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Eagle1 01-31-2010 12:08 AM

Sam Z video on youtube
Well boys and girls Sam Z is the subject of our latest SOS youtube video.

Of everyone and anyone that spoke on behalf of Bob Kellar Mr "Z" wins hands down.

Notice what a polished presentation he made compared to the rest of us amateurs.

Check him out!

Awesome job Sam.:):):)

Papoose 01-31-2010 09:43 AM

That was a great speech. Good work, team!


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 4633)
Well boys and girls Sam Z is the subject of our latest SOS youtube video.

Of everyone and anyone that spoke on behalf of Bob Kellar Mr "Z" wins hands down.

Notice what a polished presentation he made compared to the rest of us amateurs.

Check him out!

Awesome job Sam.:):):)

Ole Glory 01-31-2010 09:53 AM

e-mailed to me from Roger.

Dear Meg Whitman:

I am disappointed you have taken the weak course of political correctness in condemning Santa Clarita City Councilman Bob Kellar's recent remarks at an anti ILLEGAL immigration rally in Santa Clarita, January 16.

You have severely underestimated California voters' discontent on the issue of ILLEGAL immigration.

It saddens me to know that you as possible leader of our State cannot glean our Mr. Kellar's so called self-professing racism remarks as nothing more than rhetorical hyperbole. The Councilman who obviously is NOT a racist made a comparison to those who accuse him of sounding like a racist because he believes in one flag, one language, per President Theodore Roosevelt.Why you as a candidate for Governor cannot surmise this profoundly concerns me and millions of other law abiding citizens of California.

You are wrong and you have made a major mistake is disassociating yourself from Bob Kellar,

Councilman Kellar is no more a racist than Lady State of Liberty.

As our City of Santa Clarita, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and the United States of America are overrun by the devastating effects of massive ILLEGAL immigration, you and your campaign have chosen to take a path of political correctness, hardly the character I would admire in the future California governor, in dealing with a radically-driven Assembly and State Senate.

There is a silver line her, Ms Whitman. I found out who you are BEFORE the election.

Your campaign has lost my support.

I will encourage all I know to abandon their support for you and your campaign to be California's next Governor.

I can focus my attention on another candidate within the Republican Party.

Roger A. GItlin, Teacher
Multi Subject CLAD
Santa Clarita, CA. 91354

Ole Glory 01-31-2010 09:59 AM

Great video, Frank. Great speech, DA, SZ!:) 01-31-2010 04:14 PM

How did that porky bastard manage to waddle/roll his way up to the podium? Jeeez, I'm surprised Shamu there was willing to tear himself away from the Hometown Buffet long enough to say something. Hey, Tons of Fun, there's a 24 Hour Fitness down the street from the Council chambers! Here's a wild thought, consider a membership!

Eagle1 01-31-2010 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 4681)
How did that porky bastard manage to waddle/roll his way up to the podium? Jeeez, I'm surprised Shamu there was willing to tear himself away from the Hometown Buffet long enough to say something. Hey, Tons of Fun, there's a 24 Hour Fitness down the street from the Council chambers! Here's a wild thought, consider a membership!

Well the gent whether porky or svelte has a well lubed patriotic brain.
Therefore he is invited to offer more pearls of cogent wisdom at our next rally at SC on Saturday, February 23 11am-1pm same place, same Bat Channel.

And yes SZ please have plan 1 and plan 2 for your speech as we may have a couple of special order 40 speeches. It will be your five minutes of fame.

Does the gentleman accept our invitation to speak?:):):) 02-01-2010 05:52 AM

Yes, of course I want to speak. As made obvious by the video, however, it will be important to keep a considerable stash of Dolly Madison baked goods nearby to satisfy my need for calories.

Ayatollahgondola 02-01-2010 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 4681)
How did that porky bastard manage to waddle/roll his way up to the podium? Jeeez, I'm surprised Shamu there was willing to tear himself away from the Hometown Buffet long enough to say something. Hey, Tons of Fun, there's a 24 Hour Fitness down the street from the Council chambers! Here's a wild thought, consider a membership!

I thought that was a bullet proof vest

Ole Glory 02-01-2010 11:01 AM

[;4681]How did that porky bastard manage to waddle/roll his way up to the podium? Here's a wild thought.....[OUOTE]

MORE of you to LOVE;) 02-01-2010 08:54 PM

MORE of you to LOVE;)

Yeah, a larger, slower moving target, too.

