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Ayatollahgondola 11-23-2009 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 1567)
2. I do feel that extending an olive branch may have its rewards.

Great, what were they going to be? Did you realize those rewards? What did you figure the odds were you'd be coming back with these tucked under your arm when you saw fit to speak for Save Our State?

Maybe they won't be realized immediately. Neither has it started a war, as you thought in an immediate sense

The Waco Kid 11-23-2009 07:01 PM

Sorry it has come to this, the lowest of the low is all that is left

Originally Posted by PochoPatriot (Post 1379)
I used to think that everyone else was lying when I was under the spell of the Nightingale.

Gees!!!! This little revelation is certainly great to hear! WTF! How pathetic.

"Under the spell"? What the hell does that mean? You can't think for yourself? You have no idea how incredibly stupid not to mention unsettling your comment is. Are you a sheep or a human?

This is why I have chosen to no longer participate with any group.

As I look at all of you pontificating and angonizing over this tripe I find it to be ridiculous and I wonder why I ever wasted my time with any of this nonsense.

Posting on this board because you got your feelings hurt (or for whatever) ain't doing squat to change anything with amnesty or the illegal invasion. It looks like most of you (Jean) don't do much else and are using this as a substitute for your lack of a life. While I have sympathy for your plight I suggest you stop cyber jerking and get involved at the local, city and state level to address the issue. Stop whining non-stop on a computer forum....

God help us all if cyber-whiners are all we have left to stop the illegal invasion.


Jeanfromfillmore 11-23-2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 1596)
Gees!!!! This little revelation is certainly great to hear! WTF! How pathetic.

"Under the spell"? What the hell does that mean? You can't think for yourself? You have no idea how incredibly stupid not to mention unsettling your comment is. Are you a sheep or a human?

This is why I have chosen to no longer participate with any group.

As I look at all of you pontificating and angonizing over this tripe I find it to be ridiculous and I wonder why I ever wasted my time with any of this nonsense.

Posting on this board because you got your feelings hurt (or for whatever) ain't doing squat to change anything with amnesty or the illegal invasion. It looks like most of you (Jean) don't do much else and are using this as a substitute for your lack of a life. While I have sympathy for your plight I suggest you stop cyber jerking and get involved at the local, city and state level to address the issue. Stop whining non-stop on a computer forum....

God help us all if cyber-whiners are all we have left to stop the illegal invasion.


Well considering that was your second post and all you could do was criticize, you're not bringing much to the table. Why didn't you chime in on any of the subjects being discussed? Lurking and then popping in to take stabs at members isn't very respectful, and could be considered disruptive. I'm logged in here for a reason, as others are, and we aren't being paid to do it. Take an aspirin and chill.

Ayatollahgondola 11-23-2009 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 1596)
This is why I have chosen to no longer participate with any group.:cool:

Could also be that you might be pretty hard to get along with.

PochoPatriot 11-23-2009 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Waco Kid (Post 1596)
Gees!!!! This little revelation is certainly great to hear! WTF! How pathetic.

"Under the spell"? What the hell does that mean? You can't think for yourself? You have no idea how incredibly stupid not to mention unsettling your comment is. Are you a sheep or a human?

This is why I have chosen to no longer participate with any group.

As I look at all of you pontificating and angonizing over this tripe I find it to be ridiculous and I wonder why I ever wasted my time with any of this nonsense.

Posting on this board because you got your feelings hurt (or for whatever) ain't doing squat to change anything with amnesty or the illegal invasion. It looks like most of you (Jean) don't do much else and are using this as a substitute for your lack of a life. While I have sympathy for your plight I suggest you stop cyber jerking and get involved at the local, city and state level to address the issue. Stop whining non-stop on a computer forum....

God help us all if cyber-whiners are all we have left to stop the illegal invasion.


And your pathetic attempt at chiding us is even more pathetic. Most of the people on this board were the ones that were out in the field dealing with the reconquistas. Now go back and report to, fly away. 11-24-2009 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola (Post 1573)
Maybe they won't be realized immediately. Neither has it started a war, as you thought in an immediate sense

Dude, that's a completely non-responsive answer.

And I wasn't expecting a war. I am anticipating people are going to start taking sides or demanding that others take sides (the latter having already happened as a result of Jean's communications).

