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Jeanfromfillmore 05-18-2010 11:00 AM

Gheen is at it again.
Gheen is at it again, causing problems. He often doesn't know the fact of a situation, but tries to speak as an authority. Word is, he wiggled his way into this event, and wanted the glory. But is now trying to cause problems. Not surprising.

ALIPAC Withdraws From AZ Rallies Over Nazi Groups & Tom Tancredo

May 18, 2010

We are sad to announce that ALIPAC is withdrawing support for any rallies in Arizona in June to support SB 1070 due to the discovery of racist group involvement and the actions of former Congressman Tom Tancredo.

We take our commitment to working with and unifying Americans of every race and walk of life behind the effort to secure our borders very seriously. While the illegal alien supporters constantly make false accusations of racism and racist involvement, it is of paramount importance that groups like ours work to keep any racist element out of our events and operations.

A few weeks ago, we got behind a rally in Phoenix on June 5 being planned by Dan Smeriglio of Voice of The People USA and retired Congressman Tom Tancredo. On Monday, May 10th, we discovered two painful truths that forced us to take a new direction.

First, June 5 organizer Dan Smeriglio had radically misinformed us about his possession of permits for a location in Phoenix on June 5. He did not have any permits and the illegal alien supporter had permits for the location he had promised us. This happened last year when Smeriglio promised us he had permits for a rally in DC and we had to cancel when we learned he had misinformed us and the illegal alien supporters had the permit for our rally location. Unfortunately we had quite a case of political déjà vu with Mr. Smeriglio misleading organization leaders about permits, while our opposition held the ground he promised us.

The second problem also arose around June 5, when we picked up a release by a smaller illegal alien supporting group called One People's Project. The group was attacking Dan Smeriglio claiming he was working with skin heads and Nazis and attacking ALIPAC for associating with Smeriglio.

The illegal alien and amnesty supporting activists and groups constantly play the race card and twist information in a way that is false and designed to try to throw mud on anyone who stands up and speaks out against illegal immigration.

However, we reviewed the video and computer screen shots that our opposition possesses regarding Dan Smeriglio and discovered that they are correct.

The video and screen shots of Dan Smeriglio's Facebook account indicates that he has willingly been working with members or racist skin head groups long after he knew their identities and politics. In fact, Dan's Facebook profile, which remains his main way of broadcasting a rally for June 5, promoted one of Europe's most popular neo-Nazi rock groups until a few days ago.


On Tuesday, May 11, we were invited to join a Tea Party group out of Florida rally in Phoenix on June 12 , so we spoke to some leaders and moved to unify on the 12th for a larger rally and to move away from Dan Smeriglio and his skinhead associates. We felt leaving the June 5 event was the best way to protect many of the vulnerable candidates wishing to attend a rally in Phoenix.

Unfortunately, our plans to get the skinheads out and away from the Phoenix effort was thwarted, when retired Congressman Tom Tancredo, who had self titled himself as the 'key note speaker' at the June 5 event started telling leaders and candidates to come back to the June 5 rally. Tancredo even claimed that ALIPAC's concerns about Dan Smeriglio were false, when he had not reviewed the video and screen shots which we find to be fairly conclusive.

We must point out here that Tom Tancredo had nothing to do with helping pass SB 1070 or circulate it to other states to our knowledge although the three largest national groups fighting illegal immigration have.

Some fine folks in Arizona took action at the end of last week and assured us that Dan Smeriglio's involvement was being completely removed from the June 5 rally and that we would have no more difficulties from Tom Tancredo.

Unfortunately, we found out yesterday that Dan Smeriglio is still involved with the Facebook effort to support the June 5 event, even though the neo-Nazi rock group and friends and their comments have been sanitized from his Facebook pages. We also found out that Tom Tancredo is continuing to try and persuade leaders to abandon the June 12 event for the 5th event.

ALIPAC will not work with any group or event that is working with or supportive of neo-Nazis or anyone working with them. We do not feel comfortable asking our national network to travel into Arizona at great expense to attend an event that Tom Tancredo is attempting to undermine.

We have spent a great deal of time, effort, and energy trying to get these events into place for the people of Arizona and America. We have worked diligently behind the scenes to try to resolve this situation with the knowledge that our political opposition does have strong evidence of neo-Nazi supporters being involved with the event still going forward on the 5th.

We feel it is completely unacceptable that Dan Smeriglio and Tom Tancredo or anyone else would put the brave activists, lawmakers, candidates, and citizens of Arizona at risk by proceeding with an event that our opponents can use to harm our cause of stopping and reversing illegal immigration.

We are releasing the video and screen shots that the illegal alien supporting groups posses and intend to use against the rallies. We have documented their findings and the screen shots are our copies.

We apologize to all of you who were excited about going to events in Arizona and already making travel plans to support SB 1070 and AZ.

ALIPAC will not be attending or promoting any rallies in June in Arizona and we advise anyone consider attending any event to review the information showing white nationalist influence involving the core organizers.

We will have no future dealings with Dan Smeriglio or retired Congressman Tom Tancredo due to the neo-Nazi connections and this disaster they have cooked up in Arizona that puts our issue at risk. Our friends in the Tea Party groups still plan to carry on with a much smaller event on June 12 in Phoenix.

The donations we received over the last few days will be used to help spread SB 1070 to other states. Any ALIPAC supporter that would prefer a refund please contact

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

Ayatollahgondola 05-18-2010 11:18 AM


If you have time, can you contact the Tancredo camp, and Smeriglio's camp and see if they would like to comment on this for publication on the SOS site?

There's always two or more sides to every story, and Gheen has a history of making false claims that indict people. Remember the Glenn Spencer smear attempt he did a few months back?

