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Jeanfromfillmore 03-21-2011 01:11 AM

Helen Thomas: Jews Control White House, Congress
Helen Thomas: Jews Control White House, Congress
Veteran US Journalist Helen Thomas said that Jews have "total control" over the White House and US Congress, telling Playboy magazine in an interview to be published in April, "Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies."

Thomas, who covered the White House for more than six decades, was forced to resign from her position at Hearst Corp. last year, after saying in an interview that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and "go home to Poland, Germany and the United States."

Thomas appeared to show no regret for last year's comments, reiterating in the Playboy interview her belief that "Israelis have the right to exist-but where they were born."

"Why shouldn't I say it? I knew exactly what I was doing-I was going for broke. I had reached the point of no return. You finally get fed up," Thomas said.

Thomas denied claims that she was anti-Jewish. "I think they're wonderful people. They had to have the most depth. They were leaders in civil rights. They've always had the heart for others but not for Arabs, for some reason. I'm not anti-Jewish; I'm anti-Zionist."

She explained her comment that Jews should go back to Poland and Germany meant "they should stay where they are because they're not being persecuted-not since World War II...If they were, we sure would hear about it." Thomas added that Jews "carry on the victimization. American people do not know that the Israeli lobbyists have intimidated them into believing that every Jew is a persecuted victim forever-while they are victimizing Palestinians."

When asked whether she believed their was a secret Jewish conspiracy at work in the US, Thomas stated that it is "not a secret. It's very open...Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There's total control."

ilbegone 03-21-2011 08:31 PM

This is nuts, and so is the woman.

Ayatollahgondola 03-21-2011 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 14871)
This is nuts, and so is the woman.

There's no evidence that she's right, or wrong

Bear Flag Republican 03-21-2011 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14873)
There's no evidence that she's right, or wrong

There's actually a lot of good evidence that she's right ...
kinda funny, the first amnesty claiming illegal immigrants to take over positions of power were the jewish-Americans fleeing those evil nazis, then turning around and showing hate to the predominantly teutonic white Americans, demanding they change their ways, quit having babies, and give millions of dollars in foreign aid to Israel ...

Twoller 03-21-2011 10:14 PM

It's one thing to be anti-Zionist. That's clever. But to say that Jews should leave Israel, they should all "go back" to places of historic persecution like Poland or Germany or anywhere in Europe is not rational.

If people like Helen Thomas oppose the existence of Israel, but swear off anti-semitism, then why is it necessary for Jews to leave Israel? Even if Israel were to cease to exist as a country, why should Jews have to leave?

She is not being rational and she knows that she is under no obligation to be rational. She is not being disciplined for what she said as much as for how she said it.

Anyone can be anti-Zionist, that's easy, but what is tough is dodging the issue of the historical persecution of the Jews in Europe and the Middle East.

Ayatollahgondola 03-21-2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 14879)
It's one thing to be anti-Zionist. That's clever. But to say that Jews should leave Israel, they should all "go back" to places of historic persecution like Poland or Germany or anywhere in Europe is not rational.

If people like Helen Thomas oppose the existence of Israel, but swear off anti-semitism, then why is it necessary for Jews to leave Israel? Even if Israel were to cease to exist as a country, why should Jews have to leave?.

'Cause they were illegals and anchor babies?

Bear Flag Republican 03-21-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 14879)
It's one thing to be anti-Zionist. That's clever. But to say that Jews should leave Israel, they should all "go back" to places of historic persecution like Poland or Germany or anywhere in Europe is not rational.

If people like Helen Thomas oppose the existence of Israel, but swear off anti-semitism, then why is it necessary for Jews to leave Israel? Even if Israel were to cease to exist as a country, why should Jews have to leave?

She is not being rational and she knows that she is under no obligation to be rational. She is not being disciplined for what she said as much as for how she said it.

Anyone can be anti-Zionist, that's easy, but what is tough is dodging the issue of the historical persecution of the Jews in Europe and the Middle East.

