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ilbegone 12-26-2009 08:14 AM

My wish for black america

Larry Meeks


I wish black fathers would assume responsibility for the children they create and stop acting like some flying insect that goes from flower to flower trying to see how many blossoms it can fertilize.

I wish education, not sports, were considered the top priority for schools.

I wish the school systems would demand appropriate behavior and stop making excuses as to why blacks cannot make the grade.

I wish high-achieving black students were not labeled as acting white.

I wish America would stop patronizing non-achieving black Americans and treating them like misbehaving children.

I wish degrading music that sexualizes women, fosters racism and extols violence were eliminated.

I wish blacks would not make race the first consideration when there is a situation.

I wish blacks would realize that institutionalized racism is over and the path for success is open.

I wish minorities would stop stereotyping and saying all whites are alike.

I wish black leaders would stop trying to exploit their followers by trying to make them believe the world is against them and their only path to success is keeping them in power.

I wish blacks would realize they are being politically taken for granted and know that being loyal to one party makes them irrelevant.
A minority's power is being the deciding vote.

I wish black people would realize that no one owes them anything except equal treatment under the law and that the best hand up is at the end of their own arm.

I wish white America would stop feeling guilty for the sins of their forefathers, because that guilt prevents whites from treating blacks as equals.

I wish our new president would use his race to unite the nation and speak out extolling the values that made us a great nation. I pray he will advocate those values, which make us come together, rather than allow the nation to break into separate groups.

I wish everyone, regardless of race, would love one another and work together to make this an even better country.

Finally, I wish God's blessings upon us so we may remain free and continue to have happy years.

usa today 12-26-2009 03:01 PM

I hope some won't construe this as racist , because its not.

I really think that Blacks DO NOT have the capacity to act rational in a 1st world country and for the most part are still living with a jungle mentality


For the most part they have been treated as victims for so long that they now have the act down. THE LIBERALS ARE TO BLAME

It would be a different country if we HELD THEM TO THE SAME STANDARDS AS WE HOLD Whites.

Such as hispanics that find it totally acceptable to rape 14 year olds and puppies. these people also do not belong in a 1st world society.

The libs had this great plan that by flooding this country with these people, that by sucking up to the blacks and importing millions of muslims that we could "change" their lifestyles


Instead we are told that we have to respect THEIR culture and deal with it.

I for one am sick to death of DEALING WITH IT.


Kathy63 12-26-2009 04:37 PM

It's not going to happen.

I am sick of:

Black people who make more money than I do, live in gorgeous homes, own new luxury cars, take expensive vacations every six months, telling me about white privilege and how oppressed they are.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-26-2009 06:51 PM

With all segments of society there is unacceptable behavior, and some of it condoned by some that are in those in those segments, but to paint with such a wide brush and then use a disclaimer doesn't set right with me. We have members of this organization who are Black as we also have members who are Hispanic. Being respectful has nothing to do with being politically correct. Political correctness is about not being able to say the truth, and the truth being facts not opinion. If you have feelings and emotions that are involved they may feel like facts to you, but not to everyone. Consider what you bring forward when judging, and keep in mind that Blacks are American citizens and as such they are our responsibility whether their actions are right or wrong.

admin 12-26-2009 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 2903)
I hope some won't construe this as racist , because its not.

I really think that Blacks DO NOT have the capacity to act rational in a 1st world country and for the most part are still living with a jungle mentality


