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Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15227)
That's not what I'm been seeing, but I really don't want to belabor this anymore. It's not a very uplifting subject and I went off topic to begin with.

I'm with Phil, that's not what I'm seeing either.

It's a pretty simple equation. The SOS board drew attention, from supporters and opposition, b/c we did things. We had stuff to report b/c we were out there - pretty regularly. That tailed off w/ the former SOS as Nightingale lost over half the active membership and couldn't put bodies at events, and so did interest in the board. Same thing here. We had participation when we had things to report. Now we really don't.

Cole is right. We've become a cut and paste news relay outfit. And there's no point getting defensive and telling me about things in Sac. I know you do things, Davi, but that's not where the bulk of our membership is.

As long as we do little or nothing, the interest we generate will be little or nothing.

Despite contrary representations made 3 months ago, not a thing has changed since I started that thread at the beginning of the year ( ). We have an organizing committee that can't be bothered to organize.

It's probably time to close it down b/c it's just outright sad and there's no indication that SOP is going to change.

One man, one opinion.


Also, before I forget - Don, please stop wasting your time posting here. It takes away time you could be earning taxable dollars that Phil and I could grab with our "greasy paws" to help finance the State of Israel.

Rim05 04-01-2011 06:18 AM

I will admit that things get pretty boring here at times, however I do get good information at times. I can't hear, see or read everything, so most of the things I read here are good to read.
As far as getting people to do anything, it is a problem. I don't know the reason but it was so much more interesting when people would post about what ever is/was going on.

My one thought is, people are too quick to criticize others. Some people are too quick to be offended. I actually know people who cannot stand for someone to disagree with them. Why? I don't expect everyone to agree with me but, it would be nice if a person disagrees, just be polite.
I would really miss the forum if it closed.

Rim05 04-01-2011 06:23 AM

DA, I will say that you probably miss the activism a lot because you were always out there.

Ayatollahgondola 04-01-2011 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 15234)
It's probably time to close it down b/c it's just outright sad and there's no indication that SOP is going to change.

One man, one opinion.

To hell with you!
If you want the place closed down, you'll be in the company of the open borders lobby, the la raza crowd, the faction of the republican party that lobbies for amnesty, the democrat heirarchy that supports mexico, the mexicans who support illegal immigration, the religious factions , and the SPLC who never met a border security or immigration law enforcement support group they didn't hate.
I'll go past that and issue you this:
If you want the place closed down, you can fight me, sue me, or overthrow me. Short of that, it's not going to happen. Your continuing effort at this has me starting to visualize you as a more educated version of Schwilk

Ayatollahgondola 04-01-2011 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15227)
That's not what I'm been seeing, but I really don't want to belabor this anymore. It's not a very uplifting subject and I went off topic to begin with.

It's not uplifting because you're not looking for, or pointing out good things; only that which is depressing. there is life out there Phil. 04-01-2011 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15238)
To hell with you!
If you want the place closed down, you'll be in the company of the open borders lobby, the la raza crowd, the faction of the republican party that lobbies for amnesty, the democrat heirarchy that supports mexico, the mexicans who support illegal immigration, the religious factions , and the SPLC who never met a border security or immigration law enforcement support group they didn't hate.
I'll go past that and issue you this:
If you want the place closed down, you can fight me, sue me, or overthrow me. Short of that, it's not going to happen. Your continuing effort at this has me starting to visualize you as a more educated version of Schwilk

Yeah, I know that happens. I get mistaken for Schwilk all the time. I'm getting tired of people serving me with papers and then apologizing.

wetibbe 04-01-2011 08:45 AM

Reply and comment.
I think your last paragraph has some merit. BTW, since when is Geraldo Rivera right wing? __________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>

Heraldo is a staunch cheer leader for Latinos/Hispanics and sympathetic to the "La Raza" . That I don't like. Can't really muster up much in the way of defending his other attitudes and opinions but the Guy really does come out with some objective reporting that I really like a lot and agree with. He is thorough and often very incisive. When he and Bill O'reilly have one one one conversations I enjoy them. Apart from that he is a Fox news contributor and as such I'm not too sure that it gives him any leeway with the conservative crowd. At least he isn't on CNN or Chris Matthews or MSNBC with Keith Olberman.

I think that maybe my problem with listening to the conservatives may have something to do with my diminishing tolerance for blather and tired rhetoric. I like action. Not useless jawboning, whining and complaining endlessly over and over day after day, week after week, month after month..

