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Ayatollahgondola 10-02-2010 07:30 PM

Urban Rifle Hike Today
Sacramento to Rancho Cordova

I decided to take advantage of the lull between the hot, and the soon to arrive stormy weather and go for a hike to the gun range today. I needed to prepare for hunting season, and the best way is to suit up and practice a little. You don't want your first day out in the field to be the testing ground for you and your gear, because it usually costs some dough to go on safari, and these days, that's a big concern. You could end up spending a hundred or two, and come home empty handed and with pulled muscles or who knows what other ailments. Before I went abalone diving for the first time each year, I always took a quick check out dive locally for the same reasons. So I put on my hiking boots, grabbed my 30.06 and 20 rounds in a waistband carrier, along with a bottle of water and a small amount of cash for range fees and emergencies. I slung the .06 across my back and headed out from home shortly after noon. My route was a little less than "as the crow flies" due to school zones, but I guessed the trip was 10 miles one way. The temperature was hot, but not unbearable, and the sun was beating down pretty good, but that's one of the hazards you may have to endure if you hunt in the warmer parts of the north state.

I had to cross the freeway almost immediately and then headed for the straight line of Folsom blvd. Folsom was to be the straighest and longest leg of the tour. Traffic was pretty heavy actually, and it wasn't long before I found myself waiting to cross several lights, most on the freeway onramps.I had made it a little past Bradshaw road, and only about a half mile from home when I heard sirens and suddenly saw two different units in the oncoming side of traffic. I swear I thought they were headed elsewhere, because one looked like he was passing the other, but I found out that I was their call. Turns out there were several more behind me, but I am deaf in one side, and was concentrating on the two that were in my immediate front. Those two stopped and took up firing positions from their cars, one a handgun, and the other a rifle. Next, came orders being barked out from several people, both fore and aft. I couldn't tell you how many units were there at that point, but it was more than five, and from several agencies. They began giving me conflicting orders because they weren't at all in sync, but I yelled out that I have a hearing problem and told them that they were not being consistent. You know, one guy is yelling don't move, and another is yelling put your hands out away from your body, etc, etc.

I ended up face down on Folsom Blvd on the hot pavement with probably a hundred cars stopped on both directions watching this. They cuffed me, and started drilling me with a few questions, to which I just answered that I was going to the gun range. they got me up and walked me to the car, put me in and then drove off the street to a business parking lot. There was some discussions to the effect they just needed to check me out and make sure that I was or wasn't something. So there I sat in the back of a unit with several others inspecting my gear, my rifle, my rounds, and a few other personal effects. Every so often one would come and tell me it wasn't going to take long. After a bit someone came and asked where I lived, home address, because I don't have that on anything I had with me. My license has a PO box, and they found that stashed in a side pocket of my little camera case. I don't care that they know where I live, so I gave them my street. They asked if the gun was registered to me at that address, and I doubt that really, having moved once since we bought that twenty years or more back.
One smart ass cop, and I don't remember which one made an off handed comment as to my hearing loss as he shook my hearing protection in front of me. Something to the effect of "If he's deaf, he doesn't need these". I let that one go, because when your half deaf you get people making stupid comments from time to time, but anyone that shoots at a range, even a smart ass, is required to wear hearing protection, even if you're born with no ears. Them's the rules out there. So after a little time someone came and got me out and said that I was going to be freed, but also started questioning me about where I was going, and what I was doing. There was some rhetorical question about me testing them, to which I just told them I was actually testing myself. I reiterated that I was going to the range and gearing up for the season, to which another said the range is like 10 miles from here. He asked if I would like a ride there, to which I flatly refused (who wants a ride in the back of a patrol unit?), and I told them I was well aware of the distance and that exercise was part of the plan. I reminded whomever it was I was standing next to that I was told I was to be freed, and didn't like being lectured while wearing handcuffs. So I was released, and there was some further questioning of my judgement in a veiled sense. One cop said I should at least open the bolt on my rifle as I walked, but I mentioned I had ten miles alongside the road and I wasn't about to get dirt in there. Another pointed out that my route was to take me through a bad part of town, and I reminded him that I have lived in the bad part of town here for quite awhile. Actually, the part he was referring to is somewhat worse alright, but at least it's a busy street and there would be witnesses to call for ambulances or whatever. I was allowed to gather up my stuff, re-sling the rifle, and headed out with a few of them still shaking their heads as if they did not believe I was going to complete my hike. I headed back down Folsom Blvd at a little increase in speed, having lost a half hour or so with that episode. I saw quite a few units pass me from time to time for the next hour or more, but maybe they were keeping an eye on me for safety reasons.
So that was the cop encounter for the tour, but that's also not the end of the discourse for the day. I'll catch you up on that tomorrow, because I still had nine miles of city slickers to go. Just to recap though, there were many units that ended up responding, CHP, County sheriff, and City police. I didn't get hurt or anything, but my good pair of glasses were scratched up pretty good while I was down on the pavement. I am a little more concerned than yesterday about the manner in which gun owners are percieved, and the loss of what I consider our better ways of life. Also, I did make the gun range, and it was more than ten miles. I think I'll be paying a price for that tomorrow though.;)

