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wetibbe 01-31-2014 10:40 AM

What ????????????
What? Who ? How ? What's going on.

The Republicans met behind closed doors Thursday.*( Make that in the traditional smoke filled back room ) to hammer out a comprehensive immigration reform package. I have waited patiently for news and there isn't any on radio or TV. I wanted to blast them as sanctimonious political hypocritical prostitutes but in keeping with the decorum and ruled of this website I will refrain from posting such :) *( Didja notice the duplicitous double speak ?

The media is apparently resigned to guesses, supposition, maybes and prognostications.

Throw a dart.

Why the secrecy ? I won't speculate. I will only say that I do NOT issue a blanket condemnation of Congress. There are many really good, intelligent, sincere members who will act in the best interest of the people. However, they seem to be outnumbered by the dubious. I don't have hard numbers. It is only my gut feeling. I have some very strong opinions that are not complimentary which I will hold in abeyance. We have to wait and see who prevails.

In the meantime big "O"'s flock are abandoning him. They are shunning and don't want to be seen with him. Even the black, negro, African American or whatever you want to describe them are speaking out and some are saying - "Just leave now" !!!!

Hey Guys, I have some stunning info that will absolutely knock the socks off. I'll post it soon.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-31-2014 12:04 PM

You're correct, many of the Blacks that once listened to Obama with eyes looking up at him as their savior, are now angry and want nothing to do with him. But it's a bit late to finally wake up. They asked for it, they got it. Just like those that don't like Obamacare, yet they voted for Obama. They made their bed, now they're having nightmares. Too bad, I feel no sympathy especially since many of them voted for him twice.

As for the Republican turncoats, they are just giving us the finger before they get voted out in November. They are so detached from what is happening, but know they are on thin ice or no ice and are risking doing something to make an impression. They only listen to lobbyists and those that line their coffers.

What those turncoats are doing is so stupid, it defies words. The Dems are pummeled and barely standing. Their own people are humiliated and going into hibernation, yet the Repubs are trying to appease them? It's like a boxer wining the fight and giving the prize money to the loser.

Greg in LA 01-31-2014 10:02 PM

Jean, it's true that the Republicans and the Democrats hate us . The Democrats want to replace Americans, and the Republicans just want the payoffs from the Chamber of Commerce. Most of the Republicans don't want to listen, but I think they know they're finished if enough of us don't show up in November.
The situation for the Republican elites is that they want to betray us, but they still need people to show up and vote.
I've been calling offices of Republican Congressmen the last couple of days, and basically I've been telling them "I'm a Republican and if Boehner introduces any immigration legislation to the floor of the House, my Wife and I won't show up and vote this November, we'll just stay home".
It's a true statement and I think the Republican politicians know that it's true.

They would love to sell us out, and they will keep trying, but it's obvious to me that when and if they pass an amnesty, 1/4 to 1/3 of Republicans will be finished with them. It will be a permanent collapse and enough Republicans know this. This of course doesn't mean they're going to represent us, it just means they still want to have a job in Congress.

wetibbe 02-01-2014 05:30 AM

Now we got an update.
Boehner Releases Immigration Principles (Updated)

By Daniel Newhauser
Posted at 4:25 p.m. on Jan. 30

Comments in post: Boehner Releases Immigration Principles (Updated) 32

Updated 6:13 p.m. | CAMBRIDGE, Md. – Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio released his long-awaited immigration overhaul principles Thursday afternoon, for the first time laying out a broad GOP-backed pathway to legalized status for undocumented immigrants.

Boehner and other top Republicans have been talking about it for months, but the document lays out a draft for how Republicans want to take on the contentious issue, which is splitting their party at their annual retreat here. The party will discuss and potentially amend the document, and it is possible that it will not be accepted at all.

The principles stress interior and border enforcement must be enacted before mechanisms to legalization can begin and notes that Republicans do not favor a “special pathway” to citizenship for anyone who illegally traversed the border into the United States. However, it does present options for those roughly 11 million immigrants living in the country.

