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Ayatollahgondola 09-29-2010 01:36 PM

Nightingale Updates Her Resume
Noticed some major changes on Nightingales "About Chelene" page. Gotta say I'm a bit surprised, because I never heard a word about the most of this until today. Also would like to see the references. You know how Chelene has made Obama's birth certificate a big issue? well I'd like to see the certificates for these:


Chelene’s first trip to California at the age of 8 on a family vacation inspired her to dream of moving to California one day. The sunny beaches, amusement parks, and entertainment were exciting as a child. Chelene kept her goal and relocated from the Puget Sound to Southern California in the early 1990’s.

Chelene has fond memories of growing up in a tight knit family. Her father served in the Air Force and thus the family moved to several locations throughout the years from Montana to Mississippi to Nebraska. Her mother worked part-time during school hours but always home before the two sisters arrived home from school. The family traveled every summer in the United States seeing such sites as Mt. Rushmore, Old Faithful, and the Grand Canyon.

During her teen years, her father retired from the Air Force and moved the family to Oregon to be near the grandparents. Chelene’s grandfather had retired as an executive from Boeing and purchased a beautiful river front property home in between an Apple Orchard farm and a dairy farm. Although Lebanon, Oregon was drastically different from the Air Force bases and cities, Chelene adapted quickly and worked on a farm during summer vacations.

Chelene was very active in school participating in the drama department, debate team, and various other clubs. In fact Chelene and a close friend created the Spirit Club for which she served as vice-president. Chelene received honor awards and graduated in the upper 10% of class.
After high school, she relocated to the Puget Sound area to attend college and begin a career in business. Her very first self-owned business was Images, a graphic design company specializing in product design and company logos. However she was scouted one day while at local mall and began a career in modeling. Bookings included Nordstrom’s, Clairol, and a book cover. One day her agent suggested she take a commercial acting class to broaden her career. Within a short amount of time Chelene was booking stage acting roles in the Seattle area without even auditioning. Television credits followed including commercials, a local soap opera “Elliott Bay”, and an episode of “Northern Exposure”.
After receiving her SAG and AFTRA memberships, Chelene moved to Seattle in her mid-20’s and quickly began working as both a model and an actress. Later she would add producer and staff credits including the “All New Captain Kangaroo Show”.

Chelene decided to leave the entertainment industry in 2005 to focus on her family. Chelene married Michael, a musician, on October 10, 1999. Their son was born in February 2003 and Chelene’s step-daughter moved in with them shortly thereafter. With a new family, they opted to start their own heating, air, and appliance repair business. During the infancy of the business, they struggled with one income and strict California business regulations. By this time Chelene had taken a strong interest in politics and decided change needed to happen to protect the middle class.

Since 2005, she has been very active in politics serving as the managing director of a political organization opposing amnesty. Her role included organizing rallies and marches in California. Chelene organized the "Free the Texas Three" march for Deputy Gilmer Hernandez and Border Patrol Agents Ramos & Compean in Hollywood. The march was featured on the nationally syndicated show "America's Most Wanted."

In addition to organizing political events, Chelene has lobbied as a private citizen in both Sacramento and Washington DC, demanding secure borders and no amnesty. Besides the border security issue, Ms. Nightingale has attended and spoken at Tea Parties and End the Fed events.

Back in 2006, she was the campaign manager for third party gubernatorial candidate, Art Olivier. During the campaign, they were invited to the late, great Aaron Russo's home to receive his endorsement and watch his extraordinary documentary "America: Freedom to Fascism".

During the last presidential election cycle, Chelene was honored with an invitation to personally meet and endorse Congressman Ron Paul.

It was due to her past political achievements that the National Constitution Party leaders and members requested her to run for governor in California as an American Independent. Chelene accepted the challenge in order to help restore our ailing state that has been hurt by special interest groups and big government.

Ms. Nightingale, who has won past awards and achievements including being listed In "Who's Who", is determined to help "we the people" take back our state so that we can govern ourselves the way our Founding Fathers intended.

Jeanfromfillmore 09-29-2010 02:06 PM

After high school, she relocated to the Puget Sound area to attend college and begin a career in business. quote

Isn't that interesting, it states she attended college, it doesn't state what college, what she studied or if she graduated, but makes a point to say she was the top of her class in HIGH SCHOOL. I have to ask myself what most of that fluff has to do with being qualified to be gov? Is being in the top of your high school class what will do it?

Who ever wrote that sure didn't know what they were doing. They only exposed her lack of experience for the position. 09-29-2010 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 12419)
Who ever wrote that sure didn't know what they were doing. They only exposed her lack of experience for the position.

Be serious. Are you really the person best suited to be making that observation?

Actually, it's pretty good. You work with what you've got. Her history is whatever it is and the individual who cranked this out accentuated where she achieved and competently glossed over where her resume isn't strong.

This passage also flows pretty well from one set of events to the next.

