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Jeanfromfillmore 08-18-2011 03:26 PM

Media Conceal True Nature of “Flash Mob” Racial Violence
Media Conceal True Nature of “Flash Mob” Racial Violence
This is a special project of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism

Relying on documents made available exclusively through a Freedom of Information Act request, we can add another face to the growing picture of racial “flash mob” violence in America. It is a face that the media have concealed from public view.
This writer was forced to use the local Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to ascertain the facts about the racial identity of one of the victims of these attacks. The media concealed the identity of the white victim apparently because of misguided racial sensitivity.
What makes this even more startling is that it is just one of many examples of racial mob violence occurring around the country, without any comment from national figures such as President Obama or Attorney General Eric Holder. But if whites were attacking blacks in this manner, you can bet it would have already have become a national story worthy of comment from national political figures.
Consider these incidents:
• At the Wisconsin State fair, groups of black teens numbering anywhere from 25 to 100 “were targeting anyone who was white or appeared to look white,” and beating them, according to the local police chief. At least 18 people were injured, and 30 have been arrested.
• In Denver, couples leaving restaurants were being attacked by a group of black men with baseball bats.
• A young white man named Carter Strange had his skull fractured by a mob in South Carolina. He was attacked at random while jogging.
• A young white man named Dawid Strucinski was beaten into a coma by a mob in Bayonne, NJ.
• Anna Taylor, Emily Guendelsberger, and Thomas Fitzgerald were beaten to the ground and stomped in separate Philadelphia flash mobs.
• “Every weekend in July,” according to local news, “police have battled large, flash-mob beatings and vandalism” in Greensboro, NC.
• In a mostly-white suburb of Cleveland, witnesses reported large groups of young blacks walking through the streets, “shouting profanities and racial epithets,” and one man was viciously beaten while leaving a restaurant with his wife and friends.
• A young white lady named Shaina Perry was taunted and beaten by a black mob in Milwaukee who remarked “Oh, white girl bleeds a lot.”
The similarities among these attacks point to a trend: First of all, these are not run-of-the-mill crimes. They typically involve group attacks against defenseless, random victims who have no means to resist and did nothing to provoke their attackers. These flash mobs often stomp their victims even after they are down, as most of the news reports describe.
Then there are the racial similarities: The attackers are invariably black. Philadelphia’s mayor conceded as much when he condemned flash mobs, addressing the rioters with the charge, “You damaged your own race.” The victims are usually not black. Several qualifications are in order: It is clear that only a small number of black teens take part in these attacks. Blacks are more likely to be victims of violent crime than any other group due to black-on-black crime. Also, interracial crime is a fraction of all crime, and hate crime is an even smaller fraction of that. Nonetheless, these flash mobs are a social problem that needs to be addressed. If the races were reversed, we would be witnessing an outpouring of guilt of biblical proportions. Instead, the victims are white and we get an outpouring of ignominious silence. So far, precious few leaders in academia, politics, the legal system, or the media have spoken out directly against this troubling trend.
Far from being isolated incidents, violent flash mobs are part of an emerging social problem that turns the traditional story of American racism on its head. If opinion makers reported accurately about these flash mobs, most Americans would probably alter their views about racism and conclude that these flash mobs are the worst form of racial violence in our nation today. Not all of the flash mobs meet the strict criteria of a hate crime. However, they do represent a growing wave of racial violence.
The national media should acknowledge what a serious and potentially widespread social problem they are, but instead the press has concealed the racial aspect of this problem.
To take one particular example, in Chicago on June 14 of this year, the local media reported on a 15-year-old, without identifying his race, who was attacked and robbed by “a group of seven male teens,” all “black.” In a summer filled with mob violence, this story registered as another small blip in an alarming trend that has emerged across the country. However, the June 14 robbery was more troubling than most of the other flash mob attacks: One of the attackers that day had a gun.