“These persons could live legally and without fear in the U.S., but only if they were willing to admit their culpability, pass rigorous background checks, pay significant fines and back taxes, develop proficiency in English and American civics, and be able to support themselves and their families (without access to public benefits),” the document states. “Criminal aliens, gang members, and sex offenders and those who do not meet the above requirements will not be eligible for this program.”

The plan also includes measures that would address visas, employment verification, changes to the current legal immigration system and provide “an opportunity for legal residence and citizenship for those who were brought to this country as children through no fault of their own.”

A GOP aide contrasted this piece-by-piece style with the Senate’s immigration bill, which was more than 1,200 pages long, and emphasized that leaders intend to make sure members and constituents understand each step of the immigration process before moving on to the next principle.

Boehner himself made the pitch to his conference to act, according to a source in the room.

“It’s important to act on immigration reform because we’re focused on jobs and economic growth, and this about jobs and growth,” he told his flock. “Reform is also about our national security. The safety and security of our nation depends on our ability to secure our border, enforce our laws, improve channels for legal entry to the country, and identify who is here illegally.”

Bohner reiterated his opposition to the Senate bill and insisted the principles would not be compromised.

“These standards are as far as we are willing to go,” he said. “Nancy Pelosi said yesterday that for her caucus, it is a special path to citizenship or nothing. If Democrats insist on that, then we are not going to get anywhere this year.”

Republicans were vigorously debating the principles, with the fate of a rewrite hanging in the balance.

Boehner has been preaching action for months, and in addressing reporters Thursday morning, he reiterated his desire to push forward incremental bills that would restructure the nation’s immigration system.

“Day after the 2012 election, I said it’s time for Congress and the president to deal with this very important issue,” Boehner said at a morning news conference. “I think it’s time to deal with it.”

At an afternoon gathering here at a private conference in a sprawling Hyatt Inn resort overlooking a snowy Chesapeake Bay, members waded into the issue. Rep. Jeff Denham, who will help lead a session later focused solely on immigration, spoke in favor of the acting this year, but others rebutted him, according to a source in the room.

Although Boehner and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., made the case for reform, other influential members spoke out against acting this year, said Rep. John Fleming, R-La.

Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, Science Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, and Budget Vice Chairman Tom Price, R-Ga., who are influential in conservative circles, all said reform should not move forward this year, Fleming said.

“My sense is that the consensus here is that we should not move forward and that leaders will abide by that,” Fleming said. “On a political basis, this is a suicide mission for Republicans. Why would we want to change the topic for a very toxic problem Democrats have with Obamacare?”

Indeed, political considerations weigh heavy on members, many of whom worry that a vote on the issue would draw a primary challenge. States hold their primaries throughout the year, so it will be impossible for leadership to wait out every potential challenge — Texas primaries, for instance, are held in early March, while in Florida, party voters do not decide until August.

National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Greg Walden tried to allay those concerns, telling reporters that an overhaul bill is important to take up but would not be on the calendar anytime soon.

“My hunch is that it doesn’t come up tomorrow. It’s probably months out,” he said. “The point is that most of the primaries will have faded by then anyway. By the time you get to June, most of them are behind you.”

Republicans agree broadly on some aspects of the changes, for instance adding more border security measures and, to a lesser extent, allowing agricultural workers to stay in the country legally while also traveling home. But the point of contention is whether or how to provide legal status for the millions of immigrants.

For members in solid-red districts, it will be hard to sell any such vote as anything less than amnesty, an abhorrence to conservatives and influential outside groups.

Rep. Jason Smith, a junior member of the Judiciary Committee, where the policy will have to originate, said constituents in his conservative Missouri district see no distinction between giving legalized status to immigrants and giving them citizenship outright.

“I think they’re the same thing,” he said. “I have great concerns about the legalization aspect.”

After listening to his colleagues weigh in, Rep. Joe L. Barton, R-Texas, predicted the issue will be insurmountable, not simply because of divisions in the party but because it will be impossible to find policy that both Republicans and Democrats will support.

