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Eagle1 10-25-2009 12:02 AM

Riverside California Brown Berets vs NSM
Saturday October 24, 2009

Members of the Inland Empire National Socialist Movement, a white pride organization, staged a rally at the Riverside Home Depot located at Madison and Indiana protesting illegal immigration.

Community activists, including the Brown Berets of Azatlan who carried Mexican flags and who were dressed in military attire responded in numbers far exceeding that of the twenty or so NSM members.

About two hundred pro-illegal immigration, anti- NSM activists made a loud
statement including seizing two NSM flags from the NSM burning one of them. These were not American flags but the NSM's organizations flags.

The Brown Berets in what has to be a case of the pot calling the kettle black
called the NSM members racists. The NSM countered with shouts of "white power", "siege heil" and their signature salute, reminiscent of Adolph Hitlers '

As California buckles under the strain of illegal immigration, communism, corruption and a negative cash flow situation brought about by the disaster makers in Washington DC and Sacramento the once golden state appears to be sinking into anarchy as witnessed today in Riverside California.

Is anarchy making an appearance in California?

Why else would you find Nazi symbols, Mexican revolutionaries flying Mexican flags and communists fighting it out on the streets except in a failed state about to absolutely tank as its most intelligent achievers leave it by the thousands.

Anger is beginning to make itself manifest on the streets and riots may just be around the corner.

It is rumored that the NSM will host another event soon. So far this is the second clash between members of the Brown Berets and the NSM members.

Below you will find links to videos of the event.

CBS Ch 2 news carried an article and exciting footage of the Brown Berets charging the National Socialist Movement members and attacking them.

Other Videos of the event can be seen here

We can all hope for better days but so far it doesn't look good in what was once a wonderful state ruined by socialists, communists, super capitalists
and illegal aliens.:mad:

Rim05 10-25-2009 04:41 AM

I was completly surprised when I saw that on the news. I will have to give credit to the NSM for trying to ignore that little gnat Naui. I wish he would get another nose full of spray again. If Everyone would never answer him maybe it would deflate him a bit. I thought I saw Cliff May but not sure.
The brown Beret that was arrested was shouting "This is my town". Seems every one wants to own the US.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 08:04 AM

I'm not quite sure what to make of this yet,

Small gatherings of presumably hard core racists could also be the work of propagandists. But, in the event that people know them, and they are a group of hard core racists, they certainly have surprised me. It has been my experience that the bulk of them are pretty much too fearful to do something like this in small numbers.
What I see here is two racist groups, not one. I don't support the agenda of either side where it applies to their overall philosophy. thing that should concern us a little is the first amendment issue. I don't like anyone's 1st amendment rights being dictated, controlled, or inhibited by an angry mob. That said, I believe their defenders should be the SBPD, County Sheriff, or US prosecutor. The ACLU for that matter. Not us. What small portion of their issues seem to fit our mold just slither along in the hopes of obtaining legitimacy for their other, more dominant agenda.

Eagle1 10-25-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 318)
I was completly surprised when I saw that on the news. I will have to give credit to the NSM for trying to ignore that little gnat Naui. I wish he would get another nose full of spray again. If Everyone would never answer him maybe it would deflate him a bit. I thought I saw Cliff May but not sure.
The brown Beret that was arrested was shouting "This is my town". Seems every one wants to own the US.

Yes that little nobody Naui was even videod stealing an NSM flag. He was very close to them doing his "interviews" and then he quickly grabbed the flag and stepped back beyond their reach.

The obvious point in all of this is that its okay for brown power and pro-illegal alien groups to exercise first amendment rights but anyone else will suffer violence at their hands.

That is part of a primitive mindset that will completely destroy this nation.:(

Eagle1 10-25-2009 10:29 AM

Agreed that we are not the defenders of the NSM. Their philosophy is too "out there" and brings memories of Nazi death camps, terror and murder. I've never understood why they align themselves with a political philosophy that has an undeniably sordid past.

I've got nothing against white pride though. Everyone should be proud of who they are.

