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ilbegone 10-19-2009 12:16 PM

Amnesty tea party.
This was brought up by LAPhil at FBIS:

Tea Party Against AMNESTY For Illegal Aliens November 14, 2009! 10-19-2009 02:42 PM

I'm workin' on it folks. I've contacted some people who are putting me in contact with some people, etc.

Unintentionally (and somewhat ironically), I'm going to play a part in making AZP look like less of an unaccomplished idiot. There's actually going to be an SOS Rally Squad that will hit the concrete next month. That is, of course, presuming that you guys show up for the gig I'm trying to put together. In the event that you don't, of course, I will not have softened the self-inflicted damage of an utterly moronic statement by Mike; I will have become Mike.

Ayatollahgondola 10-19-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 88)
I'm workin' on it folks. I've contacted some people who are putting me in contact with some people, etc.

Unintentionally (and somewhat ironically), I'm going to play a part in making AZP look like less of an unaccomplished idiot. There's actually going to be an SOS Rally Squad that will hit the concrete next month. That is, of course, presuming that you guys show up for the gig I'm trying to put together. In the event that you don't, of course, I will not have softened the self-inflicted damage of an utterly moronic statement by Mike; I will have become Mike.

So now everyone has two reasons to come. 1) to support our causes and 2) to prevent you from resembling a failure. These are both noble causes, right?:D

Rim05 10-19-2009 03:31 PM


I will not have softened the self-inflicted damage of an utterly moronic statement by Mike; I will have become Mike.
Just what did the Mike say? 10-20-2009 04:02 PM

Immediately after he failed to produce even half a dozen members for the last function in Hollywood, and promptly tossed two of the folks who did show up over the city walls, that imbecile announced the formation of regionally organized SOS Rally Squads. This, of course, struck me as unabashedly idiotic and equally entertaining in its abusurdity because there's nobody left to rally. The whole concept, if nothing else, has provided me with material for a series of snide remarks and sarcastic asides.

Rally with whom, Einstein?

Jeanfromfillmore 10-21-2009 12:08 AM

Sam, change of plans. There's a good chance I'll be able to make it. So you can count on at least one other person being there.

Rim05 10-21-2009 03:53 AM

Thanks SZ. I have been wondering what was happening over there, I see some (at least one) of his supporters has drifted over here. I guess he is the spy here that they called me when I was there.
I am not into the Street thing any more but when I find out where and when you have something planned I will see if I can make it. If we are near them it might be fun to stare them down. :)

Eagle1 10-21-2009 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 122)
Sam, change of plans. There's a good chance I'll be able to make it. So you can count on at least one other person being there.

Maybe I will see you there!:D

Jeanfromfillmore 10-21-2009 02:38 PM

Where will this be and on exactly what day and time? I didn't see any mention on the web site Phil posted.

LAPhil 10-21-2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 131)
Where will this be and on exactly what day and time? I didn't see any mention on the web site Phil posted.

That's because there isn't one yet. I just sent a PM to William Gheen at ALIPAC and hopefully he'll keep us updated on any new developments. 10-21-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 131)
Where will this be and on exactly what day and time? I didn't see any mention on the web site Phil posted.

I'm in the process of contacting some folks and right now I'm leaning toward Rancho Cucamonga. The reasons: 1. Safety. RC PD will endure zero sh-- from problematic goons of the type that we commonly encounter. The first time they might try some of the physically aggressive crap the LAPD goes to pains not to arrest open borders types over, would likely be the last on that particular day. You become privy to this type of info when you defend folks in the local courthouses. 2. Attendance. Ray and Robin produced a boatload of folks for a couple recent immigration functions that Glory and I attended in that general area.

If it happens, it'll be Nov. 14 b/c that's the national day of immigr. tea party protest.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 10:38 AM

There's something going on today at Griffith Park at 4:30, Rose and I will be going out there to check it out. It's such a beautiful day that we want to get out and enjoy it. I'll take my dog with us. Hope to see some of you there. 10-25-2009 02:49 PM

Exciting (well, not particularly exciting) Update:

While I've been attempting to iron out details of a gig in RC on the 14th of next month, I've been contacted by a guy trying to set something up in Redondo Beach and been made aware of an event already being planned in Pasadena.

