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Rim05 10-01-2011 05:15 AM

John and Ken under attack
[B]I hope the link works. The story is in the LA Times.
Next time someone gives you the "They are just poor immigrants, remind them that they are Illegal Invaders.They vow to force John and Ken off the air the way they did Lou Dobbs,

Borderwatch 10-01-2011 06:44 AM

Groups want 'John and Ken' show off the air,6290281.story

Groups want 'John and Ken' show off the air

The popular KFI radio hosts gave out the cellphone number of an immigrant rights activist, prompting hate-filled calls. Minority and immigrant rights groups say they will boycott advertisers if the show isn't taken off the air.
Long-time immigrant rights activist Jorge-Mario Cabrera is used to being called to task for his views. But when radio hosts John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou recently gave out his cellphone number on the air in a campaign against the California Dream Act, he found himself unprepared for the barrage of hate-filled phone calls that followed.

"Hi, this message is for Mr. Cabrera," one caller said in a voice mail transcribed by Cabrera. "Listen, you pile of garbage…You need to pack your [expletive] up and go back to wherever it is you came from. Nobody wants you here. You are invading the legal people that are in this country and ruining this country. I hope you choke in your own vomit."

In the days after the KFI-AM (640) radio hosts read Cabrera's cellphone and office numbers on the air and told listeners opposed to state tuition assistance for illegal immigrants to call him, Cabrera, a spokesman for the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, got more than 400 calls, many of them filled with hateful language and calls for violence.

"It's never been as cutting, as humiliating as these calls were," Cabrera said. "These calls were intent to diminish me as a person."

The incident struck a chord among leaders of civil and immigrant rights groups across the state, many of whom saw it as the latest example in a long history of the popular radio show inciting anger and vitriol.

"It was the last straw," said Alex Nogales, president and chief executive of the National Hispanic Media Coalition. "These guys have been at it day in and day out. It's the same ugly rhetoric."

The National Hispanic Media Coalition led what some believe was a successful campaign to get television host Lou Dobbs off the air at CNN for similar reasons. Dobbs resigned days after the coalition's president met with the head of the news network, but the network has denied that the meeting led to the resignation.

Now the coalition has joined with several major Latino and immigrant rights groups, including the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials and the National Immigration Law Center, in calling on the radio station to remove the show's hosts or face a boycott of its sponsors.

Robin Bertolucci, KFI's programming director, declined to discuss the incident but said she planned to meet soon with the group's representatives.

"We're looking forward to talking to them," she said. "I think that's the best place for us to discuss it."

The 'John and Ken' show is one of the most popular programs on one of the most popular radio stations in the region, and listeners seem to relish the hosts' anger and sense of outrage. While Illegal immigration has long been a particular focus of the show, it's only one of several favorite targets — the hosts have railed against taxes, labor unions and other pet causes for years with equally incendiary rhetoric.

The duo regularly uses cutting language to talk about legislators and often ask listeners to call the public phone lines of politicians who disagree with them.

Cabrera's numbers were read on air Sept. 1 during a campaign to defeat what the hosts call the "Illegal Alien California Dream Act," a reference to recently approved legislation that would extend state financial aid to college students who are in the U.S. illegally. Gov. Jerry Brown must still sign the bill before it becomes law.

John and Ken urged listeners to call Cabrera, saying he was planning a celebration "on the theft of tax money for illegal aliens." The phone calls started coming and, weeks later, still haven't completely stopped, Cabrera said. One man has called 32 times. Some calls were benign, like one woman who spoke in Spanish and said Cabrera's organization should work to benefit people who are in the country legally. Others were not:

"I hope somebody shoots you"; "fat pig…"; "We don't want your people here. You are dirty, you don't have any social skills…I hope you fall off the earth"; "I hope you're hit by a car walking across the street"; "Listen you pile of garbage, I hope you get … cancer tomorrow and start to die."

Henry Fernandez, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, who has reviewed some of the messages said that although the radio hosts didn't use such language themselves, they should be held accountable.

"They gave out the telephone number knowing that hateful and violent calls or threatening calls would be made to this individual," he said. "I don't think it's acceptable for radio hosts or television personalities to walk away from the violence that they incite."

Last week, the leaders of a dozen groups sent a letter to the station's market manager, program director and to Clear Channel Communications, which owns the station, asking for a meeting and demanding the John and Ken program be removed from the air.