ilbegone 10-03-2010 04:18 AM


They began giving me conflicting orders because they weren't at all in sync, but I yelled out that I have a hearing problem and told them that they were not being consistent. You know, one guy is yelling don't move, and another is yelling put your hands out away from your body, etc, etc.
I'm surprised you didn't get a fatal case of lead poisoning - all it takes is just one of those paranoiacs to set off the rest, and you'd wind up resembling Swiss cheese.

Then they would write in the report that you made some sort of threatening move towards them - you died because they feared for their safety.

THEN THE MEDIA GETS INVOLVED TO LIBEL YOUR MEMORY. Gun nut anti-immigrant racist loon with ties to Neo Nazis and fundamentalist Christian militias who snapped ala Falling Down, preparing to shoot "immigrants" or sniping the state legislature, whichever you got to first.

I believe you to be a very lucky man. You're a free adult, but please don't do it again. If you feel the need to "test" yourself, please put on the Elmer Fudd hat and all the rest if you must and take your round trip hike -> leaving your rifle in the trunk of your car <-. Then upon returning to your vehicle DRIVE to the range where you won't be accosted by gun carrying nuts on the public payroll.

If you insist on the trip carrying your rifle, maybe putting a trigger lock on it might give a visual clue other than leaving the bolt open.


Every so often one would come and tell me it wasn't going to take long.
Usually a lie which prefaces an unpleasant trip to a pre-trial detention facility a great distance from home where they put the clothes you were wearing in a bag (making sure to damage any hat or cap you were wearing, mash your shoes and put the soles against your wadded up shirt) and give you orange clothing in exchange. And when you are discharged, it will usually be in the middle of the night and out the door in your now funky smelling and badly wrinkled clothing - and any ride you may have arranged for will either have been waiting for hours past your stated release time or you wait for hours to be picked up because the phone is a pay booth just outside the exit.


After a bit someone came and asked where I lived, home address, because I don't have that on anything I had with me. My license has a PO box, and they found that stashed in a side pocket of my little camera case...
As soon as they run your license, your physical address comes up on the screen of the dash mounted computer.


They asked if the gun was registered to me at that address
They will know this. I listened to the dispatch tapes concerning my last free ride in a police car. Not only was the original 911 call greatly exaggerated by the police dispatcher (I heard the 911 tape as well), the officers were advised of registered firearms in my name, and I believe it was before subject contact - on my name only, before they had a DL to run.

By the way, a petty argument with a vindictive person can lead to a spurious 911 call, being thrown on the ground, experiencing purposefully applied, excruciating pain from take down to being seated in the patrol car, spending the night in jail, and putting out a lot of money for an attorney to tell the DA to shove that bogus charge and their onerous plea bargain up their ass because they don't have a case.

And you were walking through town in front of God and everybody else with a rifle slung over your shoulder. The wonder of it all.


One smart ass cop
The vast majority of them are smart asses, just some are bigger asses than others. A lot of times they are trying to rile you up to get a reaction so they have a legal excuse to beat on you for a while or taser you. Then if the ride to jail wasn't likely before, it's a certainty now along with some prosecutable charges.