A very frightening consequence of the supreme courts decisions on race relationships is the undeniable fact that whites have been sacrificed by our government in order to accomodate other ethnicities.

Two wrongs don't make a right and it was stupid to take freedom from one group to give to another . 10-25-2009 10:36 AM

The best thing that can be said about appearances by the NSM in SoCal is that, at least the usual imbeciles we commonly endure, who frequently bemoan bigotry and their victimization, actually get to confront and revile genuine racists.

Also, unlike the Brown Berets, Mexica-Movement types and other assorted pond scum who may have shown up in Riverside, at least the Skinheads have the intellectual integrity to admit their racist disposition/orientation.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 332)
Agreed that we are not the defenders of the NSM. Their philosophy is too "out there" and brings memories of Nazi death camps, terror and murder. I've never understood why they align themselves with a political philosophy that has an undeniably sordid past.

It identifies them as that to be feared. They want strength they don't possess, so they wear a frightening mask to bolster their appearance. Capitalizing on some historical entity that grew into a force to be reckoned with is a common practice. Many of us reach into history too, but avoid that which is revolting. I've always wondered why those nazi types hang their hats on such a soundly defeated ideal.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 11:06 AM

This will only get worse and maybe that's what needs to happen before the public realizes what our schools and government have done to brainwash so many of our citizens. What I see these NSM doing is simply portraying "what's good for the goose is good for the gander". If La Raza, MEChA, LULAC etc. can put themselves ahead of everyone else and proclaim the outlandish racist sentiment they do, then why shouldn't others be allowed to do the same. We all know two wrongs don't make a right, but why allow one wrong to go unstopped or unchallenged? This time the Brown Berets got a chance to see themselves in a mirror from the opposite side and they didn't like what they saw. Truth hurts when you have to confront it. What is so comical is that the Brown Berets look and act so much like the NSM that there's only the one small difference, their skin color.
I'm ambivalent about this confrontation. On the one hand, the racists on both side are an eyesore on society. Yet, it's really any eyeopener to the public to see them both so close together and see the close resemblance of the two together.

LAPhil 10-25-2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 339)
What is so comical is that the Brown Berets look and act so much like the NSM that there's only the one small difference, their skin color.
I'm ambivalent about this confrontation. On the one hand, the racists on both side are an eyesore on society. Yet, it's really any eyeopener to the public to see them both so close together and see the close resemblance of the two together.

I was just thinking something very similar, Jean. It seems to me there were Brown Berets making Nazi salutes at the last rally I attended.

Eagle1 10-25-2009 01:07 PM

NSM Stormfront and such
The NSM, Stormfront and some of the other Nazi groups are of interest to me in that they are successful in recruiting young men and women....far more successfully than us or the Minutemen groups.

The question here is why?
Is it because of a racial identity crisis brought about by the Feds social engineering programs? Is it concievable that as the majority racial group they have come to the conclusion that they have been put on the governments sacrificial alter for its own purposes and are reacting out of an instinctive survival mechanism?

Young men and women could always join with us but we are multi-ethnic and profoundly anti-racist. This is a clue as to what is going on in these groups and they are not all the same.

The weirdness of it becomes apparent when one of them tells you that Hitler was a great man. That the holocaust never happened and that Jews are to blame for everything that has gone wrong.

We would be wise to consider a few things:
1. Keep Nazis at arms length but politely and respectfully. There can be no mixing of the two at any event that we hold. We are of a different philosophy entirely. If they appear at one of our rallies they should politely
be told to move a distance from us.

2. Understand that they are involved in the fight against illegal immigration
and are bravely stepping up just as we have. They have their own reasons and some of it is completely alien to our way of thinking.

3. In keeping dialog civil with these groups whenever we run across them
there is the possibility of straightening a few young minds out.

4. They are strong and brave and willing to fight and I like that since I believe that we will see social upheaval in the USA along ethnic lines with shots fired and violence in the streets. They, I believe are more in line with
being Americans than the violent opposition that has thrown things at us and even assaulted some of our women. For this reason I will respect them while holding on to my own set of values which differ greatly form theirs.