Following their official policy of self-imposed PC censorship, the local media didn’t mention the race of the victim. Thankfully, the Chicago Police Department replied to my Freedom of Information Act request and provided that information in a redacted version of the incident report. It should not surprise anyone that the victim on June 14 was white. (These FOIA documents are attached to this column).
I can hear the chorus of complaints asking, “Why does race matter?” That question is usually asked with a tone of consternation, as if the person asking the question has determined that race must not matter and is refusing to consider race.
‘It’s not about race!’ some will say. People are people, and crime is about bad people doing bad things—or good, poor people whose social conditions drove them to beat people. But these mob attacks are most certainly about race, and there is only one specific type of person committing these attacks. In Chicago, and around the country, flash mob attacks have been committed by blacks, apparently without exception.
Not every interracial crime has racial significance. Sometimes a fight is just a fight, a robbery is just a robbery, a mob is just a mob. But when there is a trend of racial victimization and a stark racial component in the participants of the attacks, then there is racial significance. We are fully justified to be concerned with the racial aspect of flash mobs, given the larger context of the flash mob phenomenon in Chicago—to take only one example—this year.
The flash mobs in Chicago began with flash mob robberies in January when groups of teens shoplifted at three separate stores along Michigan Avenue. In February, Loyola University warned students and staffers about “flash mob offenders” stealing items from nearby stores. In April 2011, a group of 70 “youths” ransacked a McDonald’s and “created a disturbance” according to a news report.
Then, on Memorial Day weekend, the cultural enrichment turned ugly. A witness told Chicago’s NBC local affiliate that mobs of “animals,” as the witness described them, “were being rude and abusive and throwing trash around and defecating…” Other witnesses reported that “gangbangers” were pushing people off their bikes.
In June, the attackers showed up armed. In robberies on June 5, between eight and 15 teens boarded a bus without paying and “began hitting people,” according to the Chicago Tribune. Three of those teens were charged with armed robbery, one with unlawful use of a weapon.
The most publicized flash mob attacks took place when five non-blacks were attacked in one hour by a pack of 20 teens on the North Side. As of June 13, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that over 30 people had been arrested in the various mob attacks that month. Then, on June 14, the white 15-year-old was robbed at gunpoint by a group of blacks.
Not far away, the flash mobs could have reached an awful crescendo in Peoria. On June 24, a mob of at least 50 blacks teens were stopping traffic in the street, and “running wildly through yards and porches” in a quiet suburban neighborhood in what one witness described as a “show of force.” Another witness says that a black teen yelled out, “We’re gonna kill all the white people. This is our neighborhood.” In this context, a reasonable reporter would be acting appropriately to include the race of victims and attackers in group attacks.
However, when it comes to black-on-white crime, as Chicago Tribune editor Gerald Kern publicly admitted, “We do not reference race unless it is a fact that is central to telling the story.” In other words, the Tribune will not reference race. How will we know if a fact is central to a story unless we have context? We’ll never have context to understand racial violence if the media conceal racial facts. If we’re not told the race of victims and attackers, we can’t observe a pattern of behavior, and we will have no idea whether race is central to a story. The Tribune’s reporting is thus an Orwellian void that leaves us all less informed, and less safe.
But this is not unique. The Washington Post, New York Times, and L.A. Times join the Tribune in admitting that they have, in effect, a policy of not reporting race.
Whether or not a fact is “central to a story” is naturally a value judgment that says as much about the ideology of an editor as it does about the facts of a story. Needless to say, when the race of mob violence victims is white, a liberal editor will usually not find that fact “central” to a story.
White victimization in racial violence is an inconvenient fact for those who are dedicated to social justice, a dogma based on faith in perpetual white guilt. Journalism departments play their part in maintaining the dogma. We’re not going to remain addled with white guilt if we fully acknowledge anti-white crime. So liberals downplay white victims to maintain their traditional belief in monolithic white racism, the one tradition that liberals believe in maintaining.
If we are truly committed to “social justice,” however, we must acknowledge that concealing the facts about racial violence and other social problems leaves us endangered and intellectually impoverished. Refusing to face facts will inhibit finding a solution to the problem, and virtually guarantee that the problem will only get worse.

