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Ayatollahgondola 08-29-2013 05:03 PM

Healthcare Non-Profit Stumps For Illegals
Hello fellow Californians,

While heading to an appointment today, I passed a bus stop that had an ad that caught my eye. (Said something related to undocumented)

Upon stopping for further inspection, I found this nearly life-sized poster, which someone had spent considerable money on:

So there you have it. I did some initial records search, and discovered that this organization IS a non-profit charity, As far as I can tell, they are engaging in propaganda here, which is a violation of the code. I'm going to lodge an official complaint to the IRS and the state.
I also read their founding documents, which placed that years funding at some 347 million dollars. Their website says they don't accept cash donations, but that tells me that their actual profit making hospital is supplying the money and then writing it off as a charitable contribution.

Ayatollahgondola 08-29-2013 05:21 PM

Billions in assets


Fiscal Begin: 01-APR-11
Fiscal End: 31-MAR-12
Total Assets: $3,660,548,295.00
Gross Annual Revenue: $206,956,425.00
RRF Received: 19-FEB-13
Returned Date:
990 Attached: Y
Status: Accepted

Ayatollahgondola 08-29-2013 07:40 PM


The health care law is helping to expand access to care for millions of Californians. However, 3-4 million will remain uninsured for a number of reasons, including 1 million Californians who will not be eligible to benefit from the health care law due to their immigration status.

As our country debates a plan to reform our broken immigration system, we recognize that access to health care is an important part of that conversation. Undocumented Californians are an economic asset, and by ensuring that all Californians have access to affordable, preventive care, we can make our economy even stronger.

That’s why The California Endowment supports finding a solution for the remaining uninsured in California. Illness doesn’t distinguish between skin color or place of birth. For those millions remaining uninsured, the only way to receive health care may be through expensive emergency room treatment. It makes a lot more economic sense to give people the health care they need to prevent illness. Studies show that for every dollar spent on preventive services $18 dollars can be saved. California is stronger when everyone has access to affordable, preventive care, and The Endowment is working hard with the state and local community partners to make that dream a reality.

Patriotic Army Mom 08-30-2013 08:14 AM

Could you have torn the sign down? That would have been my plan.

ilbegone 08-30-2013 12:56 PM

Something interesting here...

The T-shirt says $2.7 billion paid in taxes by illegals, but the organization's Total Assets are $3,660,548,295.00 (over $3.65 bil) and the Gross Annual Revenue is $206,956,425.00 (well over $2.5 bil) - think if we had more profitable businesses such as this to "contribute" to the economy and fewer illegals used by employers to beat down wages and the many of those illegals who suck at the social services teat (and, yes it happens, and no, it's not a stereotype). The business is worth more to the economy than the illegals touted by the ad.

The ad also makes a dubious and unspecified claim that illegals "contribute" 302 billion to the economy along with an unspecified and equally dubious claim that 95% of economists agree that illegals contribute to the economy (methinks they justify too much)

I don't know how many illegals don't have "official" access to healthcare but you can bet a good number are covered by MediCal (the feds don't give a rat's ass about illegals occupying their welfare subsidized dwellings, I know that for a fact - and if the feds don't care, the state cares a whole lot less about illegals and MediCal), but, according to former Mexican diplomat Jorge Castaneda, Mexicans are the most heavily self medicated people on earth because as a rule they don't trust doctors. Perhaps a large number take advantage of free clinics which don't cater to American citizens. Then, there's always the emergency room - for which the tax supported "indigent fund" pays the high emergency room for bills people who have little to no tracks concerning income or degree of wealth (changing identities at the drop of a hat). The claim that a million illegals have no access to health care rings hollow to me.

On another note, the dwelling in America Cuban abogada who hosts Caso Cerrado on Telemundo has been pitching Obamacare for some health organization called Asugerate, she makes it sound as if there will no health insurance premiums and everything inside the doctor's office is free once Obamacare is fully implemented.

Jeanfromfillmore 08-30-2013 03:15 PM

We can ring the alarm bell, but is anyone listening? How many times do things need to be told before someone really starts listening? I hope someone is listening.