I just don't trust Gheen's publications anymore.

REWHBLCAIN 05-18-2010 11:57 AM

Dan Smeriglio Connection With Neo Nazi Skin Heads

On Monday May 10, 2010, ALIPAC received information that Dan Smeriglio who has no group, website, accounts, funds, etc... yet operates under the moniker Voice Of The People USA had no permit for a June 5 event in Arizona and had connections to neo-Nazis and neo-Nazi rock groups on his Facebook page promoting an event in Phoenix on June 5.

While ALIPAC had worked with Dan Smeriglio some over the last three years, we never had any solid evidence he was connected with or working with skinhead groups, until May 10, 2010. Although, we must mention that racist skinheads have shown up at and caused trouble at many of Smeriglio's events in Pennsylvania. Smeriglio has always denied any ties to these groups.

Despite our direct complaints on May 10, and our departure to a new event date on May 11, the neo-Nazi rock group SAGA continued to be listed on Dan Smeriglio's Facebook page until May 13. Dan Smeriglio only removed the group neo-Nazi group SAGA and Steve Smith, founder of a skinhead group called Keystone United, from his Facebook page after being confronted further.

Dan Smeriglio has known Steve Smith and about Steve Smith's position with Keystone United skinheads because they appeared together at a small rally in Hazelton, PA on November 14, 2009

Illegal Immigration groups released this news clip to attack ALIPAC. It shows four white nationalists at Dan Smeriglio's rally, including Steve Smith who appears to help lead the event with a bullhorn.

Neo Nazi's At November Rally with Smeriglio. Skinhead Steve Smith is the large guy with the bullhorn.

After this video came out, William Gheen of ALIPAC confronted Dan Smeriglio and he claimed that he did not know Steve Smith or the white nationalists or of their affiliations.

Yet, long after that confrontation Dan Smeriglio added Steve Smith as his Friend on Facebook and the two were seen communicating with each other in relation to politicians in PA who are against illegal immigration.

NOTE ON SCREEN SHOT FILES: Use your mouse roller to flip through pages on the files.

Screen Shot #1 establishes these screen shots were taken on May 13, 2010 by showing Dan Smeriglio's Facebook profile with a dated newspaper.

Screen Shot #2 shows Dan Smeriglio as friends with skinhead Steve Smith at time of capture on May 13, 2010. Steve Smith is in the video above holding the bull horn back on Nov. 14, 2009 rally.
(page 1)

Screen Shot #3 Shows skinhead Steve Smith is friends with Dan Smeriglio
(page 2)

(page 3)


Closer analysis of Steve Smith's Facebook profile indicates he lists his favorite musical groups as SAGA.

Dan Smeriglio has first musical group of preference listed by name as SAGA, up until May 13 and only removed Steve Smith and Saga after numerous demands by leaders planning rallies in Arizona.

SAGA and Steve Smith were removed from Smeriglio's Facebook page promoting the June 5 Phoenix event after a lot of pressure on May 13
Screen Shot of Sanitized Pages...

The neo-Nazi rock group SAGA is also listed on Steve Smith of Keystone United's Facebook as his favorite rock group too!

(Screen Shot of Steve Smith Saga profile Page 3)

Dan Smeriglio's Facebook profile has been advertising the neo-Nazi rock groups SAGA up until a few days ago. Dan's Facebook profile is the main communications channel running a page to drive a rally on June 5 in Phoenix AZ in support of SB 1070.


Dan Smeriglio and Steve Smith were seen conversing with each other on the rally page two weeks ago, but we do not have the screen shots and those posts have recently been erased.

While there are several SAGA Fan Pages on Facebook, the SAGA links on both Dan Smeriglio's and Steve Smith's Facebook profiles links to the very same SAGA Fan Page found at this link...

Here is what Wikipedia says about Smeriglio and Smith's favorite band SAGA.

Here are some examples of SAGA's music videos on YouTube that shows her performing for the NSF "National Socialist Front". The NSF is a neo-Nazi political group in Sweden.

National Socialist Front

Videos (Swastika's and other racist symbols appear in these)
Saga - Ode To A Dying People

Saga - European dream

This SAGA should not be confused with the defunct Canadian band from the early 80's called Saga.

ALIPAC is pulling out of any rallies in Arizona in the month of June after discovering that retired Congressman Tom Tancredo is working behind the scenes to try and direct leaders, candidates, and groups away from an alternate event planned on June 12 and into Dan Smeriglio's rally in Phoenix on June 5.

We feel that Tancredo's assertions that there are no serious concerns about Smeriglio or bringing candidates into the June 5 rally are false.

Here is ALIPAC's announcement that links to this evidence page...

We are getting more information and evidence coming in about Dan Smeriglio's associations with skinheads and will post that information here as it comes in and is verified.

If anyone has any questions about this information or needs clarification, please contact William Gheen of ALIPAC at or (866) 703-0864

PochoPatriot 05-18-2010 12:05 PM

I received this message in my Facebook account. Knowing what a POS, and media whore William Gheen is, I tend to lean towards Daniel Smeriglio's explanation of things.


Daniel Smeriglio May 18 at 5:35am Reply
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please forgive me for having to waste a moment of your time, but sometimes it is necessary to respond when your character, integrity or honor are under attack.

In regards to false statements being made about our rally, June 5, 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona, let me state a few things.

I have always worked on a grassroots level with honor, integrity and passion for always putting the people first and foremost with everything that I do. I do not beg for money, nor am I sponsored by any national organization. No organization funds my efforts to combat unfair and unjust taxation, political corruption on all levels, and of course holding rallies opposed to illegal immigration and amnesty.