I was allowed to gather up my stuff, re-sling the rifle
I know this is getting into a personal fuzzy area concerning the right to bear arms (I'm not that well versed), but I'm surprised they didn't find some reason, however contrived, to confiscate your rifle. I'd think they would at least try to keep the ammunition.

It's been years ago, but my home was searched without a warrant and my firearms were confiscated. When I reclaimed them after the ordeal was over, they tried to get me to sign the receipt before I could verify that everything was present and accounted for, but I made them show them before I signed. My ammunition was not returned.

The overall experience was enhanced by my driver's license, credit cards, and cash on my person (which should have gone on the books) disappearing between intake processing and release.


my good pair of glasses were scratched up pretty good while I was down on the pavement
Cops don't care in the slightest and I believe some would be disappointed in retrospect that more damage was not done - once you pop up on their radar you are prey.

I'm going to cease before I launch into a full blown rant - I'm still pissed after all these years. I hold police officers in very low regard as an evil necessity to a functioning society, and the last time I was about to be pressed into a jury I would have stayed and screwed up the prosecutor's conviction effort if I didn't need money through employment. I'm a registered voter and I don't care in the slightest about their early retirement taken away from them...

I'm glad you're safe, all it takes is just one of those knuckleheads thinking you weren't complying and therefore a threat or an accidental discharge and you would be full of holes.

Ayatollahgondola 10-03-2010 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 12592)
I'm going to cease before I launch into a full blown rant - I'm still pissed after all these years.

Nothing wrong with holding a grudge. A few of us are always being chastised for ranting about Chelene, and I still another shithead on my list, but I haven't seen it to be the anchor holding me back that some people warn about.

For me, the ability to live free is as important as living at all. I used to walk to the hunting grounds with my shotgun as a kid, and it's not illegal, and it's not morally wrong, so I want to show others that they still have freedoms. The problem has been that every person with a gun in a public venue is usually committing a crime, so we need to dilute those numbers with more good people seen in public with their guns. If we don't, the gun will continue to be seen as something villainous, and soon it will be outlawed.

Ayatollahgondola 10-04-2010 05:14 PM

Here's a link to the incident report on my...shall we say, detainment

ilbegone 10-04-2010 06:35 PM

the link:

LEO presumption that you were testing as to whether they would shoot you, CHP officer at 2:09 pm and something about how you appeared to be upset/angry.

I sincerely believe that although you are within your legal carry right, they (LEOs) might well kill you under the presumption you are a nut who threatens them or a perception that you violate what constitutes a "safe" society.

I believe it would be very informative to peruse the content of 911 calls and police dispatch transmissions, knowledge of the content may protect you. It may take an attorney to pry it loose.

On another note, the reference to the "Elmer Fudd cap" was meant as a funny, nothing personal or slam towards hunting intended.

Please tell us about the reaction of regular people who observed you on your route, I am greatly curious about their reactions.

Ayatollahgondola 10-06-2010 03:26 PM

I'll update you on the rest of the hike in a minute,

But first, let me show you a strange coincidence:

Today while I was performing administrative functions on, I noticed several IP's that were browsing the link to the urban rifle hike incident report. I resolved the IP's, and one came back as:


Viewing Thread
Open Carry Incident Report
So I performed a
search =


AS16810 Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (SACLANT)
OK, no big deal, but I traced the IP a little further until I had a location:


7857 Blandy Road
Now here is the odd coincidence part: Plug that address into a google search, and you'll end up seeing a ton of immigration related links. From NATO mind you.... and it includes the idiots guide to immigrating to the US.
OK, it's not actually called that, but it might as well be.
I just think it strange that so many links to NATO's address are related to immigration to the US

ilbegone 10-06-2010 06:26 PM

Such as this?

mmigration made simple: an easy-to-read guide to the U.S. ... - Google Books Result
Barbara Brooks Kimmel, Alan M. Lubiner - 2002 - Law - 272 pages
... or from, A or G Status; or Requesting A, G or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization, to NATO SACLANT/C-027, 7857 Blandy Road Suite l00, Norfolk, ...


Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-539, Application to Change ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Apr 2, 2007 ... nonimmigrant, mail Form I-539 to: NATO/HQ SACT Legal Affairs, 7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100, Norfolk, VA 23551. If you or the principal ... - Similar


WiggiBlawg : ILW.COM - immigration news: USCIS On New I-102 Filing ...
Feb 23, 2010... Supreme Allied Commander Transformation at NATO/HQ SACT, 7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100, ATTN: Legal Affairs, Norfolk, VA 23551-2490. ... - Cached


File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100. ATTN: Legal Affairs. Norfolk, VA 23551-2490. In All Other Instances. File your application as follows: ... - Similar


Instructions for Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Affairs, 7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100, Norfolk, VA. 23551. If you or the principal or the principal. NATO nonimmigrant through whom you derive ...


immigration news in florida
7380 Sand Lake Rd., Suite # 500, Orlando, FL 32819. Tel: 407-352-3223 ..... at NATO/HQ SACT, 7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100, ATTN: Legal Affairs, Norfolk, ... - Cached

"Blandy" seems to be a name revered by WWII naval memory, I remember a Blandy Road (a 7857 Blandy Road China Lake is referenced in the google search) in China Lake, California: originally China Lake NOTS (Naval Ordinance Test Station), then China Lake NWC (Naval Weapons Center), now I believe it is China Lake NAWS (Naval Air Weapons Station?).

ilbegone 10-06-2010 06:29 PM

William H. P. Blandy

Ayatollahgondola 10-06-2010 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 12624)
Please tell us about the reaction of regular people who observed you on your route, I am greatly curious about their reactions.