Ayatollahgondola 12-16-2013 11:13 AM

I need help with this:

Last night an ad aired on prime time with from this non-profit, and it was so blatantly geared toward influencing the immigration debate that a blind/deaf person could have perceived it. This corporation is a declared non-profit:

The rules of a California and a federally chartered non-profit are:


No part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder.
No substantial part of the activities of which is carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided in Section 23704.5) and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.
Dedication of assets which requires that in the event of dissolution of an organization, or the impossibility of performing the specific organizational purposes, the assets would continue to be devoted to exempt purposes.
Their own charter prohibits same:

At this timeI need as many people as we can muster to lodge a complaint with the Franchise tax board at this number:


Just tell them you want to make a complaint about this tax exempt charitable corporation that is chartered in California using assets to spread political propaganda to influence immigration reform. Give them this information about the corporation:

The California Endowment
Corporation number C1930013
Founder's names are Robert K Ross MD, and Celia Lombard

The complaint specifics would be that they are using tax exempt funds to purchase Television, Billboard, and Bus Stop printed media to involve themselves in the immigration reform debate. The ads are clearly aimed to influence the public's perception about undocumented ( a propaganda term in itself) persons as opposed to healthcare concerns. State that this is a violation of their tax exempt status and that their charter should be investigated and they should be fined and have their tax exempt status suspended.

We need a lot of people to call to get the interest of the fraud unit, and to do it before the Endowment spends more money spreading propaganda.

Please make the call. I wasn't on hold at all. It happened quickly, and there was no resistance at all. You can request anonymity, but I gave my contact info and asked for any updates.

Your loyal Ayatollah asking :)

Greg in LA 12-17-2013 07:33 PM

I will be calling tomorrow.
Thank you for this. This is a very constructive and productive activity for us.

Greg in LA 12-19-2013 10:09 PM

Hi Ayatollah,
I called the Franchise tax board a couple of times yesterday and today, and they told me at the number that you provided that they don't take complaints. They then referred me to a department that handles Tax exempt organization, and they directed me to "advocate services" that will send send the complaint to the Franchise tax board. They told me that I have to do this through "advocate services."

They're called: Executive and advocate services.

My contact is Shelly Clark.
Phone: 916-845-6316
Fax: 916-855-5799

They said that we would need to send or fax a written discription of the violation as well as documentation of the advertisement. She would then send it to the Franchise tax board for them to investigate.

The address is: PO box, 157 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-0157

This is the information that I got. I don't know if it is different than what you found out.

If you can package a complaint and images of the advertisement ,I'll send in a complaint along with yours.


Ayatollahgondola 12-20-2013 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Greg in LA (Post 24347)
Hi Ayatollah,
I called the Franchise tax board a couple of times yesterday and today, and they told me at the number that you provided that they don't take complaints. They then referred me to a department that handles Tax exempt organization, and they directed me to "advocate services" that will send send the complaint to the Franchise tax board. They told me that I have to do this through "advocate services."

They're called: Executive and advocate services.

My contact is Shelly Clark.
Phone: 916-845-6316
Fax: 916-855-5799

They said that we would need to send or fax a written discription of the violation as well as documentation of the advertisement. She would then send it to the Franchise tax board for them to investigate.

The address is: PO box, 157 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-0157

This is the information that I got. I don't know if it is different than what you found out.

If you can package a complaint and images of the advertisement ,I'll send in a complaint along with yours.


It's not at all unusual for the intake center to log in an initial complaint and re-direct it after they find the proper agency. This tells me that a few other people may have called and that's what they're doing.

I'll get some more pics of the big billboards, but the television commercials are pretty hard to document. Another one of them ran last evening around 10:00 pm.
Anyone out there have recording capabilities to document one of these commercials on TV?

Greg in LA 12-20-2013 09:21 PM

Do you think I was directed to the right department ?

What do you suggest I do?

Where did you file your complaint?

I called twice to the number that you provided, and both call takers re directed me.

Ayatollahgondola 12-21-2013 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Greg in LA (Post 24354)
Do you think I was directed to the right department ?

What do you suggest I do?

Where did you file your complaint?

I called twice to the number that you provided, and both call takers re directed me.

Greg, I'm headed over there on Monday. I'm going to hand deliver a complaint, and ask to speak with a representative of that department directly. I'lll follow up here with new information.

Thanks for taking an interest :)

ilbegone 12-22-2013 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 24348)
Anyone out there have recording capabilities to document one of these commercials on TV?

Get a Haupphauge HD PVR and record to rewritable disk, then edit with VideoRedo and burn to disk. I was able to record shows of personal interest and edit out commercials, so the show can be edited out and the commercial of interest kept.

Prices seem to be about the same for both the device and software as they were a few years ago.

I have done quite a bit of this stuff, but haven't done any for 2 or 3 years. It worked really well then. I don't know what's out now, but I went through a lot of worthless devices before I found the Hauppauge PVR. The Black Magic Intensity card seemed to work only for raw video camera output, wouldn't pick up what I wanted - a waste of over $300.00. The combination video/audio output to USB recording devices I bought (such as Pinnacle and everything else I tried) simply didn't work. The one direct VHS and TV video to DVD recorder I found and purchased was limited to one hour of recording and degraded the video quality on the finished disk, no provision for editing.

