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Jeanfromfillmore 11-11-2009 04:06 PM

Lou Dobbs Leaving CNN
Lou Dobbs Leaving CNN
The controversial and longtime CNN anchor announces his resignation on his show Wednesday.
NEW YORK (AP) -- CNN host Lou Dobbs says he is leaving CNN effective immediately.
The longtime host of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" said Wednesday on his show that it would be his last. He said CNN had allowed him to be released from his contact, which would enable him "to pursue new opportunities."
He said he was considering a number of options.
The longest-running anchor on CNN's air, Dobbs was one of the nation's leading financial journalists before turning his program in a more opinionated direction. His persistent advocacy against illegal immigration angered many.

Darsacramento 11-11-2009 04:21 PM

hopefully he still go on the air somewhere We need Lou badly or better yet run for office

PochoPatriot 11-11-2009 06:49 PM

I hope he lands at Fox.

Eagle1 11-11-2009 06:57 PM

I've thought about Lou's departure and I believe that he has a plan.
He is in his own right an activist.

He may have left CNN but it is conceivable that he may be the man to challenge all the phony politicians by stepping into the political arena
and providing the leadership in government coupled with an allegiance to the Constitution and the American people that has been missing in Washington for decades.

Someone fired on his house. Perhaps that was the determinant in causing him
to leave CNN and put on battle fatigues.

Lou isn't a coward.

I hope that I am right in my speculations.:D

Dawes 11-11-2009 07:28 PM

He still has his radio show.

PLus he may drain away what few viewers CNN had left. I only watched Lou, now I have no reason what so ever, to watch CNN lol

Let it sink like the Titanic.:p

Kathy63 11-12-2009 04:50 AM

More than likely he got a note saying that the next bullet would be in his wife's head and he decided that discretion was the better form of valor.

Jeanfromfillmore 11-12-2009 11:22 AM

Who knows why he left. But in a country that prides itself on free speech and freedom on the press, this speaks volumes. The left have gone too far and I believe the country is now beginning to see exactly where 'political correctness' has brought us. Just this week it was Fort Hood and now Dobbs. This can't continue without being addressed or we'll see this country fall faster than anyone expected.

PochoPatriot 11-12-2009 12:31 PM

The forces of fascism are hard at work silencing those that merely disagree with them. I see more and more the rightness of Dennis Prager when he stated that the left will bring fascism to America.

However, the best part about Dobbs leaving CNN, is that the death of CNN will come quicker as many of Dobbs' viewers will move to other TV news sources.

Rim05 11-12-2009 03:03 PM

Pocho, I cannot disagree with you more. I know this is what got me in poor favor at the old place but Shepard Smith is the ONLY one I will watch on Fox. I just do not like the people. No worry though I am almost not watching TV any more. Dancing with the Stars and political bashing of each other is about all that is on. I will take a sleeping pill and go to bed. :)

Jeanfromfillmore 11-12-2009 04:46 PM

Rimo, not to worry, I don't have a TV and I stay pretty well informed. Now that doesn't mean there's no televisions in my home, my roommates both have tvs, but mine went out about a year ago and I haven't missed it one minute. What really bothered me was the continual pushing of the gay and lesbian lifestyle as normal mainstream. And believe me, I don't care what gay people do. I don't care if they're in the military, or live together or even if they have adopted kids. I really don't care, but I do care that the media not bring it into my living room every night shoving it in my face and pretend that it's normal. There are so few shows that don't do that, that I would prefer not to even buy a new tv, it's not worth the money.

As for the news, well they so often drive a story into the ground that you land up hearing basically the same thing over and over again, to where the name "News" is actually comical. There's very little that is 'new' in the news. Maybe they do it because the American attention span is a millisecond and they need to pound it in.

Wouldn't it be nice if there really was a balance. But that's not going to happen because there will never be a consensus as to what the real truth is. 11-12-2009 09:05 PM

Pocho, I cannot disagree with you more. I know this is what got me in poor favor at the old place but Shepard Smith is the ONLY one I will watch on Fox.