My organization operates on a shoestring budget that is self-funded. We believe that our freedoms are guaranteed to us by the bravery and ultimate sacrifices made by our men and women of the armed forces. Our Bill of Rights does not have a price tag attached to it. We do this out of love for our country and a willingness to always put the people first above money and special interest groups. We believe that We the People have the power!

Along the way you hit road blocks and hardships, but it's how you rise above the lies and jealousy that speaks to the character of not only yourself, but of the people that believe in you. I have always held truth to be of the utmost value.

Let me address some toxic lies that are being hurled by those who claim to represent the same beliefs about national security that I do.

First, it was brought to my attention over the last week that some people were concerned about allegations made against me with regards to Facebook friends and a band that appeared on my Facebook profile. Out of the 2,200 friends on my Facebook page, two apparently had or have some association with groups that do NOT represent my beliefs, particularly regarding illegal immigration.

When this was brought to my attention I immediately removed and blocked the two individuals in question, because I stand against illegal immigration with no hatred in my heart for any person, race or religion. I support LEGAL immigration and always pay homage to the millions of hardworking immigrants that have made our nation the beautiful place that it is today. I believe that "illegal" has no race and has no social standing. I am opposed to lawbreakers that damage the good and noble name of all those whom migrate to this country legally every year.

When I learned that these two individuals were connected to my Facebook account I was outraged, disgusted and angry. I am a person from a culturally diverse family and I am extremely proud of that.

Secondly, apparently there was a band that has some form of hatred in their lyrics on my Facebook profile. I assure you that I had never heard the lyrics of this band - which I shall not name because I refuse to advertise for them. I do not have the ability to do a background check on every person or band out of thousands that I come into contact with on Facebook. To link me with this band is absurd and was done with malicious intent. I will have no part of it.

I will never subscribe to a person or group that chooses to hate others for any reason. I find it insulting to be accused of such beliefs. These allegations are unfounded and their claims are baseless.

All that I do comes from a caring and concern for the people of this nation. I have witnessed first hand what happens when national security isn't a primary concern in our nation. My family and many other families all suffered incredible losses on 9/11. I fight because I believe that we are a nation of laws and that the law should apply to everyone equally without exception.

Lies and misinformation will not derail me from my mission. I will pray for those who have spread these lies, that they some day see the error of their ways.
I am determined to put on the largest rally in support of Arizona and the rule of law that our nation has ever seen. It brings me great honor to have you continue to believe in me - and stand with me - as this is all about our survival as a nation. The integrity of this important and patriotic event shall not be infringed upon or sabotaged.

A month ago I made a promise to hold a rally in support of Arizona and I will keep my promise to all of you no matter what is thrown into our path. When the truth is guiding you, you can never be wrong. I am grateful to have so many national leaders and elected officials standing with us. There is no greater honor for me than to make this rally a tremendous success for all of you brave patriots in Arizona and every patriot across this great nation.

I will never resort to the tactic of spreading hateful allegations. I would rather funnel that passion and desire into standing up and doing the right thing, not only for my country, but also for all of you out there who believe in this noble and just cause.

Thank you very much and may God bless you all,

Daniel Smeriglio
The Voice Of The People USA, PAC

Jeanfromfillmore 05-18-2010 01:50 PM

Gheen has very little credibility with me anymore. I've seen him cause problems at other functions and try to discredit people who he simply didn't like on a personal level and nothing more. Gheen needs to put his ego in check. I'll see what I can get from those on the inside and what they have to say of this.

PochoPatriot 05-18-2010 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 9222)
Gheen needs to put his ego in check.

Sadly, this is the main problem with the grass roots border security movement in this country. Too much ego, and not enough camaraderie.

LAPhil 05-18-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 9223)
Sadly, this is the main problem with the grass roots border security movement in this country. Too much ego, and not enough camaraderie.

Boy, is that the understatement of the year!

Jeanfromfillmore 05-18-2010 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 9214)
I received this message in my Facebook account. Knowing what a POS, and media whore William Gheen is, I tend to lean towards Daniel Smeriglio's explanation of things.

I just received an email back from those who are coordinating the rally and they stand by the post you made of Daniel Smeriglio's statement. Gheen has really shot himself in the foot on this one. He's gaining more 'anti Gheen' activists by the minute. Well he did it to himself. It's a small world, and Gheen is really fencing himself in more and more each day.

usa today 05-18-2010 04:01 PM

Well this is a can of worms I can't pass on

I have bit my tongue and offered Gheen help more than once

Offer help and have your hand bitten off gets old after a while

From what I've seen and know first hand is that he is an arrogant egomaniac
He talks down to people and its time someone knocked him off his pedestal,

I have a ton of respect for Glenn Spencer and yet he disses Glenn at every turn.

Bottom line , Gheen has a good little racket going with alipac , I guess you have to give him credit for having a great scam going , I hear it pays him pretty well.

usa today 05-18-2010 04:02 PM

Just as a footnote

The minute he slagged on Tancredo , he lost me and probably a whole lot of other people.

I have no higher respect for anyone in this movement than Tancredo

LAPhil 05-18-2010 04:16 PM

So is the June 5 or June 12 event still on? Which one?

Jeanfromfillmore 05-18-2010 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 9228)
So is the June 5 or June 12 event still on? Which one?

June 5th as far as I know. Gheen tried to piggyback on others events, and when he couldn't take control and tell other what to do, he had a hissy fit. Typical for him and his cronies. Gheen begs for money to pay for his living the high life (which I've seen first hand, I was there!) and then tell everyone else to figure out how they're going to get to the events and pay their own way. In DC he tried to push his way into an event that he never sponsored or funded and was told to get the hell out.