OK, so after my detainment was over, and I gathered up my stuff, I asked the cops whether they were going to ticket me for jaywalking if I crossed the street to pick up my route again. One told me to go back to the crosswalk, but backtracking didn't seem efficient, so I headed east again without the protection of shade trees. After about a half mile I found another light to cross, and headed to the shadier side of the street. As I cross, and being half deaf I've learned the hard way that you have to look all around you because the normal sound warnings are not there, I had plenty of opportunity to look at everyone. Many, many people were astounded by the very sight of a slung rifle in public. You could also see them on cell phones, most likely dialing 911. I resumed my eastward direction and picked up the pace to make up lost time. The heat was becoming more apparent by now, and the trees started getting fewer in between. I passed a homeless looking chap with a pit bull on a leash, but he just smiled. Soon a car rolled up behind me and when I glanced back he was on the cell phone. After a bit he passed me at a good clip. Next I passed a light rail station with numerous people disembarking, Most were younger kids, and had the "what the hell" look on their faces. One guy said "that guys just walkin' around with a rifle". I passed a few more lights and crosswalks, at which many more people gawked, and several more got on their cells. Only got a couple of honks the whole trip, but amazement was probably the most common, with surprise next, and bafflement third. I'll bet the cops got a hundred calls after I left them. I made my way across the freeway again to head up Zinfandel drive and take it to White Rock. On the down side of the overpass I waited for a light, and a car with a mother and her probably eight year old son stopped for the light. The kid's mouth fell open and got all wide-eyed in surprise, and that soon got mom's attention, and they both soon smiled. That was probably the most positive response I had all day!
I made my way up White Rock without any real problems and being a little less traffic, I saw less aghast people. As I passed a sign waver on the corner of White Rock and Sunrise, many people were staring at me from inside and outside of the Burger King on the corner. I guess those sign wavers do really get people's attention.
By now, my shoulder is showing signs of wear from the sling, and I've slowed a little in pace. My one bottle of water is nearing the end, and it's still plenty hot. I was sweating profusely, and my upper shirt was half drenched. It was about here when I started questioning my ability to make the gun range, as my legs were tired, and i was developing some blisters on the feet. I pressed on, and only ran across a road construction crew alongside Sunrise Blvd. One hard hat guy smiled and waved. I could now see the gun range ahead and tried to pick up my pace after downing the last swig of water. The range is set back on Douglas, and I decided to take a shortcut through the open field as opposed to going all the way around. After about ten or so minutes of trudging through dried grass and weeds, I noticed I was suddenly amid broken skeet. A quick look around and I realized I was at the outer end of the shotgun range, and luckily nobody was using it. I tried a course deviation that would take me along the outer edges of the broken skeet pattern, and then walked up behind that part of the range. Somewhere along here a rangemaster met me and asked why I was on the range like that. I told him I had no idea that was the case until I saw the skeet, and also told him there was not fences or even a sign anywhere from that direction. He started telling me that I shouldn't walk on any fields out here because there was no public land, and that it was all private yada yadda..(not true either, as there is a huge regional park just up the street).
So then he asked how I got there, and I told him I walked. Then he asked me a rhetorical question in regards to whether I walked with my rifle that way, and didn't the cops meet up with me. I mentioned that I had encountered the police, and that it was not particularly pleasant, but I made the trip anyway. Next, he asked why I was here. I told him I came to use the rifle range, to which he said that they might not let me shoot because I broke the rules and was on the skeet range. I reminded him I was not aware that I was entering the range, and reminded him again that there were no signs or fences, and also asked what happens if some kids get in there that way. As we walked towards the office he asked how was I getting back, and by now, I wasn't sure if I was able to walk, so I told him it depended on how I felt after I shoot. He once again made a comment about maybe I wasn't going to be able to use the range because of the manner in which I arrived. After a minute he said they were going to let me shoot, but handed me a one page document in relation to the rules, and demanded I read the entire thing first. No problem; and nothing on their about open carry, but you could tell that was an issue now. He asked if I had hearing protection, and I pointed to the counter where I had placed my equipment. He said he could rent me some if I didn't have any, and then made a point of telling me he could sell me a case for the rifle, and stood there with this condescending look waiting for me to answer that "with ok, let me see what you got." You could tell that this sort of public display is not something they care for, and certainly don't like. I was a bit taken aback by this flavor at a gun shop. I paid my range fees, bought another bottle of water and headed out. From here it was clear sailing with the exception of too much sweat getting in my eyes for the next 30 minutes or so, and in my tired and weakened condition, the steel buttplate on my rifle quickly took a toll on my shoulder. The light t-shirt was no help either. There was no 1 inch grouping today, but did manage to keep them all on the target and within acceptable game kill standards at 100 yards.
I called for a ride home, and my wife came shortly after. The walk was over ten miles, and I'd place it closer to eleven with all the zig-zagging. I'm definately out of shape and requiring some rest today, but planning to make the trip again soon, although I am going to give the dispatchers a courtesy call next tim

tim55 10-06-2010 09:04 PM

Mr. Ayatollah has pelotas de la piedra.

ilbegone 10-10-2010 12:51 PM


Many, many people were astounded by the very sight of a slung rifle in public.
I pictured this.


You could also see them on cell phones, most likely dialing 911.
It seems half the population is perpetually communicating via cell phone. However, if another 40% were on cellphones rather than texting, they were calling 911.


As I passed a sign waver on the corner of White Rock and Sunrise, many people were staring at me from inside and outside of the Burger King on the corner. I guess those sign wavers do really get people's attention.
Just think of the attention a sign waver would command if he practiced open carry


Then he asked me a rhetorical question in regards to whether I walked with my rifle that way, and didn't the cops meet up with me.
He knew about you not long after the cops ceased detaining you.


I am going to give the dispatchers a courtesy call next time
Not nagging - I believe that to be a wise idea.

I'm surprised the press wasn't out to take manipulative images of you wearing cuffs while negatively ensconsed in the back of a patrol car or "interview" you for statements to be edited out of context - film at 11.

Commander Bunny 10-10-2010 06:07 PM

A police scanner would have been fun to bring along, but some Cops see carrying a gun, and a scanner as trouble...

CitaDeL 10-24-2010 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Commander Bunny (Post 12707)
A police scanner would have been fun to bring along, but some Cops see carrying a gun, and a scanner as trouble...

I believe they would view carrying either would be suspicious, but the both together could preceed overreactive apoplexy.

As a supporter of open carry, I don't fault AG in conducting himself lawfully as he clearly did. In the course of events, his civil rights were violated...