I don't see how they are at risk of being persecuted in germany when the government protects them, at the cost of free speech for it's citizens, going so far as to ban certain apolitical clothing lines in certain public forums?

ilbegone 03-21-2011 10:38 PM

So, what makes a Jew, birth or inherited religion?

The last time this distasteful discussion came up, I surfed some of the Jewish boards. One statement that struck me was to the effect that Jews are white until someone wants to round them up and murder them all.

A friend of mine is a Jew. She knows all about good bagels, lox, and all the good traditional Jewish food.

She is ignorant of the Jewish religion, has little money, no political influence of any sort, has never been to Israel or Europe. She is perhaps the most cheerful and helpful person I have ever met.

How does she fit into this discussion about "dispicable Jews"?

Ayatollahgondola 03-21-2011 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 14891)
How does she fit into this discussion about "dispicable Jews"?

Depends on how she feels about palestinians?

ilbegone 03-21-2011 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14892)
Depends on how she feels about palestinians?

She doesn't hate anybody, and I don't think she gives the nation of Israel much thought.

She's an American who grew up in California.

Ayatollahgondola 03-21-2011 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 14894)
She doesn't hate anybody, and I don't think she gives the nation of Israel much thought.

She's an American who grew up in California.

You sure she's a jew? Sounds more like a JINO :p

ilbegone 03-21-2011 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14896)
You sure she's a jew? Sounds more like a JINO :p

That goes back to the question - is a person a Jew by birth or inherited religion? Is it regardless of political belief or lack thereof?

To some people it won't matter in the same way that some believe everyone with a brown skin and Spanish last name is an illegal alien.

Ayatollahgondola 03-21-2011 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 14898)
That goes back to the question - is a person a Jew by birth or inherited religion? Is it regardless of political belief or lack thereof?

To some people it won't matter in the same way that some believe everyone with a brown skin and Spanish last name is an illegal alien.

On the first issue, I'm hardly an expert. However given the weak adherance to her stated faith, I'd say she's a more likely candidate for conversion. If she fights...maybe she's a jew by blood.:D

On the last issue....if it saves America from what are my biggest fears related to immigration; I'm willing to be deported too.;)

Bear Flag Republican 03-22-2011 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 14900)
On the first issue, I'm hardly an expert. However given the weak adherance to her stated faith, I'd say she's a more likely candidate for conversion. If she fights...maybe she's a jew by blood.:D

On the last issue....if it saves America from what are my biggest fears related to immigration; I'm willing to be deported too.;)

Man, you're cool. I'm probably a little more lax than many on this, having an immigrant grandmother who hates illegals ... but brown or white, as long as the only yellow you are is rattlesnake colour, and you ain't got red unless there's white next to it, you're alright by me. :P
I honestly care more about respect for this country than legal status.
Thing is, most people who respect it will at least TRY to get in legally ... it's like the Alan Jackson song, if you work hard and you're proud you do, we could use some more like me and you :)

ilbegone 03-22-2011 02:22 AM

My long term housemate confessed yesterday that she is prejudiced against Mexican nationals but tries to keep it in check.

However, it pissed her off when she was at the hospital the day before and a guy checking on his wife having a procedure being done made a scene in Spanish about needing a translator, and he stood around for a while before one appeared. Having been informed about his wife in Spanish, the man had a seat next to his buddy in the waiting room and the two commenced a long conversation in English. He spoke like a native Californian, like he learned English in the home as a child.

The man was an asshole.

And Elena's parents were both born in Mexico, and she understood every word the man and translator said in Spanish.

Half the stuff in and around my house has a Spanish nick name, the radio in her vehicle is tuned to a Nortena station, and we have all the cactus and chile plants and all the rest.

A few weeks ago we were coming home and she commented that "It looks like a bunch of wetbocks live here".

She grew up in a different time, and a lot of that stuff that the "Latino advocates" endlessly carp about as though talking about current events did happen.