“I think we’re probably going to wait until next year,” he said. “I’m not afraid to engage in a constructive dialogue on it, and if there really is a bipartisan deal that works, take a look at it. But I wouldn’t put a lot of political chips on it this year.”

Adding to that, Republicans cite a mistrust of the Obama administration to carry out the border enforcement, a particular concern in the wake of the president’s State of the Union promise to bypass Congress whenever possible.

“Whatever we pass, there’s no real trust that the president’s going to enforce those laws equally. That’s been a big problem on a lot of fronts, but especially on immigration,” said Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee.

Rep. Tom Cole, a Boehner ally, said leadership still has a big decision to make, one that will determine whether they can indeed wrangle a majority of the conference behind an immigration rewrite. He said 218 Republicans in favor of the overhaul is likely impossible, but said leaders could get enough from both parties to plow ahead if they work for it.

“The leadership will have to make a decision as to what they want to do, knowing it’s a contentious issue,” he said. “If they come to agreement … then as long as they’re willing to sort of manage the conference, then I think we can probably get to a majority of the majority.”

Here are the full GOP principles:

Standards for Immigration Reform

Our nation’s immigration system is broken and our laws are not being enforced. Washington’s failure to fix them is hurting our economy and jeopardizing our national security. The overriding purpose of our immigration system is to promote and further America’s national interests and that is not the case today. The serious problems in our immigration system must be solved, and we are committed to working in a bipartisan manner to solve them. But they cannot be solved with a single, massive piece of legislation that few have read and even fewer understand, and therefore, we will not go to a conference with the Senate’s immigration bill. The problems in our immigration system must be solved through a step-by-step, common-sense approach that starts with securing our country’s borders, enforcing our laws, and implementing robust enforcement measures. These are the principals guiding us in that effort.

Border Security and Interior Enforcement Must Come First

It is the fundamental duty of any government to secure its borders, and the United States is failing in this mission. We must secure our borders now and verify that they are secure. In addition, we must ensure now that when immigration reform is enacted, there will be a zero tolerance policy for those who cross the border illegally or overstay their visas in the future. Faced with a consistent pattern of administrations of both parties only selectively enforcing our nation’s immigration laws, we must enact reform that ensures that a President cannot unilaterally stop immigration enforcement.

Implement Entry-Exit Visa Tracking System

A fully functioning Entry-Exit system has been mandated by eight separate statutes over the last 17 years. At least three of these laws call for this system to be biometric, using technology to verify identity and prevent fraud. We must implement this system so we can identify and track down visitors who abuse our laws.

Employment Verification and Workplace Enforcement

In the 21st century it is unacceptable that the majority of employees have their work eligibility verified through a paper based system wrought with fraud. It is past time for this country to fully implement a workable electronic employment verification system.

Reforms to the Legal Immigration System

For far too long, the United States has emphasized extended family members and pure luck over employment-based immigration. This is inconsistent with nearly every other developed country. Every year thousands of foreign nationals pursue degrees at America’s colleges and universities, particularly in high skilled fields. Many of them want to use their expertise in U.S. industries that will spur economic growth and create jobs for Americans. When visas aren’t available, we end up exporting this labor and ingenuity to other countries. Visa and green card allocations need to reflect the needs of employers and the desire for these exceptional individuals to help grow our economy.

The goal of any temporary worker program should be to address the economic needs of the country and to strengthen our national security by allowing for realistic, enforceable, usable, legal paths for entry into the United States. Of particular concern are the needs of the agricultural industry, among others. It is imperative that these temporary workers are able to meet the economic needs of the country and do not displace or disadvantage American workers.


One of the great founding principles of our country was that children would not be punished for the mistakes of their parents. It is time to provide an opportunity for legal residence and citizenship for those who were brought to this country as children through no fault of their own, those who know no other place as home. For those who meet certain eligibility standards, and serve honorably in our military or attain a college degree, we will do just that.