Eagle1 02-02-2010 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 4743)
MORE of you to LOVE;)

Yeah, a larger, slower moving target, too.

We will be bringing doughnuts to the event so as to keep our strength and morale up.

All Dolly Madison fans are welcome to partake.:)

PS also bringing a coffee pot and Starbucks coffee to brew on site!
I like my coffee strong so if you have a cup get ready to hallucinate.:D

Ayatollahgondola 02-02-2010 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle1 (Post 4763)
I like my coffee strong so if you have a cup get ready to hallucinate.:D

You're a pooozie compared to me. Drinking's for sissies. Put some freshly ground beans between your cheek and gum:)

Rim05 02-03-2010 05:03 AM

Back to serious business! I just heard Jaun Jose Gutierrez on ABC ch7 talking about they (don't remember which of the hispanic gangs he named)are planning a protest against Kellar. They are demanding that Kellar step down. He accused Supervisor Michael Antonovich of being against hispanics and demanded that Michael step down also. This was heard on TV so no link but if you pay attention you will see it someplace. Antonivech is the only supervisor worth a nickel so I hope everyone will support him also.
Maybe some one here has the contact for Antonovich so people can let him know we realize what a good job he is doing.

Don 02-03-2010 06:26 AM

I heard that Gutierrez is calling for Kellar's ouster.

Kellar was elected to public office. Since when do we nullify free elections?

Since when do Mexicans come to our country illegally and tell us we can't elect whomever we choose? This is the disenfranchisement of American citizens on behalf of foreign nationals who have no right to be here. This is a foreign invasion and an attack on free elections, free speech and democracy.

Ole Glory 02-03-2010 08:16 AM

E-mail to me from Roger.

The 38th District Republican Club met last night.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The furor, anger, and frustration over the mistreatment given to Bob Kellar is NOT over, not by a long shot.

The vile, fraudulent attack in the Tuesday Signal by Bruce McFarland was beyond disgusting. I urge all to write to and label that commentary as absolute garbage not worthy of lining uyour birdcage.

The 38th District Republican Club met last night to recommend endorsements for Santa Clarita City Council. These folks are the Meg Whitman supporters. Ms. Whitman unceremoniously disassociated herself and her campaign from Bob Kellar two days ago. Bad mistake by the Republican candidate for California. Bowing to Democratic pressure, Ms. Whitman has seriously underestimated California voter discontent on the issue of ILLEGAL IMMIGATION. Member Scott Wilk ramrodded through support for the THREE incumbents, Frank Ferry, Marsha McLean, and Laurene Weste, Permission was given to me to speak on behalf of candidate David Gauny, AFTER the 38th members voted like " good ole boys " for the slate of incumbents. And I did address the group and I would like to think I gave them a piece of my mind.

All the candidates addressed the panel, seeking support. Member Joe Messina asked each to opine on what the City of Santa Clarita ad what the Council can do about the problem, includingciting those unscrupulous employers are utilize illegal day laborers, pay no taxes,and depress American wages. I brought up to the group a lot of this business is being done rifght under NO STOPPING ANYTIME signs, along the olkd San Fernando Road

Other than Gauny, incumbents' answers were lame and defective, criss-crossing of wrists as if City hands are tied by Federal law.

Frank Ferry spoke about " the far right wing racist elements of our community coming out of the woodwork in support of Bob Kellar. Nonsense ! Stop calling those who disagree with you a pejorative name, Mr. Ferry. Ferry sounds a lot like Hillary Clinton and her " vast right wing conspiracy " statement in defense of her cheating husband in 1998. Ferry also sounds like he works for illegal alien Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahoney, which in fact does in fact work for. He was endorsed last night.

Mayor Laurene Weste, a no commenter on Bob Kellar until now, kept referring to the INS as the agency that needs to deal with the illegal alien problem. The INS? Mayor Weste must have overlooked the fact that
I C E ( Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is the agency that deals with this problem and has since 2003. Mayor Weste has not done her woodwork and continues to deflect City responsibility to another agency. She was endorsed last night.

Mayor Pro Temp Marshal McLean I am convinced does not have a clue how the disastrous effects illegal aliens have on our community. Her answers were vague and weak. She should not be on this Council. . She was endorsed last night by the 38th Republican members.

ALL THREE... Ferry, Weste, and McLean are a part of this problem, not part the solution.