However, the crap that a lot of the kids are parroting now about stolen lands and white racism is learned in American schools.

You can't judge the book by the cover, there are all kinds of animosities and other fractures between all those people "Latino advocates" forever refer to as "my people", the "Latino community" is hardly a monolithic construction. The only thing which will shove them together at least temporarily is the carefully cultivated perception of white racism. The kids have been told in both languages for the last thirty or forty years the "THE WHITE MAN IS OUT TO GET YOU.

And a lot of them believe it while most white Americans are either clueless about what's going on or have been propagandized into believing it as well.

Don 03-22-2011 05:57 AM

If you want to know who runs a country, ask this question:

Who are we not allowed to criticize?

Does this give you a clue? Helen Thomas. Rich Sanchez. Charlie Sheen. All gone within 72 hours after criticizing God's chosen people.

ilbegone 03-22-2011 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 14911)
If you want to know who runs a country, ask this question:

Who are we not allowed to criticize?

Does this give you a clue? Helen Thomas. Rich Sanchez. Charlie Sheen. All gone within 72 hours after criticizing God's chosen people.

That goes regardless.

The white comedian who went into a tirade onstage about "N@ggers" after a heckler got his goat will never appear on stage EVER AGAIN

Mel Gibson's drunken rant about Jews didn't do him in - it was his recorded, beyond venomous telephone conversation with his estranged wife.

As you would probably say at another time if the subject weren't about "Jews", "God's Chosen People" in America is just about everyone who isn't considered a protected class under the Civil Rights Act by far left interpretation.

And, as you have so indelicately pointed out so many times, that doesn't include you and I - but a white Russian woman calculatingly baiting a celebrity over the phone qualifies under the circumstances.

To toss out some names might be far more acceptable than simply describing a real or perceived problem as having been caused by "Jews". Which "Jews"? Are you broadly classifying and including everyone with certain genes, certain last names, a particular faith whether practiced or not, or are you using the word as a broad pejorative?

It's like the way a lot of people toss out the words "Mexican", "Latino", or "Hispanic", on any - or not - side of the immigration fight; those words are so broad and so inclusive and have so many contradictory definitions as to practically be meaningless. Just who are we really talking about when we use any of those words as well as "Jew"?

Twoller 03-22-2011 09:21 AM

The Jews are the native inhabitants of Israel. It is the Muslims that are the colonizers. Palestinian nationalism is nothing more than an anti-semitic cult. The Jews are not native to Europe. They shouldn't be obligated to return to Israel, they have more than justified their presence anywhere in the Diaspora, unlike the rot flooding into Europe, the US and just about everywhere else.

ilbegone 03-22-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 14918)
The Jews are the native inhabitants of Israel. It is the Muslims that are the colonizers. Palestinian nationalism is nothing more than an anti-semitic cult.

How so?

Jews and Palestinians are closely related genetically - they mostly have the same ancestors. European Jews have an admixture of genes from the Italian peninsula from about the first century, "Persian" Jews are a little closer related to Palestinians if I remember right.

Religion is incidental.

Basically it's a family fight that goes back thousands of years long before the time of Jesus.

And, who's to really tell?

I met a Professor from UCSD who's family linage goes back to the founding nof Santa Fe in the 1600s. Jews think he's Jewish, Arabs think he's Arab, white people think he's Mexican, and Mexicans think he's white. Maybe everyone's right to a certain extent. Prior to 1492 Spain was largely a collection of Muslim kingdoms for 700 years, and Jews played an important part in both Christian and Muslim kingdoms. Arabic was the language of both Christian and Arab courts, and Ferdinand and Isabella wore Aribic clothing as they oversaw the downfall of Grenada, the last arab kingdom in Spain. Spanish Jews and Arabs also came to the New World with assumed identities in a bid to escape the post 1492 Spanish inquisition.