My first inclination will be, if either of these things turns out to be genuine, to scrap my I.E. plan and join the folks at one of the above-listed locations. The reasons? Simple. Safety in numbers and I hate dividing efforts when there are so few local people willing to publicly protest immigration problems.

I'll keep you guys posted.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 02:55 PM

That's not exciting? Any time I hear about someone putting together an event that forwards our goals I get all flush

LAPhil 10-25-2009 04:52 PM

I realize I'm a little late on this, but I guess Jean picked up on it earlier because she mentioned the same time and place. We really have to have better communication about these things in the future, and no one on this board is at fault here:

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 363)
I realize I'm a little late on this, but I guess Jean picked up on it earlier because she mentioned the same time and place. We really have to have better communication about these things in the future, and no one on this board is at fault here:

you know I'm a little concerned about these TEA Party express people. The event they held here in Sac was mainly a "let's let farmers have more water and big business do whatever they want" rally. There were signs in spanish to advertise for it there too. The Latino Water Rights Coalition or something like that

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 08:31 PM

Well Rose and I went to the Tea Party in Griffith Park. It was such a beautiful day and my dog (who is 14yrs) was as happy as could be. Griffith Park is over 50 miles from my house, so it was a bit of a drive. Well, it was really interesting. Both Rose and I each had one of those bright yellow Stop Illegal Immigration signs and were very pleasantly surprised at all the positive responses we received. Three or four people said "I love your sign. If they would stop illegal immigration our financial problem would be fixed". It was great because all three or four said it exactly like that, word for word. Two legal immigrants said they came here the right way and no one should cheat and cut in line. Rose and I were siting on a blanket quite far back from where the stage and speakers were but we had people surrounding us wanting to take our picture and talk about illegals and how much it angered them.
At one point I got up and started walking around where the group of 1,000 or so were gathered listening to the speakers and this guy started yelling, Chelene Nightingale for gov. I didn't recognize him so I walked up to him and asked him what org he was with. He said "no organization". I then asked if he was with SOS, and he said no, he was there to promote Chelene Nightingale for Cal gov. I said Chelene was with SOS and many of its members wouldn't vote for her, and they know her. He didn't have much response to me, but about a minute later started yelling at the speaker, who I guess was running also, and calling him a liar. About a minute later the police came and took him out of there. Didn't see him after that. Chelene really knows how to pick em.

There were a few counter protesters and before the Tea Party bus arrived, they were given some attention and protested. But as soon as the bus arrived and took the stage, the attention was taken away from them and they were ignored. Boy that didn't make them happy. Rose and I were sitting in the back not that far from the counter protesters and I gotta tell ya. I got a real kick out of making fun of them because no one was paying attention to the 30 or so of them. But when they started to chant Se Su Pueda I got up and confronted them with my Stop Illegal Immigration sign and had a captive audience. There was no way I was going to let that slide, and then went back to where I was sitting. They were so angry that they were being ignored that shortly after that they started leaving. And within about 30 minutes they were all gone. Those liberal leftists/Obomaites/Openborders/Pro-illegal types don't like being ignored one bit. That's why when you ignore Naui he gets frustrated. He starts saying the most outlandish stuff to try to get a rise out of you. Best medicine is to ignore him and all the rest of them. They get so pissed, it becomes funny.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 371)
At one point I got up and started walking around where the group of 1,000 or so were gathered listening to the speakers and this guy started yelling, Chelene Nightingale for gov. I didn't recognize him so I walked up to him and asked him what org he was with. He said "no organization". I then asked if he was with SOS, and he said no, he was there to promote Chelene Nightingale for Cal gov. I said Chelene was with SOS and many of its members wouldn't vote for her, and they know her. He didn't have much response to me, but about a minute later started yelling at the speaker, who I guess was running also, and calling him a liar. About a minute later the police came and took him out of there. Didn't see him after that. Chelene really knows how to pick em.