The email he recently sent out, before those coordinating the June 5th rally had accepted his joining and letting him be a part, first thing asked was for money so that "he" could get there. Then he tell everyone else to figure out how they would be getting there.

LAPhil 05-18-2010 04:31 PM

I've been a member of ALIPAC for almost five years, but I'm really starting to have serious doubts about Gheen myself.

usa today 05-18-2010 04:54 PM


Gheen is a moron , of that there is no doubt

LAPhil 05-18-2010 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 9232)

Gheen is a moron , of that there is no doubt

Is he a moron or just a clever slimeball?

Jeanfromfillmore 05-18-2010 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 9235)
Is he a moron or just a clever slimeball?

He's not a moron, he knows exactly how to exploit a situation. What he's doing is using the movement to propel himself, and like so many others he wants to be the top dog. But the reality is that the top dog should be the American people and the movement.

Gheen can't see beyond his limited self interests. As we all know, the Skinheads have managed to get their picture taken at quite a few events, but that does not mean that anyone standing in the vicinity or talking with them agrees with all their ideals. Hugo Chavez has had his picture taken with many diplomats and political officials from many country, but that doesn't mean all those countries agreed with him. Gheen is trying to insure that he doesn't have to actually put himself out there, and risk the donations not backing him.

wetibbe 05-19-2010 05:02 AM

I said it a long time ago.
Perhaps many didn't see, or don't recall, my comments about Gheen dating back a long time. Some items:

* ALIPAC asked me for a $25 initiation fee to join. It was the ONLY website I knew of that charged to post on forums. *( Later they apparently dropped the fee ). **( I never paid ).

* Has ALIPAC ever presented any proof of sending even one single fax ?

* Remember Lou Dobbs ? ALIPAC promoted a special PAC collecting $600,000 to be given to/ or spent on promoting, Dobbs. Dobbs dropped out. Where is that money ?

* Has ALIPAC ever made a public disclosure of its books ?

* Now ALIPAC collects money to attend a rally in Phoenix on June 5th. BUT - finds an excuse and drops out !!!!!! Where will that money go ? YOU already know !

Apparently Gheen is a paranoid,sanctimonious hypocrite !

It is so sad that these "patriot" groups all eventually start some contentious argument that degenerates into splits and separations. They do more damage to themselves than the opposition can.

Here's the rally ad. Please see the speakers list.

LAPhil 05-19-2010 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 9249)
Perhaps many didn't see, or don't recall, my comments about Gheen dating back a long time. Some items:

* ALIPAC asked me for a $25 initiation fee to join. It was the ONLY website I knew of that charged to post on forums. *( Later they apparently dropped the fee ). **( I never paid ).

* Has ALIPAC ever presented any proof of sending even one single fax ?

* Remember Lou Dobbs ? ALIPAC promoted a special PAC collecting $600,000 to be given to/ or spent on promoting, Dobbs. Dobbs dropped out. Where is that money ?

* Has ALIPAC ever made a public disclosure of its books ?

* Now ALIPAC collects money to attend a rally in Phoenix on June 5th. BUT - finds an excuse and drops out !!!!!! Where will that money go ? YOU already know !

Apparently Gheen is a paranoid,sanctimonious hypocrite !

It is so sad that these "patriot" groups all eventually start some contentious argument that degenerates into splits and separations. They do more damage to themselves than the opposition can.

Here's the rally ad. Please see the speakers list.

wetibbe, I do remember how you got dissed for those opinions the first time you voiced them and now it turns out you were right after all (you weren't all "wet" :D). And thank you so much for the link to the rally!

Jeanfromfillmore 05-19-2010 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 9249)
Perhaps many didn't see, or don't recall, my comments about Gheen dating back a long time. Some items:

* ALIPAC asked me for a $25 initiation fee to join. It was the ONLY website I knew of that charged to post on forums. *( Later they apparently dropped the fee ). **( I never paid ).

* Has ALIPAC ever presented any proof of sending even one single fax ?

* Remember Lou Dobbs ? ALIPAC promoted a special PAC collecting $600,000 to be given to/ or spent on promoting, Dobbs. Dobbs dropped out. Where is that money ?

* Has ALIPAC ever made a public disclosure of its books ?

* Now ALIPAC collects money to attend a rally in Phoenix on June 5th. BUT - finds an excuse and drops out !!!!!! Where will that money go ? YOU already know !

Apparently Gheen is a paranoid,sanctimonious hypocrite !

It is so sad that these "patriot" groups all eventually start some contentious argument that degenerates into splits and separations. They do more damage to themselves than the opposition can.

Here's the rally ad. Please see the speakers list.

The money for Lou Dobbs was only pledged, when the support for Dobbs was dropped the money was never actually collected.

Jeanfromfillmore 05-19-2010 10:22 AM

Now Gheen is trying to cover his tracks. I don't believe anything this guy has to say. He is very unstable when it comes to dealing with people.

His latest rant:

Friends of ALIPAC,

After yesterday's e-mail notice that we are no longer supporting any rallies on the ground in Arizona in the month of June, we feel it is necessary to clarify some things and simplify things to clear up any confusion.

Item 1:

ALIPAC helped pass Arizona's SB 1070, lobbied Governor Brewer to sign SB 1070, and helped circulate SB 1070 rapidly to 13 other states that will soon consider the legislation. We remain in support of Arizona, SB 1070, and all Americans fighting illegal immigration. Our withdrawal from these rallies will in no way affect our commitment to this cause of secure borders and immigration enforcement.

Item 2:

Congressman Tom Tancredo is making a huge mistake that can have terrible consequences for our candidates, legislation, and citizen activists fighting against illegal immigration in Arizona and across America.

