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Greg in LA 06-22-2013 06:06 PM

Red Alert ! Call to action to all Patriots!
We need your help.

This is the big one, the first major battle to defeat the nation crushing amnesty .
This is the big issue of our time, and we need to act now and flood the phone lines and E-mail of Senators that are betraying the nation.

Senators Corker of Tennessee and Hoeven of North Dakota have crafted a 1,190 page amendment that changes the substance of the Gang of Eight bill. The amendment is mostly smoke and mirrors meant to be a fig leaf to enable squishy Republicans and red state Democrats a fig leaf so that they can vote for the amnesty, and say that there is improved enforcement, yet the enforcement is weak enough that Schumer and all the Gang of Eight members have approved and cosponsored the amendment, and that the amnesty portion comes first and without delay.

The amendment will be voted on Monday afternoon without Senators having a chance to read the 1,190 page amendment.

We need all patriots to call their senators and the co sponsors of the Corker/Hoeven fig leaf amendment and tell them Hell no!

Here are the list of sponsors and cosponsors, Minus McCain, Flake, Grahamnesty, and Rubio.

Sen. Hoeven: 888-995-2047 ----- 202-224-2551

Sen. Ayotte: 888-995-1986 ----- 202-224-3324

Sen. Heller: 888-995-5451 ---- 202-224-6244

Sen. Corker: 888-995-5271 ---- 202-224-3344

Sen. Hatch 888-978-3148 ---- 202-224-5251

Sen. Murkowski: 888-995-2057 ---- 202-224-6665

Sen. Kirk: 888-995-5459 ---- 202-224-2854

Sen. Manchin: 888-995-1992 ---- 202-224-3954

Sen. Pryor: 888-995-2016 ---- 202-224-2353

Sen. Begich: 888-995-2055 ---- 202-224-3004

Sen. Donnelly: 888-995-2034 ---- 202-224-4814

E-mail links for the senators can be reached through .

Greg in LA 06-23-2013 10:10 AM

Ayotte, Heller, Hatch, Donnelly, Hoeven,and Corker's Washington office voice mail is full.

Murkowsky, Begich, Pryor, Manchin, and Kirk's, DC office voice mail is not full yet as of 11:00 Am PST.

Monday is going to be very difficult to get through, the call volume is going to be very high. That's a good thing, we need to keep trying to get through to their DC offices, If we can crash the phone lines due to high call volume, that will also help defeat the bill.

We're leaving messages at their local offices also. You can get local office phone numbers at

Here is Hoevens (R)Fargo number: 701-239-5389

Here is Corkers(R) Nashville number: 615-279-8125

Memphis number: 901-683-1910

Ayotte NH office (R): 603-662-7979

Heller NV office (R): 702-338-6605

Pryor's Arkansas office (D): 501-324-6336

Murkowski (R): 907-271-3735

Begich (D): 907-272-5915

Good luck to everyone calling this weekend and on Monday.

Greg in LA 06-23-2013 08:20 PM

When you're calling Alaska Senators Murkowski: 888-995-2057

and Begich:888-995-1986

be sure to let them know that on page 983 of the Corker-Hoeven fig leaf amendment, it gives Alaska special exemptions for foreign workers. Let them know that this is crony capitalism. and that you won't tolerate their crony capitalist treason.

Ayatollahgondola 06-24-2013 05:09 AM

Earlier is better, when you're calling the senate. They're some hours ahead of us out here.

Greg in LA 06-24-2013 06:06 AM

Greg in LA reporting for duty.

Started calling at 5:30 AM California time.

Let me tell you that these Senators are such a bunch of chickens. Most didn't even answer their phones. It's now 9:40 East coast time and Hatch and Pryors office won't pick up, I've been calling for over an hour. Kelly Ayotte's office phone line says it's open at 8:30 Am, but nobody answered the phone until 9:30.

Then virtually all the offices put on these sweet young girls to take the angry calls.

What a bunch of cowards!
Afraid to answer the phones, and then hide behind young girls!

I have to say I was in excellent form today, fired up and my voice and message was clear and forceful.

I'm calling Pryor and Hatch's local office since they're to afraid to answer the DC phones. I've been happy to tell them all, that they can't hide from us.

Ayatollahgondola 06-24-2013 06:34 AM

I haven't given up on Boxer and Feintein either. Not that I believe they wouldn't like to see amnesty, but I've tried the different tack of tying this to the recent NSA spy scandal, and telling them that the voters are now getting fed up with the official party line and there'll be a revolt come election time, this one against the dems for spying, trying to dismiss it as necessary, and then trying to buy their souls back with amnesty

Greg in LA 06-24-2013 07:00 AM

Good one Ayatollah.