It looks racist to me. And not just a little bit either. I believe it might be best if you reviewed our corporate statement. We are not a racially specific or racially exclusive organization. Just in case anyone reading your post might get the wrong idea, I am going to plainly say that we welcome black people who share our philosophy and support our agenda, and this organization will support them as we would any other associate striving for the same goals

admin 12-26-2009 07:47 PM

I'd like to go back to this for a little further clarification. I don't know why you feel the way you do, and I'm not going to judge you on this one thing, but I'd like to think we can change your mind about this. We will be working with all california citizens, regardless of race, and that includes black people, in the pursuit of our agenda. I don't know if you have taken a hard look around or not, but we are facing an ever growing population of foreigners within our borders, and they are not only growing exponentially, but also growing bold in their political aspirations. We need every native born California citizen that agrees with our agenda and is willing to toss their lot in with us to help turn things around and get control of our state and country before we end up like the native Fijians, Tahitians, or Hawaiians or that matter, and have lost our ability to control our own destiny. I don't see us doing that if we start limiting our choices by race. I could recount my experiences with black people, and sure there are some negative ones, but I have not seen them to be anymore predisposed to irrational behavior than white people under similar circumstances. I urge you to cast aside such notions and have a little faith in our future together with them. Do you think you can do that?

Rim05 12-26-2009 09:20 PM



I hope some won't construe this as racist , because its not.

I really think that Blacks DO NOT have the capacity to act rational in a 1st world country and for the most part are still living with a jungle mentality


For the most part they have been treated as victims for so long that they now have the act down. THE LIBERALS ARE TO BLAME

It would be a different country if we HELD THEM TO THE SAME STANDARDS AS WE HOLD Whites.

Such as hispanics that find it totally acceptable to rape 14 year olds and puppies. these people also do not belong in a 1st world society.

The libs had this great plan that by flooding this country with these people, that by sucking up to the blacks and importing millions of muslims that we could "change" their lifestyles


Instead we are told that we have to respect THEIR culture and deal with it.

I for one am sick to death of DEALING WITH IT.

I am sure you do not want any one to realize by your post that you are racists but that shows your ignorance.
Sir! I am not biracial, I am multiracial and one part of that is BLACK.You are not any more Whole American than I am. I have known good and bad from most races but the old SOS and 'this' one is now showing what I have always known about race. You are not the only one thought, we have some members who fly into a dither everytime the subject of race comes. I say to this day that some just can't get over that a 'Black' man won the election. On the old forum one member told us "he is not Black, he is African".
I have said I am not on the street any more, however I had been thinking maybe I could make it to the event in Jan. but that is off.
I hope you and any more who have your conviction can find some very hot place to live away from the Blacks. I am only calling you out because your post is so blatant.
The reason I have not been posting recently is because I just don't want to anything to do with those such as you and I do know all of them. I will say they are in the minority though.

Ayatollahgondola 12-26-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 2921)
I have known good and bad from most races but the old SOS and 'this' one is now showing what I have always known about race.

What do you mean?

wetibbe 12-27-2009 05:47 AM

Al Sharpton - an AMEN ?
I received this E-mail:

Check out what Al Sharpton has the nerve to say on television. Does this man have any scruples? I read this and I was LMAO, at this man's lack of intelligence. So in other words Mr. Al are you saying that its okay for a black man to have mistresses as long as they are black? Oh My God......I always knew that Al Sharpton lacks education but I am shocked at his analogy. Good ole racist Al!
What would Bill Cosby say to this??? I am 100% sure that Mr. Cosby must've been shocked listening to Al.


This topic was also discussed on "The View."
************************************************** ****

The Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference today to blast Tiger Woods for the lack of diversity among his mistresses.

Sharpton claims the lack of African-American women among Woods’ harem will have a negative affect on the black community, specifically young black girls.

“Why is it a man who calls himself black can’t bring himself to cheat on his wife with a black woman?” said Sharpton, speaking to a group of supporters in Harlem . “What does it say to young black girls everywhere when you pass them over?

Shame on you, Tiger Woods. What would your daddy say?”

Sharpton, who has long championed taking black women as mistresses, said today’s black athletes need to stop neglecting black women when it comes to extramarital affairs, and should follow the examples of positive black role models such as Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom cheated on their wives with black women. Sharpton also stressed that cheating with African-American women would help the black community financially by giving black girls the chance to sell their stories to tabloids and gossip magazines.