Tom Tancredo has put out a statement claiming he has reviewed our claims and found them to be without merit. He is mistaken.

With the illegal alien supporting La Raza groups throwing the race card at Arizona and all of us speaking out against illegal immigration, it is a big mistake to proceed with a June 5th event in Phoenix, AZ where the ADL, SPLC, National Council of La Raza, and many others have screen shots like this one.

If you use your mouse wheel to look at page 2 of this screen shot you will see that the June 5th rally organizer supported by Tom Tancredo lists the Swedish Neo Nazi rock group SAGA as his favorite band on the Facebook page being used to organize the June 5th event.

There's lots more evidence than this strong piece if you want to see it.

Tom Tancredo is making a terrible mistake trying to lead people into an event and behind his organizer Dan Smeriglio when Smeriglio has been solidly linked with skinheads and Neo Nazis.

Leading Americans, candidates, groups, and legislators into Phoenix with an organizer with links to Neo Nazis is a disaster in motion and it is very disappointing that Congressman Tom Tancredo would make and even defend such mistakes.

How does Congressman Tancredo explain his June 5th organizer advertising an overt Neo Nazi music group on his Facebook page?

Item 3:

One common misconception we hear is that people feel you can't control skinheads showing up at events and that fringe elements always show up.

This is not a case of radical groups showing up at events. This is a case of the main organizer for the June 5th rally in Phoenix being documented by both sides of this debate with distinct connections to Neo Nazis and being backed up by retired Congressman Tom Tancredo despite conclusive evidence of Neo Nazi associations.

Item 4:

"How did Dan Smeriglio end up running the June 5th event when ALIPAC had foreknowledge of existing credibility and performance problems?"

To that, we would encourage you to ask Congressman Tom Tancredo because we would have never put Smeriglio in that position based off of our recent and extensive experiences with him. We were discussing going to Arizona in a large coalition and several organizations told us they wanted an event in late June or early July.

The next thing we know, Congressman Tom Tancredo and Dan Smeriglio announce the launch of the June 5th rally without consulting any of the other leaders that were discussing such plans. Smeriglio told us that he had permits and Tancredo's full backing for the 5th.

We were asked to attend, speak, and support the June 5 event and initially agreed although we felt the date and organizer were both problematic, but we did not want to split unity in the movement.

Item 5:

"Why couldn't this all have been worked out behind the scenes instead of putting this out in public?"

We tried that and worked hard for over a week to resolve this situation in the best interest of our movement. After we notified other leaders involved, we were told by leaders in AZ that Dan Smeriglio was being fully removed from the June 5th event and that Congressman Tancredo would cease his efforts to undermine our alternate event. We found out that Smeriglio was still running the event and that Tancredo was working against our efforts to get people safely away from the Neo Nazi contamination on the 5th.

Item 6:

"Why is ALIPAC being public about this?"

With all of the false accusations of racism being used to try and stop all Americans opposed to Amnesty, we feel it is important to take swift and decisive action when one person or a few people are actually documented associating with racist groups and causes.

While some advocates think we should overlook or conceal those problems when they rarely arise, we believe they should be addressed. Yes, we can handle things behind the scenes when possible, but when someone like Congressman Tom Tancredo puts our momentum and successes at risk like this and refuses to do the right thing by removing Dan Smeriglio from the Arizona rallies, then we need to do what it takes to protect the integrity of our movement.

We just found out Dan Smeriglio has been busted on another lie as he was claiming Ted Nugent was a confirmed speaker for this event and a local organizer in Phoenix called Nugent's assistant and found out that was not true either.

We need leaders not liars.

We are still hopeful that Congressman Tom Tancredo will take a closer look at the evidence and remove Dan Smeriglio from any dealings with Arizona rallies as such actions would be in the best interests of our movement.


We are pleased to announce that not one single ALIPAC contributor requested a refund although we offered them in our e-mail to all of our national supporters.

We did lose a few die hard Tancredo fans and got some nasty e-mails from skinheads too. Yet, over 100 new supporters signed up with ALIPAC yesterday.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support during this tough decision.

We certainly want our Arizona supporters to know we are not backing out on you and not abandoning you in this struggle.

If anyone has needs any further clarification on this situation before we move on to getting the illegal aliens out of our nation, please write or call our toll free line at (866) 703-0864


William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team

usa today 05-19-2010 10:28 AM

The thing about alipac is that if you don't toe the line and kiss up to Gheen they boot you in a second

He can pound sand on his "fee"

There are plenty of free forums every other one on the web

LAPhil 05-19-2010 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 9255)
The thing about alipac is that if you don't toe the line and kiss up to Gheen they boot you in a second

He can pound sand on his "fee"

There are plenty of free forums every other one on the web

I've never been charged a fee, but Gheen did call me and try to hit me up for a donation once.

PochoPatriot 05-19-2010 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 9224)
Boy, is that the understatement of the year!

Understatement is my specialty. ;)

wetibbe 05-20-2010 04:19 AM

My recollection.

Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 9253)
The money for Lou Dobbs was only pledged, when the support for Dobbs was dropped the money was never actually collected.

Seems to me that I recall Gheen saying he would divert the funds to promote anti illegal alien operations.

Lou Dobbs for president? One anti-illegal immigration group thinks he's the antidote to "McClintobama."
By Whitney Blair Wyckoff
Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON—Lou Dobbs for President?

Americans for Legal Immigration, a group that favors (enforcement of existing immigration laws) a hard line against illegal immigration, has been pushing the candidacy of the cantankerous (Wycoff insults Dobbs by calling him Ill-tempered, quarrelsome; disagreeable: disliked) CNN host for some time now. But it re-launched a Lou Dobbs campaign Web site this week, now that John McCain is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

In part, this can be seen as a protest message in a campaign where the three remaining candidates favor a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and a relatively moderate approach toward them (Changing America's existing immigration laws is not the moderate approach but a radical one disapproved of by a majority of Americans).

