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wetibbe 01-08-2011 10:41 AM

Gabrielle Giffords Shot At Arizona Safeway During Public Event.
Along with 5-6 others, 11 wounded.

Ayatollahgondola 01-08-2011 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 13926)

No, they're reporting that she's not dead now. She's still alive

Live coverage:

Rim05 01-08-2011 11:14 AM

This is so sad. What did she do that was so bad. I have heard her name but don't really know anything about her.

I am wondering if the shooter was apprended.
How useless.

Ayatollahgondola 01-08-2011 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 13928)
This is so sad. What did she do that was so bad. I have heard her name but don't really know anything about her.

I am wondering if the shooter was apprended.
How useless.

Yes, the shooter was apprehended by a bystander at the scene.

Giffords won her seat in a close race with a TEA party candidate last year. She was supposedly a pro-gun congressmember, but not highly regarded by the NRA. Likewise, she was stated as a pro border control member, but not at all highly regarded within hard liner groups because she voted against the border fence, and was not overly sympathetic after the killing of Roger Krantz near his ranch

Twoller 01-08-2011 01:04 PM

Here is a link to her Wikipedia page:

She seems pretty conservative for a democrat. There are only two things that I see that might draw gunfire. She's Jewish and she voted to fund stem cell research:



Member of the U.S. House of Representatives

Representative Gabrielle Giffords in 2008.Following the September 2006 election, Giffords was sworn in as a congresswoman on January 3, 2007. She was the third woman in Arizona's history to be elected to serve in the U.S. Congress. In her inaugural speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, Giffords advocated a comprehensive immigration reform package, including modern technology to secure the border, more border patrol agents, tough employer sanctions for businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants, and a guest-worker program. In her first month in office, Giffords voted in favor of increased federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research, raising the minimum wage, endorsing the 9/11 Commission recommendations, new rules for the House of Representatives targeting ethical issues, and the repeal of $14 billion of subsidies to big oil companies, in favor of renewable energy subsidies and the founding of the Strategic Renewable Energy Reserve.

During the 2007 session of Congress, Giffords introduced a bill (H.R. 1441)[11] that forbids the sale of F-14 aircraft parts on the open market.[12] She also voted for the contentious May 2007 Iraq Emergency Supplemental Spending bill, saying, "I cannot, in good conscience, allow the military to run out of money while American servicemen and women are being attacked every day".[13]

Giffords is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition and the New Democrat Coalition. She is the only member of the U.S. Congress whose spouse, astronaut Mark E. Kelly, is an active duty member of the U.S. military.[14] She is also known as a strong proponent of solar energy as well as for her work to secure the United States border with Mexico.[15][16]





Giffords is pro-choice, with a 100% rating from NARAL.[28]

She is pretty weak on immigration:



Immigration and border security

Rep. Giffords with the Commandant of the Coast GuardArizona's 8th Congressional District is one of 10 in the country bordering Mexico. Giffords has stated that the Arizona SB1070 legislation is a "clear calling that the federal government needs to do a better job". [38] and saying that she hopes the legislation acts as a wake up call to the federal government. However, she stopped short of supporting the law itself, saying that it "does nothing to secure our border" and that "This law stands in direct contradiction to our past and, as a result, threatens our future." She also claimed that SB1070 kept Arizona from attracting students and businesses.[39]

On August 31, 2010 Congresswoman Giffords praised the arrival of National Guard troops on the border: "Arizonans have waited a long time for the deployment of the National Guard in our state. Their arrival represents a renewed national commitment to protecting our border communities from drug cartels and smugglers."[40]

Giffords worked to secure passage of the August 2010 bill to to fund more Border Patrol agents and surveillance technology for Arizona’s border with Mexico. The legislation passed the House of Representatives only to be sent back by the U.S. Senate with reduced funding. Ultimately a $600 million bill was passed and signed in to law. The bill was over $100 million less than Giffords fought for, but she said that “This funding signals a stronger federal commitment to protect those Americans who live and work near the border.”[41]

In 2008, Giffords introduced legislation that would have increased the cap on the H-1B visa from 65,000 per year to 130,000 per year.[42] If that was not sufficient, according to her legislation, the cap would have been increased to 180,000 per year.[43] The bill would have allowed, at most, 50% of employees at any given company with at least 50 employees to be H-1B guest workers.[44] A large number of H-1B visas are used by outsourcing companies, as five of the top ten users of the visa are regularly outsourcing corporations.[45] Giffords claimed the bill would help high-tech companies in southern Arizona, some of which rely on H1-B employees.[44] Giffords' bill was never voted on by the House of Representatives.