As to SOS's current status and future, I personally believe that it should continue with renewed vigor and vitality. Now some words:

I have attended the street events and meetings of other Patriot Groups in my area. We are in daily contact. But I have always declined their many invitations to join or merge. They know that I support them. I stay in the shadow and under the radar. I shun publicity. But I also vigorously support law enforcement.

SOS may consider some clandestine, spook, efforts to detect employers of illegal aliens and report them to ICE. It's remarkably easy. I do it all the time. But I'm completely fluent in Spanish. I just walk up and start a friendly, innocuous conversation. I ask for ID and they pull out their Matricula Consulares.

I also join with local labor union business agents. I ride around with them to construction sites where they absolutely know who is illegal and a bandit contractor. You would be amazed at how much they know.

Things change. Things evolve. SOS shouldn't stay in the same old rut. They should rethink, innovate and improvise.

There are not that many of us around. We need to stick together.

Ayatollahgondola 04-01-2011 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by wetibbe (Post 15248)
Things change. Things evolve. SOS shouldn't stay in the same old rut. They should rethink, innovate and improvise.

There are not that many of us around. We need to stick together.

there's only a rut, if that's what you want to see. We've stepped out and into the public light through our statehouse; something we never had in our history. We've filed public record searches that have provided avenues for everyone in the movement to use government services and challenge the administrations, local, statewide, and federal, positions. None of that was in our history. We held an event where local political figures came and spoke....which never happened before in our history.
Please don't subscribe to the gloom and doom lobby:)

Ayatollahgondola 04-01-2011 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15223)
It's not just here Phil; The posting and activism is down everywhere; the gun forums, the cop forums, the first amendment forums, all of them I am active on. It isn't SOS; It isn't the immigration law enforcement movement; I don't know what it is, but I'm not going to give in to it. When I feel that way, I just get out and do something. Even if it's a little something that people laugh at or ridicule. I figure my opposition is in the same condition, and I'm not opposed to kicking them when they're down. Try and cheer up, and consider my suggestion


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15227)
That's not what I'm been seeing, but I really don't want to belabor this anymore. It's not a very uplifting subject and I went off topic to begin with.

I could make a case for it in the reading of today's headlines:

Tea party's influence wanes as lawmakers compromise

Bear Flag Republican 04-12-2011 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15024)
You've got this all wrong. Don has a history of making blatantly anti-Semitic statements on this forum. He doesn't have to mention the Jews every time: it's quite obvious where he's coming from. And don't assume I equate anti-Semitism with being anti-Israel, because I assure you I know the difference. You're the one making the straw man argument when you say I'm the same lot who equates the minutemen with the KKK, and frankly I find you rather disgusting for saying that. I'm not the stupid one here, you are.

I wasn't aware of his history.
LOL I'll be frank I'm anti-zionist to the extent that I have clashed with those in my own political party on the issue of occupied palestine. But I don't think the israel lobby is the same as all jews. AIPAC is a vocal minority. Zionists are a pesky group that claim the support of the jewish community as a whole when in fact they don't have it, and this helped get hitler elected. The jewish community needs to distance itself from racial supremacists in it's midst, but that doesn't make all jews bad people.

Some people have a hard time grasping the whole picture and just hate jews, which is pretty stupid ...

Ayatollahgondola 04-22-2011 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15217)
I appreciate that attitude, AG. I just didn't care one way or the other, since the thread didn't seem to be going anywhere but downhill. Right now I'm just bewildered by the lack of activity on this board as a whole. When you look at the last thread on any topic it was hardly ever posted that day, which tells you how few posts there are. I guess this is off-topic, but that's partly what I'm reacting to here, my frustration at the failure of this organization to regenerate itself to what it once was. And I don't blame you for that, or Jean, or anyone else. I'm just at a loss to understand what's happened here.


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15218)
Look inward Phil,

There are several threads going that have been updated this week, all having to do with recent action to keep the effort alive. The state capitol thread, the event at the student March in March, the SOS RADIO! Thread, ...I could go on and on, but I haven't seen much from you on those, so what's the difference between your frustration with this organization, your frustration with everyone else, and theirs with you? Not that there is any with you, but I was making a point.
We can lead to water, but we cannot make people drink. This other stuff is just enlightening and amusing in between time for me. Hell, I don't see the same thing Don does about the jewish brotherhood in LA, but I'd like to understand more, simply because then I might also understand why people don't get what I tell them about the mexican brotherhood and their agenda to dominate California. I'm not afraid of Don, nor am I worried about getting some sort of anti-semitic infection from him. Actually, I'm hoping he can learn from us too.