But William Gheen, president and spokesman of the group, known as ALIPAC, said the campaign is no stunt.

So far, 2,034 people have pledged $509,825 if Dobbs decides to run, he said. Gheen hopes that the site will generate enough interest to convince Dobbs to enter the 2008 presidential race.

“We want to show Lou that there’s a pre-established base out there that he can use to quickly re-energize the campaign,” Gheen said. Gheen said that if Dobbs decides to run, ALIPAC would give Dobbs the information that the Web site collects.

ALIPAC intends to promote the campaign using the group’s e-mail lists. Gheen said he would also post a letter on the site urging Dobbs to quickly decide whether he will run.

Dobbs—a self-described “independent populist” who has spoken out against illegal immigration and corporate influence in government—sparked rumors last November of a possible run when he predicted that an independent populist would win the presidential election. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month, Dobbs said that while he didn’t have the personality to run for office, he “cannot say never.”

According to its Web site, ALIPAC’s mission is to “address the disparity between the public’s desire for more control of illegal immigration and the actions of lawmakers,” saying that 75 percent of Americans “want more done to control illegal immigration.” Stories with headlines like “McCain Madness” or “Outbreak: Leprosy in Arkansas Brought Here by Illegal Aliens,” and a nearly 2,000-wo5rd article called “Why the illegals must go” are posted on the site.

ALIPAC has developed a platform for Dobbs, which Gheen said is based on Dobbs’s show, ALIPAC’s understanding of Dobbs’s ideology and polling data. He added that the platforms could change if Dobbs throws his hat into the race. As John McCain closes in on the Republican presidential nomination, Gheen said that Dobbs could be an appealing choice for anti-immigration voters (False: I never use the term 'anti-immigration' and I did not say this, I said 'anti-illegal immigration).

Republican candidates like Ron Paul and Mitt Romney (Hunter, Tancredo, and Thompson) have split the anti (illegal)[/b)-immigration vote, Gheen said. But Dobbs could be the candidate to unite it.

“People are really not happy with McClintobama,” Gheen said, adding that he thinks that McCain and Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have similar stances on immigration. Gheen said that there is dissatisfaction within both parties on the issue of immigration.

[b] (WARNING: The reporter is about to cite a source without informing the readers that Abramowitz is a partner in the ASK Law Group which specializes in "Immigration and Naturalization law" according to their website at Mr. Abramowitz has a financial interest in immigration and illegal immigration that is excluded from this article)

But Alan I. Abramowitz, a political science professor at Emory University in Atlanta and author of “Voice of the People: Elections and Voting in the United States,” said that immigration does not seem to be a high priority among voters. He said that polls that ask about issues important to voters have immigration outranked by the economy, the war in Iraq and health care. )(Immigration is the fourth most important issue in the nation but it is not a top issue?)

“Immigration isn’t a salient issue to most Americans, and many of those who do care about immigration are going to vote for McCain,” Abramowitz said. (False)“I just don’t see that issue as creating a third party movement.”

But Gheen contends that Dobbs’s support of legal immigration is part of a bigger issue. “Lou Dobbs is onto the real issue, which goes beyond immigration,” Gheen said. “It’s about whether people or big business run the United States.”(Misquote: Should read 'It's about whether the citizens of America or big business run the United States)

One problem is that there is not a large pool of voters from which Dobbs could potentially draw support, Abramowitz said. (False: Polling data shows historic low approval ratings for Congress, the President, and both political parties)

“The overall level of dissatisfaction with the major parties is low,” he said, adding that voter turnout for the Democratic Party has been particularly high in the 2008 primaries. He also said that he thinks the “large majority” of Republicans would eventually unite behind McCain, especially if Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee.

Ross Perot, who ran as a third-party candidate in the 1992 election, did reasonably well because a number of voters were disenchanted with the major party candidates, Abramowitz said, even though in the end Perot did not win a single state in the general election.

But Abramowitz said independent voters do not vote as a united bloc.
“Between two-thirds and three-fourths of independents lean toward one party or the other,” Abramowitz said. “The remaining group makes up about 10 percent of the electorate.”

He added that these true independents often do not vote.
“I don’t see much potential for a third party or independent candidate” in this election, Abramowitz said.

Abramowitz also said that liberal to moderate Republicans might also be available, but he said that these groups are not large.

“It’s not much of a base to build a campaign on,” Abramowitz said. Abramowitz also said that Dobbs sends too much of a “mixed message” to be a successful candidate. While some of Dobbs’s populist ideas might appeal to Democrats, conservative Republicans would be more likely favor his stance on immigration.

A possible Dobbs run for the presidency does not indicate an ideological change for the Republican Party, Abramowitz said. “McCain has been moderate on immigration, but so has President Bush until recently,” he said. “It’s still an issue that really divides them.”

Abramowitz also said it is doubtful that Dobbs would leave his lucrative position at CNN to pursue the campaign.

“I’m skeptical about the whole idea,” Abramowitz said.

Nonetheless, Gheen said that once the ALIPAC Web site reaches $1 million in pledges, he would meet with Dobbs to see if he interested in running for president. Until then, Gheen said that Dobbs’s producers have promised that Dobbs will read the site’s guest book.

(Note: Apparently the author did not bother to contact or quote the subject of this article, Mr. Lou Dobbs. The entire focus appears to be an attempt to discredit our efforts with the Draft Lou Dobbs website. Also of note is that the article intentionally fails to provide readers with our web addresses of or which is the focus of this article.)