Jeanfromfillmore 01-08-2011 01:52 PM

These are some links to the shooter and his videos. The left is trying very hard to link this to the Teaparty and the right. But what he appears to be is more of an anarchist, the ANSWER type, but time will tell. He's a real nut!

Rim05 01-08-2011 04:26 PM

If I had to listen to that music in the first video I might go out and kill people too. It is totally nerve racking.

Thanks for the video. Fox reported very early that all his postings had been taken down.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-08-2011 05:22 PM

The media is already doing their spin. On CBS news they interviewed only Democrats and pounded in the left perspective. Of course they can justify it by saying it was a Democratic politician, but that's not why they're doing it. On ABC news they had a spokesperson in Tucson doing a typical "progressive" stance on this. This situation is a great vehicle for trying to guilt anyone into not speaking their mind.

The shooter was a nutjob. But that will get lost in all the spin both sides will use. The media started the spin right out of the gate.

retiredat44 01-08-2011 09:11 PM

watching the local news here in San Diego, the dooshbag Bob Filner is blaming the Tea Party and republicans.....he is so full of crap....

wetibbe 01-09-2011 04:33 AM

Her report card
Numbers USA scores:

She certainly doesn't have very many "passing grades".

My guess would be, at this time, that her career as a Congresswoman is probably over.

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has been seen and heard many times on TV spouting the typical liberal diatribe.

I concluded, early on, same as other posters here, that the Democrats and Liberals would make an effort to smear the opposition and hang a guilt trip on them. However, I also think that the current administration has done more to antagonize the citizens, infuriate them and really raise a huge amount of resentment.

Read more: Assassin's politics lean 'left wing, quite liberal'

Our political system is replete with assassins:

There have been multiple assassination attempts and plots on Presidents of the United States; there have been over 20 known attempts to kill sitting and former Presidents as well as Presidents-elect. Four attempts have resulted in sitting Presidents being killed: Abraham Lincoln (the 16th President), James A. Garfield (the 20th President), William McKinley (the 25th President) and John F. Kennedy (the 35th President). Two other Presidents were injured in attempted assassinations: former President Theodore Roosevelt, and then sitting President Ronald Reagan.

Although attempts have been made to prove that most American assassinations were politically motivated actions, carried out by rational men,[1] not all such assassinations and attempts have been undertaken for truly political reasons.[2] Some have been perpetrated by people of questionable mental stability, and a few were judged legally insane.[3][4] Since the successor to the presidency, the Vice President of the United States, usually is of the same political party as the President, the assassination of the President is unlikely to result in major policy changes. This may explain why political groups headed by rational leaders typically do not make such attacks.[5]

Contents [hide]
1 Assassinations
1.1 Abraham Lincoln
1.2 James A. Garfield
1.3 William McKinley
1.4 John F. Kennedy
2 Attempted assassinations
2.1 Andrew Jackson
2.2 Abraham Lincoln
2.3 Theodore Roosevelt
2.4 Franklin D. Roosevelt
2.5 Harry S Truman
2.6 John F. Kennedy
2.7 Richard Nixon
2.8 Gerald Ford
2.8.1 First assassination attempt
2.8.2 Second assassination attempt
2.9 Ronald Reagan
2.10 George H. W. Bush
2.11 Bill Clinton
2.12 George W. Bush
2.13 Barack Obama
3 Presidential deaths rumored to be assassinations
3.1 Zachary Taylor
3.2 Warren G. Harding
4 See also
5 Notes

, and more - John Lennon, and others. Then there is also Squeaky Frohm, Timothy McVeigh *( Oklahoma ), David Koresh *( Waco ), Randy Weaver, *( Ruby Ridge ), Native Americans at *( Wounded Knee ).

But I agree entirely with John Boehner, That is NOT the American way *( But it is the way of Homo Sapiens, all through history ).

I'm not surprised that it happened. The red flags were going up all over the place.

In 2009 Judge John M. Roll, *( also shot and killed Saturday 01-08-2010 ), ruled that the case Vicente v. Barnett could go forward. The $32 million lawsuit brought by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) against Arizona rancher Roger Barnett on behalf of 16 Mexican plaintiffs charged that the plaintiffs were assaulted, threatened, and held at gunpoint by Barnett and members of his family. After Roll's ruling and prompted by several talk-radio programs, he was the subject of hundreds of complaining phone calls and death threats and he and his family were under the protection of the U.S. Marshals Service for a month.[3][4][5] Roll declined to press charges when some of those who made threats were identified.[6]

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New E-mail:


Assassin's politics lean 'left wing, quite liberal'
'Communist Manifesto,' 'Mein Kampf,' listed as alleged gunman's favorite reads

Posted: January 08, 2011
5:22 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

"The Communist Manifesto" and Hitler's "Mein Kampf" were among the favorite reading materials of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in today's fatal shooting that reportedly left six dead and gravely injured a U.S. congresswoman.