5. At a Baldwin Park rally years ago, about seventy of us showed up and were confronted by thousands of the opposition. Stormfront came and we did not know what to expect. There were a number of young men and women all white of course who were the constituents of this group.
An understanding was made between all of us and it worked fine. Everyone was relieved that Stormfront was there because it was beginning to look like Custer's last stand that day.

6. I agree with what AG has posted: that they identify themselves with a group in history that really was intimidating. Power is their claim, power to put fear into their adversaries by way of their chosen philosophy and its verifiable place in history. Understanding that equips us to deal with them.

7. I have never had my first amendment rights denied by any of these Nazis nor been attacked by them..I cannot say that about the militant Brown Berets and their associated groups.

It's a weird world anyway and it is concievable that we look just as strange to the Nazis as they do to us.:)


Rim05 10-25-2009 01:19 PM

I hate to think what this country will be like in 5 years, maybe only 2.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 352)
It's a weird world anyway and it is concievable that we look just as strange to the Nazis as they do to us.:)

Oh, they believe we are in denial

And I am closely aligned with your philosophy on this. I was of a mind that many young people that ended up in the nazi/separtist ranks because they lacked access to other options. Being a charitable corp, our mission is one of support, advocacy and education. I was thinking that we offer them another way to fight for their communities; one that recognizes American National rights above any racial ones. But we cannot allow them to use our corp as a tool of racial oppression or to further the goals or agenda that normally accompanies a racial supremacist or separatist organization. I think we might approach it as the clergy approach sinners:cool: ; We preach to them the evils of racism just as we do in the case of La Raza. But we don't let them come to our masses and recruit souls for the devil:D

Eagle1 10-25-2009 03:03 PM

I]m with you AG
[SIZE="3"]Yes by all means lets take the approach that they can be saved.
There is much in the Nazis to be admired but on the very face of it, it is a twisted, sick set of ideas that they hold at the heart of their movement.

The question is... how does one convince them of this?
There are so many good kids that have gotten into this Nazi thing

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 03:24 PM

I don't know that we can come up with a strategy that will easily pry them from a position that they feel has so much strength. I think we have to show them that ours is the right and just path through our deeds and gains. I doubt there will be any defections prior to that. We will have to accept that there will be those who firmly believe, and will require some sort of divine intervention so-to-speak. In other words, mere mortal acts will prove inneffective. Those are the types of people we will be opposed to, similar once again, to La Raza and such.
Our strengths will be our racial mixing, and the deeds and performance by those of the racial backgrounds that those racialists have either come to have disdain for, or may have been born to it.
We can use this thread to promote those such people:

LAPhil 10-25-2009 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 359)
I don't know that we can come up with a strategy that will easily pry them from a position that they feel has so much strength. I think we have to show them that ours is the right and just path through our deeds and gains. I doubt there will be any defections prior to that. We will have to accept that there will be those who firmly believe, and will require some sort of divine intervention so-to-speak. In other words, mere mortal acts will prove inneffective. Those are the types of people we will be opposed to, similar once again, to La Raza and such.
Our strengths will be our racial mixing, and the deeds and performance by those of the racial backgrounds that those racialists have either come to have disdain for, or may have been born to it.
We can use this thread to promote those such people:

I don't know, AG, it seems that prejudice and hatred of racial minorities are hard things to talk people out of regardless of their age. I don't think you can ever educate these people as to the error of their ways.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 360)
I don't know, AG, it seems that prejudice and hatred of racial minorities are hard things to talk people out of regardless of their age. I don't think you can ever educate these people as to the error of their ways.

I don't know Phil,

I was exposed to that as a kid and found my way out. Some years later I was romantically involved with a black woman for a few years. Now I'm married to an island girl of Asian descent. I do recognize the challenges in many cases though. But our options are to let the works fall into one camp or another and us in the middle. The thought of racial strife or racial warring is not very appealing to me. I see the people who forward illegal immigration as profitting from that. the bigger the divide, the worse of a time we will have securing our communities. Racism wins, and America suffers. We should at least try something here.