The supreme court has already ruled in Florida v J.L. that an anonymous tip describing innocent behavior is not sufficient cause to justify a search. In U.S. v Ubilies they ruled that mere possession of a firearm is not evidence that a crime is afoot. And in Arizona v Hicks, probable cause applies only to things in plain view....

So it didnt matter that 911 got one call or forty calls identifying AG as a gunman. The only thing that these officers were authorized to do was inspect the loaded condition of the firearm per 12031. But even this is wrong, because 12031 creates a 'statutory' version of probable cause- its clearly a violation of the 4A.

While the easiest thing to do to avoid controversy or another police encounter is not to ever do this again, it is impossible to effect the change in police attitudes and policies without challenging them. By being good sheep (BAAAAAh- BAAAAAAh) we only encourage the authorities to continue to do as they have learned that they could do. That challenge can come with a litigant prepared to sue or at the direction of our legislature prepared to inhibit the actions of police to strict Constitutional limits.

Guess which one will never happen in California.

Perhaps when the weather breaks or spring comes, I'll join him with my Mosin-Nagant slung with the bolt removed.

ilbegone 10-24-2010 01:44 PM

A lot of Supreme Court decisions take an abundance of concentrated reading to understand them. They were built on previous decisions, and I believe some were reinterpreted or at least attempted to be overturned by later Supreme Courts.

And I believe some state and territorial statutes will stand - one part of the search might be unconstitutional concerning federal statute, but might hold up under state or territorial statute. Instead of being convicted under several laws, one might be convicted on one law concerning the same search. I would have to be much better educated in Law to know that for certain.

The Ayatolla certainly didn't commit this violation:


California Penal Code Section 12031

(a) (1) A person is guilty of carrying a loaded firearm when
he or she carries a loaded firearm on his or her person or in a
vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an
incorporated city or in any public place or on any public street in a
prohibited area of unincorporated territory.

More of the statute

Some of the Supreme court decisions from above:


United States Court of Appeals,Third Circuit.


UNITED STATES of America, v. Kahli UBILES, Appellant.

No. 00-3091.

Argued June 15, 2000. -- August 17, 2000




529 U.S. 266
98-1993 Argued: February 29, 2000 --- Decided: March 28, 2000

U.S. Supreme Court
ARIZONA v. HICKS, 480 U.S. 321 (1987)
480 U.S. 321


No. 85-1027.

Argued December 8, 1986
Decided March 3, 1987

U.S. Supreme Court
TERRY v. OHIO, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)
392 U.S. 1

No. 67.
Argued December 12, 1967.
Decided June 10, 1968.

I do have a concern with trigger happy cops. A passed out woman in a car in Riverside was riddled with bullets after one cop broke a side window to gain entry and the woman reportedly moved. The family member who called out of concern for the woman's welfare stated that the woman had a gun, the cops claimed to have seen one on the woman's lap. Was a handgun visible through the window, was one under the seat, or not finding one in the vehicle, was it planted after the fact? Only those cops know for sure.

All it takes is for one to open up, and they all fire multiple rounds.

I knew a man who became suicidal and holed up in a motel. His wife called the police out of concern for his welfare. The police broke into his room and shot him to death.

Ayatollahgondola 10-24-2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by CitaDeL (Post 12868)
Perhaps when the weather breaks or spring comes, I'll join him with my Mosin-Nagant slung with the bolt removed.

The bolt removed?

CitaDeL 10-24-2010 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12882)

If we were truly defiant for the cause of liberty, we would carry it loaded with a round chambered- is that where you think we should go?

Ayatollahgondola 10-24-2010 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by CitaDeL (Post 12884)
If we were truly defiant for the cause of liberty, we would carry it loaded with a round chambered- is that where you think we should go?

I didn't think I was defying anyone that day, but I'll be damned if I'm going to carry a rifle without the bolt in. Hell, I got dirty just walking there. God only knows what might end up in there by the time you got to the range. Probably spider webs, broken glass, cigarette butts...