Jeanfromfillmore 05-20-2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 9280)
Seems to me that I recall Gheen saying he would divert the funds to promote anti illegal alien operations.

Lou Dobbs for president? One anti-illegal immigration group thinks he's the antidote to "McClintobama."
By Whitney Blair Wyckoff
Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON—Lou Dobbs for President?

Americans for Legal Immigration, a group that favors (enforcement of existing immigration laws) a hard line against illegal immigration, has been pushing the candidacy of the cantankerous (Wycoff insults Dobbs by calling him Ill-tempered, quarrelsome; disagreeable: disliked) CNN host for some time now. But it re-launched a Lou Dobbs campaign Web site this week, now that John McCain is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

In part, this can be seen as a protest message in a campaign where the three remaining candidates favor a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and a relatively moderate approach toward them (Changing America's existing immigration laws is not the moderate approach but a radical one disapproved of by a majority of Americans).

But William Gheen, president and spokesman of the group, known as ALIPAC, said the campaign is no stunt.

So far, 2,034 people have pledged $509,825 if Dobbs decides to run, he said. Gheen hopes that the site will generate enough interest to convince Dobbs to enter the 2008 presidential race.

“We want to show Lou that there’s a pre-established base out there that he can use to quickly re-energize the campaign,” Gheen said. Gheen said that if Dobbs decides to run, ALIPAC would give Dobbs the information that the Web site collects.

ALIPAC intends to promote the campaign using the group’s e-mail lists. Gheen said he would also post a letter on the site urging Dobbs to quickly decide whether he will run.

Dobbs—a self-described “independent populist” who has spoken out against illegal immigration and corporate influence in government—sparked rumors last November of a possible run when he predicted that an independent populist would win the presidential election. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month, Dobbs said that while he didn’t have the personality to run for office, he “cannot say never.”

According to its Web site, ALIPAC’s mission is to “address the disparity between the public’s desire for more control of illegal immigration and the actions of lawmakers,” saying that 75 percent of Americans “want more done to control illegal immigration.” Stories with headlines like “McCain Madness” or “Outbreak: Leprosy in Arkansas Brought Here by Illegal Aliens,” and a nearly 2,000-wo5rd article called “Why the illegals must go” are posted on the site.

ALIPAC has developed a platform for Dobbs, which Gheen said is based on Dobbs’s show, ALIPAC’s understanding of Dobbs’s ideology and polling data. He added that the platforms could change if Dobbs throws his hat into the race. As John McCain closes in on the Republican presidential nomination, Gheen said that Dobbs could be an appealing choice for anti-immigration voters (False: I never use the term 'anti-immigration' and I did not say this, I said 'anti-illegal immigration).

Republican candidates like Ron Paul and Mitt Romney (Hunter, Tancredo, and Thompson) have split the anti (illegal)[/b)-immigration vote, Gheen said. But Dobbs could be the candidate to unite it.

“People are really not happy with McClintobama,” Gheen said, adding that he thinks that McCain and Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have similar stances on immigration. Gheen said that there is dissatisfaction within both parties on the issue of immigration.

[b] (WARNING: The reporter is about to cite a source without informing the readers that Abramowitz is a partner in the ASK Law Group which specializes in "Immigration and Naturalization law" according to their website at Mr. Abramowitz has a financial interest in immigration and illegal immigration that is excluded from this article)

But Alan I. Abramowitz, a political science professor at Emory University in Atlanta and author of “Voice of the People: Elections and Voting in the United States,” said that immigration does not seem to be a high priority among voters. He said that polls that ask about issues important to voters have immigration outranked by the economy, the war in Iraq and health care. )(Immigration is the fourth most important issue in the nation but it is not a top issue?)

“Immigration isn’t a salient issue to most Americans, and many of those who do care about immigration are going to vote for McCain,” Abramowitz said. (False)“I just don’t see that issue as creating a third party movement.”

But Gheen contends that Dobbs’s support of legal immigration is part of a bigger issue. “Lou Dobbs is onto the real issue, which goes beyond immigration,” Gheen said. “It’s about whether people or big business run the United States.”(Misquote: Should read 'It's about whether the citizens of America or big business run the United States)

One problem is that there is not a large pool of voters from which Dobbs could potentially draw support, Abramowitz said. (False: Polling data shows historic low approval ratings for Congress, the President, and both political parties)

“The overall level of dissatisfaction with the major parties is low,” he said, adding that voter turnout for the Democratic Party has been particularly high in the 2008 primaries. He also said that he thinks the “large majority” of Republicans would eventually unite behind McCain, especially if Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee.

Ross Perot, who ran as a third-party candidate in the 1992 election, did reasonably well because a number of voters were disenchanted with the major party candidates, Abramowitz said, even though in the end Perot did not win a single state in the general election.

But Abramowitz said independent voters do not vote as a united bloc.
“Between two-thirds and three-fourths of independents lean toward one party or the other,” Abramowitz said. “The remaining group makes up about 10 percent of the electorate.”

He added that these true independents often do not vote.
“I don’t see much potential for a third party or independent candidate” in this election, Abramowitz said.

Abramowitz also said that liberal to moderate Republicans might also be available, but he said that these groups are not large.

“It’s not much of a base to build a campaign on,” Abramowitz said. Abramowitz also said that Dobbs sends too much of a “mixed message” to be a successful candidate. While some of Dobbs’s populist ideas might appeal to Democrats, conservative Republicans would be more likely favor his stance on immigration.

A possible Dobbs run for the presidency does not indicate an ideological change for the Republican Party, Abramowitz said. “McCain has been moderate on immigration, but so has President Bush until recently,” he said. “It’s still an issue that really divides them.”