Silence you old hag!! How dayr you!! There iz many grate communtaturz on FOX but a libral marter like you kums here to stur the pot and deny that!! Is these the lies you hurd in the other bored?? You should ...

Oops, sorry. Wrong website. Never mind ...


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 878)
The forces of fascism are hard at work silencing those that merely disagree with them. I see more and more the rightness of Dennis Prager when he stated that the left will bring fascism to America.

Without a doubt. The real attacks upon free speech in the latter half of the twentieth century, and more recently, have come from the left. The rise of "hate speech" legislation and the onlaught of political correctness are only the two most prominent examples.

George Orwell's Thought Police are closer to reality now than at any other time in my life.

Not only that, we're now seeing it play itself out in market forces. It's a simple forumula. "Whites" can be offended whereas Latinos and blacks can't. Why? Simple, economics. White consumers are largely established and spoken for. Their numbers and participation in the categories of wealthy, well-off or middle class are pretty much established and their purchasing habits are predictable. The domestic market for emerging buyers, though, is African-Americans and Hispanics. This is where the growing market share is in terms of increase in population and improvement in financial earning power. Consequently, Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh can be tossed aside by CNN and the NFL, and no one will sweat it that much. And the fact that Janet Murguia and Al Sharpton (people disproportionately viewed as racists by white folks) appeared in the debate, matters little. Larry King will still attract his faithful viewers and the Packers and Cowboys can still sell caps, shirts and other merchandise. What these entities won't gamble, however, is losing the growing share of people of color.

PochoPatriot 11-13-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 881)
Pocho, I cannot disagree with you more. I know this is what got me in poor favor at the old place but Shepard Smith is the ONLY one I will watch on Fox. I just do not like the people. No worry though I am almost not watching TV any more. Dancing with the Stars and political bashing of each other is about all that is on. I will take a sleeping pill and go to bed. :)

I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with me about, but just because you disagree with me won't land you in any trouble.

I like Shepard Smith, I also like Lou Dobbs. He was the sole voice of sanity on CNN, and the only program that kept CNN afloat. This was my only point. Lou Dobbs leaving CNN will begin the end for CNN.

Rim05 11-13-2009 09:11 PM

My thought was that CNN would be gone and everything would be Fox. Dobbs used to be one of my favorites but he suddenly seem to change to the point that I could not under stand what he was for. The truth be told, I am just tired of hearing people t a l k all the time. Listen to one program on a channel and all the programs are the same material. Maybe my problem is I have too much time to watch TV, remember I am retired.

rs232c 11-13-2009 11:38 PM

The situation I listened most closely to was how, in my opinion, he was a dissenting voice on a network that all the other coworkers were in agreement in direct conflict to his opinions.

Did we lose another voice? What was so wrong about dissent?

Ayatollahgondola 11-14-2009 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by rs232c (Post 968)
The situation I listened most closely to was how, in my opinion, he was a dissenting voice on a network that all the other coworkers were in agreement in direct conflict to his opinions.

Did we lose another voice? What was so wrong about dissent?

If he had died, was killed, or pulled a Rushdie, I might say that we have lost another voice. At this point we still have at least the echos for reassurance. My concern is the TIMING. Here we have the announcement, or what passes for it anyway, of another amnesty push. I'm personally paying attention to the changes that happen in close proximity to that

ilbegone 11-14-2009 08:14 PM

I haven't watched Dobbs but maybe three times or so ever. Never really felt the inclination.

I don't watch any of programmed "news" either, as most of it is spun one way or another, or is merely thinly disguised entertainment for the shallow of mind.

I equally dislike Kieth Olberman and Bill O'Reilly, and have little regard for any televised or radio wave pundits. Nor do I care for either CNN or Fox in general, or any of the others, local or global. I loath and distrust them all.