LAPhil 10-25-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 361)
I don't know Phil,

I was exposed to that as a kid and found my way out. Some years later I was romantically involved with a black woman for a few years. Now I'm married to an island girl of Asian descent. I do recognize the challenges in many cases though. But our options are to let the works fall into one camp or another and us in the middle. The thought of racial strife or racial warring is not very appealing to me. I see the people who forward illegal immigration as profitting from that. the bigger the divide, the worse of a time we will have securing our communities. Racism wins, and America suffers. We should at least try something here.

Well, good luck. I wish I could share your optimism, but I think there's about as much chance of converting Nazis to racial openness as there is of convincing La Raza to oppose illegal immigration.

Eagle1 10-25-2009 05:31 PM

I hate to think what this country will be like in 5 years

Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 353)
I hate to think what this country will be like in 5 years, maybe only 2.

I agree with you Rim05. I am very disturbed by what I see occuring in this country. A great deal of our financial and social stability is gone. What comes next can't be pretty.:(

LAPhil 10-25-2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 358)

There is much in the Nazis to be admired

Such as?

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 366)
Such as?

Well for one, they haven't been brainwashed by our education system as so many other Whites, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics/Latinos, and they aren't afraid of not being politically correct. They are willing to stand and fight for something, even if it is very twisted and goes against what most Whites and society disagree with. As apposed to so many Hispanics who side with La Raza simply because so many other Hispanic/Latinos side with La Raza and those that don't are afraid to go against them for fear of being called a coconut.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 368)
Well for one, they haven't been brainwashed by our education system as so many other Whites, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics/Latinos, and they aren't afraid of not being politically correct. They are willing to stand and fight for something, even if it is very twisted and goes against what most Whites and society disagree with. As apposed to so many Hispanics who side with La Raza simply because so many other Hispanic/Latinos side with La Raza and those that don't are afraid to go against them for fear of being called a coconut.

I think Phil was referring to the old Nazi Party from the war period

LAPhil 10-25-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 368)
Well for one, they haven't been brainwashed by our education system as so many other Whites, Blacks, Asians and Hispanics/Latinos, and they aren't afraid of not being politically correct. They are willing to stand and fight for something, even if it is very twisted and goes against what most Whites and society disagree with. As apposed to so many Hispanics who side with La Raza simply because so many other Hispanic/Latinos side with La Raza and those that don't are afraid to go against them for fear of being called a coconut.

Jean, that answer totally boggles my mind. They're willing to stand and fight for something? What, world domination, extermination of Jews, and deportation of people of color? And those are good things? I would submit that there is nothing to be admired about Nazis. I mean really, people, get a grip!

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 370)
You consider those to be redeeming qualities? You could have said that same thing about the Nazis in Germany in the 1930's. I'm kind of surprised at your answer, Jean.

I think the question was in response to "there is much in the Nazis to be admired, and you asked "such as". So in my error, I was responding to what the skin heads had done that ran counter to the sheeple of today's society. They have been brainwashed, but not by the Anti-American teachings of our schools. And they are willing to put their bodies on the line and not just cry from afar. They have a twisted sense of loyalty, but then so do the Brown Berets who are told and treated as such great protectors of Mexican culture. When you separate the message from the situation, and your bias is not there the two have very little difference between them.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 372)
I think the question was in response to "there is much in the Nazis to be admired, and you asked "such as". So in my error, I was responding to what the skin heads had done that ran counter to the sheeple of today's society. They have been brainwashed, but not by the Anti-American teachings of our schools. And they are willing to put their bodies on the line and not just cry from afar. They have a twisted sense of loyalty, but then so do the Brown Berets who are told and treated as such great protectors of Mexican culture. When you separate the message from the situation, and your bias is not there the two have very little difference between them.

Well, some of these nazi/skinheads may just have a different brand of brainwashing.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 374)
Well, some of these nazi/skinheads may just have a different brand of brainwashing.

Yes, that's what I meant by they are brainwashed, just not Anti-American brainwashed which is being done in our schools and through the media.