Don 08-18-2011 03:33 PM

The purpose of the civil rights movement was to relegate white people to second class citizenship, stripping them of their rights of freedom of association, driving them out of the public schools, legalizing anti-white racial discrimination (affirmative action) and ultimately declaring open season on whites for racially motivated violence by blacks and other non-white minorities.

This is the culmination of half a century of this kind of thing. Liberals defended black looters, arsonists and rioters in the 1960's and they will defend black lynch mobs today, in part by concealing the true facts of these incidents and then by defending the perpetrators when their identity is leaked out through the alternative news media.

Jeanfromfillmore 08-18-2011 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 17406)
The purpose of the civil rights movement was to relegate white people to second class citizenship, stripping them of their rights of freedom of association, driving them out of the public schools, legalizing anti-white racial discrimination (affirmative action) and ultimately declaring open season on whites for racially motivated violence by blacks and other non-white minorities.

This is the culmination of half a century of this kind of thing. Liberals defended black looters, arsonists and rioters in the 1960's and they will defend black lynch mobs today, in part by concealing the true facts of these incidents and then by defending the perpetrators when their identity is leaked out through the alternative news media.

Don, I wouldn't go so far as to say it was purposeful against Whites, I see it more as a consequence of "No good deed goes unpunished." But those who hide such racist actions do not want to acknowledge the unforeseen consequences of their actions in the first place. We have been so conditioned to ignore anything that is racist against Whites or point out anything that is negatively done by minorities that we actually pretend they don't exist. We pretend the emperor isn't naked!!!

Twoller 08-19-2011 07:53 AM

The core of the civil rights movement was African American based and was a war against the Jim Crow South and legal segregation, the lawful discrimination and isolation of African Americans in day to day existence and access to public places like drinking faucets and restrooms. Everything else derived from that and especially the fake civil rights movement among Mexicans in the US.

Flash mobs are efforts by organized crime to extend power over public places. It is similar to the anti-snitch movement we saw a while back. Flash mobs are organized crime and we should be looking for professional criminals at the roots of these events.

ilbegone 08-19-2011 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 17406)
The purpose of the civil rights movement was to relegate white people to second class citizenship, stripping them of their rights of freedom of association, driving them out of the public schools, legalizing anti-white racial discrimination (affirmative action) and ultimately declaring open season on whites for racially motivated violence by blacks and other non-white minorities.

This is the culmination of half a century of this kind of thing. Liberals defended black looters, arsonists and rioters in the 1960's and they will defend black lynch mobs today, in part by concealing the true facts of these incidents and then by defending the perpetrators when their identity is leaked out through the alternative news media.

What the civil rights movement was about was to make things right which were very wrong.

However, the pendulum swung too far the other way, which, instead of righting wrongs, merely rearranged the legal racial pecking order.

Kathy63 09-12-2011 08:45 AM

Whatever the reason for it, violence against whites is now acceptable. Defending one's self against that violence is racist.

Kathy63 09-12-2011 08:51 AM

Another one.

Then there was the West Indian Parade day that left 67 people in New York shot.

Jeanfromfillmore 09-12-2011 09:38 PM

Another one!!!

Don 09-12-2011 10:24 PM

This website documents black flash mobs and charts upsurge in 2011.

ilbegone 09-13-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 17660)
This website documents black flash mobs and charts upsurge in 2011.

I didn't go through it all, but I hit several links from Most didn't mention race, and one described a five man smash and grab robbery team - hardly a flash mob.

Don 09-14-2011 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 17664)
I didn't go through it all, but I hit several links from Most didn't mention race, and one described a five man smash and grab robbery team - hardly a flash mob.