I'm beginning to see signs that the Capitol phone lines are buckling under the weight of our calls. A lot of my calls are being dropped. When calling directly to Senators offices, calls are being directed to the capitol switch board, and then being dropped.
It reminds me of when we were calling just before the final vote on the 2007 amnesty, phone lines were going hay wire.

They said the capacity of the phone lines at the Capitol were greatly expanded after that 2007 incident, but I can tell we are really testing the system today.

Greg in LA 06-24-2013 01:07 PM

I'm taking a late lunch and making some calls to the Senate.

Seems most of the phone lines are wide open. Here's your chance to get connected.

Greg in LA 06-24-2013 04:26 PM

Sorry guy's, we didn't stop one member or cosponsor of the Corker-Hoeven fig leaf amendment. They all voted as planned.

I guess it wasn't possible to stop them from voting against their own amendment.

It's now a different game all together, as I believe the next vote will be to end discussion on the bill and to end the ability to filibuster.

I believe there will be two more votes on the amnesty bill. One to cut off debate, and the last to pass the bill.

I'm still waiting to hear back with reports from our calls this morning, but from my own experience, call volume was very strong and many of my calls were dropped or went unconnected because of the call volume. As I said in my earlier post I noticed the phone lines starting to go hay wire this morning, which means there was an enormous outpouring of calls to stop the amnesty.

Senator's Sessions, Vitter and Cruz kept saying in the Numbers USA tele -conference that we must keep calling, and our call volume is critical to stop the bill. They both said our calls and emails are the only thing that can stop this.

Sorry we don't have good news, just more work ahead of us. This week is extremely critical.

I pledge to be up and calling by 5:30 AM every day this week and call for three hours.

67 Senators voted for the fig leaf amendment. we need to win over or scare over 8 Senators to defeat the nation crushing amnesty.

Lets show them what we've got.

Greg in LA 06-24-2013 08:48 PM

Anybody want to post their thoughts?

Ayatollahgondola 06-24-2013 09:28 PM

The amendment, so called fig leaf, is a little hard to vote against. "Senator so-and-so voted against a border fence". So this may not be so much a key vote. It could be a semi clever plot though, with an as yet unplayed diabolical twist ahead. We may have our hold-outs in the senate being lead to a trap, and maybe they are just a bit wiser than we give them credit for. the dems are as predictable as the sun, as usual.
It's really hard for us in California, because we're stuck with the predictable ones, and we can't really put our heads in the frame of mind that lets us try to get in the thought process of the reasonable conservative holdouts.

I also see that this fight over immigration reform is getting some competition from several other issues. The spying scandal peels some away, and the IRS one has captivated the TEA party (they've always been taxes, taxes, taxes). Add to that the daily newscasts that have been chock full of people exhibiting the most bizarre behaviors I've had the displeasure to read, and you have a recipe for being frozen-in-the-headlights.

So now we just have to keep our wits about us as this drama unfolds, or plays itself out, depending on whether you believe it's already a done deal behind closed doors, or a nasty, politically bloody battle that could go either way.

Greg in LA 06-25-2013 06:54 AM

Thanks for the input Ayatollah, I'm glad to have someone to talk to about all that's going on.
I just finished my calls to all the sponsor's and co sponsors of the Hoeven-Corker amendment this morning. I vented a lot of anger to these criminals we have in the Senate. They knew what's coming this morning and the Senators put the kids on the line to take it for them.

You raise some good points that we really don't know what is going on, as too why the Republican Senators are betraying us and voting for the Amnesty.

One thing I've been thinking lately is in 2006 the amnesty bill passed the Senate, we had a Republican lead House that year and there was no way they were going to pass the amnesty in the House. Maybe it was easier for Republican Senators to pass the amnesty because they knew it wasn't going to become law.

2007 was a lot scarier, because Pelosi was speaker of the house, and if it passed the Senate it wouldn't have been a problem to pass the house also.

Maybe the Republican Senators this time around are using their vote to pass the amnesty in the Senate, collect the money from Adelson and the US Chamber of commerce, because they feel confident it's dead in the House?

Then again, maybe we've just been betrayed.

We are not sure if Boehner is going to betray us, but his name is "Bone-er".

On a side note the only sparks that flew were when I called Feinstein's office and told the call taker that first the government spy's on us and now they are voting to depress our wages. Boy the call taker didn't like the spying accusations, but couldn't care less about the amnesty topic.