Abramowitz also said it is doubtful that Dobbs would leave his lucrative position at CNN to pursue the campaign.

“I’m skeptical about the whole idea,” Abramowitz said.

Nonetheless, Gheen said that once the ALIPAC Web site reaches $1 million in pledges, he would meet with Dobbs to see if he interested in running for president. Until then, Gheen said that Dobbs’s producers have promised that Dobbs will read the site’s guest book.

(Note: Apparently the author did not bother to contact or quote the subject of this article, Mr. Lou Dobbs. The entire focus appears to be an attempt to discredit our efforts with the Draft Lou Dobbs website. Also of note is that the article intentionally fails to provide readers with our web addresses of or which is the focus of this article.)

Pledged is not actually donated. It is just a promise to donate should it be needed. Some may have actually sent the money in, but I would suspect, and it is stated that it was just pledged.

wetibbe 05-20-2010 02:06 PM

I'm from congress

Jeanfromfillmore 05-22-2010 04:44 PM

Arizona immigration law rally loses group due to neo-Nazi links
Legal-immigration PAC to skip event for SB 1070

A national anti-illegal-immigration group has pulled out of a planned June 5 rally in Phoenix to support Arizona's immigration law because of a key organizer's alleged links to neo-Nazis.
The website for the "Phoenix Rising" Arizona Rally and Freedom March event scheduled for Wesley Bolin Plaza lists as "confirmed" speakers former Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, state Sen. and Senate Bill 1070 sponsor Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, and GOP Senate challenger J.D. Hayworth, although a spokesman said Hayworth won't be participating.
The rally intends to show support for the statute, Gov. Jan Brewer and other Arizona lawmakers who supported the legislation. The law makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally. It states that an officer engaged in a lawful stop, detention or arrest shall, when practicable, ask about a person's legal status when reasonable suspicion exists that the person is in the U.S. illegally.
As of late Friday, the event's Facebook page had 3,688 members.
But William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee, or ALIPAC, is distancing his group from event organizer
Daniel Smeriglio of Hazleton, Pa., over Facebook connections to White supremacists and a European neo-Nazi musical act.
"We have worked diligently behind the scenes to try to resolve this situation with the knowledge that our political opposition does have strong evidence of neo-Nazi supporters being involved with the event still going forward on the 5th," ALIPAC said Thursday in a written statement. "We feel it is completely unacceptable that Dan Smeriglio and Tom Tancredo or anyone else would put the brave activists, lawmakers, candidates, and citizens of Arizona at risk by proceeding with an event that our opponents can use to harm our cause of stopping and reversing illegal immigration."
Smeriglio, whose group is called Voice of The People USA, could not be reached for comment but defended himself in a lengthy written statement on his website. He strenuously denied being a racist.
"Out of the 2,200 friends on my Facebook page, two apparently had or have some association with groups that do NOT represent my beliefs, particularly regarding illegal immigration," Smeriglio wrote. "When this was brought to my attention I immediately removed and blocked the two individuals in question, because I stand against illegal immigration with no hatred in my heart for any person, race or religion."
Smeriglio said he never listened to the lyrics of Saga, a White nationalist singer from Sweden.
"I do not have the ability to do a background check on every person or band out of thousands that I come into contact with on Facebook," he said. "To link me with this band is absurd and was done with malicious intent."
Tancredo, who while in Congress was perhaps Capitol Hill's best-known border hard-liner, also defended Smeriglio on the Phoenix rally's website.
"The allegations against one of the rally's organizers, Daniel Smeriglio, have been examined and are not only without merit, they are the worst kind of character assassination that no decent person in politics, left, right or center, should condone," Tancredo said in the statement.
Mark Sanders, a spokesman for Hayworth, on Friday said Hayworth won't be appearing at the Phoenix rally. Hayworth, a former Arizona congressman, is running against Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the Aug. 24 GOP primary and has been endorsed by ALIPAC.
"We have a conflict," Sanders said.
On Friday, Gheen said he wasn't interested in talking further about the June 5 rally, saying that ALIPAC activists are putting their emphasis on spreading Arizona's immigration law to other states.

Read more:

Moderate Mammal 05-24-2010 03:40 PM

"Gheen is at it again, causing problems. He often doesn't know the fact of a situation, but tries to speak as an authority. Word is, he wiggled his way into this event, and wanted the glory. But is now trying to cause problems. Not surprising. "

Yup, the same guy that runs ALIPAC that deleted every post of my protests in New Jersey.

He's a parasite. It's about Gheen and not illegal immigration.

usa today 05-24-2010 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Moderate Mammal (Post 9427)
"Gheen is at it again, causing problems. He often doesn't know the fact of a situation, but tries to speak as an authority. Word is, he wiggled his way into this event, and wanted the glory. But is now trying to cause problems. Not surprising. "

Yup, the same guy that runs ALIPAC that deleted every post of my protests in New Jersey.

He's a parasite. It's about Gheen and not illegal immigration.

Gheen has pretty much lost the cred of all the top names in the movement now.

I just noticed that Digger is coming out against him now also

When he started to slag on Tancredo he totally lost me , of course I was lost on him for years now , lol

wetibbe 05-25-2010 04:57 AM

Diggers writings
Here are Diggers articles about ALIPAC and Gheen.

Personally I find it both interesting and tiresome. Digger comes to the same conclusions about Gheen here that I came to a couple of years ago !

Looks to me like Gheen is headed down the same path Chris Simcox took, self destruction. He probably won't recover from this debacle.

When the credibility is shot it's all down hill from there.

usa today 05-25-2010 05:23 AM

Funny how Simcox is about the only buddy Gheen has left

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