I got started with it because I simply wanted to convert my old VHS to DVD for personal use and that is purposefully made to be very difficult without the right equipment and software. Pissed me off and it became a matter of principle that I be able to do so. I'll add that I tossed out a lot of money on crap devices which didn't work. The PVR was good for backing up VHS to DVD for personal use. For example, I searched high and low to buy a DVD version of the Pink Floyd Delicate Sound of Thunder concert but found it was available only on VHS (which I already had), no commercial DVD versions of the concert were ever available that I know of.

The Hauppauge PVR HD attaches with several cables to the satellite or cable DVR box independent of HDMI, HDMI was configured in a way to prevent intercepting and recording HD signals. Please note that even with the letters "HD" on the Hauppauge device, you're not going to be able to record HD with it - but it was good enough for me.

If you want to copy purchased DVD, HD, and BlueRay disks for personal backup use (don't give away or sell copies, or copy rented media, which is piracy), Slysoft AnyDvd HD and BlindWrite will get you there.

There is also audio (from any source) to CD conversion stuff out there too, some better than others.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-23-2013 11:17 AM

I haven't seen any of the advertising anywhere around my neck of the woods.

Ayatollahgondola 12-29-2013 08:00 AM

Rim05 12-30-2013 04:44 AM

Seems to me that every one in politics is on the band wagon for illegals today. Want to know why? Votes, votes and more votes. No one thinks this is the USA any more. It is all Money and Votes.

Ayatollahgondola 07-21-2014 06:33 AM

Sacramento County Sued For Prohibiting Ad That Stumps For Illegals
Sacramento County Sued For Prohibiting Ad That Stumps For Illegals


In one advertisement, three workers stand with an “Undocumented Californian Facts” box depicted as a food label on one of them. Among the statistics shown: 92 percent work and pay $2.7 billion in taxes.

Another ad shows several people with the statement, “1.4 million undocumented tax-paying Californians lack health coverage.”

The ads by health nonprofit California Endowment have appeared in the rotunda of the state Capitol, on bus stops across Sacramento and as a 90-by-140-foot mural on a historic Los Angeles hotel.

But not in the Sacramento International Airport, where officials deemed them too controversial.

The endowment’s display case in Terminal B instead contains a piece of black canvas with white lettering: #Health4All.

In a written statement, airport spokeswoman Laurie Slothower said the ads violate a policy which “requires that under no circumstances shall advertising be displayed that would involve the county or the airport in controversial, social, moral, political or ethical issues.” The California Endowment also signed a three-year contract with the airport that explicitly barred political advertising.

But nonprofit leaders say they don’t believe the ads constitute political speech. And now the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California has gotten involved in the dispute, asking that airport officials allow the original billboards to appear and arguing that the decision amounts to a violation of constitutional free speech protections.

The ACLU also asked the county this week to provide records detailing how the airport determines an ad is political in nature.

Airports Director John Wheat declined to comment, saying through a spokeswoman that it doesn’t serve “either party’s interest to play this out in the media while we are in the process of responding to the (ACLU’s records) request.”

Endowment Senior Vice President Daniel Zingale said Sacramento airport officials have been the only ones to bar advertisements for the Health4All campaign. The endowment says the campaign “highlights the important contributions of undocumented Californians to our state’s communities and economy, while raising awareness of their lack of access to affordable health care coverage.” The campaign is intended to emphasize that undocumented immigrants also cannot get coverage under the federal health care overhaul.

Zingale acknowledged that the endowment’s contract with the airport, due to expire soon, explicitly barred political advertising. But the endowment did not expect any problems, and the airport ran ads from endowment campaigns prior to Health4All, he said.

He objects to the county’s ad policy, but says even under its guidelines, the Health4All campaign still falls outside its restrictions.

“ ‘Undocumented workers deserve health care,’ to me, is not a political statement,” he said. “It’s just the right thing to do.”

In a letter sent to Wheat this week, ACLU attorney Michael Risher also argued that the ads are not political: “They do not mention any political candidate, bill or initiative.”

In an interview, Risher said that no matter how the airport decided that the ads were political, the decision would appear to violate the U.S. and California constitutions. The airport allows commercial advertising of all kinds, and as a public agency, it cannot privilege one type of advertising over another, he said.

Leslie Gielow Jacobs, a professor at McGeorge School of Law and an expert in constitutional law, said the airport may be able to restrict political ads, depending on what its policy says and how it is enforced.

“It’s a complicated area of law,” she said. “In a city park, you would have to allow political ads. It’s an open public venue. An airport is a more limited type of public venue. People are just there to pick up their bags. The airport could possibly decide that political ads are not appropriate, as long as the policy is uniformly enforced.”

Call The Bee’s Brad Branan, (916) 321-1065. Follow him on Twitter @BradB_at_SacBee.
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