Rim05 10-25-2010 04:36 AM

You are too funny. :D

Ayatollahgondola 11-06-2010 11:01 AM

Urban Rifle Hike II coming this month

Just in case there may still be a few motivated associates in this area. If you want to join in the next rifle hike, drop me a PM or an email

Ayatollahgondola 03-29-2011 10:23 PM

I thought I'd use this thread to post some info about an open carry bill that is working its' way through the state house right now, and has a hearing in committee in mid april. This bill is aimed at crippling the ability to open carry. It may, for all intents and purposes, ban open carry of concealable firearms. The bill isan't going to affect rifle carry, but it is another step, and that's how these power mongers in government do it. Also, it further stigmatizes guns as bad, and even worse if they are where the public can see them.

Rim05 03-30-2011 03:50 AM

Guns have always been a part of the homes I have lived in. No one in CA needs an open carry because, well, it seems that all the criminals carry any way. :confused:

Ayatollahgondola 07-21-2011 08:36 PM

Well, it's time again. I'll be heading to the shooting range this weekend. A ten mile hike to build strength for hunting season. If you can't make it in this heat in city terrain, you better not head out into the wilderness either.

CitaDeL 07-21-2011 09:00 PM

May I recommend a running digital audio recorder and attorney Jason Davis on speed dial? Nah... you knew that would be my first suggestion.

Be safe, and don't take any crap.

Ayatollahgondola 07-22-2011 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by CitaDeL (Post 17158)
May I recommend a running digital audio recorder and attorney Jason Davis on speed dial? Nah... you knew that would be my first suggestion.

Be safe, and don't take any crap.

I doubt law enforcement is going to cuff or detain me this time. I did crack myself in the kneecap this morning with a crowbar, but I'm going on the hike anyway.

Ayatollahgondola 07-23-2011 04:30 PM

The Urban Rifle Hike II happened today. After making Brekkie for my wife, I gathered up my 30.06 rifle and 20 rounds of ammo, along with two bottles of water, an extra shirt, first aid kit, and a video camera. I packed everything except the rifle in a small backpack, and rubber-banded a small American flag to the barrel of the rifle. At the last minute I opted to take along two left-over lumpia for lunch. I set out at a little after 9 am, and managed a brisk pace. There was no interference from law enforcement this time at all. One waved at me, and that was the extent of their involvement. I got a lot of looks for sure. No one spoke to me, save for a few joggers who passed. The day was hpt, but I manged to stay in the shade for quite a bit of the time. Not to say I didn't sweat, 'cause I did plenty. I tried a new route down a road that just opened some months ago, and traffic was a bit lighter on it. It also shave a few blocks from the whole tour, but it was still about 10 miles one way. I encountered a small dead rattlesnake which gave me a start, 'cause he didn't really look dead at first. Other than that I did my best not to look anything but pleasant to everyone. I arrived at the shooting center at high noon, and bought a ticket. From there is was business as usual with the exception that a few people had brought along some high tech gear that I had never seen before. One had a few antennas jutting out and was placed right in the line of fire in front of there rifle position, and a few feet ahead. All that was hooked up to something else by wires and wireless. Don't know what it did, and didn't want to ask today. I also couldn't help but notice how so many people had newer, sportier looking rifles that resembled your Rambo movie equipment. I shot off some rounds and then asked my wife to pick me up. Too sore to walk ten miles home, My wife swung by the Yoghurtville store on the way back and treated me to a sugar free German chocolate cake flavor yoghurt. I'd kind of swore off of the sweets for the next few months, but what the hell.......

Jeanfromfillmore 07-23-2011 04:59 PM

Glad to hear it went well today. Let's hope the last time, when you had trouble, was the "last time" you had trouble.

I just found out my truck had been broken into and my anti-illegal alien/MECha posters were thrown in the vacant lot close to my house. Yes, it was probably illegals considering the town is at least 80% "Hispanic/Latino" which means at least 40% of the 15,000 residents are illegal. They rifled through the glove compartment and behind the seat. I don't leave anything of value outside of the house. They've stolen my hoses, 2 bar-b-ques, spare tires and what every they can get their hands on.