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15219)
I guess I haven't explained this too well. I understand that I personally play into the apathy by not participating as much myself. So yes, it's partly me, but there are also external factors which affect my attitude. In the "old days", if you remember, there were thousands of posts every day on any number of topics, and you couldn't help but stay interested. I found this board to be really inspirational, and I definitely think it was a factor in my more frequent activism back then. Even before SOS changed hands it was getting to the point where you might start a thread or make a post and not one person would answer you. After a while that gets pretty discouraging. I don't mean to imply that my passion for the illegal immigration issue is any less than it ever was, because it's not. It just seems a little bit lonely right now. I'm not saying it's a rational position, but it's the way I feel.


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 15223)
It's not just here Phil; The posting and activism is down everywhere; the gun forums, the cop forums, the first amendment forums, all of them I am active on. It isn't SOS; It isn't the immigration law enforcement movement; I don't know what it is, but I'm not going to give in to it. When I feel that way, I just get out and do something. Even if it's a little something that people laugh at or ridicule. I figure my opposition is in the same condition, and I'm not opposed to kicking them when they're down. Try and cheer up, and consider my suggestion


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 15227)
That's not what I'm been seeing, but I really don't want to belabor this anymore. It's not a very uplifting subject and I went off topic to begin with.

I have been researching this subject, and I still find very compelling evidence that the involvement level has weakened universally in the circles that we run in, as well as others that are somewhat connected, but not precisely so.
Does anyone remember all the groups that began at the same time SOS did? Take for example Fire Coalition. That's Jason Mroechek's company that also hosts the site. Although he's still around, he struggles with popularity and involvement despite strong committment by his own hand. Their forum hasn't seen much activity since 2010, and most threads haven't seen activity since 2009. He has succumbed to facebook for hopeful advertisement, as have many others.
And while I'm on the subject of facebook, that has probably become the biggest draw for virtual involvement that I can see. So many of our old posters are using that, as well as those from other groups, that it has supplanted their own media as well. Personally I don't like Facebook's software, so I don't use it much. SOS has a page, but I use it sparingly, but check it daily. My disdain for it is not shared by the majority though, and thus we have seen very much of our associated groups migrate there for action and communication.
But to get back to my research, the interest level here has not dropped any more than it has everywhere else. Actually I think we're doing ok considering the circumstances out there. I volunteered at a TEA party event this monday that spent considerable funding and time, as well as having secured a few big names to speak, and the turnout, although welcome, was not entirely uplifting. The TEA party is noticing the difference as well. I spoke with many of them about this, and their speculative responses were similar to my own.
Everyone is down, even our opposition. The UFW is struggling for membership. Their Ceasar Chavez day events this year were as weak as I have ever seen them, and several of the events they held at the capitol, and nearby which were permitted for thousands, only turned up hundreds.

Now what are people getting involved in? Well, here in Sac right now the big deal is saving the Kings basketball team. I'm not mystified by their behavior anymore, but still am by what motivates it. The Kings articles in the SacBee generate close to 1000 posts in the comment section within 24 hours. Face it; Entertainment rules, and government sucks. If anything keeps us down it's competition like that. Our state is bankrupt(yes, it is if we were a business), We are at war with several other people, Rights are in jeopardy, manufacturing and tech jobs, if not being forced out are fleeing the state and the country, and we have 20 to 30 million foreigners within our boundaries who were not authorized to be here. But the resident here in the capitol city are most consumed with losing a sports team, which by most factual basis's employ less than 1,000 people in quite low paying, non technical - non-manufacturing - low wage jobs that usually require taxpayer subsidized services to keep them afloat. Their claim is that we need the sales tax revenue and other related monies that this form of entertainment generates, while I agree that we don't need an additional loss of such at this time, this is hardly the stuff that saves state budgets

So not to get off on a tangent, but just to point out that we are not doing something terribly wrong that is causing losses to our input base. Obviously we would like to overcome this, and doing nothing is not an answer of course, but things must be kept in perspective, and blame has to be assigned in a greater spectrum than just the immediate usual suspects.

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