LAPhil 10-25-2009 09:05 PM

OK Jean, I feel better now. I guess you were referring to skinheads in general who are like Nazis in a lot of ways but aren't exactly the same as the Hitler Youth of the 1930's. You have to understand that from my Jewish perspective your answer was just a little hard for me to take. Anything that sounds like sympathy for Nazis tends to make me a little edgy.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 376)
Yes, that's what I meant by they are brainwashed, just not Anti-American brainwashed which is being done in our schools and through the media.

Well,...uh...maybe....uh...I don't know if some of their activities are all that American either. Hell, some of them salute that nazi flag, and that seems pretty much a foriegn one to me. But I see what you mean, and I think we are in a good spot to offer a different option to those who may be joining up with the racialist crowd because they reject the brainwashing you're referring to, but lack a proactive alternative other than the white nationalists, supremacists, and related.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 378)
OK Jean, I feel better now. I guess you were referring to skinheads in general who are like Nazis in a lot of ways but aren't exactly the same as the Hitler Youth of the 1930's. You have to understand that from my Jewish perspective your answer was just a little hard for me to take. Anything that sounds like sympathy for Nazis tends to make me a little edgy.

I understand that.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 379)
Well,...uh...maybe....uh...I don't know if some of their activities are all that American either. Hell, some of them salute that nazi flag, and that seems pretty much a foriegn one to me. But I see what you mean, and I think we are in a good spot to offer a different option to those who may be joining up with the racialist crowd because they reject the brainwashing you're referring to, but lack a proactive alternative other than the white nationalists, supremacists, and related.

Yes, that's exactly correct. And many in society are taking notice of the double standard. These wantabe Nazis are acting out, yet have attached themselves to something very ugly. But in today's society, being attached to something misplaced or ugly can be considered cool in some circles. Look at what rap or devil worship, some consider themselves avant guarde and at the forefront of cool. Maybe these Nazi wantabees are using this to belong to something. Where can someone who is not a minority go besides joining the openborders/love everyone but myself crowd. Yes, there's the Minutemen or other such orgs, but they may not be radical enough for these guys and don't identify with being White. And the Klan just hides under a sheet like cowards. These guys probably were outcasts at some point, and may feel they've found other fellow outcasts that they can be part of. Kind of like a gang, and just belonging.

Eagle1 10-26-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 366)
Such as?

Hi Phil, Jean got to it before I did and I concur with her answer.
These kids are brave which is an admirable quality in any human being, they are committed which again is something that the good American people should be in much greater numbers.

One of my brown anti-illegal immigration friends was being accosted by reconquistas as she rallied by herself. It was a group of white skin heads that saved her that day.

And yes they are tolerant. I have run across these groups in California and Pennsylvania and the usual deal is for the Minutemen groups is to treat them in a hostile fashion because of course no one wants the negative publicity.

It was my observation that they took the rejection in all cases in a very civil fashion.

Try getting that from a reconquista!
Finally and indisputably when it comes to a real fight it isn't us that they are going to try to destroy in self defense but rather that collection of blood thirsty primitives that violently insist on taking over our society and imposing their will upon us.

Perhaps my greatest admiration of them comes from their commitment to defend themselves and others via the second amendment. If it comes to armed conflict they will take up arms to defend themselves and their loved ones...I've met others that would rather allow themselves and their family members to be killed.

They are different. Many of their views are unacceptably psychotic.
But would I disrespect someone whose blood might mix with mine on the pavement as it trickles out of our bodies in some horrible scenario of anarchy
and armed conflict brought about by the ever growing third world hoards and their anti-American supporters. No! Hell No!

A lot of people will not want to admit that anyone that stands against illegal immigration and is willing to stand outside a Home Depot while being taunted and attacked by the opposition has already shared in our own experiences
and as such has become part of an ideological bond. I won't!

Undeniably our government has made white folks step children in a country founded by them and made great by them. The white power people have noticed this and are justifiably angry as they should be.

There is virtue in a great number of human beings and I do not believe in childishly treating the white power folks as if they are the only ones on earth devoid of it. I prefer them over all the pro-illegal alien lovers, the communists and the anarchists.