As I seem to recall, for whatever reason, I think she told me she attended U Dub. I have noticed, however, that nowhere has it been stated that she graduated or holds a B.A.

Ayatollahgondola 09-29-2010 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12423)
Be serious. Are you really the person best suited to be making that observation?.

Who isn't suited for it? It shows that her background is not geared to management, politics, or finance. It also shows that Chelene doesn't stick with things very long. She went from farmhand(I doubt this one really), to artist, to model, to stage, to producing(I really doubt this one), to heating and air repair.

Eagle1 09-29-2010 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 12419)
After high school, she relocated to the Puget Sound area to attend college and begin a career in business. quote

Isn't that interesting, it states she attended college, it doesn't state what college, what she studied or if she graduated, but makes a point to say she was the top of her class in HIGH SCHOOL. I have to ask myself what most of that fluff has to do with being qualified to be gov? Is being in the top of your high school class what will do it?

Who ever wrote that sure didn't know what they were doing. They only exposed her lack of experience for the position.

Yours is a great observation. The girl is really trying to make herself look good with nothing to work with. One of her notable accomplishments is that of borrowing money and then making claims that there was no due date, that the person that loaned her the money is working for the other side and is an anti-American goon per her friends.

Lets not forget that she had a few of her supporters denying the reality presented by documents that shed light on the nature of her court appearances and are key to who this woman is.

I wouldn't say that she is a great actress but she is good "rich brat" material without the money to be one...that's good acting.

Eagle1 09-29-2010 05:35 PM

Most of what I see on her "resume" appears to be the stuff of wishful thinking and vanity laced with the desire to be served without questioning by those
screwed up enough to let her turn them into unthinking drones.

There's an article posted on website Californiality titled, "Chelene Nightingale Invincible". A better suited article would have been titled, "Resistance Is Futile". There Chelene's talent for manipulating, controlling and doing all the thinking for those around her as is done by Star Trek's Borg would have been featured as a plus. Let her do all the thinking and by all means have her change opinions and disregard reality with impunity. Wow!! What a governor! 09-29-2010 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12424)
Who isn't suited for it? It shows that her background is not geared to management, politics, or finance. It also shows that Chelene doesn't stick with things very long. She went from farmhand(I doubt this one really), to artist, to model, to stage, to producing(I really doubt this one), to heating and air repair.

Jean isn't suited for it. I'm sorry, was what I wrote somehow vague or otherwise imprecise?

Davi, look at what you've got if you're writing a resume/background piece intended to display Chelene favorably. What would you have done differently than the author of that piece?

Ayatollahgondola 09-29-2010 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12431)
Jean isn't suited for it. I'm sorry, was what I wrote somehow vague or otherwise imprecise?

It was unnecessary

If Chelene were running for a position on "survivor", that would be a good resume. Tendering that one for an executive position was as foolish as those who might rely on it as a basis to vote for her. 09-29-2010 07:07 PM

Unnecessary, maybe. Accurate, without a doubt. Vague as to whom it referred? Not by any stretch of the imagination.

You didn't answer the question, however. You said you don't like what the author wrote. How would you change it?

Jeanfromfillmore 09-29-2010 07:14 PM

In answer to your question Sam, yes I am one of the best suited to make that observation. You just can't take the fact that I won't put up with your bullying crap. You know so little about me, yet you spew it as though you're doing my biography.

Ayatollahgondola 09-29-2010 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12434)
Unnecessary, maybe. Accurate, without a doubt. Vague as to whom it referred? Not by any stretch of the imagination.

You didn't answer the question, however. You said you don't like what the author wrote. How would you change it?

You cannot be serious....
You want me to write something for Chelena or her crew to pick up and run with? The only thing I'd offer to help her write is her confession 09-29-2010 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12438)
You cannot be serious....
You want me to write something for Chelena or her crew to pick up and run with? The only thing I'd offer to help her write is her confession

I don't want you to write anything. I want you to tell me how it could be improved. You said you don't like it. OK, so what could fix it?

Davi, you can't polish a turd. The author of that piece has to write about Chelene. That's the topic. That passage is not bad at all. It makes her sound All-American, family-oriented and portrays her as having a variety of experiences.

It highlights and polishes the good, and ignores or minimizes the bad.

Unfortunately, discovering the cure to cancer, possessing a towering intellect, building a financial empire or leading the life of an admirable role model aren't on the menu. That's not the author's fault, though.

Ayatollahgondola 09-29-2010 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12440)
I don't want you to write anything. I want you to tell me how it could be improved. You said you don't like it. OK, so what could fix it?

Davi, you can't polish a turd. The author of that piece has to write about Chelene. That's the topic. That passage is not bad at all. It makes her sound All-American, family-oriented and portrays her as having a variety of experiences.

It highlights and polishes the good, and ignores or minimizes the bad.

Unfortunately, discovering the cure to cancer, possessing a towering intellect, building a financial empire or leading the life of an admirable role model aren't on the menu. That's not the author's fault, though.