Individuals Living Outside the Rule of Law

Our national and economic security depend on requiring people who are living and working here illegally to come forward and get right with the law. There will be no special path to citizenship for individuals who broke our nation’s immigration laws – that would be unfair to those immigrants who have played by the rules and harmful to promoting the rule of law. Rather, these persons could live legally and without fear in the U.S., but only if they were willing to admit their culpability, pass rigorous background checks, pay significant fines and back taxes, develop proficiency in English and American civics, and be able to support themselves and their families (without access to public benefits). Criminal aliens, gang members, and sex offenders and those who do not meet the above requirements will not be eligible for this program. Finally, none of this can happen before specific enforcement triggers have been implemented to fulfill our promise to the American people that from here on, our immigration laws will indeed be enforced.

__________________________________________________ __________

So ???? We already have all of that.

Numbers USA reports that Republicans in the caucus were running 4 to 1 AGAINST the Boehner proposals.

The border jumpers are so fundamentally dishonest that any new system will be fraught with counterfeiting, fraud, lies ---------------- as usual. These tigers won't change their stripes. And they darn sure won't voluntarily agree to pay fines. *( Or taxes ).

So long as we have the people in Government that we have heading the departments, there won't be any border enforcement. It won't happen until someone gets rough, gets serious and gets done what needs to be done. Start locking scofflaws up and dropping fines with deportations. *( Send them to Joe Arpaio for his tent city ).

I have no sympathy for the "children" who were brought here. It's not my problem. It's not the problem of America. Leaving them here and legitimizing them will only further encourage more parents to sneak in to game the system, and foster more chain migration. The aunts, uncles, cousins, in laws and more family members will tag along behind the spearhead.

The parents need to be fined and tossed out. They can take their kids home and re-acclimate them there in their country. *( MOST of them do not assimilate here anyway ). Their Governments can provide resettlement and rehabilitation. Then they can reapply for admission back here. However, who wants a foreigner with a 6th grade education and no skills or who is a highschool drop out ?

*( Several countries including China refuse to take back their citizens. There should be strong fiscal and political sanctions including cut off of financial aid and trade restrictions as well as selective freezing of bank accounts ).

Dwight D. Eisenhower was the last president with the guts and determination to clean out the wetbacks.

ilbegone 02-01-2014 12:36 PM

Of course enforcement has to come first regardless whatever else follows.

And the only thing which will work for enforcement is to crucify American employers who hire illegal foreign labor. There would be little illegal migration if it weren't for American employers who hire illegal labor. All the "enforcement" theater of "beefing up the border" with more Border Patrol, "sealing of the border" with fencing, rounding up illegals at Greyhound bus stations, and chasing illegals down the hall and out the back door of meat packing plants doesn't mean a frickin' thing and accomplishes nothing.

But you will never hear any politician of any party on Capitol Hill who would even whisper such thing...

So, the game goes on with the bait and switch carrot tossed into play (all talk and no do about enforcement), then congress will blind side us like they did the 1986 amnesty.

wetibbe 02-02-2014 03:26 AM

Last night Gov. Huckabee had on his show Chris Crane, *( See article ).

If you will refer back up here to my last comments wherein I predicted that the Dream Act would promote a rush on our borders well ------------------

Chris said :

We are apprehending 2,000 CHILDREN PER MONTH and it will be 50,000 this year as young as 9 months. The drug smugglers are bringing them across *( e.g. human trafficking ) in response to the DREAM ACT !!!!!!

God have mercy on us.

wetibbe 02-10-2014 03:49 AM

Amnesty DOA
I'm a little bit surprised that no-one has posted John Boehner's latest comments.

What's up? No victory lap, no champagne, no high fives ?

And those were ---------

Not this year.

Ayatollahgondola 02-10-2014 05:25 AM

We;re all skeptical. Boehner hasn't had his last comments yet. The way he's been acting, I'm not sure what's up with him, and how much his comments matter anymore. they don't seem to matter much to obama; he does what he wants for the most part anyway

wetibbe 02-11-2014 02:48 AM

I have been around for so long, and seen so much, that I may be getting desensitized. They come and they go. I look back on my correspondence to politicians over the last 20 years and it is evident that there is a constant roll over, change, new faces. 90% are out of office and many are deceased.