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sandy, I'd like to thank you for the above post. In comparison, my complete lack of tact doesn't look so stunningly out of place. Your writings are almost as socially unrefined as mine have been the past few days.

Ayatollahgondola 11-24-2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 1637)
Dude, that's a completely non-responsive answer.

And I wasn't expecting a war. I am anticipating people are going to start taking sides or demanding that others take sides (the latter having already happened as a result of Jean's communications).

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sandy, I'd like to thank you for the above post. In comparison, my complete lack of tact doesn't look so stunningly out of place. Your writings are almost as socially unrefined as mine have been the past few days.

I understand how you feel that way, but personally I don't feel the need for silence anymore. Jean seemed to feel that way also, but I don't want to speak for her. My thinking is that some people in forward and very active positions within our movement are going to do what they do whether we sit back and be quiet or fight back. They are going to send emails, post advisories, and threaten others about who they can associate with. I'm for open government here. I'm not as interested in the Gheens, gilchrists, Schwilks, Nightingales, etc as I am in the people who read their material. hopefully they'll read ours too, and compare the facts. If we don't put it out there though, they get it from one source. I don't see how that helps the overall movement.
And Sandy, I know you have a rather volatile personality, but you can't do it alone. None of us can. We are all somewhat misfits in that we don't accept false gods as easily as most. But I hate to see you out there by yourself.

usa today 11-27-2009 03:20 PM

Boy do I feel a need to reply to this thread

Since I know all these people in one way or another.

I've said for many years that our cause is going to be lost unless we can all stop the petty squabbles , We are killing ourselves , Not for lack of good people involved but by the way we all fight with each other.
Many of you know me , and have known me for years , yet I was kicked off the old sos (more than once) I've been dumped by Gheen , even though I've talked to him many times and passed on valuable information to him. I know the whereabouts of many of the old people that have left here and gone to places like Patriots Corner , the old (now defunct) minuteman forums and many others.

There was a time I thought the old sos was and could be the premier anti illegal immigration website and org. Sadly it wasn't so.

Maybe this is a new beginning , I hope so , There use to be some hard core activists here and some very smart people.

Don't let PC ruin this board or turn it into a money grubbing org like alipac

LAPhil 11-27-2009 05:03 PM


Ayatollahgondola 11-27-2009 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 1770)
Boy do I feel a need to reply to this thread

Since I know all these people in one way or another.

I've said for many years that our cause is going to be lost unless we can all stop the petty squabbles , We are killing ourselves , Not for lack of good people involved but by the way we all fight with each other. Don't let PC ruin this board or turn it into a money grubbing org like alipac

Petty squabbles are not necessarily cause-killers. Husbands and wives, sibling, workers, and other intertwined people skirmish and fight with each other without ending the relationships or causing the breakdown of societies. People fight because they don't entirely agree. Silencing one of the combatants just results in one party having interminable contempt for the other. The open borders lobby tries to silence us for good of America, how do you feel about that? And why shouldn't they; After all, they know what's best, right?
We can fight with each other to flesh out truths, facts, and differences, and still fight as a unified front on that with which we do agree.

On the PC thing: Alot of people don't care for the use, or overuse of certain terms. Doesn't mean they have succumbed to political pressure. It could mean they grew up having those terms applied to them unfairly, or they just plain don't like the sound of them

Patriotic Army Mom 11-27-2009 06:50 PM

Wow, glad to see you still out there USA Today. I agree with you, and hope that we can band with one another and get ready for the fight ahead. Our Country needs us now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rim05 11-27-2009 08:28 PM

Hi USA! Yes I remember you from so long ago and I know about some of the banning. You did not answer how you found us so I will ask again, how did you find us? Welcome, good to have you.

usa today 11-28-2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 1796)
Hi USA! Yes I remember you from so long ago and I know about some of the banning. You did not answer how you found us so I will ask again, how did you find us? Welcome, good to have you.

Well to answer your question , I am all over the web , I hear things , I see things , I still have a lot of connections with people that were here , are here or use to be here.

Some will remember that I use to know a lot of stuff before hand
and have some pretty deep sources of information, That hasn't changed.

I'm just not as into it as I was , it seems you beat your head against walls for so many years and don't get anywhere , you just get tired of it.

I'm not dumping out by any means , I just think our movement has to come up with some new bells and whistles , the old way just doesn't seem to be working for us.

JMO while we play nice the opposition just keeps amassing more and more power.