However, there was some personal discussion today concerning Dobbs, which revolved around the probable fact, notwithstanding that Dobbs was in on the founding of CNN, that anyone who backed Dobbs at CNN was put on a corporate hit list. Otherwise, his house was shot at with his wife in range, he's had death threats concerning his stand against illegal migration, and it's probably been a tough go for him in any regard.

I understand Dobbs willingly left CNN, and that management agreed to let him out of his contract.

As far as Dobbs being pushed out of his position just in time to remove his voice from the immigration arena would be conspiracy theory speculation based on what little I know of his situation, but it would not be a farfetched concept by my understanding of the general media.

Jeanfromfillmore 11-14-2009 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 1037)
I haven't watched Dobbs but maybe three times or so ever. Never really felt the inclination.

I don't watch any of programmed "news" either, as most of it is spun one way or another, or is merely thinly disguised entertainment for the shallow of mind.

I equally dislike Kieth Olberman and Bill O'Reilly, and have little regard for any televised or radio wave pundits. Nor do I care for either CNN or Fox in general, or any of the others, local or global. I loath and distrust them all.

However, there was some personal discussion today concerning Dobbs, which revolved around the probable fact, notwithstanding that Dobbs was in on the founding of CNN, that anyone who backed Dobbs at CNN was put on a corporate hit list. Otherwise, his house was shot at with his wife in range, he's had death threats concerning his stand against illegal migration, and it's probably been a tough go for him in any regard.

I understand Dobbs willingly left CNN, and that management agreed to let him out of his contract.

As far as Dobbs being pushed out of his position just in time to remove his voice from the immigration arena would be conspiracy theory speculation based on what little I know of his situation, but it would not be a farfetched concept by my understanding of the general media.

Well you're right to point out that there are no facts pointing to his be ousted because of the upcoming push for amnesty, but Dobbs was the only person on any of the news channels that discussed illegal immigration in an honest way. He didn't back down until now which is just weeks before their big push for amnesty. He had a huge following and was well respected for his intellect and honesty. La Raza had a hard time calling him a racist because he's married to a Hispanic woman whose family is from Mexico. There was a lot of pressure put on CNN in the last few weeks to fire him. And I don't think that it is just coincidence that he left at this exact time. Hopefully his departure will backfire on those that wanted him out, but with the push only weeks away it was a really bad time to loose our biggest voice and our loudest voice. Dobbs was national and that was a big blow.

Rim05 11-15-2009 08:44 AM

[B]His leaving is all the more reason for us who are against Amnesty to do just what you guys did yesterday. Lately I have seen a harder push for Amnesty by the pro-illegal supporters. Folks it is time to become stronger but leave out the infighiing among all anti illegal fighters.
By posts some places I have seen I do believe there are some who once called themselves our supporters are now trying to bring down this forum. I hope all who are truly against any kind of amnesty will be aware of any attempts to distract us.[ /B]

Eagle1 11-15-2009 12:16 PM

I agree with Jeanfromfillmore and Rim05 on their observations.

I found Dobbs to have integrity that few others on the airwaves have.
His passion for the issues was evident yet in the last few months it was apparent that something had happened behind the scenes as he went
into a format that was more representative of the CNN style than his own.

Now that news of his battles with CNN management have been made public I hope to see Lou some place speaking with his characteristic candor and passion.

Rim05 I fully expect that there will be and that there are attempts to defame our group. I agree with you that we should not allow all that infighting that turned the old SOS into an undesirable website.

At some point we will have to defend ourselves but I believe we can do so effectively and quickly without getting stuck in the "infighting mode".

It is time to step up and do something along the lines of our own rally in order to address Governments plan to force us to absorb millions of illegals.:mad:

Don 11-15-2009 03:24 PM

The attack on free speech rights at all levels is very scary. When the USSR collapsed we hoped for a brighter less stressful world. Just the opposite has happened.

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