Sounds like just the sort of press she needs to earn that coveted seat during the debates.

I worry that these TEA parties will lose their effectiveness by engaging in partisanship and candidacies.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 373)
Sounds like just the sort of press she needs to earn that coveted seat during the debates.

I worry that these TEA parties will lose their effectiveness by engaging in partisanship and candidacies.

That's probably true. What was funny was that when he said "Nightingale for Gov" every one around him said with a puzzled look, "Who's Nightingale". That was just before he was removed by the police.

LAPhil 10-25-2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 367)
you know I'm a little concerned about these TEA Party express people. The event they held here in Sac was mainly a "let's let farmers have more water and big business do whatever they want" rally. There were signs in spanish to advertise for it there too. The Latino Water Rights Coalition or something like that

Do you know about the Delta smelt controversy?

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 377)
That's probably true. What was funny was that when he said "Nightingale for Gov" every one around him said with a puzzled look, "Who's Nightingale". That was just before he was removed by the police.

Well, now she's got a new "Randy Dees" to rally around. I can hear her now: "He was arrested for just mentioning my name to the major party candidates".;)

Jeanfromfillmore 10-25-2009 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 382)
Well, now she's got a new "Randy Dees" to rally around. I can hear her now: "He was arrested for just mentioning my name to the major party candidates".;)

Well I don't think he was arrested, just made to stay away from the group who were supporting the Tea Party. He may not have been alone, because I heard three other guys talking about the situation and mentioning that that was not the way to approach people if you want their support. I don't know if those three guys were with the guy or not. But when the police approached everyone in the crowd pointed at the guy to make sure they knew who to get rid of. He as handing out Nightingale campaign fliers. I should have gotten one, but on the other hand I wasn't that interested.

Ayatollahgondola 10-25-2009 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 384)
Well I don't think he was arrested, just made to stay away from the group who were supporting the Tea Party. He may not have been alone, because I heard three other guys talking about the situation and mentioning that that was not the way to approach people if you want their support. I don't know if those three guys were with the guy or not. But when the police approached everyone in the crowd pointed at the guy to make sure they knew who to get rid of. He as handing out Nightingale campaign fliers. I should have gotten one, but on the other hand I wasn't that interested.

Poor bastard probably thought he was heading into friendly territory too, after a roaring peptalk from Chelena, and armed with what appeared to be legitimate campaign material. From what I've seen of the TEA party Express backers they are a bastion of republicanism, which has no real use for third party interference at this point.

LAPhil 10-26-2009 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 385)
From what I've seen of the TEA party Express backers they are a bastion of republicanism, which has no real use for third party interference at this point.

I think you'll find a lot of them claim to be independents or even Democrats, AG.

Ayatollahgondola 10-26-2009 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 401)
I think you'll find a lot of them claim to be independents or even Democrats, AG.

I'm talking about the backers of the TEA Party Express, not to be confused with the TEA Party Patriots.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-26-2009 11:57 AM

Most there yesterday that I spoke with claimed to be third party with independent being the largest of the third party.

Eagle1 10-26-2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 384)
Well I don't think he was arrested, just made to stay away from the group who were supporting the Tea Party. He may not have been alone, because I heard three other guys talking about the situation and mentioning that that was not the way to approach people if you want their support. I don't know if those three guys were with the guy or not. But when the police approached everyone in the crowd pointed at the guy to make sure they knew who to get rid of. He as handing out Nightingale campaign fliers. I should have gotten one, but on the other hand I wasn't that interested.

I wonder who Chelene's field crew is? I was told that at the Antelope Valley's latest Tea Party held by the Republicans she had three men with her and a twenty by twenty tent set up on the grounds at the Quartz Hill Tea Party Site.
She gave a good brief speech, I was told, but did not receive any interested persons at the tent. It all causes me to wonder what is driving her. She hasn't got a snowballs chance in the hot dark place.:)

LAPhil 10-26-2009 06:56 PM

Just got an e-mail from ALIPAC. It's not too late to get a tea party against amnesty together on Nov. 14. I'll keep trying to get updates and posting them as I get them.