I didn't check them all, but did you happen to find any white flash mobs attacking black people?

ilbegone 09-14-2011 06:35 PM


I didn't check them all, but did you happen to find any white flash mobs attacking black people?

scroll to about a third of the way down:


Wishing you and yours, meaningful evenings

Don 09-15-2011 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 17672)

scroll to about a third of the way down:

Yeah...that was in 1923.. Couldn't you find anything more recent than that?

ilbegone 09-15-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 17673)
Yeah...that was in 1923.. Couldn't you find anything more recent than that?

I'd say somewhere between 1940 and 1960.

However, it's a current sentiment among some. There wasn't an internet when that picture was taken, but it's up now with a suggestion of how things should be, and could be if there weren't prosecutions for such now - and it's on THE WHITEST WEBSITE ON EARTH.

I rather thought that such a thing would be up your social alley, right along with the freedom to not associate, there's even a phone number you can call to get in on all the white only fun that can be had.

And I say go for it. Any business, organization or neighborhood which isn't 100% white, boycott it - including any source of income you may enjoy.

You may be living by yourself in a cave while dining on guano, but maybe you would be happy.

Don 09-15-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 17679)
I'd say somewhere between 1940 and 1960.

However, it's a current sentiment among some. There wasn't an internet when that picture was taken, but it's up now with a suggestion of how things should be, and could be if there weren't prosecutions for such now - and it's on THE WHITEST WEBSITE ON EARTH.

I rather thought that such a thing would be up your social alley, right along with the freedom to not associate, there's even a phone number you can call to get in on all the white only fun that can be had.

And I say go for it. Any business, organization or neighborhood which isn't 100% white, boycott it - including any source of income you may enjoy.

You may be living by yourself in a cave while dining on guano, but maybe you would be happy.

Tens of millions of white people feel the same way I do about the savages who have taken over American cities and now form "flash mobs" to rob and attack the few white people who don't have the income or the good sense to get the Hell out. For decades, these tens of millions of whites have fled the inner cities to white suburbs and white schools where they could be found. This is called "White Flight." Maybe you heard of it.

Neutered by "political correctness" and minority "civil rights" vigilantes, most contemporary Whites are forced keep their true feelings to themselves to avoid being fired from their jobs or otherwise persecuted by the authorities for being "racis." For for more than half a century, however, millions of neutered whites have voted with their feet and fled as far away from minority infested slums as their incomes and the freeways would take them.

Minorities and their "fellow travelers" like you always defend minority thugs by making some bogus moral equivalency argument such as ... "whites once lynched blacks so it is now OK for black flash mobs to attack white people."

I can only hope that you will some day have the good fortune to be hunted down and beaten by one of those black flash mobs you have defended so passionately. When they're beating, stomping and kicking you to a pulp, you can tell them that you always defended them and insulted white people when you had the chance.

I'm sure they will have as much respect for your statements as I do.

Rim05 09-16-2011 04:14 AM


Minorities and their "fellow travelers" like you always defend minority thugs by making some bogus moral equivalency argument such as ... "whites once lynched blacks so it is now OK for black flash mobs to attack white people."
How long do you think White people, or any other color, can keep their foot on the throat of Black people? You sound so proud of keeping them 'in their place'.

About the only thing I can think of for you is "get a rope for your self. This is 2011 and the world is not 1930 any more. Law inforcement should take care of the mobs. NO, I DO NOT THINK MOBS OF ANY COLOR ARE GOOD."

Twoller 09-16-2011 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 17686)
About the only thing I can think of for you is "get a rope for your self. This is 2011 and the world is not 1930 any more. Law inforcement should take care of the mobs. NO, I DO NOT THINK MOBS OF ANY COLOR ARE GOOD."

Flash mobs are the spiritual and political successor to lynch mobs.

Jeanfromfillmore 09-16-2011 12:36 PM

Everyone, please try to keep things civil and remember to: Attack the opinions and NOT the person. We all have different views of the world around us due to our experiences and as a result, our opinions vary to some degree.

