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Ayatollahgondola 09-01-2010 03:31 PM

Nightingale Coming To Sacramento
From Nightingales page:


Central Valley to Sacramento Hardship Walk & Rally
Join us for the rally at noon and if you are up for it, come walk with us!

The 189.2 mile walk to the State Capitol will continue for 8 days ending on Friday, September 10th in Sacramento approximately at 2:00 PM. The Nightingale for Governor campaign will deliver hardship letters from California voters to state legislatures. The campaign recently requested hardship letters and will also collect letters along the walking route....
Well, I guess she couldn't rustle up a befitting golden chariot, and in lieu of that, she'd rather walk. :p
So the legislature will be out of session, so I'm not sure who will be receiving the letters....Oh wait! I'm such an idiot. The governor of course. They're both movie stars, so of course he'll see her. She can size up the chair for after the election too.

Ayatollahgondola 09-06-2010 10:36 AM

Nightingale having a brush with Reality?

This may be an awakening for her. All the previous events where she has highlighted her support and the cheering crowds have been organized by bigger names and attended by those who really came to see others like Tom Tancredo, Issa, Arpaio and such. This is the first time she has had to go it alone in a real public venue and depend solely on her own supporters

REWHBLCAIN 09-06-2010 11:46 AM


Eagle1 09-06-2010 11:49 AM

It really doesn't look like the crowds are there for the Nightingale campaign for Governor of California " Save California Walk".

I didn't see any of the hard core supporters like Jeff Schwilk present.
I would have figured him to be there.

Well its only day three. let's see what happens.

if the Nightingale campaign did not select the arrival time and date in Sacramento to coincide with some major event it is likely that attendance for Chelene's appearance there will be sparse. Maybe Jeff will be there.

I hope AG can get some video of the Sacramento gathering.

Jeanfromfillmore 09-06-2010 02:47 PM

Reality sets in. Chelene bit off more than she can chew. Boy I bet it's hot out there. My choice wouldn't be summer to do a walk like that.

Why is she walking with a cane? Eight weeks and it will be all over, then what will she do.

PochoPatriot 09-06-2010 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 11874)
Why is she walking with a cane? Eight weeks and it will be all over, then what will she do.

Blame others for the lack of support. Isn't that what megalomaniacs do? 09-06-2010 03:26 PM

Delete ...... 09-06-2010 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 11874)
Eight weeks and it will be all over, then what will she do.

Get a job to pay Frank his money back?


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 11870)
I didn't see any of the hard core supporters like Jeff Schwilk present. I would have figured him to be there.

There's probably a good reason for his absence. This video may have been shot on a day of the week when courts in San Diego are open.

Eagle1 09-06-2010 08:13 PM

The Day four video of the Chelene Nightingale walk to save California has now been posted and you can view it here:

With her feet bandaged a la Valley Forge and a diagnosis from a doctor, says Chelene, she is now wheel chair bound yet determined to continue on.

Some of us were wondering if she would ditch the walk based on illness or some other reason. She may just have to ride to Sacramento if she is to make it there at all.

Jeff who may be in court in San Diego does not seem to be there to push the wheel chair that transports his beloved leader.

Based on the video it appears that we may soon see photos of the future Governor of California's damaged feet.

Some folks have said to me that they have already seen the bottoms of her feet when she walked all over them. Anyone here have that experience?

A job after the campaign? We don't need no stinking jobs!

Ayatollahgondola 09-06-2010 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 11886)
Based on the video it appears that we may soon see photos of the future Governor of California's damaged feet.

Some folks have said to me that they have already seen the bottoms of her feet when she walked all over them. Anyone here have that experience?

:) :D

So what's next? The hands get blistered from the wheel chair of course, and then she'll come into Sac on a stretcher. If things go really bad, the stretcher carriers can become pall bearers. After they carry the coffin through the hallowed halls of the state capitol, the body can lie in-state on the west steps.... 09-07-2010 11:03 AM

I feel like I'm watching episodical installments of some VH1 reality show that was deemed too uninteresting to air.

The only thing we learned in this video is that Chelene figured out how to avoid having to walk the entire distance (now that it has dawned on her that well-wishers and journalists will not be lining the roadways) and have one of her sycophants push her to the capital, instead.