Added Sharpton, “I’m not asking you to not cheat on your wives, I’m just asking you to give back to your own community.”

Give me an amen......

ilbegone 12-27-2009 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 2912)
With all segments of society there is unacceptable behavior, and some of it condoned by some that are in those in those segments, but to paint with such a wide brush and then use a disclaimer doesn't set right with me. We have members of this organization who are Black as we also have members who are Hispanic. Being respectful has nothing to do with being politically correct. Political correctness is about not being able to say the truth, and the truth being facts not opinion. If you have feelings and emotions that are involved they may feel like facts to you, but not to everyone. Consider what you bring forward when judging, and keep in mind that Blacks are American citizens and as such they are our responsibility whether their actions are right or wrong.

Well stated.


Being respectful has nothing to do with being politically correct. Political correctness is about not being able to say the truth, and the truth being facts not opinion.
Excellent definition.

Larry Meeks is a well reasoned black columnist who's commentary often concerns interracial conflict of all sorts, of lot of which can also apply to white and the various notions as to what Hispanic is.

I placed his Christmas Wish here because I consider him to be wise and I respect his opinions. If I recall right, the Christmas Wish is requested every year by a large number of his followers. 12-27-2009 07:06 AM

The assertion that blacks are commonly unfit to reside in a First World environment, due to mentality, is simply at odds with the evidence provided by every day life in this country. Most blacks are part of the middle class in the U.S. and navigate their way through home loans, Blackberrys, mall food courts, tax returns, credit card applications, workplace politics and rush hour traffic jams far too commonly to be described as possessed of a "jungle mentality." Again, African-Americans are mostly middle-class. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. Besides the statistics (which are overwhelming), in Southern California, the evidence is everywhere around you. Blacks are your fellow shoppers in malls during the holiday season, they are your co-workers at the office and they attend college classes and study the same subjects as your children. They deliver your mail, they produce entertainment available 24/7 on television, they are your fellow vacationers in Las Vegas and Orlando, and they are a lot of the people who can be found working in hospitals providing attention and care to the ill and feeble.

The above is the rule, not the exception, in American life. The guy with the red bandana and red shoe laces who sells crack on the street corner, is the exception. No one wants to be standing at the ATM at 11:30 at night with the large teenage black kid behind him in a somewhat isolated area. But the black guy who's going to rip you off and take your crap is the minority. Is a black man with a felony criminal record (i.e. Najee Ali) a strange aberration or an endangered species? Hardly, but that person is the minority in the African-American community. Most blacks haven't been convicted of Robbery, Burglary or Drug Sales.

The contention that black folks largely can't function in civilized, modern society is simply contradicted by the modern American experience.

I agree with your assessment of the enormous disservice that the Democratic Party has done blacks, as a whole, in this country. Our liberal friends often treat them like retarded children who are never to be actually held as equals. The genuine bigotry that remains in this country, toward people of color, undoubtedly comes from the Left. The worst thing that can be said about white folks, as an entire group in America, is that a lot of us will not hold Latinos and blacks to the same standards we would hold ourselves (Larry Elder writes about this in one of his books. It's a chapter about white condascencion, and I think he's dead right). But undoubtedly, that is a product of "progressives" rather than conservatives. Equal means "equal" with GOP thinking types.

However, the assertion in your first few sentences is just unsupported by the facts. Are there neighborhoods I don't want to go into? Yeah. Is the majority of the African-American experience defined by Florence and Normandie eruptions and the prison population in Texas? Hardly. In fact, it's not even close.

usa today 12-27-2009 12:23 PM

Well I knew this would garner the reaction it did.

Note my disclaimer "NOT ALL"

I will make a couple simple statements before I vacate this thread
Mods can feel free to delete it if they feel it "hurts the cause" or I may "offend" someone

In most cases civilized people do not riot and burn their own neighborhoods

For the most part civilized people feel a sense of responsibility

I'll leave you to ponder these facts ,
I didn't start this thread but I did put in my 2 cents

Keep in mind Blacks are hurt most by illegal immigration and yet they are screaming long and loud for AMNESTY.
Where are their leaders on the subject? You all know where they are.