Here is the bottom line, ladies and gentlemen. We will not be shut up, and crowded out by a business as usual attitude. This is a new era. We want our country, State, County, and City back, and we want them back now !

I recommend a bullet vote ( once only) , Tuesday April 13. for David Gauny.

Come hear David speak at the Canyon Country Advisory Committee candidates' forum, Wednesday, February 17, at the George Caravel Center. Starts at PM. Marsha McLean will also speak at the forum, February 17.

Bring friends and supporters. I will be there, too.

Roger Gitlin, Teacher

Jeanfromfillmore 02-03-2010 11:07 AM

Glory do you know what time on the meeting on the 17th?

Ole Glory 02-03-2010 11:37 AM

"The Santa Clarita Valley Independent Minutemen are asking for your support at the upcoming Canyon Country Advisory Meeting, 7pm, at the George Caravallo Recreation Center, in Canyon Country, Wednesday, February 17, 2010". 02-03-2010 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Don (Post 4795)
I heard that Gutierrez is calling for Kellar's ouster.

Kellar was elected to public office. Since when do we nullify free elections?

Since when do Mexicans come to our country illegally and tell us we can't elect whomever we choose? This is the disenfranchisement of American citizens on behalf of foreign nationals who have no right to be here. This is a foreign invasion and an attack on free elections, free speech and democracy.

No it isn't. It is a well-practiced race-baiter (Gutierrez) doing his thing. Anyone who disagrees with the open borders folks is to be demonized and intimidated. Especially in a La Raza stronghold like So. Cal. There will be no debates upon the merits, only ugly accusations and attempts to show force. This is much of what the Left deals in at the beginning of the 21st Century. It's not an attempt to take away your free expression rights. It is an attempt to get you to voluntarily forego them. Bob Kellar and Mike Antonovich aren't playing along and now they're getting targeted.

From my perspective, one of the best things that could happen would be for Gutierrez or some other similar type to bring a few hundred open borders drones/anchor babies to Santa Clarita, and protest to their hearts' content. The spectacle would speak volumes to middle Americans who would see it well publicized on TV. People are fed up to their eyebrows with PC idiocy and I'm not sure if our friends on the Left realize how pronounced this distaste for it has become with everyday citizen taxpayers.

ilbegone 02-03-2010 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 4820)
No it isn't. It is a well-practiced race-baiter (Gutierrez) doing his thing. Anyone who disagrees with the open borders folks is to be demonized and intimidated. Especially in a La Raza stronghold like So. Cal. There will be no debates upon the merits, only ugly accusations and attempts to show force. This is much of what the Left deals in at the beginning of the 21st Century. It's not an attempt to take away your free expression rights. It is an attempt to get you to voluntarily forego them. Bob Kellar and Mike Antonovich aren't playing along and now they're getting targeted.

From my perspective, one of the best things that could happen would be for Gutierrez or some other similar type to bring a few hundred open borders drones/anchor babies to Santa Clarita, and protest to their hearts' content. The spectacle would speak volumes to middle Americans who would see it well publicized on TV. People are fed up to their eyebrows with PC idiocy and I'm not sure if our friends on the Left realize how pronounced this distaste for it has become with everyday citizen taxpayers.

Well worded and spot on.

PochoPatriot 02-04-2010 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 4820)
No it isn't. It is a well-practiced race-baiter (Gutierrez) doing his thing. Anyone who disagrees with the open borders folks is to be demonized and intimidated. Especially in a La Raza stronghold like So. Cal. There will be no debates upon the merits, only ugly accusations and attempts to show force. This is much of what the Left deals in at the beginning of the 21st Century. It's not an attempt to take away your free expression rights. It is an attempt to get you to voluntarily forego them. Bob Kellar and Mike Antonovich aren't playing along and now they're getting targeted.

From my perspective, one of the best things that could happen would be for Gutierrez or some other similar type to bring a few hundred open borders drones/anchor babies to Santa Clarita, and protest to their hearts' content. The spectacle would speak volumes to middle Americans who would see it well publicized on TV. People are fed up to their eyebrows with PC idiocy and I'm not sure if our friends on the Left realize how pronounced this distaste for it has become with everyday citizen taxpayers.

Sam is right. Nothing serves our cause better than masses of Mexican flag waving immigrants (legal and/or illegal) screaming like a bunch of petulant children for their "rights". It backfired on them after the first "May Day" march, and it will continue to back fire on them until they realize that they need to end their ethnocentric rhetoric, and remove the law breakers from their midst.

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