I think the ongoing presentation is salvageable, however, if a little re-casting is used to fine tune this epic. Courtney Kardashian can take Chelene's role and the supporters/interviewees should be portrayed by Vanilla Ice, Todd Bridges, Flava Flav, Jose Canseco and Corey Feldman, on a rotating basis.

And if Schwilk puts in a cameo appearance, we might even see the zany antics unfold as he gets embroiled in litigation in an entirely new county. 09-08-2010 03:16 PM

DAY 5! Day 5!
Note Chelene's improved demeanor now that someone else is doing the walking for her and she got her name in a newspaper!

Y'know, I simply can't understand why the comments I've been leaving beneath her videos aren't appearing ...

DAY 5:

PochoPatriot 09-08-2010 04:40 PM

I just don't get what she is trying to do.:confused:

Ayatollahgondola 09-08-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 11935)
Note Chelene's improved demeanor now that someone else is doing the walking for her and she got her name in a newspaper!

Yes, it takes a lot less to keep her in la-la land than it used to a year or more ago. Back when she was in control of SOS, everyone had to speak nicely or she'd grow a frown and start lopping off heads. Now that her entourage has shrunk, There's a lower threshold. Probably four people or more, and one community newspaper does the trick. Although, being catered to in a wheelchair might be equivilent to 100 people cheering.

Eagle1 09-09-2010 04:42 AM

Oh yeah, saying anything that is not complimentary will cause a number of actions against the individual practicing their first amendment rights.

Not only will she personally begin the labeling of any individual that may rightly disagree with her and her methods as a "mole", "working for the other side", or an "anti-American" but she has Jeff Schwilk as her main bully boy sending ugly emails to those that she perceives as a threat to her fragile ego.

If anything this woman has engaged in a reign of terror in order to gain control over the anti-illegal immigration movement.

Everywhere she goes she leaves a trail of anger and inserts a wedge between those in this movement who otherwise would have gotten along.

Why in hell would anyone want someone like that in control of any Government position?

Eventually people wake up to her destructiveness and monstrous self centerdness but often it takes a good deal of time.

She is very good at convincing people to go along with her plans for the good of the movement, the nation or whatever but it becomes clearly evident that it is all to feed her ego and an abnormal desire to "lead"
people who can think better than she can.

Her candidacy is not a "third choice" or alternative to the utterly corrupt Meg Whitman or Jerry Brown since she is cut from the same cloth.

Soon she will lose the gubernatorial campaign and my guess is that she will continue to seek public office. This situation has given me an opportunity to see how human beings that are extremely flawed are propelled to positions of authority in politics by those who do not know them and then there is all the suffering that they bring about when power and control are achieved.

This woman has nothing to offer anyone. She needs to get out of the way and make room for more mature, intelligent, and prepared Americans pursuing public office to serve the people of the United States.

The AIP and the Constitution Party will remain losers if they don't begin to seriously vet their candidates.

Twoller 09-09-2010 09:09 AM

Nobody here at SOS likes Chelene, that much is clear. But I still hear nothing about what she is actually saying and what she wants to do as California governor. It's all personal. And frankly, based on my experience here, it's really hard to be impressed that she is not fit for the office if I am to go by postings here alone.

Actually Chelene doesn't have much to say about what she wants to do either. Her recent walk-a-thon was just a display with little or no comments from her about what it was supposed to mean.

If nobody here intends to support Chelene, then where are you going to place your votes? Anywhere? Whitman?

Chelene's support of 1070 is enough for me to consider voting for her. But I haven't heard her speak on that again.

Eagle1 09-09-2010 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 11953)
If nobody here intends to support Chelene, then where are you going to place your votes? Anywhere? Whitman?

Chelene's support of 1070 is enough for me to consider voting for her. But I haven't heard her speak on that again.

In your case you are voting your conscience when voting for Chelene and I do not have an issue with that.

I will not be voting for her, Brown or NutMeg simply because I do not find any of them to be suitable for the job. I believe that there is a write-in option and I will exercise it without mentioning my preferred candidate.

My candidate will not become governor and neither will yours, Chelene.
We will both have voted as concerned Americans and we can at the very least have a clear conscience with respect to our choices.

ilbegone 09-09-2010 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 11953)
Nobody here at SOS likes Chelene, that much is clear. But I still hear nothing about what she is actually saying and what she wants to do as California governor. It's all personal. And frankly, based on my experience here, it's really hard to be impressed that she is not fit for the office if I am to go by postings here alone.