I too am skeptical about Boehner's sincerity. He has a tough job. The media said there was, and is, a "civil war" in the Republican party. With an approval rating of 13% Congress isn't very popular with the people.

So what's happening. What is the prognosis ? I haven't, as yet, come to any absolute, concrete, opinions. However, here are my elements.

#1. Congress works for us, the people. Often I wonder if they all understand that. Big "O" certainly does not.

#2. Majority rules, like it or not that is how it works. American democracy just "sucks". It stinks. But it is still the best system in the world.

#3. If I was to give Boehner the benefit of the doubt I would say he is trying to respond to the majority of his party and fellow congressmen.

#4. As with all other elements of society, Senators and Representatives are only human with all of the flaws and imperfections. The Republicans are typically a broad spectrum with all of their own personalities and flaws. So we get a whole range of diverse positions, attitudes and aspirations. Maybe we can call them snowflakes, every one different upon scrutiny.

#5. Although I completely distrust the media there are a few areas of plausible acceptance. When they report that John Boehner won't entertain comprehensive immigration reform this year I believe it is due to - a. Him saying he doesn't trust Obama to enforce the law. *( That's a no brainer ). b. The reported MASSIVE flood of negative responses from constituents. *( That's where the people need to receive high fives, a copa of champagne and take a victory lap ).

#6. My position against immigration reform is MANY faceted. One of which is my belief that the more the liberal, progressive, socialist, radical Democrats, and big "O", continue down the path of destruction, the more they will "turn off" the voters. I am NOT opposed to Obama nor the Dems. I want more of the insanity. I hope it gets a "lot" worse and according to some expert, professional analysis it is indeed going to do just that this year.

So the strategy here is to pay out more and more rope, let them go on to self destruction. The very powerful, and dangerous, influence from the Latino/Hispanic's anarchists may be gaining ground *( Which it absolutely is ) but in due course the backlash will kick in and the Republicans will pick up disillusioned Democrats, Independents and youth votes.

Incidentally have you noticed the successes, low unemployment and prosperity in Republican Texas, Wisconsin and North Dakota where things are booming, there are surpluses and 3% unemployment ?

Jeanfromfillmore 02-11-2014 12:16 PM

I disagree with you on "majority rules" because we are a Republic first and a democracy second. Another point of fact is that the Senate with equal representation is suppose to represent even the small less populated states with equal power, thus the majority is not the final answer. The majority is represented on our election day when democracy is present. What is happening now in this country is putting all that in jeopardy. We have a president who is acting like a dictator and has decided he can make laws and ignore laws. He has used the power of the office to stifle the opposition and instead of the government being controlled by the people, the government is controlling everything including our healthcare and what our children are being taught in school (this last part is extremely important and should scare the hell out of everyone).

And the dissatisfaction with Congress is not necessarily the Republicans fault, both parties in Congress have power at this point, and factoring in Obama, I would say it is the Democrats with more power (two of the three powers outside of the Supreme Court) who hold most of the blame for this impasse.

I don't think Boehner really turned around because he didn't trust Obama to carry out what Congress was attempting to passed on immigration. That was Boehner's best excuse for jumping ship on the amnesty plan he was going along with and pushing. Pressure from the Chamber of Commerce and maybe the low ratings are what prompted him to do the immigration dance for all the lobbyists. He just found out it is still very unpopular with the public. But for all those that considered it a win at this time is total insanity. Why they thought of poisoning themselves with this issue at this time is beyond crazy. We have so many out of work and so angry at this administration, that thinking to appease the far left (which are the only ones left that have any faith in Obama et al) at this point in time is beyond any sort of common sense or sanity.

ilbegone 02-11-2014 01:05 PM

I called Boehner's office and made clear my belief that until I see business owners who hire illegal aliens going to jail it will be very clear to me that all the new rhetoric is just a game, that nothing will change.