That does not make any our our thoughts less or more valuable than the next guy. I'm not your referee and I won't take sides, just reminding everyone that comments are not to attack "the person" they are to address the opinion.

Ayatollahgondola 09-16-2011 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 17682)
I can only hope that you will some day have the good fortune to be hunted down and beaten by one of those black flash mobs you have defended so passionately. When they're beating, stomping and kicking you to a pulp, you can tell them that you always defended them and insulted white people when you had the chance.

I'm sure they will have as much respect for your statements as I do.

Don, c'mon....
RIM has stood alongside SOS at protests and events, and I don't see that she has it in for white people. It's not looking well upon you to wish the same misfortune on her that you denounce as a whole.

Ayatollahgondola 09-16-2011 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 17682)
Neutered by "political correctness" and minority "civil rights" vigilantes, most contemporary Whites are forced keep their true feelings to themselves to avoid being fired from their jobs or otherwise persecuted by the authorities for being "racis." For for more than half a century, however, millions of neutered whites have voted with their feet and fled as far away from minority infested slums as their incomes and the freeways would take them.

No one forces them to keep "their true feelings" to themselves. It is quite possible they don't think it's worth complaining about, or they just may not care enough about what is happening. In any case; you're almost saying being white is inherently meek. All's I can say is that anyone failing to take a stand or speak their mind does not have much to complain about in regards to their situation. I'd also point out that millions of mexicans have voted with their feet too; doesn't this make your treasured white race equivilent to latinos in that regard now?

I wonder how many of the white people you speak about here would elect you as their spokehole. I doubt it's as many as you currently claim to speak for now.

ilbegone 09-16-2011 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 17682)
Tens of millions of white people feel the same way I do about the savages who have taken over American cities and now form "flash mobs" to rob and attack the few white people who don't have the income or the good sense to get the Hell out. For decades, these tens of millions of whites have fled the inner cities to white suburbs and white schools where they could be found. This is called "White Flight." Maybe you heard of it.

Neutered by "political correctness" and minority "civil rights" vigilantes, most contemporary Whites are forced keep their true feelings to themselves to avoid being fired from their jobs or otherwise persecuted by the authorities for being "racis." For for more than half a century, however, millions of neutered whites have voted with their feet and fled as far away from minority infested slums as their incomes and the freeways would take them.

Minorities and their "fellow travelers" like you always defend minority thugs by making some bogus moral equivalency argument such as ... "whites once lynched blacks so it is now OK for black flash mobs to attack white people."

I can only hope that you will some day have the good fortune to be hunted down and beaten by one of those black flash mobs you have defended so passionately. When they're beating, stomping and kicking you to a pulp, you can tell them that you always defended them and insulted white people when you had the chance.

I'm sure they will have as much respect for your statements as I do.

Here is the difference, Don:

No pun intended, but you see the world in black and white, or more to the point black versus white.

It has been noted on this website about black flight from the city for those who have the means to do so, only to be followed by publicly funded welfare cases who bring some of the cockroaches with them.

I've worked in those neighborhoods, where there are decent people who are victimized and intimidated by gang banging assholes, and they can't get out. But, to you, they are all the same person.

How much chance between being kicked by a mule and struck by a meteorite is there for the average American of any race to experience this:


I can only hope that you will some day have the good fortune to be hunted down and beaten by one of those black flash mobs...
I've been through two attempted robberies, a fight provoked by complete stranger who had an accomplice standing behind me so they could kick the living shit out of me for the anonymous fun of it, a drunk asshole who tried to stab me over really stupid shit, a cop I had never seen before and had not provoked from a different agency than the arresting appeared through a door and kicked me around a booking room while cuffed with apparent sadistic glee, and more like stupid shit which went on during a bad time in my life.

Not a bit of it had to do with a "black flash mob" organized via twitter.

But, it's all about minority "savages" and "greasy hand Jews" with you, isn't it?

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