Yes I do see a lot to admire in them...and you...what do you see?

LAPhil 10-26-2009 01:43 PM

Well, Eagle1, that was certainly an honest response. You have a higher opinion of Nazis than I have, but I respect yours nevertheless. I've never personally known any modern American Nazis so I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to judge them, but if they want to exterminate another six million of my people I don't think I could support them in any endeavor. Fortunately there's a big difference between the current group of Nazis and those from 1930's Germany, which is that the latter group had Hitler leading them. The current group has no real leader and therefore we probably don't have as much to fear from them.

Eagle1 10-26-2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 411)
Well, Eagle1, that was certainly an honest response. You have a higher opinion of Nazis than I have, but I respect yours nevertheless. I've never personally known any modern American Nazis so I'm somewhat at a loss as to how to judge them, but if they want to exterminate another six million of my people I don't think I could support them in any endeavor. Fortunately there's a big difference between the current group of Nazis and those from 1930's Germany, which is that the latter group had Hitler leading them. The current group has no real leader and therefore we probably don't have as much to fear from them.

Phil even with what my observations have been I would say that we must always be wary of what certain "leaders" can bring about.

It isn't just the jews who suffered the insufferable, there have been genocides brought about on this planet that defy the imagination of any creative writer in terms of the misery an horror that was wrought.

Whomever takes the reins of power be it in America, Adolph Hitlers' Germany or any other sovereign state gets to decide what will be done.

Once a person is in a position of authority that very authority can be used to force their countrymen into doing the very things that they detest.

A German doctor I spoke to when in highschool told me that being a NAZI was a requirement and so he became one even though he didn't like it.

A very notable and noble member of the NAZI party was Schindler of Schindlers List fame. A man who struggled to save as many jewish lives as he could while braving certain danger.

When it comes to our interactions with white supremacy groups (not all of them are NAZIs) we must impress upon them the failure that was Hitlers Germany and that if anything Hitler's Germany was a model of how things should not be done.

So while I see the good things in these folk I am also keenly aware of the darkness that envelopes the good aspects of their persons.

I do not have any NAZI or white power friends and of course given my way of thinking I would not fit in other than as AG puts it, that we can sort of be an alternative choice.

Jean however cites wisdom in that we are not hardcore enough for a lot of these kids.

I believe the Nazis would loose a lot of membership if there was a simple patriotic group representative of white Americans that has no ties to NAZIs, KKK or such.

A group of the sort would have to be para military, strong in its philosophy and teachings and capable of giving a sense of power and dignity to its membership. I believe that there is a void here that could be filled.
But by whom I do not know.

In any case peace and let us hope for a better tomorrow through the exercise of wisdom, good judgement, compassion and strength.:)

LAPhil 10-26-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 412)
Phil even with what my observations have been I would say that we must always be wary of what certain "leaders" can bring about.

It isn't just the jews who suffered the insufferable, there have been genocides brought about on this planet that defy the imagination of any creative writer in terms of the misery an horror that was wrought.

Whomever takes the reins of power be it in America, Adolph Hitlers' Germany or any other sovereign state gets to decide what will be done.

Once a person is in a position of authority that very authority can be used to force their countrymen into doing the very things that they detest.

A German doctor I spoke to when in highschool told me that being a NAZI was a requirement and so he became one even though he didn't like it.

A very notable and noble member of the NAZI party was Schindler of Schindlers List fame. A man who struggled to save as many jewish lives as he could while braving certain danger.

When it comes to our interactions with white supremacy groups (not all of them are NAZIs) we must impress upon them the failure that was Hitlers Germany and that if anything Hitler's Germany was a model of how things should not be done.

So while I see the good things in these folk I am also keenly aware of the darkness that envelopes the good aspects of their persons.

I do not have any NAZI or white power friends and of course given my way of thinking I would not fit in other than as AG puts it, that we can sort of be an alternative choice.

Jean however cites wisdom in that we are not hardcore enough for a lot of these kids.

I believe the Nazis would loose a lot of membership if there was a simple patriotic group representative of white Americans that has no ties to NAZIs, KKK or such.