I not sure if I was successful in conveying that various stereotypes of those termed "Latino" in whatever configuration of monolithic "identity" fantasy Boehner chooses to believe in (sleeping Mexican under a cactus, illiterate border hopper, future doctors and other professionals versus scumbag welfare opportunists, "indigenous", "just trying to feed the family", entirely law abiding or inveterate criminal, pious immigrant church goer or vicious gang banger praying to Santa Muerte, Puerto Rican or Tex-Mex, Legal citizen or illegal alien, brown racist bigots...) they are not accurate concerning the very broad array of individuals who just happen to have brown skin and Spanish last names.

Just for interest:

Santa Muerte

The article was originally printed in National Geographic

The author is Alma Guillermoprieto, author of The Heart that bleeds and a massive amount of articles and other literature. From what I have read of her material I have a lot of respect for her.

Huffington post article on Santa Muerte

The late Octavio Paz once said that Mexicans have faith only in the national lottery and Guadalupe. With the statement of how empty the churches are in at least part of Mexico, could there now be a contest between Guadalupe and Santa Muerte such as there once was between La Virgen de Guadalupe and La Virgen de Los Remedios?

[Substitute "Mexican Indian" for "Spanish shepherd" and the origin stories of the Spanish (Extramadura) and Mexican (Tepayac) apparitions of Guadalupe are very much the same. "Guadalupe" is a garbled medieval Spanish pronunciation of an Arabic phrase something like "Wadi al Upe" or "quad al upi", which supposedly means something like "water by the rocks" or something similar]

wetibbe 02-13-2014 03:22 AM

Different people react in different ways to words. Latino/Hispanic rankles some. Illegal alien rankles others and maybe the same "PC" types. Some are insulted/offended, some take it as a pejorative, some like it. I can't define it. It means to me only a segment of the worlds population that speak Spanish and lives in North, Central and South America. It's broad and sweeping generic parlance. I think it deals with language and not ethnicity.

As to the illegal aliens, 60% jump the border and 40% come legally with visas and just stay. New York is also a "border state". We have VOLUMES coming North from Florida, in from the offshore islands and off of ships and a small proportion sneaking in from Canada.

Whether they sleep under a cactus or they are a Doctor the common thread is that they ALL have violated customs and immigration LAWS. That seems to escape most politicians of all stripes. e.g., they are CRIMINALS.

__________________________________________________ __________

Susan Tully, National Field Director, FAIR, just sent to an E-mail naming 80 Republicans who haven't yet committed to oppose amnesty !!!!!

__________________________________________________ ___________

On the matter of "The Majority Rules", that was in the context of how our system of voting functions and how the House and Senate take power, as well as how they and the President get elected.

ilbegone 02-14-2014 01:39 PM

The Republican party is acting out of ignorance concerning the words "Latino/Hispanic". They have bought into the myth that, despite all the variance and indeed diversity negated by the label, that they are all the same person and will only be mollified by amnesty - just like the brown racist, uninvited, self appointed to speak for everyone else "Latino activists" say.

The majority of American citizens described as "Latino" have priorities concerning jobs and the economy, how they are themselves affected by forces outside their front gate.

Those "Latino" citizens who clamor for amnesty seem to me to either have close relatives who are illegal or are all worked up by perceptions of white racism. And, odd as it may be within this uncertain world, those who would punish "Latinos" the most for expressing anti illegal immigrant sentiments are far left "progressive" whites from the north east and the west coast. Those "Latinos" who publicly express disagreement with unfettered migration from Latin America get plenty of grief as well from brown race hustlers seeking racial and largely hybrid cultural / political hegemony.


Concerning the notion of avoiding the tyranny of the majority, I understand the idea of one house representing the states by their respective populations and the house representing states with an equal number of senators per state.

However, the electoral college system baffles me at this time as to how it actually works. In some cases it may favor large states, others small states, and may have given rise to the concept of swing states - which I believe should never be (every state should be a "swing state" to my way of thinking). I think there may be ways of gerrymandering the the electors, and there may be other electoral manipulations and abuses coming out of the system.

But, at this point I don't know and am not sure...


Could you let us in on just who that email describes?

wetibbe 02-16-2014 03:53 AM

80 House Members

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