"For years John and Ken have terrorized Los Angeles' Latino, Asian American and African American communities, creating an atmosphere of hate and intolerance and legitimizing violence and discrimination," the letter said. "There is every reason to believe it is John and Ken's intent to incite these verbal assaults and threats."

This month, the Korean American Community Lawyers Assn. also wrote to the station to complain about racist comments against Asians made by host Bill Handel during the "Handel on the Law" show, including one segment in which he said "Korean people hate Filipinos [except] when you're spending money there and they love you when you're cooking up your dog."

Brad Lee, the association's president, said Handel walked out of a meeting where the matter was discussed.

For his part, Cabrera said he was prepared to meet with the station's management sometime in the next several days to discuss the incident but that the demand that the hosts be taken off the air would not change.

"We are not against anyone being against our philosophy," he said. "But when they get to the level of acting like thugs with a microphone, then that's the problem."

Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times

Patriotic Army Mom 10-01-2011 11:10 AM

I love these guys!

Jeanfromfillmore 10-01-2011 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 18014)
I love these guys!

So do a lot of people. Why is it that those on the anti-illegal alien side are cut down?

Could it be that not enough of the anti-illegal alien side are yelling loud enough?

Do they think that a vote is all that's needed?

Voting isn't enough anymore.

Don 10-01-2011 12:13 PM

They invade and occupy our country and try to shut down the free press.

Now I know what the Iraqis felt like after their country was occupied by hostile invaders.

ilbegone 10-02-2011 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 18022)
They invade and occupy our country and try to shut down the free press.

Now I know what the Iraqis felt like after their country was occupied by hostile invaders.


Who are "they"?

I like John and Ken.

I don't know who this Cabrera is, and lots of times the allegations are way inflated.

No one should be threatened with violence on either side. It turns both sides into mirror copies of each other - the very worst and most extreme of both sides become the faces of those sides, just ratchets up mutual hate.

Anonymous assholes - of any race or conviction - can create all sorts of distractive havoc.

Will followers of John and Ken be willing to collectively support the radio station in the event of a boycott of its bread and butter, revenue through advertisers?

Don 10-02-2011 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 18037)

Who are "they"?

I like John and Ken.

I don't know who this Cabrera is, and lots of times the allegations are way inflated.

No one should be threatened with violence on either side. It turns both sides into mirror copies of each other - the very worst and most extreme of both sides become the faces of those sides, just ratchets up mutual hate.

Anonymous assholes - of any race or conviction - can create all sorts of distractive havoc.

Will followers of John and Ken be willing to collectively support the radio station in the event of a boycott of its bread and butter, revenue through advertisers?

Who are "they"? Well, millions of filthy stinking Mexican invaders who break into our country and then try to take away our free speech rights, like those named in the LA Times story. Of course they demand gag rules against American citizens. Why shouldn't they? We rolled over and let them in here to steal from us, take our jobs, dumb down our schools, bankrupt our hospitals and transform our once beautiful communities into filthy stinking Mexican slums. Why should they show any respect for us now?

You're wrong about violence. People who try to steal our country from us should not only be threatened with violence, but should be targeted with violence. Our military should be killing them (but not interfering if they're headed south to the border) and our citizens should be lynching them.

Now we have this idiot Rick Perry who wants to send US troops to Mexico. He's got it all usual. You want them out of here, you don't bomb Mexico, you bomb East L.A. You make it more dangerous for them here than in their own country. Making war in Mexico is not only a violation of their soverignty, but will cause more to come here as "refugees." (Gag)

I want Mexico to be the safest place in the world....for MEXICANS and the USA to be the most dangerous place in the world for them.

Third world savages from Mexico are equally as willing to kill us as their own kind in Mexico and will do so when the balance of power, in terms of population numbers and political influence, reaches the point of no return.
Please don't give me any of that tolerance bull sh.i.t. and lecture me about "violence." They're invading our country. We're not invading theirs.

Ayatollahgondola 10-02-2011 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 18040)
and our citizens should be lynching them.

No, we shouldn't. Lynching is something done without benefit of a trial, and as such could result in the killing of innocent people. I want to see the borders enforced, and interior enforcement as badly as you, but will not resort of unjust punitive actions without benefit of due process. If we resort to this, we would then become the sort of bloodthirsty savages we condemn from other countries. Please don't advocate for that here again.

ilbegone 10-02-2011 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 18040)
Who are "they"? Well, millions of filthy stinking Mexican invaders who break into our country and then try to take away our free speech rights, like those named in the LA Times story. Of course they demand gag rules against American citizens. Why shouldn't they? We rolled over and let them in here to steal from us, take our jobs, dumb down our schools, bankrupt our hospitals and transform our once beautiful communities into filthy stinking Mexican slums. Why should they show any respect for us now?