Actually Chelene doesn't have much to say about what she wants to do either. Her recent walk-a-thon was just a display with little or no comments from her about what it was supposed to mean.

If nobody here intends to support Chelene, then where are you going to place your votes? Anywhere? Whitman?

Chelene's support of 1070 is enough for me to consider voting for her. But I haven't heard her speak on that again.

There were some people who didn't approve of Pol Pot before he came to power, and look what happened to Cambodia.

I believe Chelene is best ignored, but she dispensed some very deep wounds among some here, and is sort of like OJ, Rodney King or Paris Hilton and such - she just won't go away. So I can see how it would be somewhat therapeutic to ridicule her airs of grandeur and gloat over her misfortunes. Chelene brought a lot of it on herself.

As far as desirable gubernatorial candidates, the order depending depending on whose ox is getting gored, the choices are bad, worse, terrible, and unfathomable.

My opinion is if Chelene supports 1070, that's the only thing she brings to the table. I believe she would be shrill, pushy, ignorant of legislative process and negotiation, and get slapped around by politicians who bite back with a lot more than lawsuits.

Think Sacramento is a circus now? you ain't seen nothing yet if Chelene were by some fluke to be elected.

PochoPatriot 09-09-2010 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 11953)
Nobody here at SOS likes Chelene, that much is clear. But I still hear nothing about what she is actually saying and what she wants to do as California governor. It's all personal. And frankly, based on my experience here, it's really hard to be impressed that she is not fit for the office if I am to go by postings here alone.

Actually Chelene doesn't have much to say about what she wants to do either. Her recent walk-a-thon was just a display with little or no comments from her about what it was supposed to mean.

If nobody here intends to support Chelene, then where are you going to place your votes? Anywhere? Whitman?

Chelene's support of 1070 is enough for me to consider voting for her. But I haven't heard her speak on that again.

I liked Chelene, until she became a Ron Paul kool-aid drinker. On the old SOS I had serious reservations about Rep. Paul, and voiced them. That led to me being temporarily and ultimately, permanently banned.

Chelene is thin-skinned and has to have "enforcers" protecting her from her own naivete. Chelene's strength is her ability to do PR. I believe that if she had stayed in that position, and allowed people to do things that they had the gifts and talents to do, the old SOS would not have taken the turn it did, and ultimately died.

Chelene's support of AB 1070 is not enough to cause me to vote for her. Unlike Moonbeam, NutMeg and the other candidates for governor, I know Chelene. She does not posses the character and emotional stability to lead a state like California.

If the Tea Party/Patriot movement wants to change things, then it must begin at the local level. This is why I believe that Joe Turner had the idea when he ran for local office in San Bernardino. This movement must make in roads in local politics.

As far as who I will be voting for? I am not sure as of today who I will be voting for, but I can give you a list of three persons whom I will not be voting for: Moonbeam, NutMeg, and Nightin-mare.

Twoller 09-09-2010 12:17 PM

Wow. Three responses and still not one willing to go out on a limb about concerns over what Chelene might actually do as governor, even when asked about it.

And I just got two emails from the Nightingale campaign that didn't have anything to say about that either.

It's definitely a very strange campaign.

At least Ron Paul had a plan and nobody could be confused about what it was. Or that it even existed.

LAPhil 09-09-2010 12:32 PM

I was a big supporter of Tom Campbell before he changed his mind and decided to run for the senate instead of governor. From what I understand Whitman threatened to use her vast financial resources to drag him through the mud if he didn't drop out of the governor's race. Now there's hardly much choice, but I'm not really into this third party stuff, which is basically a waste of time, so I'm going to do another one of those nose-holding acts and vote for Whitman. At least she gives some indication that she just might be able to straighten out the mess which used to be California, and most importantly she's not Jerry Brown. 09-09-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 11937)
I just don't get what she is trying to do.:confused:

Y'know, you must've been a really poor student in school because this material was covered previously in Chelene's earlier statements during her candidacy:

This campaign is not Chelene Nightingale. It just happens to be the name, the voice that says things and gets us out there. It's not my campaign. It's your campaign, your campaign, your campaign, your campaign, your campaign, your campaign - anybody who loves liberty, it's their campaign.