Lougher, 22, listed those tomes among his favorites on his YouTube channel, in which he wrote that "conscience dreams" were a "great study" at his college, Pima Community College.

Understand what's happening to America's culture and what you can do to fight it with "How Evil Works," autographed, from the WND Superstore.

One user on Twitter, Caitie Parker, wrote she went to high school, college and was in a band with the gunman. She said she hadn't seen him since 2007.

Parker wrote of Lougher, "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy."

She also described him as "more left."

Lougher also left a trail of bold political statements.

On his now deleted MySpace page, Lougher wrote a series of disjointed rants, including:

"If there's no flag in the Constitution, then the flag in the film is unknown. There's no flag in the Constitution. Therefore, the flag in the film is unknown. Burn every new and old flag that you see. Burn your flag!"

"I bet you can imagine this in your mind with a faster speed. Watch this protest in reverse! Ask the local police, 'What's your illegal activity on duty?'"

"If you protest the government, then there's a new government from protesting. There's not a new government from protesting. Thus, you aren't protesting the government."
Three months ago, Lougher made a YouTube video in which he proclaimed, "I know you're illiterate! This is the greatest protest for exposure into a wrongful act. The school is breaking the Constitution. If you watch the video then you'll understand. The teachers are taking advantage of you in the First and Fifth Amendment. The United States Constitution, which is the law, can be broken at this school."

With research by Brenda J. Elliott

Twoller 01-09-2011 10:14 AM

If anyone wants to point fingers, we should include Giffords herself. In a time when people are obliged to suffer groping at airports in the name of national security, we have an elected official forming groups on the street discussing politics. Is this really a current security standard for our elected officials? Wasn't this an accident just waiting to happen? Would the Obamination have been stupid enough to perform the same stunt on regular recurring basis?

Mein Kampf is not a left wing work, it is a work of the right. Hitler is best characterized as being right wing, not left. He identified himself and so did the Nazis as being right wing. They claimed traditional family values and uncompromising opposition to communism. Their "socialism" was a vague prop intended to attract working class Germans of like mind who might otherwise have been weak in opposing the communists and unionists. They never were anything like socialists and pointing this out does nothing to flatter socialism. So this assassin had a fascination for extreme politics in general.

Notice this crackpot also was a gold standard fan. It is more correct to identify him as disoriented, and pointless to make it out as a left wing attack.

Mikell 01-09-2011 01:24 PM

What's wrong with the gold standard? It prevented the government from printing money at will.

Ayatollahgondola 01-09-2011 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 13943)
If anyone wants to point fingers, we should include Giffords herself. In a time when people are obliged to suffer groping at airports in the name of national security, we have an elected official forming groups on the street discussing politics. Is this really a current security standard for our elected officials? Wasn't this an accident just waiting to happen? Would the Obamination have been stupid enough to perform the same stunt on regular recurring basis?.

Blame giffords for what? Having the courage to actually meet with her constituency in public and in person? No way man! We cannot blame her under that pretense. The last thing we want to see is more disconnect between our reps and us. If anything, she sould be cherished for that act. My congresswench won't step into a public venue unless it is fully sterile and attended by only her staunchest supporters.

Twoller 01-09-2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 13948)
Blame giffords for what? Having the courage to actually meet with her constituency in public and in person? No way man! We cannot blame her under that pretense. The last thing we want to see is more disconnect between our reps and us. If anything, she sould be cherished for that act. My congresswench won't step into a public venue unless it is fully sterile and attended by only her staunchest supporters.

I respect the moral courage of presenting oneself to the public directly, but not exposing a public official to danger in public, no matter how well intentioned. There is a right and a wrong way to do this and I wonder why there is no discussion about what might or should have been done in the way of security to prevent this incident.

Ayatollahgondola 01-09-2011 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 13950)
I respect the moral courage of presenting oneself to the public directly, but not exposing a public official to danger in public, no matter how well intentioned. There is a right and a wrong way to do this and I wonder why there is no discussion about what might or should have been done in the way of security to prevent this incident.

