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Ayatollahgondola 06-05-2010 07:33 PM

June 5th Arizona Event Reports Showing On Net
I've been running a few searches, and thus far there are but a few news media reports on the event today in Arizona. So far it's been limited to the same two articles being republished by many. It's described as hundreds attending, and then they compare it to twenty thousand from the oppositions marches last month.
I've seen Robin Hvidston's picture included in some of them, but that's the extent of people I know thus far.
107 degrees today there:eek:

Here's a news clip with a video in this link:

wetibbe 06-06-2010 05:00 AM

Never trust the media !
Immigration law supporters rally at Ariz. Capitol
By MICHELLE PRICE (AP) – 12 hours ago

PHOENIX — Hundreds of people supporting Arizona's new law cracking down on illegal immigration rallied near the state Capitol on Saturday afternoon as temperatures reached 105 degrees.

Hundreds of motorcycle riders kicked off the downtown Phoenix rally by riding in a procession around the Capitol. Supporters waved American flags and some carried signs that read "What part of illegal don't they understand?"

The rally's turnout fell far short of the march organized by opponents of the law last weekend, when an estimated 20,000 people gathered.

Demonstrators on Saturday sweated in temperatures predicted to reach as high as 107 degrees. Some shaded themselves with umbrellas and clamored to buy cold water and ice cream from vendors.

"For them to come here when it's over 100 degrees and stand in the heat — it's awesome," said 32-year-old Stephanie Colbert of Glendale.

Colbert and her mother, 53-year-old Pattie Sheaham of Phoenix, said they strongly support the new law, which requires police conducting traffic stops or questioning people about possible legal violations to ask about their immigration status if there is "reasonable suspicion" they're in the country illegally. Reasonable suspicion is not defined.

"Everybody needs to obey the same laws," Sheaham said. "If you want to come here, there's ways to do it. Do it the right way."

The law, which goes into effect July 29 unless blocked by a court, will also make it a state crime to be in the country illegally or to impede traffic while hiring day laborers, regardless of the worker's immigration status. It would become a crime for illegal immigrants to solicit work.

Critics have said the law will invite racial profiling, while supporters have said it will help fight illegal immigration.

Gov. Jan Brewer has ordered a state police training board to prepare training standards to prevent racial profiling in enforcing the law.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, perhaps best known for his efforts targeting illegal immigrants, drew loud chants of "Joe, Joe, Joe!" from the crowd.

One man yelled to him: "We've got your back, Joe!"

Arpaio praised lawmakers for passing the law and reiterated that he'll lock up as many illegal immigrants as his deputies can arrest.

"We'll put tents from here to Mexico," he told the crowd, referring to his famed Tent City, a section of the county jail where all inmates are housed in surplus military tents.

The Pennsylvania-based group Voice of the People USA organized the demonstration, which it touted as a grassroots effort. Attendees traveled from every region of the U.S., Voice of the People president Daniel Smeriglio said.

Former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado and GOP state Sen. Russell Pearce of Mesa, the author of the law, also were scheduled to speak.

Ayatollahgondola 06-06-2010 06:07 AM

95% of what there is in circulation this morning about this event is derived from one or two articles written and released by the AP. This is not a good situation. The AP didn't massacre our side on this one, but to have one source spreading the news to every state and local outlet is just plain troubling and ripe for misuse. We've still got a big problem. This is precisely what happened before with the issue in that the big money people were able to get ahold of the key players and manage the issue to their desires. Our interests got a good thing going out there in AZ, and if we don't find a way to keep the news media from doing damage control it may just wind up back in the hands of McCain, Graham, Obama, and Mexico.

usa today 06-06-2010 11:05 AM

Photos, lol :)

An old friend of ours ? a rising star? :rolleyes:

LAPhil 06-06-2010 03:57 PM

Was anyone here there besides me? I'm still looking for a thread on the event itself.

Ayatollahgondola 06-06-2010 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 9882)
Was anyone here there besides me? I'm still looking for a thread on the event itself.

Jean was there, but she's probably still in transit. Otherwise, there is no thread of its' own yet

Jeanfromfillmore 06-06-2010 05:53 PM

Hello everyone, I just returned from Phoenix. My god it was hot!!!!!! Yes, it was over 107 degrees, with VERY LITTLE SHADE!!!!!!! The medics were handling people right and left with heat stroke. I myself got real dizzy twice and almost landed up the same way. At one point I couldn't even walk ten feet in the sun, because as soon as I got out of the semi-shade I got dizzy.

There was a real problem with the video camera, something out of my hands that I had no control of. So sorry I don't have any videos, but Digger of Diggers Realm and Ruth his girl friend said the would send us some to post. I'll try to contact them later as soon as I unload the car and settle in.

The reports were there were two thousand, but I say there were at least twenty-five hundred, maybe three thousand. I went up with a group of seven women (Chelene's buddies I might add).

Ayatollahgondola 06-06-2010 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 9885)
(Chelene's buddies I might add).