Jeanfromfillmore 10-26-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 418)
Just got an e-mail from ALIPAC. It's not too late to get a tea party against amnesty together on Nov. 14. I'll keep trying to get updates and posting them as I get them.

Thanks Phil. Sure hope we get something together.

LAPhil 10-26-2009 07:05 PM

I just signed up to be an organizer.

LAPhil 11-02-2009 09:03 AM

Here's the latest info for the 14th:


City: Pasadena, CA
Street Location: 100 N. Garfield Ave. 'City Hall'
Times: 10am - 12 Noon
Organizer Contact Info
Organizer: Tracy Alison
Phone: N/A
Email: Click to Connect

City: San Francisco, CA
Street Location: Fisherman's Wharf Pier 39
Times: 11 AM - 2 PM
Organizer Contact Info
Organizer: Steven Graham
Phone: 408-691-4518
Email: Click to Connect

City: Santa Maria, CA
Street Location: Bradley Rd. & Betteravia Rd. 'Sidewalk In Front of Crossroads Shopping Center'
Times: 11am - 12 noon
Organizer Contact Info
Organizer: Paula James
Phone: 805-937-7021
Email: Click to Connect

Jeanfromfillmore 11-02-2009 10:43 AM

I can make it to the Pasadena. Ten in the morning is a little early, so I may be late. Why is that one only two hours and the others are three? Two hours won't be as good of a turn out since many show up late and others leave early.

Santa Maria is closer for me than many of you, but it's still quite a distance from Fillmore.

LAPhil 11-02-2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 621)
I can make it to the Pasadena. Ten in the morning is a little early, so I may be late. Why is that one only two hours and the others are three? Two hours won't be as good of a turn out since many show up late and others leave early.

Santa Maria is closer for me than many of you, but it's still quite a distance from Fillmore.

Looks like that one's only an hour long anyway. Two hours works for me. I remember a lot of those 3-hour rallies seeming like they were dragging on forever. Hope to see you in Pasadena, Jean.

Ole Glory 11-03-2009 12:07 PM

Last Call for Organizers For Nov. 14 Tea Parties Vs. Amnesty

Posted on Tuesday, November 03 @ 12:24:59 EST
Topic: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

Friends of ALIPAC,

This is our last strong request for people to step forward to volunteer as organizers for Tea Parties Against Amnesty & Illegal Immigration on Saturday, Nov. 14.

We are very pleased that we have 24 organizers in place so far, but we would like more. Remember that there will be a huge flood of interest in these events if Luis Gutierrez files his Amnesty bill before the 14th!

We also will be receiving more press coverage over the coming week so we need more towns and cities organized to receive the beneifits of that coverage.

Soon, our full attention will turn to 1. Getting more people to attend the events we do have organized. 2. Turning up the volume on our lobbying efforts and 3. Channeling the Tea Party efforts into more support for our lobbying against Amnesty and illegal immigration.

We have made becoming an organizer very simple.

You can simply pick a location where you want people to join you to hold signs and flags and to talk about Amnesty for illegal aliens or you can start off with something simple and build it up with guest speakers if you like.

The most important thing right now is to provide the American public with as many events as possible for each event, even if only a small gathering, will be a chance to get the truth out about Amnesty and illegal immigration.

If you, or someone you know is willing to sign up as an organizer, we will provide you with assistance, information, suggestions, etc....

Simply take the following steps.

1. Go to and make sure you are signed up as a supporter on the homepage, but if the maps and Events List does not show an existing event within a one hour drive of your town, please visit the "Create Town Rally" page and fill out the ORGANIZER form at the bottom.

2. E-mail the exact street address and description of your event location to (Ex. 55 Main St. 'City Hall" or 123 Circle Drive "Cactus Park" etc.)