This is where you misunderstand who is who. You confuse brown illegal aliens with brown Americans having a brown racist agenda, and unwittingly agree with those brown racists that the two are indeed the same people - along with everyone else who happens to be brown with a Spanish last name. You give for free brown racists credibility they eternally propagandize for. They are self appointed, uninvited spokesmen for everyone they consider to be "Latino".

Boycotting isn't in the Mexican national mentality, it's an expression which is most American used in this case by people who pretend to be Mexican. Mexicans may participate, but as fatalistic Mexican sheep - they won't originate it. And, unless it's the cheapest brand in stock or can't be improvised on the cheap, Mexicans aren't buying anyway. A boycott on station advertisers will be an American event with lots of propagandized American noisemakers.


Originally Posted by Don (Post 18040)
...You're wrong about violence. People who try to steal our country from us should not only be threatened with violence, but should be targeted with violence. Our military should be killing them (but not interfering if they're headed south to the border) and our citizens should be lynching them...

...You want them out of here, you don't bomb Mexico, you bomb East L.A...

You are way wrong on this, and you might be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it and it won't be pleasant for you.

All you do when you talk crap like this is validate brown racist agenda - "THE WHITE MAN IS OUT TO GET YOU"

Don 10-04-2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 18042)
This is where you misunderstand who is who. You confuse brown illegal aliens with brown Americans having a brown racist agenda, and unwittingly agree with those brown racists that the two are indeed the same people - along with everyone else who happens to be brown with a Spanish last name. You give for free brown racists credibility they eternally propagandize for. They are self appointed, uninvited spokesmen for everyone they consider to be "Latino".

Boycotting isn't in the Mexican national mentality, it's an expression which is most American used in this case by people who pretend to be Mexican. Mexicans may participate, but as fatalistic Mexican sheep - they won't originate it. And, unless it's the cheapest brand in stock or can't be improvised on the cheap, Mexicans aren't buying anyway. A boycott on station advertisers will be an American event with lots of propagandized American noisemakers.

You are way wrong on this, and you might be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it and it won't be pleasant for you.

All you do when you talk crap like this is validate brown racist agenda - "THE WHITE MAN IS OUT TO GET YOU"

Of course the violence against me and other Gringos by feral minority vermin will not be "pleasant." For along time they've talked openly about their violent, murderous intentions toward Gringos. As shown by their dismal test scores, Mexicans aren't very good at reading, writing, or other critical thinking skills, but I do concede they're capable of gruesome, murderous violence. Killing Gringos is an old theme of the Hispanic [bowel] movement, as follows:

The Hispanic "Professor" Jose Angel Gutierrez of the University of Texas, has boasted,

"We have an aging white America. . . . They are dying. . . . They are in their pants with fear! I love it!" "We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."

Straight from the horse's mouth. Mexicans know the "Gringo" is castrated, demoralized and resigned to his own extinction.

John and Ken have openly said that calling people "racist" doesn't work any more. The leaders of the "minority" political/racial machines know what happens if cowering Gringos lose their fear being called "racist." It means they get up off their knees and start acting like people again instead of like livestock being fattened up for the slaughter. It means the "minority" racial and political cartels are out of business. They can't allow John and Ken's impudence to go unpunished because other uppity Gringos may follow their lead.

The fight for John and Ken is an important battle that could turn the tide. It's a test of the Mexican resolve to crush us and of our own resolve to finally resist. It's now or never.

Another thing. Spare us your SPLC talking points. They don't scare anyone any more.

ilbegone 10-04-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 18084)
Of course the violence against me and other Gringos by feral minority vermin will not be "pleasant." For along time they've talked openly about their violent, murderous intentions toward Gringos. As shown by their dismal test scores, Mexicans aren't very good at reading, writing, or other critical thinking skills, but I do concede they're capable of gruesome, murderous violence. Killing Gringos is an old theme of the Hispanic [bowel] movement, as follows:

The Hispanic "Professor" Jose Angel Gutierrez of the University of Texas, has boasted,

"We have an aging white America. . . . They are dying. . . . They are in their pants with fear! I love it!" "We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."