A group of the sort would have to be para military, strong in its philosophy and teachings and capable of giving a sense of power and dignity to its membership. I believe that there is a void here that could be filled.
But by whom I do not know.

In any case peace and let us hope for a better tomorrow through the exercise of wisdom, good judgement, compassion and strength.:)

Some of your comments remind me of the movie "American History X" which is an excellent film that I would highly recommend to anyone. If you've never seen it you can probably get the DVD. It's a powerful story of a white American racist Nazi sympathizer who gets a black cellmate in prison and finds his attitude changing. I know I said earlier that this rarely happens in real life, but this fictional account seems quite real.

Eagle1 10-26-2009 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 416)
Some of your comments remind me of the movie "American History X" which is an excellent film that I would highly recommend to anyone. If you've never seen it you can probably get the DVD. It's a powerful story of a white American racist Nazi sympathizer who gets a black cellmate in prison and finds his attitude changing. I know I said earlier that this rarely happens in real life, but this fictional account seems quite real.

American History X was an excellent movie and I have it somewhere in my collection. I haven't seen it in a number of years and I enjoyed it thoroughly then. I think I will look at it again..with renewed interest.

On the real life front one of my black friends , Amir Raheem, former black panther, American patriot now and always a Marine told me that he had to bunk with a NAZI in the corp. They resented each other to the fullest and when in time they discovered one another on a psychological level they became the best of friends.

Amir told me that he thinks once out of the corps his friend might not be as soft now as then but the incident proves that when people get to know one another relationships become redefined by of all things reality.

Well here's to the idea that the responsible compassionate elements of society can gain control of our government and provide for all of us the fullest of our freedoms and economic prosperity with true justice for all.:D

Papoose 10-27-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 318)
I was completly surprised when I saw that on the news. I will have to give credit to the NSM for trying to ignore that little gnat Naui. I wish he would get another nose full of spray again. If Everyone would never answer him maybe it would deflate him a bit. I thought I saw Cliff May but not sure.
The brown Beret that was arrested was shouting "This is my town". Seems every one wants to own the US.

I saw Naui's first set (of 8 video clips) from the first Riverside confrontation and was actually glad that he actually found REAL RACIST to go up against. He really seemed to be orgasmically in his element that day. Upon viewing those first clips, my first thoughts were "agent provacatuers". The Nazi kids were too silent, didn't have any real talking points regarding illegal immigration, the clothes and flags seemed too new for a seasoned group and they largely ignored the illegal alien workers. Then I read on some site that this was their first protest. I see at the Oct. 24th event they were more prepared with more people (and more silly uniforms). Talk about racist versus racist!

As distasteful as I find the ideas of racial superiority and separatism, I believe in the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution. And as we learned in Leimert Park and almost in Hollywood at the AA3 protest, the protection of those rights are worth fighting for.

That being said, I'm hoping that we're all in agreement that regardless of the thoughts expressed here, there can be no association with any such groups at SOS events. We need a clear cut procedure on what to do if these groups show up at our events and it must be made clear to them that their mission and vision does damage to our work simply by association. And like as in the Liliana protest in Simi Valley when the Golden State Skinheads showed up, their protest must be visibly separate from our group.


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 352)
The NSM, Stormfront and some of the other Nazi groups are of interest to me in that they are successful in recruiting young men and women....far more successfully than us or the Minutemen groups.

The question here is why?
Is it because of a racial identity crisis brought about by the Feds social engineering programs? Is it concievable that as the majority racial group they have come to the conclusion that they have been put on the governments sacrificial alter for its own purposes and are reacting out of an instinctive survival mechanism?

Ummmmm, perhaps..... Or I wonder if it's simply of matter of the fact that we (meaning various groups in the illegal immigration movement) cannot seem to form a cohesive work team surrounding this single issue for too long before someone has to "be in charge" or become famous or want to do their "own thing" in contradiction to the groups core mission and goals? We'd be fooling ourselves if we think the reconquista/racist/raza crowd does not have disagreement, but when they take it to the streets, the mission is clear and cohesive- to paint the anti illegal immigration groups as racist and bigots and sell outs who're just out to separate "immigrant" families. The old SOS could not even form the Youth Brigade without it becoming a huge fight. I'm trusting that we are all still here because we believe in the merits of our fight and I'm hoping that we can work together and realize that we do not eat our own.