I should also mention that a lot of people think the IRS/Tea party scandal and the government spying on citizen's scandal is all meant to distract the public from the real crime that's going on in the Senate as they try to surrender the country.

Ayatollahgondola 06-25-2013 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Greg in LA (Post 23425)
Thanks for the input Ayatollah, I'm glad to have someone to talk to about all that's going on.
I just finished my calls to all the sponsor's and co sponsors of the Hoeven-Corker amendment this morning. I vented a lot of anger to these criminals we have in the Senate. They knew what's coming this morning and the Senators put the kids on the line to take it for them.

You raise some good points that we really don't know what is going on, as too why the Republican Senators are betraying us and voting for the Amnesty.

One thing I've been thinking lately is in 2006 the amnesty bill passed the Senate, we had a Republican lead House that year and there was no way they were going to pass the amnesty in the House. Maybe it was easier for Republican Senators to pass the amnesty because they knew it wasn't going to become law.

2007 was a lot scarier, because Pelosi was speaker of the house, and if it passed the Senate it wouldn't have been a problem to pass the house also.

Maybe the Republican Senators this time around are using their vote to pass the amnesty in the Senate, collect the money from Adelson and the US Chamber of commerce, because they feel confident it's dead in the House?

Then again, maybe we've just been betrayed.

We are not sure if Boehner is going to betray us.

On a side note the only sparks that flew were when I called Feinstein's office and told the call taker that first the government spy's on us and now they are voting to depress our wages. Boy the call taker didn't like the spying accusations, but couldn't care less about the amnesty topic.

I should also mention that a lot of people think the IRS/Tea party scandal and the government spying on citizen's scandal is all meant to distract the public from the real crime that's going on in the Senate as they try to surrender the country.

They are certainly on the defensive about the irs and spying scandals. They're taking heat from their liberal supporters, and that worries them a bit. Don't kid yourself about the priorities of the TEA party heirarchy. They consider the tax issue, THE issue, the spying issue is nothing to them, save for the value it is in beating up whatever dems might get hurt over it. while the TEA party's base may think otherwise, the TEA party leaders would sell us out in a heartbeat for a tax concession that had staying power.

Greg in LA 06-25-2013 07:29 AM

The Tea Party is concerned about taxes primarily. They never seemed to quite get it on immigration.

The Tea Party seems to me to be dieing quite swiftly, as it's stars Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio are done with them, and ditched the movement as quickly as they could.

Politics is such an ugly profession. Liars , stupidity, betrayal. and smiles to cover it up.

Are they really going to kill the American nation and pass the amnesty? or are they just going to score some cash and then snap out of it.

Ayatollahgondola 06-25-2013 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Greg in LA (Post 23427)
The Tea Party is concerned about taxes primarily. They never seemed to quite get it on immigration.

The Tea Party seems to me to be dieing quite swiftly, as it's stars Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio are done with them, and ditched the movement as quickly as they could.

Politics is such an ugly profession. Liars , stupidity, betrayal. and smiles to cover it up.

Are they really going to kill the American nation and pass the amnesty? or are they just going to score some cash and then snap out of it.

I don't believe that Rubio or Paul are sophisticated enough to prevent being used by powers in the beltway that could care less about the sovereignty of the US. Both, I believe, are being used.

ilbegone 06-25-2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 23428)
I don't believe that Rubio or Paul are sophisticated enough to prevent being used by powers in the beltway that could care less about the sovereignty of the US. Both, I believe, are being used.

There is an ancient joke that goes something like this:

A stinking rich old Robber Baron from the late 1800's (who was long past his physical prime) held an extravagant socialite party, all the names who were names (whether or not they hated, opportunistically stabbed in the back, or eternally and wantonly with malice of forethought tried to destroy one another) gathered to - with great insincerity - hide their true feelings and have a publicly perceived good time (all media were there with all their fellational obsequiousness), with only the occasional jaw tightening zinger and a couple of corporate attorney driven "honor killings" to disturb the peace.

Very soon an extremely attractive young woman caught the host's eye. With scant schmoozing beyond introductions and leaving seduction to other players (whom he regarded as "losers") the pitiless larcenist got straight to the point:


Will you sleep with me for a million dollars?
he asked.

Blushing coyly, the young woman enthusiastically gushed:


Anytime, you handsome, smooth talking devil you
To which the gadzillionaire host queried:


Well, very good. How about nine dollars and thirty two cents?
To which the gorgeous young woman drew her skirts to one side, flashed her indignent eyes and icily asked:


What sort of woman do you think I am?
To which the elderly Robber Baron host thusly replied:


We've already established that fact, we're just haggling over the price
Washington is full of discount political whores.

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