I just hope we have it in us to stop the next amnesty push coming , But sooner or later we have to stop fighting a holding battle , we can oppose but sooner or later they will push hard enough to get what they want.
I don't have the answers , I wish I did

Jeanfromfillmore 11-28-2009 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 1828)
Well to answer your question , I am all over the web , I hear things , I see things , I still have a lot of connections with people that were here , are here or use to be here.

Some will remember that I use to know a lot of stuff before hand
and have some pretty deep sources of information, That hasn't changed.

I'm just not as into it as I was , it seems you beat your head against walls for so many years and don't get anywhere , you just get tired of it.

I'm not dumping out by any means , I just think our movement has to come up with some new bells and whistles , the old way just doesn't seem to be working for us.

JMO while we play nice the opposition just keeps amassing more and more power.

I just hope we have it in us to stop the next amnesty push coming , But sooner or later we have to stop fighting a holding battle , we can oppose but sooner or later they will push hard enough to get what they want.
I don't have the answers , I wish I did

You really didn't answer the question, you just replied. I asked you that question because I wanted to know where and on what sites the url has been posted have been effective. Can you just give me a straight answer? Where did you find our url?

Twoller 11-28-2009 12:55 PM

FYI, I found the link to this site posted at a thread at the old .org site.

Jeanfromfillmore 11-28-2009 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Twoller (Post 1844)
FYI, I found the link to this site posted at a thread at the old .org site.

Thank you for letting me know. I'm trying to get the word out and placing the new URL everywhere I can, but I'd like to know what's working and where people are seeing it.

Has anyone else seen the new .info posted some places? If you can please go to all the other sites you visit and try to get the word out.

Rim05 11-28-2009 01:15 PM

Jean and Towller, those are the reasons I ask where USA found us. I thought we were banned from everyone who was with old SOS. I have many things to and don't travel the web very much. I did try to log onto some of the places in my book marks and got a 404 error. I have not tried since that one time.

Jeanfromfillmore 11-28-2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 1847)
Jean and Towller, those are the reasons I ask where USA found us. I thought we were banned from everyone who was with old SOS. I have many things to and don't travel the web very much. I did try to log onto some of the places in my book marks and got a 404 error. I have not tried since that one time.

Rimo, I think the url was posted before the old .org site went down. I think someone managed to post it before Mike was able to remove it. But I could be wrong. I know it was posted over at and Nomoreinvasion. We really need to get the URL to the top of the google find and the way to do it is exposure.

usa today 12-17-2009 08:42 AM

Just catching up on my reading here this morning , There are a lot of interesting posts. I had no idea what was going on here , But first to answer the question I seem to have avoided , no disrespect intended

But it takes a bit of a story to get me there , You see after I was banned from here I ended up over on the minuteman forums as my main haunt. We went through a rather ugly bust up over there also with many of our really good members going to

I was a member of both forums
Mcdc then went through a "closed" period but was brought back to life
by Ken D who some of you know. Simcox let him reopen the boards and I got to play mod for a while. When Chris decided to run against McCain he closed the boards down for good and I ended up over on the Patriots corner forum full time. Some of the old timers here also ended up over there being members of MCDC we kind of used Patriots as plan B in case Mcdc closed down.

Patriots is a pretty tight knit group, Some notables over there are Jim Campbell and Roy Warden who I think some of you know about.
Simcox has also posted there using some weird "duck" name.

I did manage to bootleg my way back onto alipac during the run up to the election but wasted no time getting in trouble over there for being in the "Romney" crowd as opposed to the "Ron Paul" crowd that dominated over there. Most of you know I'm not a really PC person and that gets me in trouble now and then , I did receive several phone calls from alipac people and a couple of there mods that were fed up with Gheen , I've spoken to him several times on the phone and on radio and no matter what , he still comes across as a pompous ass that is completely full of himself.

I've got a thousand more stories from the time I left here but I'll leave them for another time.

John from Mass posted the link on Patriots , I just followed it thinking I would still be banned from this site. I also knew of Don was still here I'd have no chance of getting back on.

