross dressing as positive role models."
"Pushing this slop bucket in the face of impressionable kids is disgusting to most people," he said.
It was just two years ago when the Campaign launched the Rescue Your Child effort to encourage parents to withdraw their children from public schools because of such indoctrination.
That followed work by the legislature and then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to establish Senate Bill 777 and Assembly Bill 392 as law. Those institutionalized the promotion of homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism and other alternative lifestyle choices by banning any "adverse" references in schools.
At the time, officials said SB 777 "functionally requires public school instructional materials and school-sponsored activities to positively portray cross-dressing, sex-change operations, homosexual 'marriages,' and all aspects of homosexuality and bisexuality, including so-called 'gay history.'"
The second bill, AB 394, "requires public schools to distribute controversial material to teachers, students, and parents which promotes transsexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality, all under the guise of 'anti-harassment' training."
Those laws ban in any school texts, events, class or activities any discriminatory bias against those who have chosen alternative sexual lifestyles, according to Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Institute.
But there are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs. Offenders will face the wrath of the state Department of Education, up to and including lawsuits.
California also has mandated that public schools honor Harvey Milk – a homosexual activist and reported sexual predator, as well as an advocate for Jim Jones, leader of the massacred hundreds in Jonestown, Guyana. led a statewide battle against "Harvey Milk Day" before California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the S.B. 572.
The bill designates May 22 – Milk's birthday – a date of "special significance" and encourages all California public schools to "conduct suitable commemorative exercises … remembering the life of Harvey Milk and recognizing his accomplishments as well as the contributions he made to this state."

Read more: California wants lesbians as mandatory 'role' models

Kathy63 02-15-2011 07:06 AM

Home school or private school.

Patriotic Army Mom 02-15-2011 07:20 AM

This is probably why so many young teenagers are stating that they are bisexual. It's an epidemic and makes me sick.

Twoller 02-15-2011 09:30 AM

A solution, but not the only solution, is better sex education. We need to completely demystify the sexual act for students who are ready to be exposed to this information. Once students have it explained how the opposite sex functions in the sexual act, then homosexuality emerges as an aberrent sexual activity and orientation. Homosexuality makes no erotic sense, even to a teenager who is bound to understand the role of eroticism in sex and sexual reproduction once they are exposed to knowledge about the opposite sex. Typically, they understand their own eroticism by now and if they don't, this is another inadequacy that makes them vulnerable to homosexual recruitment. Homosexuality as it is manifesting itself as a political front in the public school system emerges as a cult and cult like behavior. Even a teenager could see this.

Homosexuals could have no arguments against such education. Everyone should have an understanding of how the opposite sex functions sexually. It is just too basic to not just human existence, but biological existence itself. This education would be the "birds and the bees", but with no mysteries, nothing left out.

Ayatollahgondola 02-16-2011 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 14337)
Once students have it explained how the opposite sex functions in the sexual act, then homosexuality emerges as an aberrent sexual activity and orientation. Homosexuality makes no erotic sense, .

Unfortunately it does make sense, but only to those who feel that way. For what ever it is that compels them, that is the way they feel, and no amount of education is going to sway them. Your logic probably does apply to those who are still inclined to be attracted to members of the opposite sex, but are being fed some propaganda that they should also consider an alternative. I am in agreement that sex ed in schools should only center around that which is basic and primarily scientific. Far too much emphasis and effort is being placed upon trying to forcibly interject on 100% of the class, that which only 10% or less of the students associate themselves with.

Ayatollahgondola 02-16-2011 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 14335)
This is probably why so many young teenagers are stating that they are bisexual. It's an epidemic and makes me sick.

I've always been more mystified by the bisexual claim than the homosexual one. Some people just cannot commit to anything:D
I've known a few people claiming the bisexual label. Some were just using it though, as they were primarily homosexual, but seemed to need some sort of attachment to the other side. A few others were of mixed genatalia, and it may have been a bit more understandable that they would have competing desires.
I was seeing one woman when I was young, and a friend mentioned to me that he saw her being rather close and as he explained, rather "kissy faced" with another girl at a nightclub. I confronted her immediately, and she did say that she had sexual relationships with women. I dumped her immediately. Simply amazed me that she didn't consider this cheating on me :mad:

Twoller 02-16-2011 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14353)
Unfortunately it does make sense, but only to those who feel that way. For what ever it is that compels them, that is the way they feel, and no amount of education is going to sway them. ...

The effort is not to sway anyone's sexual orientation, the effort for explicit education is to disarm and confuse homosexual propoganda and the derelict notion that homosexual relationships should be given the same social respect as heterosexual ones.


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14354)
I've always been more mystified by the bisexual claim than the homosexual one. Some people just cannot commit to anything:D


It helps to remember that anyone can particpate in homosexual behavior for any number of reasons. The whole notion of "sexual orientation" is just propoganda and utterly beside the point. Sexuality exists for purposes of heterosexuality alone. That's it. End of argument. It is part of the human reproductive strategy that human beings are so easily and readily aroused sexually. Most other animals and primates too rely more heavily on seasons and much narrower stimulus. But in the end heterosexuality sets the rules for people and everything else is vain imitation, however gratifying.

Homorphodites are something else entirely. This birth defect has nothing to do with homosexuality and also it is understood that homosexuality has no roots in any chemical, hormonal or genetic predisposition.

Twoller 02-16-2011 01:04 PM

My spelling is completely wrong. Try "Hermaphrodite" which is no longer used medically for some reason, perhaps to dignify the atrocity of transgender surgery. Now the term is "intersex". Here are Wikipedia's entries:



Bear Flag Republican 02-16-2011 08:59 PM

It's a deliberate attempt at depopulation. As for why so many young people claim to be bisexual, it's because gays have more rights than normal people, and it's a matter of convenience especially for the .. less than popular younger girls.

However ... the demasculinized men being portrayed as hot in the media, (bieber, and the whole lot, pop queers) and the hollywood culture are also part of it.
In essence, the powers that be want less people breeding.
Also, the oversexualization of our society has led to a lot of people who are simply ... slutty.
And that, I think is where the Bisexual label comes into it's primary function.
There exist a large percentage of young women who think it is morally right to have sex with everything remotely attractive.

Ayatollahgondola 02-17-2011 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican (Post 14365)
There exist a large percentage of young women who think it is morally right to have sex with everything remotely attractive.

Where were these girls when I was young?:o

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