CitaDeL 07-23-2011 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 17177)
From there is was business as usual with the exception that a few people had brought along some high tech gear that I had never seen before. One had a few antennas jutting out and was placed right in the line of fire in front of there rifle position, and a few feet ahead. All that was hooked up to something else by wires and wireless. Don't know what it did, and didn't want to ask today.

That would be a bullet chronograph. They use this to determine bullet speed and check performance of their loads. It's all about the ballistics, man.


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 17177)
I also couldn't help but notice how so many people had newer, sportier looking rifles that resembled your Rambo movie equipment.

You might be refering to the proliferation of 'AR' pattern OLL's (Off-List Lowers). While most of the nation enjoys AR-15 rifles without encumberance, California attempted to ban certain types of weapons by manufacturer, model and certain features. This included Colt AR-15 lowers. Much to the legislature's chargin, California gunnies found that it is possible to configure AR and AK variants to comply with the law. Funny thing is, even the 'featureless' AR's go 'bang' and perforate targets in the same way other evil black rifles do.


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 17177)
I shot off some rounds and then asked my wife to pick me up.

You are way too easy to please popping off just 20 rounds.

Glad that this trip wasnt interupted...

Ayatollahgondola 07-23-2011 05:49 PM


You are way too easy to please popping off just 20 rounds.

No, I'm just too poor these days to be just having fun.
.06 rounds are quite costly


I just found out my truck had been broken into and my anti-illegal alien/MECha posters were thrown in the vacant lot close to my house. Yes, it was probably illegals considering the town is at least 80% "Hispanic/Latino" which means at least 40% of the 15,000 residents are illegal. They rifled through the glove compartment and behind the seat. I don't leave anything of value outside of the house. They've stolen my hoses, 2 bar-b-ques, spare tires and what every they can get their hands on.
Jean, if it's any consolation, while I was walking down Sunrise Blvd nearing the gun range, Nearly every wire vault that fed a street light for about a mile had been opened and had wires cut or removed. And that area ain't hispanic at all. But we've obviously got enough of our native born thieves, and don't need foreign imports

wetibbe 08-08-2011 03:33 AM

Same in New York
I live in a suburban Village that is upscale and has very few illegals or Latinos at all. But the next village to the North is overrun with them and it is an open sewer.

A few years ago I had a company owned Ford Explorer stolen from my driveway. It was pushed out into the street then started. I lost over $4,000 worth of tools and instruments $1,500 of which were my own personal things. And the New York State Department of Transportation documents for a contract we had.

The Town police phoned me 3 days later. They had recovered it - yep - in the next Village. It had been abandoned partially parked out in a travel lane. Neighbors phoned in complaining. It was, of course, stripped of contents.

A good deal was my fault. The Ford ignition was failing and the key wouldn't turn without extensive wiggling. I should have had it replaced. I was accustomed to leaving the key in the ignition because it was so troublesome. I had parked vehicles in my driveway for years and never had a problem. There is almost no crime in my Village.

I phoned the mayor, who I know, and who lives on the next street. He said that same night he had reports of two other vehicles burglarized. It is the illegal aliens prowling the neighborhoods looking for money and cell phones. Apparently it was the custom of my fellow Villagers to also leave their cars unlocked.

Naturally I suspected the garbage men. And the lawn service laborers who almost all of my neighbors hire. *( But not me, I cut my own, I won't allow them on my property ).

You've heard of the old days when people didn't lock their doors? Well those days are gone forever now in my Village.

Rim05 08-08-2011 05:27 AM


You've heard of the old days when people didn't lock their doors? Well those days are gone forever now in my Village.
Locks were made for just one purpose, to keep things safe. That is not always enough.
Sorry Jean. I am fotunately I able to park my car in the garage.
Times are hard these days and probably will get worse so, do be careful.

AG, glad you had a good trip this time.

Ayatollahgondola 08-10-2011 11:42 AM

Urban Rifle Hike III coming soon.

I'll be advertising it again via the websites, craigslist, and email.
Another 10 mile hike to the gun range. One way is all I'm able to manage right now, and a ride back has been arranged in the past.

Rim05 08-10-2011 03:48 PM

Good luck, I could not make 10 blocks. :o

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