Jeanfromfillmore 12-17-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 2580)
Just catching up on my reading here this morning , There are a lot of interesting posts. I had no idea what was going on here , But first to answer the question I seem to have avoided , no disrespect intended

But it takes a bit of a story to get me there , You see after I was banned from here I ended up over on the minuteman forums as my main haunt. We went through a rather ugly bust up over there also with many of our really good members going to

I was a member of both forums
Mcdc then went through a "closed" period but was brought back to life
by Ken D who some of you know. Simcox let him reopen the boards and I got to play mod for a while. When Chris decided to run against McCain he closed the boards down for good and I ended up over on the Patriots corner forum full time. Some of the old timers here also ended up over there being members of MCDC we kind of used Patriots as plan B in case Mcdc closed down.

Patriots is a pretty tight knit group, Some notables over there are Jim Campbell and Roy Warden who I think some of you know about.
Simcox has also posted there using some weird "duck" name.

I did manage to bootleg my way back onto alipac during the run up to the election but wasted no time getting in trouble over there for being in the "Romney" crowd as opposed to the "Ron Paul" crowd that dominated over there. Most of you know I'm not a really PC person and that gets me in trouble now and then , I did receive several phone calls from alipac people and a couple of there mods that were fed up with Gheen , I've spoken to him several times on the phone and on radio and no matter what , he still comes across as a pompous ass that is completely full of himself.

I've got a thousand more stories from the time I left here but I'll leave them for another time.

John from Mass posted the link on Patriots , I just followed it thinking I would still be banned from this site. I also knew of Don was still here I'd have no chance of getting back on.

Thank you for that explanation, and thank you to John from Mass for posting our new sites url. If any of you have any suggestions as to where we can post our new organization with its new url (.info) please let us know. We're trying really hard to get the word out, but we need to know where others are going and where it will be seen.

usa today 12-17-2009 01:06 PM

I know a ton of people that post here

No sign up , just post away

Also the idexer
This isn't a forum per say and its dormant until after the holidays but its usually a very well read site and anyone can post in the comments if you sign up

Jeanfromfillmore 12-17-2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 2596)
I know a ton of people that post here

No sign up , just post away

Also the idexer
This isn't a forum per say and its dormant until after the holidays but its usually a very well read site and anyone can post in the comments if you sign up

Thank you, I know about Topix and have posted the rally there for the past four days. But I didn't know about idexer, so thank you. I'll see what I can post there.

usa today 12-17-2009 01:19 PM

There are some people on the idexer that have posted here in the old days

Jeanfromfillmore 12-17-2009 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 2601)
There are some people on the idexer that have posted here in the old days

Great, maybe they will reconnect.

LAPhil 12-17-2009 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 2596)
I know a ton of people that post here

No sign up , just post away

Also the idexer
This isn't a forum per say and its dormant until after the holidays but its usually a very well read site and anyone can post in the comments if you sign up

Thanks for the heads up on that, USA. I never knew about the topix site but it looks great! I'm really going to have to get into it more when I have more time.

usa today 12-17-2009 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 2607)
Thanks for the heads up on that, USA. I never knew about the topix site but it looks great! I'm really going to have to get into it more when I have more time.

Did you see that some of those threads have thousands of posts

A lot of the nations newspapers and mags link to that forum also

Jeanfromfillmore 12-17-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 2596)
I know a ton of people that post here

No sign up , just post away

Also the idexer
This isn't a forum per say and its dormant until after the holidays but its usually a very well read site and anyone can post in the comments if you sign up

The idexer site says it is shut down because the mod needs a break. The last article was in Nov.

usa today 12-18-2009 02:39 AM

He takes breaks now and then , I've followed that site for years now and usually he isn't gone for long , I figure though Christmas

Ayatollahgondola 12-26-2009 09:53 PM

Looky here:

SoCal Patriot Coalition still has us listed as one of them:

Oh that Schwilk.....he's come crawling back:D

usa today 01-04-2010 04:07 PM

Well , just for the record

I never had a problem with Joe , ever, Chelene,Sandi and I got along fine (I don't know what went down after I left ) Gheen is a money grubber but he does have a national forum that has a voice , Spencer is right on the front lines , I've never spoken to him but he is also doing a great service, Gilchrist and Simcox got the media attention first through Hannity and Fox , Roy Beck , Dan stein , and a thousand other players. You , me and millions of other Americans that don't want to see this country become another cesspool.

Time to move on and hope it isn't to late.