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 359)
I think we have to show them that ours is the right and just path through our deeds and gains. In other words, mere mortal acts will prove inneffective. Our strengths will be our racial mixing, and the deeds and performance by those of the racial backgrounds that those racialists have either come to have disdain for, or may have been born to it. We can use this thread to promote those such people:

Yes, we will have to lead and teach by our example that we have and will continue to successfully work together and that we can maturely address our conflicts.

Papoose 10-27-2009 08:54 PM

PS: I never knew what American History X was about. It sounds interesting and I'll have to check it out.


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 422)
American History X was an excellent movie and I have it somewhere in my collection. I haven't seen it in a number of years and I enjoyed it thoroughly then. I think I will look at it again..with renewed interest.

On the real life front one of my black friends , Amir Raheem, former black panther, American patriot now and always a Marine told me that he had to bunk with a NAZI in the corp. They resented each other to the fullest and when in time they discovered one another on a psychological level they became the best of friends.

Amir told me that he thinks once out of the corps his friend might not be as soft now as then but the incident proves that when people get to know one another relationships become redefined by of all things reality.

Well here's to the idea that the responsible compassionate elements of society can gain control of our government and provide for all of us the fullest of our freedoms and economic prosperity with true justice for all.:D

Ayatollahgondola 10-27-2009 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Papoose (Post 460)
That being said, I'm hoping that we're all in agreement that regardless of the thoughts expressed here, there can be no association with any such groups at SOS events. We need a clear cut procedure on what to do if these groups show up at our events and it must be made clear to them that their mission and vision does damage to our work simply by association. And like as in the Liliana protest in Simi Valley when the Golden State Skinheads showed up, their protest must be visibly separate from our group.

Oh, I agree strongly here. We can't be partnering with philosophies that run so counter to ours in one area simply because they run parallel in one or two others. Should they show up as a united group under a banner of race, we have to reject them. We can't sacrifice our ideals for some gain in numbers. Likewise, bringing another agenda is not a united front. If we're all fighting for the same cause, that should be the only thing represented.

PochoPatriot 10-28-2009 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Papoose (Post 461)
PS: I never knew what American History X was about. It sounds interesting and I'll have to check it out.

This is a really good movie.

Papoose 10-28-2009 07:23 PM

My prior statement (below) almost makes it sound like we should not have any leaders (or people IN CHARGE). I didn't mean to convey that at all. There are always leaders, people who know more, people who've been on the streets longer, people we trust and rely on and people who grow into leaders. I certainly have no problem following a true and principled leader(s) and trusting their experience.

<<<<<Ummmmm, perhaps..... Or I wonder if it's simply of matter of the fact that we (meaning various groups in the illegal immigration movement) cannot seem to form a cohesive work team surrounding this single issue for too long before someone has to "be in charge" or become famous or want to do their "own thing" in contradiction to the groups core mission and goals>>>>>

Ayatollahgondola 10-28-2009 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Papoose (Post 480)
My prior statement (below) almost makes it sound like we should not have any leaders (or people IN CHARGE). I didn't mean to convey that at all. There are always leaders, people who know more, people who've been on the streets longer, people we trust and rely on and people who grow into leaders. I certainly have no problem following a true and principled leader(s) and trusting their experience.

<<<<<Ummmmm, perhaps..... Or I wonder if it's simply of matter of the fact that we (meaning various groups in the illegal immigration movement) cannot seem to form a cohesive work team surrounding this single issue for too long before someone has to "be in charge" or become famous or want to do their "own thing" in contradiction to the groups core mission and goals>>>>>

I knew what you meant:)

Here's where having written policies and procedures helps out quite a bit. Having those is like having a leader, except that leader is everyone who participated in crafting them.

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