LAPhil 03-23-2011 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 14911)
If you want to know who runs a country, ask this question:

Who are we not allowed to criticize?

Does this give you a clue? Helen Thomas. Rich Sanchez. Charlie Sheen. All gone within 72 hours after criticizing God's chosen people.

There he goes again, folks. It's always them damn JOOOOS!

Rim05 03-23-2011 06:36 PM


Bear Flag Republican 03-24-2011 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 14971)
There he goes again, folks. It's always them damn JOOOOS!

You know, he's at least making an intelligent argument as to what he thinks is a major problem affecting America adversely.
You're just belittling an American Patriot with anti-intellectualism and strawman arguments.
I'd offer to put it in simple words you can understand as "mentioning the fact that a certain number of wealthy zionists control the media and lobby congress heavily with that money for israel's interests, not American interests, does not mean one blames all jews for those same actions" but seeing as you're the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, I'm afraid you're too stupid to understand such an argument.
So how about this simple one: "he didn't mention jews, you did."
or how about an even better one:
If you like israel better than America, then f**K off home before we send you back.

LAPhil 03-24-2011 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican (Post 15023)
You know, he's at least making an intelligent argument as to what he thinks is a major problem affecting America adversely.
You're just belittling an American Patriot with anti-intellectualism and strawman arguments.
I'd offer to put it in simple words you can understand as "mentioning the fact that a certain number of wealthy zionists control the media and lobby congress heavily with that money for israel's interests, not American interests, does not mean one blames all jews for those same actions" but seeing as you're the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, I'm afraid you're too stupid to understand such an argument.
So how about this simple one: "he didn't mention jews, you did."
or how about an even better one:
If you like israel better than America, then f**K off home before we send you back.

You've got this all wrong. Don has a history of making blatantly anti-Semitic statements on this forum. He doesn't have to mention the Jews every time: it's quite obvious where he's coming from. And don't assume I equate anti-Semitism with being anti-Israel, because I assure you I know the difference. You're the one making the straw man argument when you say I'm the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, and frankly I find you rather disgusting for saying that. I'm not the stupid one here, you are.

Ayatollahgondola 03-24-2011 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican (Post 15023)
You know, he's at least making an intelligent argument as to what he thinks is a major problem affecting America adversely.
You're just belittling an American Patriot with anti-intellectualism and strawman arguments.
I'd offer to put it in simple words you can understand as "mentioning the fact that a certain number of wealthy zionists control the media and lobby congress heavily with that money for israel's interests, not American interests, does not mean one blames all jews for those same actions" but seeing as you're the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, I'm afraid you're too stupid to understand such an argument.
So how about this simple one: "he didn't mention jews, you did."
or how about an even better one:
If you like israel better than America, then f**K off home before we send you back.


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15024)
You've got this all wrong. Don has a history of making blatantly anti-Semitic statements on this forum. He doesn't have to mention the Jews every time: it's quite obvious where he's coming from. And don't assume I equate anti-Semitism with being anti-Israel, because I assure you I know the difference. You're the one making the straw man argument when you say I'm the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, and frankly I find you rather disgusting for saying that. I'm not the stupid one here, you are.

Everyone is a little bit right here. I doubt any of us are actually stupid. If we were, we'd be walking around with a smile on our face as our country and state goes to But instead, we are angry, hostile, and aggravated. I'd like to blame the jews, but then there's that pesky Catholic church (genuflecting) who is always lobbying for amnesty. I'd like to blame the democrats, but then there's republicans like McCain and ...waht's that other illegal lovers' name..._________________. I'd like to blame the bilderbergs, but then there's the small contractors that I've followed to single family homes after they've hired 3 illegals at the day labor center here. Suffice it to say that there are many suspects to blame. What I won't do is blame any of you....even if you blame me because I'm a half bred hispanic. Illegal is in my blood you know :p
We're not always going to love or like each other; It's natural to be suspicious too. Try not to let it halt your work in the immigration law enforcement area, or protecting our sovereignty.

ilbegone 03-24-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican

..."mentioning the fact that a certain number of wealthy zionists control the media and lobby congress heavily with that money for israel's interests, not American interests...