Straight from the horse's mouth. Mexicans know the "Gringo" is castrated, demoralized and resigned to his own extinction.

John and Ken have openly said that calling people "racist" doesn't work any more. The leaders of the "minority" political/racial machines know what happens if cowering Gringos lose their fear being called "racist." It means they get up off their knees and start acting like people again instead of like livestock being fattened up for the slaughter. It means the "minority" racial and political cartels are out of business. They can't allow John and Ken's impudence to go unpunished because other uppity Gringos may follow their lead.

The fight for John and Ken is an important battle that could turn the tide. It's a test of the Mexican resolve to crush us and of our own resolve to finally resist. It's now or never.

Another thing. Spare us your SPLC talking points. They don't scare anyone any more.

Here is where you show your ignorance.

Gutierrez may have had Mexican parents, but his political strategy to beat the system was/is American in spite of his racism and racist babbling. Gutierrez is not one to be underestimated.

Gutierrez is an old man now, I'm surprised he's still alive.

I would wager that 99% of Mexican nationals living illegally in America have no idea of who John and Ken are, no more than you have any idea who plays the character of Don Cheto on the radio. And, I believe it doesn't matter if the products advertised on KFI were products of the devil himself, most real Mexicans would buy them regardless of any brown American racist boycott if they were the cheapest and were needed in the household. A Mexican rancher, before the cartels became active, might clog up the main streets of Mexico City on occasion with his cattle in vain protest of governmental policies which may personally affect him, but it was he himself, his hired hands, and his cattle - no one else. No one backed him, and for the most part it is still the same for those who came to adulthood in Mexico... Research the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre of students and the more recent Chiapas uprising concerning the psychological futility of collective action.

You really do have to learn who is who in America. So far, it seems it's the one size fits all "Beaner bag" and incessantly rampaging blacks along with "Jews" in your mono-scopic tunnel vision world view.


The fight for John and Ken is an important battle that could turn the tide. It's a test of the Mexican resolve to crush us and of our own resolve to finally resist. It's now or never.
Mexican resolve? I don't believe you know any real Mexicans, much less anyone else who may have Latin American ancestry, otherwise you wouldn't be talking out your ass in such a manner. What's going on now originally derived from the 40's and 50's, fermented in the 60's and early 70's, and dished out now by people who imagine themselves to currently live under such former conditions but are deluded. By the way, a lot of that stuff did go on back then. However, not every brown person today buys into the modern racial propaganda, not by a long shot.

As you say, the race card doesn't float so easily nowadays after decades of profligate overuse. However, there are brown racists and white racists, and it seems that you have an ignorant preoccupation with race which is detrimental to solving the problem of illegal migration.

Are you willing to economically support KFI in the event that American brown racists try to force the station to deep six the John and Ken show, or are you just an anonymous hollow bag of wind who babbles keyboard bullshit about American soldiers killing "Mexicans" and US citizens lynching whatever the military misses?

Rim05 10-05-2011 07:36 AM

People should be angry about the hispanics who think they can take our freedon of speech.
Anyone remember what was said to us when we were protesting them? I sure do. They ,those who are saying how they will stop J&K, can go eat grass. :D

ilbegone 10-05-2011 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 18105)
People should be angry about the hispanics who think they can take our freedon of speech.
Anyone remember what was said to us when we were protesting them? I sure do. They ,those who are saying how they will stop J&K, can go eat grass. :D

This is the nutshell answer to all discussion before Rim's post:


People should be angry about the hispanics who think they can take our freedon of speech.
Not one size fits all beaner bag "Mexicans", but the group of brown racist individuals


...who think they can take our freedon of speech

Ayatollahgondola 10-05-2011 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 18115)
This is the nutshell answer to all discussion before Rim's post:

Not one size fits all beaner bag "Mexicans", but this group of racist individuals

It sure would be nice if some of the non-racist Mexicans would start speaking out against the same ones who are trying to take our free speech. I'm hearing mostly crickets chirping when it would normally be a good time for them to chime in. When it was our turn...when all the nazis, white nationalists, supremacists, and separtists were trying to join us as if we were all one big happy family, we made no bones about who we were, and that they weren't us. Mexicans do not reciprocate in like fashion, and that is what inspires the painters with the wide brush.

ilbegone 10-05-2011 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 18117)
It sure would be nice if some of the non-racist Mexicans would start speaking out against the same ones who are trying to take our free speech. I'm hearing mostly crickets chirping when it would normally be a good time for them to chime in. When it was our turn...when all the nazis, white nationalists, supremacists, and separtists were trying to join us as if we were all one big happy family, we made no bones about who we were, and that they weren't us. Mexicans do not reciprocate in like fashion, and that is what inspires the painters with the wide brush.