Highlights the good? Maybe if it were selling her to her own mother, but not to a wary populous state longing for someone who works well with others. Think about it: Our current governor is perceived as being an outcast within his own party. He also has not been able to make east meet west on just about anything under the dome. In short, he's a loner who does what he wants..or maybe what washington wants. But people around the state want a working partnership in the capitol, not another several years of paralysis. So is Chelene's resume about her ability to work well with others? that's rhetorical of course, and a little sarcastic too. That resume screams Me..Me..Me..Meeee. This piece is a terrible lie of course, but if you're going to defraud, you might at least misrepresent the product so it will sell to the customers you are marketing to. 09-29-2010 10:42 PM

Y'know Davi, I don't the first thing voters are looking for is works well with others.

Nonetheless, you answered the question. We disagree.

PochoPatriot 09-30-2010 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 12442)
That resume screams Me..Me..Me..Meeee

And when has it never been about her?

I have heard that my American Apparel protests caused her a great deal of concern. Why? Because some one did something without her being a part of it. I wonder if MikeinLA received some of that "concern" also? He was the co-organizer of that event.

Ayatollahgondola 09-30-2010 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12443)
Y'know Davi, I don't the first thing voters are looking for is works well with others.

Are you kidding me? Just because we don't see them that way, or we don't want that doesn't mean it isn't so. A very big percentage of the people in CA think the disfunction is caused by stubborn, self interest and partisan political divide. All the different needy groups actually believe that they can get their way, or the budgets passed if they just get people in office who will work together. Of course it's not true, but that's what many of them are saying when you speak with them at the capitol. The fact is, they really just want to see the place work, even if it ends up working badly. That's why they keep paying more in taxes and fees instead of standing on the corner like a madman like us 09-30-2010 07:39 PM

No, I'm not kidding you.

Look, let's make a deal. If Chelene wins the election, I'm right. If she loses, you're right, but you have to promise to help with her next campaign by driving around Sacramento with your sign, for weekends on end, bearing an improved Nightingale-lauding pitch/advertisement of your own creation.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Personally, I kind of like the one contained in the blog that Frank pointed out - Some supporters say that Nightingale is Joan of Arc, while others say she's Mary Magdalene. The candidate has been compared in the media to Sarah Palin, Wonder Woman, Susan B. Anthony, Oprah, Batgirl, Margaret Thatcher, Madonna and the goddess Minerva.

If I had to guess, Chelene is probably miffed that they left out Jesus Christ.

Ayatollahgondola 09-30-2010 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 12505)
No, I'm not kidding you.

Look, let's make a deal. If Chelene wins the election, I'm right. If she loses, you're right, but you have to promise to help with her next campaign by driving around Sacramento with your sign, for weekends on end, bearing an improved Nightingale-lauding pitch/advertisement of your own creation.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Personally, I kind of like the one contained in the blog that Frank pointed out - Some supporters say that Nightingale is Joan of Arc, while others say she's Mary Magdalene. The candidate has been compared in the media to Sarah Palin, Wonder Woman, Susan B. Anthony, Oprah, Batgirl, Margaret Thatcher, Madonna and the goddess Minerva.

If I had to guess, Chelene is probably miffed that they left out Jesus Christ.

Actually I've heard her compare herself to God already, so Jesus would be a step back.

And no; I don't see a win for me in your deal. Just a lot of weekends getting the finger from what is certain to end up being hordes of disillusioned decline-to-states, AIP members, and any company giving her campaign materials on credit

Eagle1 10-01-2010 01:39 AM

I've got a suggestion. Can we have a counter on our blog that counts the days ,incrementing daily, until Chelena pays off her known debts? :):):)

Ayatollahgondola 10-01-2010 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 12516)
I've got a suggestion. Can we have a counter on our blog that counts the days ,incrementing daily, until Chelena pays off her known debts? :):):)

Yes, I think we can

Kathy63 10-02-2010 08:56 AM

When a resume has items like running the campaign of a failed third party candidate and "meeting" Ron Paul you know they don't even have enough to pad it.

Sorry but campaigning for one failure and just meeting another failure doesn't exactly spell success. At the very least, it gives an indication of what this individual considers success.

Ayatollahgondola 10-02-2010 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Kathy63 (Post 12556)
When a resume has items like running the campaign of a failed third party candidate and "meeting" Ron Paul you know they don't even have enough to pad it.

Sorry but campaigning for one failure and just meeting another failure doesn't exactly spell success. At the very least, it gives an indication of what this individual considers success.

When you have nothing of your own, you leech from the notariety of others. Their failures are not really relevant to her, because they too would be used as stepping stones. You forget Chelena's history. Gilchrist was her good buddy until he lowered his head enough for her foot to get up on. Likewise with myself, Save Our State, Sam, etc. Tancredo would get the same treatment if the opportunity arose for her.

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