I've read that in the days before Lincoln, one could walk right in to the whitehouse and talk to the president. Now the president only wants to talk to his closest advisors and visiting dignitaries. The people are locked out. I don't know if anything could prevent this short of insulating her from public contact. Maybe some dogs might have been able to sniff out the firearm prior, but then we end up going through an invasive warrantless search just to participate in government. It wasn't hard for this insane bastard to do as much harm as he did, but in all seriousness, an insane person could have done the same from afar, and not at a public event. The Unabomber proved this, and he didn't use a gun. The long and short of it is, it's a dangerous world we live in, and as statistics go, congresspersons are not in a dangerous occupation. I'll bet minimart owners are 1000 times more likely to be shot on the job.
The curious thing here is that Arizona is a "right to carry loaded" gun state, but with all the people in the area of a busy supermarket, either nobody was armed or felt strong enough to gun down the killer before he could gun down all those people. Go figure

Twoller 01-10-2011 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 13951)
I've read that in the days before Lincoln, one could walk right in to the whitehouse and talk to the president. Now the president only wants to talk to his closest advisors and visiting dignitaries. The people are locked out. I don't know if anything could prevent this short of insulating her from public contact. Maybe some dogs might have been able to sniff out the firearm prior, but then we end up going through an invasive warrantless search just to participate in government. It wasn't hard for this insane bastard to do as much harm as he did, but in all seriousness, an insane person could have done the same from afar, and not at a public event. The Unabomber proved this, and he didn't use a gun. The long and short of it is, it's a dangerous world we live in, and as statistics go, congresspersons are not in a dangerous occupation. I'll bet minimart owners are 1000 times more likely to be shot on the job.

The curious thing here is that Arizona is a "right to carry loaded" gun state, but with all the people in the area of a busy supermarket, either nobody was armed or felt strong enough to gun down the killer before he could gun down all those people. Go figure

Yes, public life was much freer in Lincoln's time than it is now. But at the same time, it made little difference politically that it was. Remember also that public mobility was much more restricted in Lincoln's time as well. Sure you could walk into the White House, but you still had to get there and making the journey with speed would have required at least one horse. And no phones, even mail wasn't what it was now.

The unabomber did not target public officials, and the unabomber was very fussy about targets and all his targets never imagined themselves to be in the public eye. No comparison, really.

It is just absurd to describe being in congress as not a dangerous job. All of our national elected officials have some sort of security protocols and some sort of security details to protect them on the job. This is not the first time somebody in congress has been threatened by some citizen.

Ayatollahgondola 01-10-2011 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 13956)
It is just absurd to describe being in congress as not a dangerous job. All of our national elected officials have some sort of security protocols and some sort of security details to protect them on the job. This is not the first time somebody in congress has been threatened by some citizen.

I didn't say it wasn't dangerous, but pointed out that statistically speaking, it hasn't proven itself so. Most congress people die of natural causes while in office, a cause of death that most mini market / liquor store owners would pray for. The last congressional death by murderous rampage that comes to mind is that of Leo Ryan in Jonestown in the late 70's

Twoller 01-10-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 13957)
I didn't say it wasn't dangerous, but pointed out that statistically speaking, it hasn't proven itself so. Most congress people die of natural causes while in office, a cause of death that most mini market / liquor store owners would pray for. The last congressional death by murderous rampage that comes to mind is that of Leo Ryan in Jonestown in the late 70's

You are dodging the point. Our elected officials have a responsibility to secure themselves when appearing in public and this means especially, limiting public exposure.

Why is there no discussion anywhere about security measures that must have been in place when she did these little routine presentations? These were regular events that she held. Loughner stood in line with questions that he had as a part of a ruse to get close. Not only that, but it was the second time, at least, he had shown up. He had actually had a question the last time he came. Certainly security was screening these people as they lined up.

Anyone will tell you, when you go to some public event featuring a national elected official, there is always some security presence there. They keep a low profile so as not to be intimidating, but they are visible. And that's no accident.

It's very strange. As Brown assumes the governor's seat, there was at least one article in the Bee explaining Brown's downtown residence in extreme detail and with schematics. Why would they do this?

I imagine that these displays and incidents are to create foment within the security establishment by waving targets in front of the public's face knowing that there is an element out there all too willing to take the bait. These incidents provoke a fake debate within the security establishment in order to create measures to protect our enemies (immigrant elements, illegal and otherwise, for example) and provoke hostility and intimidation against innocent citizens by falsly posing them as potential aggressors and assassins.

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