I don't have an answer for this. I do know that there are all different types of thinking and concerns across the board with people who are termed "Hispanic". I see a lot of conflict in many of the generations further away from the ancestral countries, sometimes in the first generation. I've known first born in America people of various ages - from old to young - who have expressed vehemence concerning illegals and disdain brown racists, but most who have that feeling have parents who came the right way. Others I've seen who may be fifth generation babble about how they are discriminated against because they are "Mexican", but others will say that such talk is an excuse for personal inferiority or laziness. I'm of the opinion that such a person is usually an asshole who offends people.

I've also heard people who grew up decades ago during a time when genuine white racism was a sort of unwritten public policy and whose parents were from Mexico say things like "the Mexicans brought soccer here when they came". It has been surreal to know people who disdain illegals from Mexico, but have so much of Mexico in their beings and around their houses - and illegals disdain them as well.

I have even met a few Mexican nationals who put down the free loaders, shameless opportunists, those who fail to become educated and believe that people who come to this country should learn the language and learn to be a part of American society - some saying it with varying degrees of English fluency. And it's often said with a "Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be Mexican and I love my culture, but..." somewhere in the conversation.

Maybe a lot of it has to do with many being derived from two cultures but belonging to neither one, I don't know. I see the contradictions every day in my own house. I have seen it in others, from long time friends to people I've just met.

And even with the brown American racists who babble so much about how Mexican they are and how much they "Love our beautiful Mexican culture", just ask them if they were to go to Mexico just how Mexican would they be in that country. It doesn't matter what answer they give you in return, they know for a fact that they would never be considered to be Mexican in Mexico - too much American taint which can never be scrubbed off.

I don't have a definitive answer for why more might not speak up, but I do believe that the broad brush painters do cause many who otherwise would have something to say to step back from it all and just let things take its course. Why help someone who hates you even more than the problem itself without understanding the slightest about you, much less have met you? And maybe third or fourth hand memories through the generations sometimes play a part in that thought as well.

I don't know.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-06-2011 01:04 AM

I went to a City Council meeting tonight and a woman who seemed to be Hispanic came to address the Council. Our town is in VERY BAD FINANCIAL SHAPE!! The woman said she had move to Fillmore in the 90's and then commented, "When we spoke English" She then went on to describe the town as "stagnant". Another complained of the men who loiter around our downtown. But what struck me was what the woman said. She remembers what the town was like before the huge invasion, when it was a small American town that spoke English. The complaint about the loitering was significant because those that are loitering are all Mexican men who don't speak English and scare away the tourists who visit and ride the train, this is a tourist town but just downtown.

People who would not have said anything before are now complaining because the money isn't there, and they're acknowledging why. They see what the invasion has cost.

Beverly Caterers 10-15-2011 11:40 AM

Now these scummy trouble making invaders are attacking American freedom
of speech!

Pretty soon if one speaks out their bodies will be found hanging from bridges.
You watch!


I was told that the Olive Garden will no longer have an American flag in their business.
I guess they don't want to make the invaders gag.

Patriotic Army Mom 10-15-2011 04:48 PM

We love the Olive Garden, but we won't go back in unless an American Flag is poking out of my purse. And, I won't hide it either.

Beverly Caterers 10-15-2011 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom (Post 18298)
We love the Olive Garden, but we won't go back in unless an American Flag is poking out of my purse. And, I won't hide it either.

Good for U Patriotic Army Mom!

PochoPatriot 10-15-2011 08:35 PM

I think a rally in support of John & Ken in front of the KFI studios might be in order?

Jeanfromfillmore 10-15-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 18302)
I think a rally in support of John & Ken in front of the KFI studios might be in order?

Ya know, that's a very good idea. Now that is worth putting together. I'll get back to this very soon.

Rim05 10-18-2011 06:19 PM

I was reading an article from a few days ago and in the comments, people were saying Verizon, Ralphs and Vons are honoring the ban on John and Ken.

If anyone knows if this is true, please post. I will be glad to deal with Ralphs and Vons but I am wrapped in Verizon. I own their stock, have their internet, land phone and cell phone.

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