Yikes! Hope there wasn't an inquisition.:eek:

glad to see you're back in piece. I knew they were lying to us about the numbers, I just knew it:mad:

REWHBLCAIN 06-06-2010 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 9886)
Yikes! Hope there wasn't an inquisition.:eek:

glad to see you're back in piece. I knew they were lying to us about the numbers, I just knew it:mad:

And they all had their shots. :p

LAPhil 06-06-2010 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 9885)
Hello everyone, I just returned from Phoenix. My god it was hot!!!!!! Yes, it was over 107 degrees, with VERY LITTLE SHADE!!!!!!! The medics were handling people right and left with heat stroke. I myself got real dizzy twice and almost landed up the same way. At one point I couldn't even walk ten feet in the sun, because as soon as I got out of the semi-shade I got dizzy.

Hey, Jean, I looked all over for you but never found you. I was told you were moving around a lot. Anyway, yes, it was hot, which is why I only stayed for an hour. I figured it wasn't really worth getting a heat stroke to stay the full three hours, and I'm not surprised to hear that was happening to other people. I also totally forgot to bring a hat, so I figured that wasn't going to help either.

Anyway, I arrived just a little before the starting time (3:00), after being held up by the motorcycle procession at about three separate intersections. I figured they were there for the rally, so I didn't begrudge them the delay. I got to hear a few speeches, including one by Tom Tancredo that was absolute dynamite! He joked about how since Phoenix was apparently the kidnapping capital of the country that the "real" John McCain had probably been kidnapped seeing as how he conveniently changed his stance on illegal immigration. He also bashed Barack Obama and called him dangerous, which delighted me. And every time a speaker mentioned the name of Janet Napolitano there was a chorus of loud boos.

I managed to find a few familiar faces, including Lupe Moreno, who was also one of the speakers, Robin Hvidston, and Jeremy and Heather (AKA: GSB and Jalira). I chatted briefly with all of the above. Jeremy and Heather said they'd about had it with California and are now living in Arizona. I also found Chelene and talked with her for a while about old times and things. In case any of you are wondering, neither of us told any tales out of school.

There was one disturbing bit of information I picked up, that is, if it's true. I stopped to talk with a fellow who was supporting a candidate for governor of Arizona who happens to be named Dean Martin. I asked the guy what he had against Governor Brewer, and he said that the governor was actually late to the party with SB1070 and had been a professional politician much like John McCain when it came to the illegal immigration issue until just recently. He said he was supporting Martin because he was a true conservative, as opposed to Brewer, who had been more or less of a party hack. Oh, well.

Rim05 06-07-2010 05:26 AM

Thanks for the report. I am glad no one got sick from the heat. I am surprised you forgot a hat. In the thread I told Jean to be sure and take sun glasses, a hat and a long sleeve shirt. Thanks a million for going.
It was good to hear about meeting Heather and GSB there.
SZ was in SD and he met Sonar there.

Jean, that bit about getting dizzy from the heat is why I had to limit attendance here at home. I stay out of the heat.
Thanks for going, you really did have to work to get a ride. 06-07-2010 05:51 AM

No SOS members shot any film or took photos?

LAPhil 06-07-2010 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 9903)
No SOS members shot any film or took photos?

Sorry, I still haven't quite entered the digital age.

Jeanfromfillmore 06-07-2010 01:54 PM

There will be pictures up shortly.

StokeyBob 06-07-2010 05:27 PM

Pro-AZ Immigration Law Event Draws Thousands
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Written by Mary McHugh

Monday, 07 June 2010 10:30

During the week leading up to the June 5 rally, websites from Orange County to Maine were conjecturing about sending local representatives as supporters and how to organize in time. At stake was participation in an Arizona rally near the State Capitol in Phoenix, to show support for Gov. Jan Brewer and her embattled efforts to enforce control of the illegal immigration problem currently swamping them. On Saturday, those thousands attending despite the 105-degree heat were not disappointed.

Said Daniel Smeriglio one of the organizers, “It’s a grassroots effort that really took off.” No-nonsense sheriff of Maricopa County, Joe Arpaio, told the crowd, “We’ll put up tents from here to Mexico” — a reference to his famous Tent City, a section of the county jail where surplus military tents are used to house inmates. Sheriff Arpaio praised Arizona lawmakers for their efforts against illegal immigration and reiterated he will lock up as many such immigrants as his deputies can arrest.

The chant, “Joe, Joe, Joe” was heard from the crowd, and one man yelled, “We’ve got your back, Joe!”

Many rally participants in downtown Phoenix waved American flags, and some came with signs, one of which read, “What part of illegal don’t they understand?” At the Capitol, a procession of hundreds of motorcycle riders circled to start the event.

The author of the now-famous Senate Bill 1070, GOP State Sen. Russell Pearce of Mesa, also spoke. He was joined by former Republican congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado, a longtime leader in the fight against illegal immigration.

There have been a few rallies, both pro and con, since late April when Senate Bill 1070 passed. The law is set to go into effect on July 29.