LAPhil 01-05-2010 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by usa today (Post 3262)
Well , just for the record

I never had a problem with Joe , ever, Chelene,Sandi and I got along fine (I don't know what went down after I left ) Gheen is a money grubber but he does have a national forum that has a voice , Spencer is right on the front lines , I've never spoken to him but he is also doing a great service, Gilchrist and Simcox got the media attention first through Hannity and Fox , Roy Beck , Dan stein , and a thousand other players. You , me and millions of other Americans that don't want to see this country become another cesspool.

Time to move on and hope it isn't to late.

Yeah, USA, I feel really nostalgic for those good old days when everybody was getting along and we were all united in a common purpose. I somehow doubt it'll ever be that way again, as sad as that makes me.

Jeanfromfillmore 01-05-2010 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 3328)
Yeah, USA, I feel really nostalgic for those good old days when everybody was getting along and we were all united in a common purpose. I somehow doubt it'll ever be that way again, as sad as that makes me.

You never know Phil, this rally is really pulling in the numbers and maybe we won't have the exact say players, but maybe even a better mix.

Ole Glory 01-05-2010 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 3328)
Yeah, USA, I feel really nostalgic for those good old days when everybody was getting along and we were all united in a common purpose. I somehow doubt it'll ever be that way again, as sad as that makes me.


That's all I have to say about that right now. Everyone knows every party has 1.:rolleyes:

LAPhil 01-06-2010 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by Ole Glory (Post 3338)

That's all I have to say about that right now. Everyone knows every party has 1.:rolleyes:

I rest my case.

Rim05 01-06-2010 06:17 AM

I have sent emails to some of my old ride Buddies. I really hope this will be bigger than any given by what was our old site. We need more people. I see Glory is really spreading the word. Don't forget the proinvaders are reading all our plans. I REALLY wish I could be there.

Ole Glory 01-06-2010 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore (Post 3330)
You never know Phil, this rally is really pulling in the numbers and maybe we won't have the exact say players, but maybe even a better mix.

It's a new year, out with the trash. Fresh start, clean slate, here we come.:) Remeber: Are you adding to the problem or contributing to the solution?:)

LAPhil 01-06-2010 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Ole Glory (Post 3367)
It's a new year, out with the trash. Fresh start, clean slate, here we come.:) Remeber: Are you adding to the problem or contributing to the solution?:)

Maybe you should ask yourself that same question as you continue to make my point for me.

Ole Glory 01-06-2010 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rim05 (Post 3363)
I have sent emails to some of my old ride Buddies. I really hope this will be bigger than any given by what was our old site. We need more people. Don't forget the proinvaders are reading all our plans. I REALLY wish I could be there.

This is worth a Repeat. All in favor say Aye!

Dear RIM05,

Thank you for your kind words, I am humbled.

RIM05, it is you. You lead by example. I have spent many years with you out in the streets during, rain, heat, hail, wind, danger, and with people that would rather see us dead.

You my dear friend are a leader and a great mentor. I have learned so much from you, and for you, I am thankful. Your actions inspire me to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a great leader and a true American Patriot.

I am very proud to stand with you and call you my friend. I look forward to standing with you and learning from you for the next hundred years.

RIM05 you are a real Jewel.

Ole Glory

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
(from Christian Leadership World)

Random Quote from Joe Klock:

"It is the absence of immediate and compelling goals that leads to boredom, low energy, pessimism, depression and despair, among a heap of other unpleasant conditions. The worst affliction in life is neither pain, nor poverty, nor misfortune, nor the perfidy of others, because all of these have been met and defeated by those with a determination to do so.

The ultimate scourge is purposelessness -- a pervading realization that one's life has no value to the world. Fortunately, it afflicts only those who choose to have no purpose."

Ole Glory 01-06-2010 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 3368)
Maybe you should ask yourself that same question as you continue to make my point for me.

Maybe you should ask yourself that question as you point your finger at me, three of your fingers are pointing back at you!:eek:

Jeanfromfillmore 01-06-2010 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by LAPhil (Post 3328)
Yeah, USA, I feel really nostalgic for those good old days when everybody was getting along and we were all united in a common purpose. I somehow doubt it'll ever be that way again, as sad as that makes me.

Phil, we are getting along and we're doing fine. Time has a way of healing old wounds as long as they don't continue to be picked at, if you get my point. Some of those you are nostalgic for actually caused the problems and are continuing to try to cause problems. We don't need to be reminded of what we could have been, because we have a goal and the drive to get there just as we are now. Just keep your eyes open and you'll see.

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