The solution to this "misunderstanding" is really simple - put forth names rather than broad labels.

By name, just exactly who controls the media and lobbies Congress for Israel's interest?

The statement =>"...a certain number of wealthy zionists..." <= doesn't mean shit. It's just a hollow suggestion. Might as well say "A certain number of xenophobic anti immigrant racists", it has the same obfuscated meaning.


an American Patriot
I've gotten to where I loath the word "patriot" which has several interlocked meanings and propagandist manipulations:


1) A "patriot" is someone who swallows every bit of crap shoveled his way by the "Patriot in chief".

2) A "patriot" is someone who hasn't been excommunicated or didn't leave when the shit got more than obviously deep.

3) A "patriot" is someone who doesn't think for himself and blindly follows someone else's agenda.

4) The more outlandish the agenda, the more "patriotic" the "patriot" is.

Don 03-30-2011 07:51 PM

The best evidence that she is right is the fact that within 72 hours after making these statements she was professionally destroyed.

A dumb goy like Mel Gibson who gets drunk and says unflattering things about God's chosen people is professionally destroyed. (What do Jews say about us when they get drunk?) By comparison, a nice Jewish boy like Roman Polanski drugs and rapes a 13 year old shiksa (i.e. Jewish slur for a gentile woman) and he is the toast of the town, i.e. Hebrewwood.

Ayatollahgondola 03-30-2011 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 15185)
The best evidence that she is right is the fact that within 72 hours after making these statements she was professionally destroyed.

A dumb goy like Mel Gibson who gets drunk and says unflattering things about God's chosen people is professionally destroyed. (What do Jews say about us when they get drunk?) By comparison, a nice Jewish boy like Roman Polanski drugs and rapes a 13 year old shiksa (i.e. Jewish slur for a gentile woman) and he is the toast of the town, i.e. Hebrewwood.

As I remember: If Polanski was the toast of town, it was not in a US town. He was a fugitive for quite some time. Most people are very unhappy in exile, and quite restricted by passport. Changing planes in a country with a treaty, and you could be on your way back to trial. And do child molesters really give a damn about the religious persuasion of their victims? Maybe some do, but my exposure to them indicates that it isn't a consideration at all.
I think you have circumstantial evidence of your theories on jewish control, but you'd never get a conviction in a court of law, let alone the court of public opinion. I'd challenge you to do the hard work first. Get the videos of secret meetings, and show us copies of documents drawn up with ring imprints on bees wax seals. I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong; I really don't know. But I don't fall for innuendo unless you're a member of my secret society. ;)


(What do Jews say about us when they get drunk?)
Who wants to hang out with drunks?

ilbegone 03-30-2011 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 15185)
The best evidence that she is right is the fact that within 72 hours after making these statements she was professionally destroyed.

A dumb goy like Mel Gibson who gets drunk and says unflattering things about God's chosen people is professionally destroyed. (What do Jews say about us when they get drunk?) By comparison, a nice Jewish boy like Roman Polanski drugs and rapes a 13 year old shiksa (i.e. Jewish slur for a gentile woman) and he is the toast of the town, i.e. Hebrewwood.

What you say doesn't mean shit either without some names; it's just a broad, suggestive generalization which says nothing definative.

I'll ask you the same to either put up or shut up:

By name, just exactly who controls the media and lobbies Congress for Israel's interest?

LAPhil 03-31-2011 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 15187)
I'll ask you the same to either put up or shut up:

I can pretty much guarantee you he won't. He'd rather just keep taking the cheap unsubstantiated shots. You can't reason with someone who's irrational.

Jeanfromfillmore 03-31-2011 11:52 AM

If this tread continues to be abrasive, it doesn't matter who is being abrasive, I'll close it.