See D, had you bothered to even gloss over the materials you would realize the obvious answer - She is altruistically giving of herself for the sole benefit of others.

Duh. ;^)


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 11948)
Not only will she personally begin the labeling of any individual that may rightly disagree with her and her methods as a "mole", "working for the other side", or an "anti-American" but she has Jeff Schwilk as her main bully boy sending ugly emails to those that she perceives as a threat to her fragile ego.

That would make sense because a lot of California judges, working the civil cases, will allow parties to ongoing trials to use their laptops during courtroom breaks and while exhibits are being set up.


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 11953)
Nobody here at SOS likes Chelene, that much is clear. But I still hear nothing about what she is actually saying and what she wants to do as California governor. It's all personal. And frankly, based on my experience here, it's really hard to be impressed that she is not fit for the office if I am to go by postings here alone.

Actually Chelene doesn't have much to say about what she wants to do either. Her recent walk-a-thon was just a display with little or no comments from her about what it was supposed to mean.

If nobody here intends to support Chelene, then where are you going to place your votes? Anywhere? Whitman?

Chelene's support of 1070 is enough for me to consider voting for her. But I haven't heard her speak on that again.

A. All the info you want about what Chelene intends to do, if elected, is available on her website and Youtube. Search her name on the latter website. It's become an impressive collection of yakkity yak sessions.

B. At this point, I'm leaning in the direction of the Libertarian candidate.


Originally Posted by ilbegone (Post 11958)
Think Sacramento is a circus now? you ain't seen nothing yet if Chelene were by some fluke to be elected.

The spectacle/entertainment value would be off the charts.

Just for openers, can you imagine her first trip to the White House and sit down with the President? Would she attempt to place him under citizens arrest for immigration violations?

How about her response to Democratic legislators who tell her to take a leap with her ideas or call her a racist? Which of them would be the first she'd attempt to ban from the capital or accuse of being a mole?


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 11964)
Now there's hardly much choice, but I'm not really into this third party stuff, which is basically a waste of time, so I'm going to do another one of those nose-holding acts and vote for Whitman.

Davi, I demand that Phil be immediately banned from the message board and SOS. Based upon the above, I draw the logical conclusion that he is an anti-American infiltrator instigator neo-con mole traitor. And even worse than that, he keeps placing his greasy hand in Don's pocket in such a fashion that it prevents me from getting my fair share.

Oops, sorry! Wrong thread.

LAPhil 09-09-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 11966)
Davi, I demand that Phil be immediately banned from the message board and SOS. Based upon the above, I draw the logical conclusion that he is an anti-American infiltrator instigator neo-con mole traitor. And even worse than that, he keeps placing his greasy hand in Don's pocket in such a fashion that it prevents me from getting my fair share.

Oops, sorry! Wrong thread.

OMG Sam, you've finally outed me! Who's Don? 09-09-2010 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 11967)
OMG Sam, you've finally outed me! Who's Don?

Some goyim livestock who is tipping off the others about our scam (see the General Discussion section, below).

LAPhil 09-09-2010 02:15 PM

It's OK, I just now found the reference. Far be it from me to ever stick my greasy hand into a Christian wallet. 09-09-2010 08:20 PM

And now, back to the campaign trail ...

DAY 6:

The weather has cooled down, multiple newspapers are reportedly swarming all over this event, and perhaps most impressively, Chelene seems to be learning magic tricks to maximize the presentation she is able to make on a very limited campaign budget. Take a look at 0:26 of the video and you'll see she actually makes herself disappear in front of the camera. That, in and of itself, has got to be worth 15 or 20 seconds on a local news broadcast in the Central Valley.

Ayatollahgondola 09-09-2010 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 11966)
Davi, I demand that Phil be immediately banned from the message board and SOS. Based upon the above, I draw the logical conclusion that he is an anti-American infiltrator instigator neo-con mole traitor. And even worse than that, he keeps placing his greasy hand in Don's pocket in such a fashion that it prevents me from getting my fair share.

Oops, sorry! Wrong thread.