Once you are on our maps and lists, people can contact you by e-mail if they are in your area and have questions.

As you can see, there are thousands of people signing up for these events but not as many organizers in place as we would like to have.

We need new events that have no existing events within an hour's travel, but there are some blank spots on the map where we have lots of interest but no organizers yet.

Atlanta, GA
Houston, TX
New York, NY
Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Salt Lake City, UT
Las Vegas, NV
Kansas City, MO
St. Louis, MO
Nashville, TN
Sarasota, FL

We currently have events listed in the following cities that need your support.

Phoenix, AZ
Pasadena, CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Santa Maria, CA
Denver, CO
Durango, CO
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Sebring, FL
Post Falls, ID
Chicago, IL
Wilbraham, MA
Waterford, MI
St. Paul, MN
Dumont, NJ
Raleigh, NC
Columbus, OH
Maria Stein, OH
McAlester, OK
Hazleton, PA
Fort Worth, TX
Alexandria, VA
Sterling, VA

Let's do the best we can with our first foray into national events! We will continue to ad event locations each day before Nov. 14, but getting our maps soon will increase the turnout.

ALIPAC is receiving a large and steady flow of supporters that are coming to help us defeat Amnesty thanks to the Tea Parties Against Amnesty effort.

Many thanks to all of you that are supporting us and these efforts and we also thank the immigration enforcement groups, Tea Party groups, and 9/12 groups that are coming together behind these events.


William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC
Director, Tea Parties Against Amnesty
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864

Yes! I'm ready to organize now (proceed to this link)

Yes! I'm ready to support now (fill out form at this link)

No, I am not willing to stand up and speak out against Amnesty for illegals

(proceed to your new rulers at the National Council of La Raza at NCLR(dot)org

jinx 11-03-2009 01:57 PM

I sure wish someone was organizing one in Vegas. That is closest to me since I'm back in AZ. I find it hard to believe that no one is doing one there. Did they fall off the wagon? 11-03-2009 07:09 PM

My Public Announcement (I'm sure you're all duly impressed):

There are multiple tea parties being orchestrated across the nation on Saturday the 14th. These events are specifically being held to protest the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" that the Obamas, McCains, Bushes, Whitmans, Durbins and Villaraigosas of this world so feverishly desire to shove down the throats of the American public.

Passion against rewarding the unlawful behavior of intruders, in these job hungry times, is running at fever pitch, so if you're in California with its uncommonly high unemployment levels, you have lots of options! Protests are scheduled on the 14th in Sacramento, Salinas, Santa Maria, San Diego, Pasadena and San Francisco. More locations across the country are being added daily (Maybe Las Vegas, Jinkie).

Let's not make a liar out of Mike! Let's get some SOS Rally Squads out there, dammit!!

For info as to specific street addresses and times, click on the following link:

Ayatollahgondola 11-03-2009 07:18 PM

An event in Sacramento, and here it is being held by an organization that banned me from participation. What's a fellow to do? 11-03-2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 660)
An event in Sacramento, and here it is being held by an organization that banned me from participation. What's a fellow to do?

Well, if you'd followed my advice and knocked it off with the ritual human sacrifices as the highlight of your demonstrations, you wouldn't be facing this problem now. I told you that'd turn off the vegans and non-smokers in the crowd!

Jeanfromfillmore 11-03-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 662)
Well, if you'd followed my advice and knocked it off with the ritual human sacrifices as the highlight of your demonstrations, you wouldn't be facing this problem now. I told you that'd turn off the vegans and non-smokers in the crowd!

Not true, some of us could always go for a little leg. Even a pinky finger, they're real tender.

Ayatollahgondola 11-03-2009 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 662)
Well, if you'd followed my advice and knocked it off with the ritual human sacrifices as the highlight of your demonstrations, you wouldn't be facing this problem now. I told you that'd turn off the vegans and non-smokers in the crowd!

Too late now. Things like that are seldom put behind you in a political town like Sac. It was no great loss anyway; It's getting harder and harder to find virgins for the ceremony around here.

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