I know the written word is sometimes misunderstood because the emphases and what one is trying to stress isn't always relayed to the reader, and as a result people get angry.

LAPhil 03-31-2011 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 15211)
If this tread continues to be abrasive, it doesn't matter who is being abrasive, I'll close it.

I know the written word is sometimes misunderstood because the emphases and what one is trying to stress isn't always relayed to the reader, and as a result people get angry.

What are you waiting for? It can't get too much worse than it is now.

ilbegone 03-31-2011 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 15211)
If this tread continues to be abrasive, it doesn't matter who is being abrasive, I'll close it.

I know the written word is sometimes misunderstood because the emphases and what one is trying to stress isn't always relayed to the reader, and as a result people get angry.


I'm not sure what you were trying to convey in the original cut and paste post. However, a lot of what has been presented after the originating post in this thread is very clear as to what the poster intended to relay.

I personally view this thread as it has evolved to be very distasteful and counter productive towards accomplishing the goal of true immigration reform. I truly wish it had never come up.

There is an extremely large difference between identifying culpable perpetrators and and the slanderous spray painting of innocent bystanders.

How much has the anti illegal immigration cause been successfully slandered in like fashion, with declarations by persons "on our side" such as posted in this thread to lend believability towards the charges?

It's not about being politically correct so much as as being scrupulously fair, honest and accurate about what is said and done.

Otherwise, there is no credibility and we lose.

Ayatollahgondola 03-31-2011 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15212)
What are you waiting for? It can't get too much worse than it is now.

Ah c'mon; We can argue without fear here, can't we? If we have to silence someone to win, what have we won?

LAPhil 03-31-2011 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15214)
Ah c'mon; We can argue without fear here, can't we? If we have to silence someone to win, what have we won?

I appreciate that attitude, AG. I just didn't care one way or the other, since the thread didn't seem to be going anywhere but downhill. Right now I'm just bewildered by the lack of activity on this board as a whole. When you look at the last thread on any topic it was hardly ever posted that day, which tells you how few posts there are. I guess this is off-topic, but that's partly what I'm reacting to here, my frustration at the failure of this organization to regenerate itself to what it once was. And I don't blame you for that, or Jean, or anyone else. I'm just at a loss to understand what's happened here.

Ayatollahgondola 03-31-2011 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15217)
Right now I'm just bewildered by the lack of activity on this board as a whole. When you look at the last thread on any topic it was hardly ever posted that day, which tells you how few posts there are. I guess this is off-topic, but that's partly what I'm reacting to here, my frustration at the failure of this organization to regenerate itself to what it once was. And I don't blame you for that, or Jean, or anyone else. I'm just at a loss to understand what's happened here.

Look inward Phil,

There are several threads going that have been updated this week, all having to do with recent action to keep the effort alive. The state capitol thread, the event at the student March in March, the SOS RADIO! Thread, ...I could go on and on, but I haven't seen much from you on those, so what's the difference between your frustration with this organization, your frustration with everyone else, and theirs with you? Not that there is any with you, but I was making a point.
We can lead to water, but we cannot make people drink. This other stuff is just enlightening and amusing in between time for me. Hell, I don't see the same thing Don does about the jewish brotherhood in LA, but I'd like to understand more, simply because then I might also understand why people don't get what I tell them about the mexican brotherhood and their agenda to dominate California. I'm not afraid of Don, nor am I worried about getting some sort of anti-semitic infection from him. Actually, I'm hoping he can learn from us too.

LAPhil 03-31-2011 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15218)
Look inward Phil,

There are several threads going that have been updated this week, all having to do with recent action to keep the effort alive. The state capitol thread, the event at the student March in March, the SOS RADIO! Thread, ...I could go on and on, but I haven't seen much from you on those, so what's the difference between your frustration with this organization, your frustration with everyone else, and theirs with you? Not that there is any with you, but I was making a point.
We can lead to water, but we cannot make people drink. This other stuff is just enlightening and amusing in between time for me. Hell, I don't see the same thing Don does about the jewish brotherhood in LA, but I'd like to understand more, simply because then I might also understand why people don't get what I tell them about the mexican brotherhood and their agenda to dominate California. I'm not afraid of Don, nor am I worried about getting some sort of anti-semitic infection from him. Actually, I'm hoping he can learn from us too.