OK Phil, looks like you had it comin'

And ain't this the kicker; It's on sale for 3.99 :p

LAPhil 09-10-2010 05:31 AM

The way you guys are covering her campaign you'd think she had a chance. ;)

Jeanfromfillmore 09-10-2010 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 11978)
The way you guys are covering her campaign you'd think she had a chance. ;)

Phil, I agree with you completely. Chelene doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of even getting recognized to any great degree. My only complaint with what she's doing is that she screwed someone out of $6,000 knowing she would not be paying it back. When you tell someone you will pay them back and you know that you probably won't, your integrity comes into question.

She can use 'her' excuse that she 'wants to save California' but anyone with common sense knows that she is delusional in that regard. She should have gone to work to pay back her debt and honor her commitments instead of playing politician. And let's be honest here, playing politician is what she's doing, but she should do that on her own dime and not at the expense of others.

If she hadn't taken that money from Frank the way she did, I would support her 100% on her quest. Chelene did nothing to me except just not take my advice, which was her choice. She never saw me as a threat or a challenge to her position and I'm not very politically biased, so we got along. I don't wish Chelene the worst, yet I want her to pay back her debt and not do this to others.

LAPhil 09-10-2010 11:57 AM

[][] 09-10-2010 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 11978)
The way you guys are covering her campaign you'd think she had a chance. ;)

You'll be sorry you missed out in a few weeks when this is all over. Once early November comes and goes, you won't have the opportunity to take cheap swipes at her because she'll be employed and well on her way to making good on her debt to Frank, as well as preparing lavish public apologies for the Campo folks, Ray, Robin, Davi, Pocho, OP, and a host of others ... and then where will you be?

DAY 7:

As Chelene and Co. creep closer to Sacramento, the candidate takes a moment to bemoan the preferential treatment Whitman and Brown are receiving from a television station and how employees of the L.A. Times are conspiring against her campaign.

PochoPatriot 09-10-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 11988)
...[S]he'll be employed and well on her way to making good on her debt to Frank, as well as preparing lavish public apologies for the Campo folks, Ray, Robin, Davi, Pocho, OP, and a host of others ...

Yeah, right! I'll hold my breath for that one. Though I did apologize to her and asked her forgiveness of my actions. She accepted my apology, but did not grant me forgiveness. That is something that she, a professed Christian, is obliged by Scripture to do.

Ayatollahgondola 09-10-2010 06:11 PM

So since I was making rounds downtown today, I decided to hang out a little to see the show.

Ayatollahgondola 09-10-2010 06:16 PM

Ayatollahgondola 09-10-2010 06:18 PM

Ayatollahgondola 09-10-2010 06:27 PM

So I was parked right on the corner when she came in, and sorry to report I boo-ed her as she came by me. I got some video of that for later. But for now you can see what less than 30K buys you in a political race for grand office. I counted less than 40 people; I'd say it was 30 something, and I recognized only several of them from TEA parties on the central valley. A few Constitution party people were there too.
I spoke with only a few people, one from OathKeepers, at length, as he was conducting a quasi interview of me, and I welcomed Don Grundmann and another guy I met when Dawes and I conducted the AZ flag raising at the Capitol

Got another parking ticket this time too. 20 minutes over time. Angers me because the Capitol is quite dead this time of year, and there were very few cars parked anywhere. I'm certain I've been targeted for enforcement because of the sign, and I didn't have it with me, but they know the truck

PochoPatriot 09-10-2010 08:15 PM

Nice photos, AG. I wonder if you'll be mentioned in the video update?

Ayatollahgondola 09-10-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 11994)
Nice photos, AG. I wonder if you'll be mentioned in the video update?

It'll be post mortem. When she describes her political assassination, I'll be the one who fired the shots from the grassy knoll.
seriously though, I don't think I could have done as much damage to her as she did to herself with this's more like a death march. This really shows how few support her. And you know what stands out to me? How many of these folks are long term friends/supporters. Pretty much none. they're all new meat, and that shows she's not a long term kinda gal. Cannot hold onto a real friend. I wonder why :rolleyes:

Ayatollahgondola 09-10-2010 09:02 PM

Jeanfromfillmore 09-11-2010 12:22 AM

She sure doesn't look very happy. Wow, she looks like she's about to cry. Maybe you just caught her bad side and she needed a better camera angle.

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