From my point I see massive amounts of Blacks(in my town anyway) living on welfare , they really don't want the jobs the hispanics are doing anyway, why should they, our govt (you) support them cradle to grave.

Kick out the illegals , cut the welfare and start to hold Black males accountable for all the babies , make the crack hoes take drug tests instead of just cashing in on $$$$$$ for more babies

Stop the double standards and dumbing down in the schools . bring back corporal punishment

OUTLAW libs ............ they are the cause of a lot of the problems

Rim05 12-27-2009 02:15 PM

How about we get rid of Dumb As*es I will not name?

usa today 12-27-2009 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 2938)
How about we get rid of Dumb As*es I will not name?

Sorry if I didn't sugar coat it enough for you

Get on the receiving end of reverse racism and you might change your tune

Facts are facts , weather you choose to believe them or not.
Sorry if I ruined your day....................well.... no I'm not

usa today 12-27-2009 02:51 PM

You know I respect your opinion , I've known you a long time , but on this one I beg to differ

Here in Vegas a Black person can walk through many neighborhoods 24/7 without a second glance

Yet in the "Black" areas of Vegas you would end up in the hospital or worse if you tried to walk their neighborhoods.

I work in a service industry and I can tell you the attitudes here at any rate are " you owe me " by that community

The sad part is that I see the difference between the "chip on the shoulder" bunch and the bunch that are everyday just plain good people.

Sadly in this town they are way skewed to the "chip" side , it might be different elsewhere but I'm calling it as I see it.

I will call into reference the aftermath of Katrina, also the "Obama money" statement from not to long ago ,

Now lets talk about Black panthers at polling places in military uniforms with weapons hurling racist insults at whites.....shall we?

usa today 12-27-2009 03:07 PM

Since I'm in rant mode I will continue it

Maybe I do have a chip on my shoulder.
This country is suppose to be a color blind society, yet I am seeing nothing but privilege and skewed benefits for minorities ,
I didn't have affirmative action, I can't get govt benefits or food stamps or subsidized housing.
I paid for having my 2 kids and I didn't take one dime of govt money to assist in that endeavor.
Yet I have paid in in quadruple figures in taxes that last 30 years.

Nobody is giving me squat and I'm paying my fair share , Then I see where this money goes , I see obvious illegal aliens getting wic, I see whole families of able bodied people getting thousands in food stamps , I get called a racist wanting illegals kicked out of this country, I see mexican flags marching in the streets of my country and Americans(libs) saying thats a good thing.

Make no mistake about it , this country is fubar and at this time I don't see it getting any better

Let me go all the way and really Pss everyone off
This country had a good thing going for a long time
But the lib cultural experimentation is going to be the downfall of this country.
Mixing cultures the way we have the last 20 years is what makes good countries bite the dust.
Without a time out in between for assimilation, you might as well forget it.

Now we have a 100 different cultures all having a free for all here , the aclu egging them on and America , at least the country we knew is going down the toilet mega fast.

usa today 12-27-2009 03:10 PM

I'm sorry if this does sound racist to some but its not.

I'm not a member of stormfront , nor do I have a Pic of hitler
hanging up

I contend that a level , equal playing field should be just that.

for everyone living in this country.

Or the concept of "America" is nothing but a sick joke

admin 12-27-2009 06:02 PM

USA Today, you never did answer our question

usa today 12-28-2009 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by admin (Post 2945)
USA Today, you never did answer our question

I have attended anti illegal immigration rallys and stood on the line with Blacks, Hispanics , Asians and many others and would do so again.

I also support discouraging any attendance by nazis, skins or kkk and would not attend if they were present.

My statements were a generalization of observation , both in real life and from the media.

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