I guess I haven't explained this too well. I understand that I personally play into the apathy by not participating as much myself. So yes, it's partly me, but there are also external factors which affect my attitude. In the "old days", if you remember, there were thousands of posts every day on any number of topics, and you couldn't help but stay interested. I found this board to be really inspirational, and I definitely think it was a factor in my more frequent activism back then. Even before SOS changed hands it was getting to the point where you might start a thread or make a post and not one person would answer you. After a while that gets pretty discouraging. I don't mean to imply that my passion for the illegal immigration issue is any less than it ever was, because it's not. It just seems a little bit lonely right now. I'm not saying it's a rational position, but it's the way I feel.

Ayatollahgondola 03-31-2011 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15219)
I guess I haven't explained this too well. I understand that I personally play into the apathy by not participating as much myself. So yes, it's partly me, but there are also external factors which affect my attitude. In the "old days", if you remember, there were thousands of posts every day on any number of topics, and you couldn't help but stay interested. I found this board to be really inspirational, and I definitely think it was a factor in my more frequent activism back then. Even before SOS changed hands it was getting to the point where you might start a thread or make a post and not one person would answer you. After a while that gets pretty discouraging. I don't mean to imply that my passion for the illegal immigration issue is any less than it ever was, because it's not. It just seems a little bit lonely right now. I'm not saying it's a rational position, but it's the way I feel.

It's not just here Phil; The posting and activism is down everywhere; the gun forums, the cop forums, the first amendment forums, all of them I am active on. It isn't SOS; It isn't the immigration law enforcement movement; I don't know what it is, but I'm not going to give in to it. When I feel that way, I just get out and do something. Even if it's a little something that people laugh at or ridicule. I figure my opposition is in the same condition, and I'm not opposed to kicking them when they're down. Try and cheer up, and consider my suggestion

LAPhil 04-01-2011 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15223)
It's not just here Phil; The posting and activism is down everywhere;

That's not what I'm been seeing, but I really don't want to belabor this anymore. It's not a very uplifting subject and I went off topic to begin with.

wetibbe 04-01-2011 05:20 AM

Not me.
Sorry Guys, but I didn't read this thread and I didn't post. Don't really know what has been said to any extent.

However, I think it is correct that postings everywhere are down as well as Patriot Group activity.

Now I do have a problem and I don't exactly understand it myself. I'm definitely an old time Republican and a conservative who has supported the party since childhood. And voted for every Republican President, since, and including, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Although basically I agree with the right wing media I can no longer listen to:

Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Laura Ingraham
Glenn Beck
Chris Wallace

And Monica Crowley is now on the short list. Along with Dick Morris.
Geraldo Rivera is on thin ice.

But I do listen to Bill O'Reilly and Charles Krauthammer. And sometimes Karl Rove.

My guess as to the falling interest of posters and Patriots may be: Burnout after so many years. And the changing tide in public opinion and gains in going after illegal aliens.

LAPhil 04-01-2011 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 15230)
Although basically I agree with the right wing media I can no longer listen to:

Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Laura Ingraham
Glenn Beck
Chris Wallace

And Monica Crowley is now on the short list. Along with Dick Morris.
Geraldo Rivera is on thin ice.

But I do listen to Bill O'Reilly and Charles Krauthammer. And sometimes Karl Rove.

My guess as to the falling interest of posters and Patriots may be: Burnout after so many years. And the changing tide in public opinion and gains in going after illegal aliens.

I think your last paragraph has some merit. BTW, since when is Geraldo Rivera right wing?

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