Accused of being based on racial profiling that would target Hispanics especially, the law requires that should police have to stop people regarding traffic and motor vehicle issues, or other possible legal violations, officers can at that time also ask those detained about their immigration status if there is “reasonable suspicion” that they are not legal citizens. This law is only serves to enforce a federal law already on the books, which the federal government has generally neglected to enforce. Sen. Bill 1070 would also make it a state crime to be in the country illegally or to impede traffic while hiring day laborers, regardless of the worker's immigration status. It also becomes a crime for illegal immigrants to solicit work.

Of the many illegal aliens pouring over the borders of the southwestern states, many are not Mexican; some — from a host of other nations — have possible terrorist ties. With a change of clothes and keeping a low profile, such illegals are blending into the crowd and into our country.

Americans in the southwest are concerned by the resulting local rising crime rate and threats against themselves and their personal property. Rob Krentz and his dog were found shot in late March as he was out checking fence on his ranch. A 58-year-old Cochise County, Arizona, cattle farmer whose family has run the Krentz Ranch for 100 years, he was gunned down in what was thought to be a drug smuggling event. He had been fighting the border problem for years, yet was known to give food and water to hungry and thirsty illegals. There are no resulting arrests as yet; tracks from the scene went back into Mexico. It was stated by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' office at the time that she might ask President Obama to place military units in the besieged area. The Tuscon Weekly commented on her efforts as opposed to those of former Rep. Jim Kolbe and Sen. John McCain, saying:

…the practical impact of Giffords’ actions might be small, but at least she is paying attention. [A] source said, “Kolbe laughed at us when we complained, and McCain worries about getting his patent leather shoes dirty when he’s down here.”

Even health issues resulting from this immigration are alarming with, for example, tuberculosis, which had almost been eradicated in the U.S., undergoing an upswing here due to its being brought into the country through the illegal population. Not infrequently, those infected come to the emergency rooms of U.S. hospitals for free treatment of their drug-resistant tubercular type.

The hubris of Mexicans in particular, upset that Americans want to protect their borders, is all but palpable considering that Mexico has some of the strongest alien laws and requirements in the world to control outsiders entering there. And the voice of legal Hispanic Americans who actually support the Arizona immigration law is, of course, not given a hearing. But in the words of one blogger to the Los Angeles Times on the spirit of the fight against illegals in general, and its Arizona battle in particular, “For every person who boycotts Arizona, there will be at least 3 who will vacation there in support of Arizona.”

A state police board has been ordered by Governor Jan Brewer to prepare training standards to prevent racial profiling in enforcing the law.

Comment section at the end.

Jeanfromfillmore 06-07-2010 08:00 PM

Jeanfromfillmore 06-07-2010 08:01 PM

Jeanfromfillmore 06-07-2010 08:02 PM

Dawes 06-08-2010 09:45 AM

Pics of the trasher of our old website?

Ayatollahgondola 06-08-2010 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Dawes (Post 9940)
Pics of the trasher of our old website?

We're not afraid of them. She has two sides. The smiling, beckoning "I'm one of you" side that shows at public events, and then there's the lying, backstabbing, manipulator side that many of us have spoken and written about here.
Won't hurt to expose both of them ;)

Don 06-08-2010 01:33 PM

Thanks for posting the great pictures and the report. Internet reporting like this is an increasingly important source of information, especially in light of the MSM's bias and selective reporting, to the extent that the MSM reports on that many really important stories at all.

usa today 06-08-2010 01:58 PM

I defer to those that know her better

On the old site the times I spoke with her I never had a problem with her

My problems were with another

LAPhil 06-08-2010 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 9944)
I defer to those that know her better

Please don't do that, usa. Not all of us who know her feel the same way.

Ayatollahgondola 06-08-2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dawes (Post 9940)
Pics of the trasher of our old website?


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 9942)
We're not afraid of them. She has two sides. The smiling, beckoning "I'm one of you" side that shows at public events, and then there's the lying, backstabbing, manipulator side that many of us have spoken and written about here.
Won't hurt to expose both of them ;)


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 9944)
I defer to those that know her better

On the old site the times I spoke with her I never had a problem with her

My problems were with another


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 9945)
Please don't do that, usa. Not all of us who know her feel the same way.

Just for those who may be confused, this part of the discussion is about Chelene Nightingale.
There is going to be a few differing opinions about her. The important thing is that we don't restrict someone for posting them. The photos aren't meant to imply anything. They were taken at an event, and she was a part of that event. Wouldn't be very proper of us to censor pics of her, or anyone for that matter, because it would deprive those who couldn't go of the flavor of the whole day.
It doesn't mean my opinion of her has changed, because it hasn't and I still think very poorly of her.

PochoPatriot 06-08-2010 04:29 PM

Wow, I just read about myself on those comments. It's good to know that people have such a high opinion of me, lol!

Rim05 06-08-2010 08:39 PM

Thanks for posting the pictures. They were all quality photos and since I was not there I really do appreciate them.
I knew how hot it would be. Thanks to all who were able to attend the event. 06-10-2010 07:13 AM

Is anyone heading out to Phoenix this Saturday?

Jeanfromfillmore 06-10-2010 04:00 PM

From Diggers Realm

A Day of Prep

Rally Report: Organizing and Preparation

Rally Report - Rally Day, Motorcycle Procession

Rally Report - Rally Day, All Speeches

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